Third Quarter G 10-2024

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El Nasr boys school Computer Science

American division Grade 10

Revision of computer science –Third Quarter

Chapter 1
Functions &Charts in Excel
Types of some functions

Math & Trig: You can use these functions for calculating all types of data

Date & time: You can use these functions for calculating dates, times and minutes

Financial: You can use these functions for calculating and tracking loans, principal interest.

Statistical: You can use these functions for calculating averages, probabilities ranking.

Logical : You can use these functions for logical conjectures

Some commonly used functions

Round: rounds the number specifided by the number of digits

Days360: returns the number of days between two dates using a 360-day calendar

PMT: finds the periodic payment for a fixed loan

RATE: returns an interest rate

Median: returns the middle value in a series

IF: returns one of two results you specify based on the value is true or false.

Charts in Excel
Chart is the graphical representation of data with in a worksheet
Chart helps you to analyze and evaluate the worksheet conveniently
There are different types of charts like Column Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter
Chart, Area chart
A chart consists of following components: data, x-axis, y-axis, axes labels, chart title, legend, data
labels, and the gridlines

Column charts are used to display changes in data over a period of time
Bar charts are used to compare individual items.
Line charts display trends over time or categories
Pie chart displays the contribution of each value to a total.
The chart wizard provides the quickest and easiest way to create a chart
*To create a chart: select the range of data/ click on insert tab/click on chart type
*To change chart design: click on an empty area of the chart/click on design tab/click on change
chart type button

El Nasr boys school Computer Science
American division Grade 10

Choose the correct answer

1)the graphical representation of data with in a worksheet
a-Table b-Macro c-Chart
2)A chart similar to line chart
a-Pie Chart b-Bar Chart c-Scatter Chart
3)A chart that illustrates comparison among individual items
a- Scatter b-Bar c-area
4)A chart that plots data in concentric circle
a-Radar b-Pie c-3Dsurface
6)The area of the chart where actual chart is plotted
a-Chart area b- Plot area c-legend
7)The vertical axis of a chart
a- y- axis b- x-axis c- z-axis
8)At the right of the plot area that identifies each data series
a- Gridlines b- Legend c- data labels
9)The text that provides additional information about data point
a- Chart title b- Axis title c- Data labels
10) A function that returns the middle value in a series
11) A function that returns the Interest rate
12) A function that rounds the number specifided by the number of digits


13)A function that finds the periodic payment for a fixed loan


14)A function that returns the middle value in a series

a- Median b-PMT c-MAX

15) A function of two results that return value true or false


El Nasr boys school Computer Science
American division Grade 10

Chapter 2
Internet and Search engine
Choose the correct answer:
a- Internet is also called
a-www b- Net c-network
b-Electronic document of World Wide Web
a-Web Page b-website c-webserver
c-A collection of Web pages
a-Web Site b-Web Server c-home page
d-Website that offers a variety of Internet services from a single location
a-Home page b-Web page c-portal
e. Blogs are also known as
a-ideas b-Weblogs c-chat
f- examples of web applications
a-turbotax online b-wikipidea c-blogger
g. The unique address of Web page
a- HTML b-URL c- Web site
Fill in the blanks:
a. ………………… one of the major reasons why people buy computers these days.
b. The World Wide Web actually is a ........................... of the Internet
c. …………………….…Website contains factual information.
d. Blogs are also known as…………………..
e. …………………….is the first page retrieved when accessing a Website.
f. Web pages contain highlighted text or images, called…………….. that connect to other
pages on the Web.
g. ……………Web browser, developed by Microsoft, is the most widely used by people
around the world.
h. A …………………… is a real-time typed conversation which takes place on a computer.
i. Orkut is an Internet network service run by……………………………
j. URL stands for……………………………………
k. www stands for……………………………………
l. ………………… is considered the most popular social networking site

El Nasr boys school Computer Science
American division Grade 10

Chapter 3
Computer network
Uses of computer network
Sharing information Sharing resources Work from home
Sharing programs Sharing internet
Productivity Security Reliability
LAN stands for ……………………………………..
WLAN stands for …………………………………..
WAN stands for ……………………………………..
MAN stands for …………………………………….
NIC stands for ………………………………………
Network topology
Topology : layout structure of connected computer and devices on a network

Mention three types of Network topology

……………………….. ……………………………….. …………………………
Choose the correct answer
1) A powerful computer responsible for distributing files to network user
a-Workstation b- Peer c-Server
2) Ability to sharing resources, such as printers and hard drive
a-Sharing Resources b-Backup c-Sharing Programs
3)The Topology connected together in a closed loop
a-Star b- Bus c-Ring
4)A network that covers a city or a town
5)The network ideal for networking in a small geographical area
6)The network used world wide.
a-LAN b- WAN c-MAN
El Nasr boys school Computer Science
American division Grade 10

Mention five uses of computer network

……………………… ………………………… ……………………….

……………………… …………………………

Mention the two types of network architectures

…………… …………………….

……………… …………………

Complete the following statements

a)…………… means two or more computers connected with each other for sharing data and

b) The smallest type of network is…………………………..

c) ………………………….is the most important hardware because it is used to link together to

form a network

d) А……………WLAN……………… is a LAN that uses no physical wires.

e) A…………….server manages printers and documents being printed .

f)……………………….. is design of computers, devices, and media in a network

State True or False:

a) The less powerful computers connected to server are called peer. ( )

b) Server provides security, Internet Access, file storage etc. ( )
c) The ability to share resources reduces the cost of buying computer hardware. ( )
d) You can share Internet connection with the help of network. ( )
e) No special hardware are required for network. ( )
f) HUB and Bridge are used to connect computers to the network. ( )
g) LAN is restricted in size. ( )
h) WAN Spam a large geographical area. ( )
i) In Ring Topology, the devices are connected to a HUB. ( )

Good luck with my best wishes


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