Ap World History Notes

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Develop an argument that evaluates the extent of economic change that the process of

industrialization brought to Asia.

From the time period 1750-1900, economic change has caused changes to industrialization in Asia.
In the past, Asia's economy focused mainly on agriculture and a few on trade and manufacturing.
But when the industrial revolution made it to Asia new industries emerged and bought new changes
to the region. Like the job market, many new occupations were created. And brought more people to
move to cities. The migration of people impacted how the economy and society were arranged.
Another change is transportation, with the new industries, goods needed a better way to transport.
So railroads were built to connect other areas in Asia and the world. These changes made it much
easier for countries to trade internationally. So industrialization showed major changes to Asia's
economy. Which were the job market and transportation.

.Many of the main effects went to Asia as well, and caused changes there, like the Columbian
Exchange, their economy, and trade routes. The Columbian Exchange introduced them to new
plants, animals, and diseases, Asia’s economy was shared with Americans and Europeans, and they
changed their trade routes effectively. The Columbian Exchange was the moving of plants, animals,
and other things including disease to the New World and affecting other parts too.Plants and
animals completely shifted the way people lived in Asia, with new ideas sparking in things like
food.This changed the way people in Asia lived, as well as a shift in their environments based off
what they used.Although new foods, plants and animals were brought to Asia and helped them,
herds from these cattle and other things also carried and spread new diseases, like cows, pigs, and
sheep.This changed the way Asia lived as well because they depopulated and changed the normal
statistics on Asian life. Asia’s economy was also affected by imperialism in the period 1750-1900 by
the introduction of Europeans in Asia. Europeans, mainly the British, colonized India and used upper
class people there to help run and be on their side in exchange for benefits. This changed India’s
economy because more people were shifting to side with British colonists in order to keep power
while others were harmed and affected negatively because of the colonists.On top of this,
Europeans also went to places like China and economically dominated them there in favor of their
own power as well.This contributed to a imperialistic way of life from the Europeans towards China,
as well as India. Another way that Asia was affected by imperialism was their change of trading and
routes. Imperialism’s main effect on Asia was the influence of trade between different Asian nations,
such as

India, China, and more of southeast Asia, which Europeans also colonized into.This helped to create
safer and more efficient trade routes.Mainly all of Asia invested in new things to trade, new people to
trade with, and safer trade routes as well.All of this contributed to an increase in trade overall. In
conclusion, all of Asia, mainly south east Asia was affected by imperialism in both good and bad
ways. The colonization of Asia from the Europeans such as the British for example, created more
trade routes and ways to become successful. The Columbian exchange changed Asia’s
demographics on their lives and food with disease and new products as well. Their economy was
greatly affected by the British, influencing them to create new alliances and bonds for each of their
own benefits.
1. Shift in economic structure: Industrialization led to a shift from
predominantly agrarian economies to industrial economies. Countries like
Japan, South Korea, and China experienced rapid industrial growth, with
manufacturing industries becoming major contributors to their economies. 2.
Increase in productivity: The introduction of machinery and technology in
industries increased productivity. This led to higher output levels, efficient
production processes, and the ability to produce goods at a lower cost. As a
result, Asia became a major player in global manufacturing and trade. 3.
Urbanization and migration: Industrialization led to urbanization as people
moved from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities in
factories and industries. This influx of people contributed to the growth of
cities and the development of urban infrastructure. 4. Employment
opportunities: Industrialization created new job opportunities in factories and
industries, offering employment to a large number of people. This helped to
reduce unemployment rates and alleviate poverty in many Asian countries. 5.
Technological advancements: Industrialization brought technological
advancements to Asia. This included the adoption of new machinery,
transportation systems, and communication networks. These advancements
not only improved industrial productivity but also facilitated economic growth
in other sectors. 6. Foreign investment and trade: Industrialization attracted
foreign investment and increased trade activities. Foreign companies set up
manufacturing facilities in Asia to take advantage of the region's low labor
costs and large consumer markets. This resulted in increased exports and
foreign exchange earnings for Asian countries. 7. Economic inequality: While
industrialization brought economic growth, it also led to increased income
inequality. The benefits of industrialization were not equally distributed, and
disparities between urban and rural areas, as well as between different social
groups, widened. Overall, the process of industrialization brought significant
economic change to Asia, transforming agrarian economies into industrial
powerhouses. It led to increased productivity, urbanization, employment
opportunities, technological advancements, and foreign investment. However,
it also resulted in income inequality.

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