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2. C. Security Regionalism, the regionalism that offers security cooperation.

This type of
regionalism aims to raise the power and security of one region to prevent security issues
within a region. Examples of security Regionalism:
1. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- Reason: NATO is a defensive integration between north atlantic countries. Which promotes
defence pact that said attack on one means attack on all.
-Case Study: NATO was established in 1947 in the Dunkirk treaty to prevent possible attacks
from Germany and the soviet union.
2. Warsaw pact
-Reason: Warsaw pact is a defense organization to alleviate security within the countries in
the pact.
-Case Study: In 14 may 1955 the Warsaw pact was established to respond the west Germany
integration to NATO fearing of its military awakening.
3. CSTO (Central Security Treaty Organization
-Reason: CSTO is the defense pact that was made by Russia to alleviate security between the
former soviet countries.
-Case study: CSTO was established in 1992 in the post soviet countries that has its origins
from the soviet armed forces.
D. Environmental Regionalism, the regionalism type of environment regionalism aims to
create better environment for living in the state members on one organization by cooperation
of members.
1. UNEP(United Nation Environment Programme)
-Reason: after developing other United Nations organization, the UN had to create the
organization that is based on the environment cause.
-Case study: The UNEP is based on the Stockholm conference that convened various topics
such as pollution, marine life, protection of resource and disaster related problems.
2.EU Environmental Civil Society Organizations
-Reason: The EU CSO is responsible for the pillars of sustainability, including the
environment case.
-Study case: The CSO is expected to help guide through three transformative phases of
sustainability such as and including Environment.
3. GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute)
-Reason: the GGGI is an intergovernmental organization based in Seoul to promote green
growth which integrated and took economy with it.
-Case study: GGGi’s activity was based on the area of water, energy and land use plans. Also
the the developments of green cities.

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