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Mark Scheme

Unit title Advertising

Textbook Advertising Strategy, Creativity and Media. C. Fill, G. Hughes, S. De Francesco

Series March 2020

Question Answer Annotate Guidance

1 (a) Outline the sequence of the hierarchy of effects model of advertising. Syllabus reference:
[8 marks] Eclectic models of advertising Pages 74-77
(b) Summarise three benefits and three practical problems associated
with the hierarchy of effects model of advertising. [12 marks]

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL Marks can be awarded for other relevant
+ benefits and practical problems associated
a) Introduction/meaning of hierarchy of effects model NBOD with the hierarchy of effects model
Sequence of the model: 3
Awareness 
Purchase [8 marks]
b) Benefits of hierarchy of effects
Provides a simple reference or framework
Identifies logical mental stages audiences go through
Expands of other simpler sequential models and
provides references for research to be carried out
Practical limitations of hierarchy of effects
Far too simplistic because consumers do not always act rationally
Sequence assumes attitude towards the product or service is a pre-
requisite to purchase ( not always the case)
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
Significant measurement difficulties associated with each stage of the
proposed sequence [12 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
2 Discuss five factors to be considered in developing an advertising campaign for Syllabus reference:
a new range of men’s cosmetics.[20 marks] Planning advertising campaigns Pages 106-

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL

Definition of target markets NBOD
Setting objectives and budgets 3
Overall positioning within marketing mix 
Development of Copy Platform
Development of suitable messages (rational, emotional moral)
Preparing the campaign and approval of the campaign
Selection of appropriate media
Appearance and testing of the messages [20 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
3 Explain with the use of examples the following types of advertising: Syllabus reference:
(a) Retail advertising [4 marks] Types of advertising Pages 18-22
(b) Corporate advertising [4 marks]
(c) Theme advertising [4 marks]
(d) Generic advertising [4 marks]
(e) Direct response advertising [4 marks]

Introduction to the meaning of each type of advertising [1 mark]

Brief summary of advertising appeals associated with each option [2 marks]
Brief summary of reasons for using each type of advertising [1 mark]
5 types of advertising x 4 marks each [20 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
4 Describe five advantages and five disadvantages of using mobile marketing in Syllabus reference:
the media plan. [20 marks] Mobile Marketing Pages 254-258
The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL
Main advantages associated with mobile marketing: NBOD
Wide coverage 3
Allows customers to interact with companies in real time, m-Measurable with 
high degree of reliability
International coverage
Not a place-based medium

Markers can award a maximum of 2 marks for each advantage identified and
explained [10 marks]

Main disadvantages associated with mobile marketing:

Fleeting message and short attention span
Devices lack uniformity and standardisation
Privacy and security issues
Inferior and limited creative possibilities
Growth of the medium can create clutter

Markers can award a maximum of 2 marks for each limitation identified and
explained [10 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
5 (a) Explain the importance of advertising agencies to the advertising Syllabus reference:
industry. [5 marks] Advertising agencies Pages 192-194
(b) Outline the role of full service agencies, media specialists and boutique
agencies. [15 marks]

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL

Definition/explanation of advertising agencies [2 marks] +
Reasons for using advertising agencies ( expertise, media contacts, variety of NBOD
skills under one corporate umbrella, cost effective compared to setting up own 3
department [3 marks] 

Full Service Agencies

Creative development
Market research
Media planning and buying
Production of campaigns [5 marks]

Media Specialists
Core business is focused on
Scheduling, buying
Monitoring and reporting on media used by clients [5 marks]

Boutique Agencies
A more limited range of services to the clients focusing on:
Creative elements of advertising including copyrighting
Developing creative content
Providing artistic services and offering positioning ideas [5 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
6 Explain four external factors used by media specialists to define the target Syllabus reference:
markets of advertising campaigns. [20 marks] Media planning Pages 288-291

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL

Candidates can explain the following variables that can be used to define target +
markets NBOD
Demographics: 
Age, gender, occupation, education, income, ethnicity

Lifestyle, habits, attitudes, values, belief systems
Country, county, city, district

Degree of usage, loyalties, degree of repetition, information shared with friends,
group behaviour

4 variables x 5 marks each [20 marks]

Question Answer Annotate Guidance
7 Discuss the value of marketing research to the measurement of the Syllabus reference:
effectiveness of advertising campaigns. [20 marks] Marketing and advertising research Pages

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL Marks can be awarded for other relevant
+ contributions of marketing research
Introduction to marketing research [2 marks] NBOD
Applications of marketing research techniques: 

Pre-testing research [3 marks]

Post-testing research [3 marks]

Research techniques can assist in the following areas in order to measure the
effectiveness of advertising campaigns :

Tracking studies [2 marks]

Advertising recall research [2 marks]
Likeability of campaign [2 marks]
Executional impact [2 marks]
Levels of persuasion [2 marks]
Comprehension research [2 marks]
[20 marks]
Question Answer Annotate Guidance
8 Describe the role of advertising within an integrated marketing communications Syllabus reference:
campaign. [20 marks] Integrated marketing communications Pages
93-96 and 360-365

The marks will be allocated as follows: EVAL Marks can be awarded for other relevant
+ contributions of advertising
Definition/explanation of integrated marketing communications [2 marks] NBOD
Introduction / definition of advertising as an element of the promotional mix 3
[2 marks] 

Candidates can discuss/explain any of the following contributions advertising

can make to an integrated marketing communications campaign:
Awareness building [2 marks]
Encouraging repeat purchases [2 marks]
Generation of publicity [2 marks]
Build brand or company reputation [2 marks]
Efficient reminding [2 marks]
Explaining use and benefits of products and services [2 marks]
Reaching new audiences [2 marks]
Support claims in other elements of promotional mix [2 marks]
[20 marks]

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