Presentación plan de diseño blanco, verde y marrón y cafe

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Evidencia 8: Presentation

“Steps to export”

Tecnólogo en Gestión Logística Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Aprendiz: David Alejandro Bautista Cárdenas
Ficha: 2348815
Tutor: Mirian Yolanda Moreno
My aim today is To prepare a
presentation inEnglish Language, where I
will explain the stepsto carry out a
process of exportation, using thepresent
simple and the present
progressive.Similarly I have to record a
video supportingthe task and practice the
pronunciation in English
context description
Consolidated companyIt is
very important toconsolidate
thecompany to legitimizethe
export activity at Colombian
Register as exporter
Any company or individual that is going to export, must obtain aunique
tax registry – RUT-that enables it before the Dian Theexporter must
register with the Foreign trade single window – VUCE- (computersystem
that integrates the process of authorizations, permits,certifications and
good views required by the Colombian authoritiesfor exports and
imports)The exporter must previously acquire his digital signature
inCerticamara with this signature, Mincit grants you a username
andpassword to access the VUCE If you want to know about thepotential
of your product in the markets international, the exportermust investigate
market characteristics
certificate of origin
Certificate of origin
document required by
the customs of the
country of destination
to accredited tariff
determination of tariff classification

La clasificación arancelaria Totally original.

es un sistema de Change of tariff
clasificación de
de minimis.
Value of regional
some of the rules or
Specific production
criteria to achieve this
rRequest for vibes for good views
The fullfiment of thisrequirement has to
dofundamentally with theprotection of human
andanimal health, as it certifies thesafety and
headthiness of theproducts for use orconsumption of
humans andanimals

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