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213122, 3:33 PM LIAN 9@(en) : Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure IEc 60870-! 104 : Telegram structure ‘Tne LIAN 88 manual ean and may not contain the complete IEC documentation, eaused by lgal poston. Only ll knowledge thats ‘essential necessary for the LIAN 8 software operation fs specified in pars in his manual Detaled information tothe protocol you wil find inthe IEC-Standard-Documertation ‘HEC 60870.0-104 Tolocona equipment and sysoms> (English version EN 60870-5-104:2006 } “Telegram format wit fixed length ary iy yf ly Start byte (68H) Length of ADPU Control field octet 1 APCI Control field octet 2 Length = 4 Control field octet 3 1 Control field octet 4 Telegram format with variable length ary, yp dt . Startbyte 1 (68 H) 1) Length of the APDU (max. 253) 2 Control field octet 1 Poe) 3 Control field octet 2 4 Control field octet 3 5 Control field octet 4 ‘ APDU Length ASDU defined in HEC 60870-5-101 ASDU and IEC 60870-5.104 ACI Apliction Protocol Contal Information [APDU Application Protocol Data Unt ‘ASU. Applicaton Service Data Unit ‘Types of control lel formats “To types of control eld formats are used to perform numbered information ranslor( Mormat ), numbered supervisory functions ( S= format and unnumbered conta functions (U-fermat Format (Frame wih variable oath) BIO = 0 ofthe 1. octets ofthe contol field def the Format, LFormat APDUs contains aways an ASDU. _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimlty_jectO4_structhtm wna 213/22, 3:33 PM ary LIAN 9@(en) : Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure ‘Send sequence nurber N (5) LSB MSB Send sequence number H (S) Send sequence number N(R) LSB MSB__ Send sequence number N(R) S-Format (Frame with fied lengt) 2 0 octet 4 octet 2 0 octet 3 octet 4 BLO= 1 ang bit =O ofthe 1. octets ofthe conto eld define the &-Format, Format APOUs always consist of one APC! onl. ary gy 2" 0 o}4 octet 4 a octet 2 Receive sequence number N(R) LSB | 0 octet 3 MSB_ Receive sequence number N(R) octet 4 U-Format (Frame with fxed length) BO 1 and bit t= 1 of the 5. octet ofthe conta eld define the U-Format. Format APDUs abvays consist of one APCI on, Only one funcion TESTER. STOPDT of STARTDT can bo atv a the same tne 27 L L 2° TESTER | sToPOT | _STARTOT zon [act [con | act [eon [act] 1 | 1 | octets 0 octet 2 0 © | octets o octet 4 ‘Structure of the ASDU _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimlty_jectO4_structhtm 22 213/22, 3:33 PM LIAN 98(en) aa i | 2 Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telegram structure Header Control fields Type identification sa Number of objects Variable structure qualiier t |pm| Cause of transmission Originator address. ASDU address fields (2 bytes ) \dentifieation of Data unk (3 bytes ) Information object address fields Information object 1 Object information Information object Maximum 127 objects The TypelD <0> isnot used, The range of numbers + to 127 Is used for standard detniions rom IEC 60870-5-10%standars, The range 128 {0 135 6 reserved for routing of massages. The numbers 135 up o 255 aro for special use. ‘he 79 of numbers 128 up to 255 is private and not defined inthe standare, but its recommended thatthe data unit identifier fields of private ASDUS have tne same format as standard ASUS ‘Tho following table shows the dfinton of ype identification numbers for process and system information in menitor and contol dracton Process information in monitoring direction 10 " 12 13 Single point information ‘Single point information wth ime tag Double point infoemation Double point information wth tie tag ‘Step postion information ‘Step poston information with tme tag Bi sting of 32 bit Bit sting of 32 bit with time tag Measured valve, normalzed value Measured valve, normalized value with time tag Measured value, saled value Mi sured value, scaled valu wth te tag Measured value, ser! floating point value Me sured value, shot floating point value with ime tag Integrates totals _www.