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Project Description

1. Briefly describe the objectives of the proposed IT project.

a. Replace the current accounting system with a newer, more up-to-date
system that will, in turn, be able to run the company smoother and destroy
the silos that exist within the company.
2. What are the user requirements for the system, and how will the proposed system
meet these requirements?
a. The Accounting team wants a new system that will enable them to see
many canned reports. By making a system that is web enabled so the sales
reps can remotely enter and inquire on the status of client orders, they will
be able to view these reports. Together with this request, the Sales
department has made a request that the new system have a Sales Data
Warehouse. They would like the customer and sales data extracted from
the Accounting System and placed in a database for query and analysis.
They want to be able to analyze sales by item, by region, and sales by
sales representatives. In addition, they would like to have several sales
queries that they can run on an ad hoc basis.
3. What resources are required for the IT project (people, activities, technology,
etc.)? Who will do what? (see Appendix A for a description of resources and their
costs). The three main categories determined necessary for the execution of the
IT project are, Roles, Technology, and Activities.
a. The three main categories determined necessary for the execution of the
IT project are, Roles, Technology, and Activities. Under the Roles
category, we are concerned with who is going to work under the IT to
create and follow up on this project. We will need a full time project
manager who oversees the entire project, an internal systems analyst who
can analyze and reengineer the way the business works, an internal
programmer who can build the proposed project, an internal quality
assurance person, an outsourced programmer who is familiar with the
vendor Accounting system, and an outsourced consultant who is very
familiar with business reengineering projects. We will also need to buy the
server hardware and software licenses.
4. Will all the work be done in-house, or will some be outsourced (i.e., contracted
externally)? Why? Most of the work will be outsourced in the terms that a lot of
the work will be contracted externally. We need a new and updated version of
our Accounting system; therefore we need to hire someone to build a system for
our company who has experience with the updated program. One of our own
people can oversee the entire project but we will need to hire someone to calculate
the costs of the changes that will occur when integrating the new system. Most of
the building of the system will be outsourced but the head of the entire project
will be held by someone in the company.
5. Project timetable: What are the key milestones for this project?
a. We have one year to complete the project.
ID Task Name Duration Resource Titles
1 Planning Project Manager, Internal Systems Analyst, Internal Programmer
2 Set scope 30 days
3 Analysis Internal Systems Analyst, Internal Programmer
Gather Business
4 Requirements 50 days
5 Design Internal Programmer
6 Model GUI 30 days
Internal Systems Analyst, Programmer, and Internal Quality Assurance
7 Development Person
8 Build Database 90 days
9 Testing Internal Systems Analyst, Programmer
10 Write Test Condition/ Training 20 days
11 Implementation Outsourced Consultant, Outsourced Programmer, Programmer
12 Install System 10 days
13 Maintenance Quality Assurance Person
14 Setup Help Desk 5 days
* Approx. 235 days to complete the project. The extra days can be used for the fine
tuning of the project just in case any problems occur even after all the steps have been
completed. By the end of the year, the System should be implemented with everyone on
the same page, using the system correctly.

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