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thank sb for

2. apologize to sb for (not)-Ving

3. congratulate sb on

4. insist on

5. accuse sb of

6. admit + V-ing # deny + V-ing

7. warn sb against + V-ing/ warn sb not to

8. dream of

9. complain about

10. suggest = recommend + V-ing

11. blame sb for //blame st on sb…

12. think about: nghĩ về/think of: tưởng tượng

13. prevent/stop sb from

14. regret + V-ing: tiếc đã làm//regret + to V: tiếc phải làm gì.

Remember + V-ing: nhớ đã//remember + to V: nhớ phải làm

Forget + V-ing: quên đã //forget + to V: quên phải

Need + V-ing: cần được...//need to V: cần phải..

Ex: The floor is dirty. It needs cleaning. I need to clean it

15. object + to V-ing/Noun: phản đối việc gì

Ex: People are againts the new law of enforcing people to pay more taxes.

 People object to the new law.............

Ex2: I don’t think that we must widen the village road.

 I object to widening the.....

16. criticize for...: chỉ trích

Ex: Everybody blames her on losing their phones => She is criticized for losing their phones.
17. look forward to V-ing

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