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimll_jectO4_structhtm MSPLNAS MsPTAS M_DP_NA1 MpP_TAS MSTNAL M STAs MBO_NA’ MBO_TAA MME_NA’ MME_TAA MME_NB_1 MME_T81 MME_NC_1 MME_Tc_4 MITLNAS ana 213122, 3:33 PM 7 38 “ 38 6 7 2 Py 40 Integrates totals with te tag Evont of protection equipment with ime tag Packod start events of protecton equipment wih imo tag Packod output crcaitinformation of protacton equipment with time tag Packed single-point nfrmaton wit status change detecton Me sured value, normalzed value without quay desenptor rams with long time tag (7 octets) ‘Single point information wth me tag CPSSTineza Double point information wth time tag CPSSTineza ‘Step postion information with time tag CPSET mea Bit sing of 32 bit wih time tag CPSBTIna2a Measured value, normalzed valu with time tag CPSBTime2a Measured value, saled value wth time tag CPSETimeza Measured valu, ser eating point value wit me tag CPSBTimeza Integrates totals with tme ag CPSGTImeza Evont of protection equipment with me tag CPSETImeza Packed stat events of protection equipment with ime tag CPSStime2a Packed output crcuitinformation of protecton equipment with te tag CPSBTime2a Process information in contro direction 45 46 a 4 50 st Single commana Double command Regulating stop command ‘Seipoint command, normaized value ‘Seipoint command, scale value ‘Seipont command, short ating pont value Bitsting 32 bt Command telegrams with long time tag (7 octets) se 60 ot a e Single command wits me tag CPSETimeza Double command wih ime tag CPSSTime2a Regulating stop command wih time tag CPSBTime2a ‘Setpoint command, normalized value wih ime lag CPSGTime2a ‘Setpoint command, scald value wih ime tag CPS6Time2a ‘Setpoint command, short flatng pont value with me tag CPSSTInezs Bt string 32 bit win ime tag CPSBTIMe2a System information in monitoring direction 7 End of nsatizaton System information in control direction 100 101 102 (Genera) interrogation commana Counter interrogation command Read command _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimll._ject04_structhtm LIAN 9@(en): Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure MITA MEPTAS MEP To4 MEPTCA MPSNAS M_ME_ND_4 Msp_7e.4 Mpp7e4 Mst784 MB0_78_1 MME_T0_1 MME_TE4 MME_TFA motes MEP IDA MEPTES MEPIS c_SC_NAS ¢_DC_NAS c_RC_NAS CSENAA CSENBA cSENCA ¢_BO.NAA c8C_TAs cDc_TAS CRCIAS cSETAS cSE7B4 ese TCA ©BOTAA CICNAS C_CLNAA C_RO_NAA ane 213122, 3:33 PM LIAN 9@(en) : Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure 4103 Glock synchronization command c_cS_NAS 104 (IEC 101 ) Test command CTS.NBA 105 Reset process commana C_RPNC.1 106 (IEC 101 ) Delay acqustion command ¢_cD_NAA 4107 Test command with me tag CPSETimeza CTSA Parameter in contol direction 410 Parameter of measured value, normalized value P_MENAS 111 Parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB4 412 Parameter of measured value, short floatng pont value P_ME_NC4 413 Parameter actwation > AC_NAL transfer: 120 File ready FLFRNAS 121 Section weady FSRNAS 122 Calldroctory, selec te, call fle, cal section FSC_NAS 123 Last section, last segment FLSINAL 124 Ackil, Ack section FAR NAS 125 Segment F_SG_NA. 126 rectory FDRIAL 127 Queryiog—Request archive le F.SC_NB1 LIAN 88 is ablo to process user defn telegram format as IEC 60870:5-101/1 rmossages of non standard typ Standard. rom 127 up to 255, provided they have the same general Variable structure qualifier ‘Tho SO bit species the method of aderossng ofthe flowing information abjocts or cloments 5SQ=0 | Each single element of a combination of elements is addressed by the information object address. The ADU may consist Stone or more than one equal information objec. The number of ebjects binary coded (numberof abects) and defines the numberof te information objects SQ=1 —_Asequence of equal information objects (eg. measured values of identical format) is adcreased bythe information object ‘adoss, The information object address epocties the associated adoss othe first tvormation element ofthe sequonce ‘The allowing infomation elements are identifies by numbers contmuausl by +1 from this offset. The numberof objects binary coded ( number of elements ) and defines the number ofthe formation elements. In ease of a sequence of Information elements only one information abject per ASOU i allocated number objects! 'ASDU contains no information object ‘laments 50: ASDU contains one or more {number information abject ar elements Cause of transmission ( COT) The cause of transmission dsels the ASDU to @ specie aplication task ( program ) for processing. ASOUS in contol aiection are conte applicaton sorvcas and may be mirored in moritor drecion with afernt causes of Vansmission. Tho valuo ZERO Is no! used PIN ‘The P/N bit indicates the positive or negative confimaton of an activation requested by a primary application function. In tha case of relevance the PN itis 22r0 T In action tothe cause the test bit defines ASDUs which were generated during test colons. The test b's used e.g. to lest transmission and equemert without corroling the process. 