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Department of Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering
ES-32 Problem Sets No.4

Instructions: Answer the following problems by showing your complete solutions including its corresponding FBD.

1. Draw the shear and bending-moment diagrams for the following beam and loading shown and determine the
maximum normal stress due to bending.
a) c)

b) d)

2. A steel plate, 160 mm wide and 8 mm thick, is bent to form the

channel shown. Knowing that the vertical load P acts at a point in
the midplane of the web of the channel, determine (a) the torque
T that would cause the channel to twist in the same way that it
does under the load P, (b) the maximum shearing stress in the
channel caused by the load P.

3. An extruded beam has the cross section shown. Determine (a) the
location of the shear center O, (b) the distribution of the shearing caused
by the vertical shearing force V shown applied at O.

4. The channel strut is used as a guide rail for a trolley. If the

maximum moment in the strut is M = 30 N-m determine the
bending stress at points A, B, and C. If the allowable bending stress
for the material is ߪallow = 175 MPa, determine the maximum
bending moment the strut will resist.

5. The shaft is supported by a smooth thrust bearing at A and

smooth journal bearing at D. If the shaft has the cross
section shown, determine the absolute maximum bending
stress in the shaft.

6. The cantilevered wide-flange steel beam is subjected to the

concentrated force P at its end. Determine the largest magnitude of
this force so that the bending stress developed at A does not exceed
ߪallow = 180 MPa. If the concentrated force at its end is P = 600 N,
determine also the maximum bending stress developed in the
beam at section A.

7. The curved beam is subjected to a bending moment of M = 900 N-

m as shown. Determine the stress at points A and B, and show the
stress on a volume element located at each of these points.

8. Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the shaft if it is

subjected to the vertical loadings of the belt, gear, and flywheel.
The bearings at A and B exert only vertical reactions on the shaft.

PROBLEM SETS 2 Ad majorem dei gloriam+!

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