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Congress Campus, Caloocan City

March 4, 2024

GEM 001- Life & Works of Rizal

1. Publication of Noli Me Tangere in Berlin
2. Rizal’s Grand Tour in Europe with Viola (1887)
3. Rizal’s first homecoming. 1887-1888
4. Rizal’s 2nd sojourn in Hong Kong and Macao, 1888

Activity/ Assignment No. 2 & 3

A. Read the topics for week no.6 & 7:
B. Answer the following:
1.What is the meaning of the novel Noli Me Tangere?
2.Who are the main characters in Noli Me Tangere?
3.What is the most tragic story in the novel?
4. What is the meaning, purpose and message of the published novel Noli Me
5. What were the reasons why Rizal decided to tour in Europe?
6. What did Rizal’s reasons and do in his first homecoming in 1887?
7. What happened to Rizal during his trip to Hong Kong and Macao?
C. Choose 2 topics from above this page and make reflection on each.

Here’s how to do the reflection paper:

What is a reflection paper?

A reflection paper is an academic work that can express your thoughts and observations on a particular
subject. This type of document can communicate your ideas and emotions linked to an experience or a
text. Typically, it's more formal than a journal article and less than a business report. These reflections
describe how a specific topic has affected your opinions.
Use Textual reflection paper

A textual reflection paper analyzes a written text, which can be a book, an article, or an essay. This
paper contains your analysis, interpretation, and opinion on the reading material. This paper might not
include any personal anecdotes, as it focuses solely on the content of the text. A textual reflection paper
is a reaction and evaluation of the material.

Tips on writing a reflection paper

Here are tips that can help you write a good reflection paper:
1. Write an outline. You can create a draft of your supporting arguments and references before writing
the reflection paper. An outline can give you direction and help you structure the paper.
2. Use a formal tone. The reflection paper is an academic paper and requires a formal tone. Avoid using
informal words, idioms, or slang.
3. Keep it brief. The word count can range from 300 to 750 words.
4. Include relevant points. Be straightforward in your reflection paper. Include ideas and arguments that
are relevant to the paper.
5. Reference your sources. You might decide to review other authorities while writing your paper.
Consider following the appropriate citation style.
6. Use transitional phrases. In the body section of your paper, you may have several paragraphs. Use
linkers and transitional phrases to connect these paragraphs and improve the structure of the paper.

3 parts of a reflection
An Ultimate Guide on Reflection Paper Writing A reflection paper comes with a very easy and simple
It has 3 parts:
1. introduction,
2. main body, and
3. conclusion

 The President or Secretary of the class will provide gdrive (send it to your gc) for you to upload
your assignment no. 2 on or before 12 midnight on Tuesday, March 5,2024.
 Late submission will no longer be accepted.
 Google drive must contain one folder for each member of the class where they can upload their
assignments/ activities.

Gergorio F. Zalde and Sonia M. Zalde, 2nd Edition Copyright @ 2012

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