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Assessment Notification: Task 3

Topic Historical Analysis – Conflict in Europe

Nature of Assessment Task In Class Essay
Weighting 25%
Teacher Mr El Alami, Mr Omar, Ms Lal
Date of Notification Week 5 Term 2 (2024)
Due Date Tuesday, June 25 Period 1

Syllabus Outcomes Assessed HSC Assessment Policy

MH12-2 proposes arguments about the varying causes If a student is absent from or does not submit
and effects of events and developments an Assessment task for a valid reason, the
MH12-5 assesses the significance of historical features, following procedures will apply:
people, ideas, movements, events and • The student must contact the teacher of the
developments of the modern world course on or prior to the morning of the
MH12-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources task.
for evidence to support an historical account or • In the event of illness, a medical certificate
argument must be presented the next day. If the
MH12-8 plans and conducts historical investigations and absence or late submission does not result
presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant from illness, other evidence documenting
evidence from a range of sources the reasons for absence or late submission
MH12-9 communicates historical understanding, using must be provided.
historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in • If a student is absent on the day before a
appropriate and well-structured forms scheduled assessment task without a valid
reason, the student may be penalized with a
10% deduction of marks for the task. This
will be determined by the Head of
Task Description

The Historical Analysis provides students with the opportunity to focus on an historical
question, issue, or controversy of interest, and to develop a reasoned argument, supported
by evidence.


The question will be one of 3 possibilities, all of which are below:

(a) When diplomacy ends, war begins.

Adolf Hitler

To what extent does Hitler accurately identify the causes of the Conflict in Europe?


(b) Evaluate the impact of the air war on the Conflict in Europe.

Use Source A to support your response.

Source A

I ought not to sit down without referring to the mammoth air raid delivered by the Royal Air
Force on the Cologne region during the night of 30th–31st May. In this triumph of skill,
daring and diligence against the enemy, all previous records of night bombing have been
doubled and excelled… The results have been of a devastating character…

Night-bombing raids mark the introduction of a new phase in the British air offensive
against Germany, and this will increase markedly in scale when we are joined, as we soon
shall by, by the Air-Force of the United States. In fact, I may say as the year advances
German cities, harbours and centers of war production will be subjected to an ordeal the
like of which has never been experienced by any country in continuity, severity or

Source A: Winston Churchill speech to Parliament, June 2, 1942.

“Libyan Battle and Bombing of Germany”, House of Commons.


(c) Operation Barbarossa marked the beginning of the end for Germany.

To what extent is this statement accurate?

Further Details:
• Your essay must include accurate historical knowledge and understanding
• The response should be about 1000-1200 words
• You should look to research to formulate the most complete response, do not simply
use class notes
• All 3 options should be prepared for, this will also benefit your knowledge and study
for your HSC Trials and Final Examination
Bring a blue or black pen only
Time: 45 minutes (no reading time)
Marks: 25
• Addresses the question asked, making a clear, sustained judgement based on
a sophisticated and sustained argument, which demonstrates a
comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question
• Presents a logical, cohesive and well-structured response drawing on a clear 21-25
identification of relevant key features
• Integrates source in an explicit manner which supports argument OR integrates
statement in appropriate forms, with sustained references
• Supports interpretation with detailed, relevant and accurate historical
information & knowledge, that reflects thorough research outside of class
• Makes use of appropriate historical terms and concepts
• Addresses the question asked with a sound attempt at a judgement and/or an
argument, which demonstrates well-developed knowledge and understanding of the
issue(s) raised in the question 16-20
• Presents a well-structured response drawing on relevant key features
• Refers to source to support argument OR refers to statement on occasion
• Provides detailed, relevant and accurate historical knowledge, that reflects some
research outside of class notes/handouts
• Uses appropriate historical terms and concepts
• Addresses the question asked with a relevant but largely narrative or
descriptive response which may contain implied understanding of the issue(s)
raised in the question 11-15
• Presents a structured response, with some identification of the key features
• Mentions the source at some points in response OR mentions statement in basic
• Provides adequate, relevant and accurate historical knowledge
• Incorporates some historical terms
• Presents a narrative or descriptive response, which is largely relevant but may be
generalised AND/OR incomplete
• Presents a simple response, with some mention of the key features 6-10
• Provides limited historical knowledge that is minimal and descriptive
• Incorporates little to no historical terms
• Attempts a narrative or description, which may be only generally relevant
AND/OR seriously incomplete 1-5
• May be disjointed AND/OR very brief
• Provides very limited historical knowledge

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