1 porate, eyeic 2 background introgation 3 spontaneous 4 btatzod init 5 interrogation or interogated _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimlly_jectO4_structhtm sit2 213122, 3:33 PM LIAN 9@(en): Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure 5 activation act 7 confirmation activation acteon 8 deactivaton 9 confirmation deactvation deacteon 410 termination activation actterm 11 feedback, caused by distant command 412 feedback, caused by local command 42° data ranemission 20 nerogatod by goneral interrogation Inrogen 21 Interogated by mterogaton group 4 22 iterated by iterogation group 2 23 interogated by iterogation group 3 24 Interogatod by iterogaton group 25 nterogatod by interrogation group 5 26 itorogatod by int 27 terogatod by in 28 interrogated by iterogaton group 8 29 interrogated by iterogation group 9 30 interogated by mteragaton group 10 31 Interogated by iterogaton group 11 32 _Interogated by iteragaton group 12 33 Interogated by nteragaton group 13 34 —_lneogated by interagaton group 14 35 Interogated by interogaton group 15 36 _Interogated by inerogaton group 18 37 Interogated by counter general interrogation 38 _itorogatod by interogaton counter group 1 38 Iterogatod by iterogaton counter group 2 40 inerrogated by iteragaton counter group 3 41 terogated by iterogaton counter group 4 44 type-lentfeation unknown 45° cause unknown 46 ASDU address unknown 47 Information objet address unknown Originator address “The ofigintor adress directs mirtored ASDUs and interrogated ASOUSs in monitor cretion (9, interrogated by a general interrogation} to the source tha atvaed tne procodure in case of redundant systems | Ifthe originator adeross i not used and there is more than one single source in a system defined, the ASDUS in monitor drecon have to Bo ‘rected o all lovant sources ofthe eystem. Ins case the specie affected source has to Selec! fs specie ASDUS. ‘Common address of ASDU “Tne common aderess is assocated with ll blects in an ASOU. The global address is a broadcast aderess directed to ll stations of ‘spocifc system {broadcast address ) ASDUs ws a broadcast address conto dection nave to be answered in monitor drecon by he ‘adaress thats the specie cefned common address (station adress). According fo the standard ths parameter consits of 2 octets _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimlly_jectO4_structhim ena 213122, 3:33 PM LIAN 9@(en) : Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telegram structure Information object address “The information object address is used as destination address in conto rection and as source adress in monitor direction “Tho thie octet i only usa incase of structuring the information object address in order to deine unambiguous addrosses within a specific system. nal easos the masta number of cfeont objoctaddasses lmfod fo 85 595 ( ae Yor two Octet) tho nformaton object ‘aderecs snot relevant (not used} n some ASDUSs, ts st to 200, IEC 60870-! 4104 : Ethernet-frame Link ayer (Layer 2) v2.0 MAG Header Preamble Start Frame Delimiter Tut ue Destination Address > (Mac) —- Tun jue Source Address T—_ (mac) — |___ Length / Type — MAC Client Data (46 ... 1500 octets } inclusive PAD Fields Frame Check Sequence WG=0 —— Indvidualadiress G=1 — Groupadiress UIL#0 Global administered acdress UIL=1 Local administered adeross _wwu.mayor delian98idoc.enfhimlly_ject04_structhim m2 213122, 3:33 PM Preamble Start Frame Delimiter Destination address Source address Ethernet Length Type Field MAG client Data Frame Check Sequence Notework Layer (Layer 3) IPv4 Header LIAN 9@(en) : Protocol IEC 60870-5-104, Telagram structure 7 Byes The preamble needed, tha the recipient or recipiants (network card) synchronize with te transmitor (network card) and therefore the start frame getmer andthe following Ethernet data frame can De interpreted corel “These fields ar not orwarded tothe software bythe network card! ‘Star Frame Doliter i 1 octetiong and isthe sequence 10101011 binary Itimmediatelyfolows the preamble pattern ang indicates the sir of Frame, This fll is not forwarded tothe software by the network card Receiver address for which he frame is intended, Identiies the station trom which the frame is initted, Internet Protocol (IPvs ) = 0800 HEX For IEC 60870-5104 this fils used as type Fold with a fixed value of 0800 HEX. This fl inicatos ‘he nature ofthe MAG clot protocal iva ‘The data consist of Pva header TCP heads User IEC 60870-5-104 PAD felds (Teller), i av ‘The alent data’ must have minimum length, so that the Ethemet data frames starting wit the

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