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We contend that no other government-­

Latest evidence casts further the headspace program (SPRC Report 08/2015).
funded mental health initiative has the Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW
doubt on the effectiveness of same level of transparency, examination Australia, 2015. https://heads​​s/
headspace and evidence as headspace, evident (viewed Mar 2023).
by the three major external evaluations. 3 Muir K, Powell A, Patulny R, et al. Independent
To the Editor: An MJA perspective by Headspace itself is proactive in evaluation of headspace: the National Youth
Kisely and Looi claims to cast doubt on routinely collecting and openly Mental health Foundation. Sydney: Social Policy
the effectiveness of headspace,1 but we reporting its client characteristics and Research Centre, University of New South
contend this is an incomplete, and at outcomes. The most recent report reveals Wales, 2009. https://heads​​s/
times inaccurate, critique of Australia’s Uploa​ds/Corpo​rate/Publi​c atio​ns-and-resea​rch/
that 71% of young people improved on final-indep​endent-evalu​ation-of-heads​pace-
reform in youth mental health through either psychological distress, social and report.pdf (viewed Mar 2023).
the National Youth Mental Health occupational functioning, or quality 4 KPMG. Evaluation of the national headspace
Foundation, headspace. of life.7 Notably, headspace has taken program. Final Report to Department of Health.
First, the authors omit relevant evidence. the initiative to develop new routine Sydney: KPMG, 2022.
For example, they claim “limited outcome measures for youth mental
evidence of effectiveness”, while not health.13 (viewed Mar 2023).
citing the three comprehensive external Nonetheless, headspace faces 5 Rickwood DJ, Telford NR, Mazzer K,
evaluations commissioned by the considerable and growing challenges, et al. Changes in psychological distress and
Australian Government. These showed psychosocial functioning for young people
including overwhelming demand, accessing headspace centres for mental health
positive outcomes for young people, increasing client complexity, lack of problems. Med J Aust 2015; 202: 573-­5 42. https://
families and communities including, workforce availability and capacity, and​al/2015/202/10/chang​es-
recently, evidence of cost-­effectiveness.2-­4 funding constraints and inefficiencies. psych​ologi​c al-distr​ess-and-psych​osoci​al-funct​
Each evaluation concluded that Concerted, collaborative effort is needed ioning-young-people
headspace is achieving its objectives across levels of government and health 6 Bassilios B, Telford N, Rickwood D,
overall, although more is needed to et al. Complementary primary mental health
care to build upon the Australian programs for young people in Australia:
address unmet demand and attain better Government’s investment in headspace. Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS)
outcomes for all young people, including Robust, well informed and constructive and headspace. Int J Mental Health Syst 2017;
those from First Nations and culturally debate is critical to advancing health 11: 19.
diverse backgrounds. science, policy and practice. We strongly 7 Rickwood D, McEachran J, Saw A, et al.
Sixteen years of innovation in youth mental
Second, the authors make some incorrect support this to determine the best
healthcare in Australia: outcomes for young
claims. For example, they state that ways forward; assist the services and people attending headspace centre services
“available evidence is further limited service providers, including headspace [preprint]. MedRXiv 25 Aug 2022; https://doi.
by the relatively small sample sizes, the staff, who are currently working hard org/10.1101/2022.08.24.22279102 (viewed Apr
to address youth mental health issues; 2023).
highest of which was 2222 participants
from 2008–­09, less than 0.5% of the and provide the much-­needed trusted, 8 Productivity Commission. Mental health: inquiry
report, volume 2 (Report No. 95). Canberra:
700 000 young people seen by headspace accessible and effective service pathways
Commonwealth of Australia, 2020. https://www.
since 2006”. This statement uses a for young people, their families, referrers​ries/compl​eted/mental-healt​h/
numerator from a one-­year period at the and communities. repor ​t /mental-health-volum​e2.pdf (viewed Apr
commencement of headspace when only Debra J Rickwood1,2
ten headspace centres were open (2008–­ 9 Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health
Jason Trethowan2
System. Final report, volume 1: A new approach
2009), but a denominator from a 16-­year Patrick D McGorry3
to mental health and wellbeing in Victoria (PP
period (2006–­2021), thus erroneously 1 University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT. No. 202, Session 2018–­2 1 (document 2 of 6).
calculating a very small percentage. 2 headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Melbourne: State of Victoria, 2021. https://final​
Melbourne, VIC.
The statement is also incorrect as there 3 Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental​nt/uploa​
are published outcome data for 15 496, 5 Health, Melbourne, VIC.
sible.pdf (viewed Apr 2023).
17 337,6 and 58 2337 young people who
10 McGorry PD, Tanti C, Stokes R, et al. headspace:
have accessed headspace services. Acknowledgements: Headspace is funded by the Australia’s National Youth Mental Health
Australian Government. Foundation —­where young minds come first.
Importantly, no alternative solutions Med J Aust 2007; 187: S68-­S 70. https://www.
Competing interests: Debra Rickwood is seconded
are offered other than increased use of from her university as Chief Scientific Advisor to​al/2007/187/7/heads​pace-austr​
traditional mental health care, which is headspace. Jason Trethowan is CEO of headspace. alias-natio​nal-youth-mental-health-found​
Patrick McGorry is founder of headspace and Director
not fit for purpose as determined by the on the headspace board. ■
Productivity Commission8 and Victorian
MJA 218 (11) ▪ 19 June 2023

11 Hetrick SE, Bailey AP, Smith KE, et al. Integrated

doi: 10.5694/mja2.51945
Royal Commission.9 The authors defend (one-­s top shop) youth health care: best available
evidence and future directions. Med J Aust 2017;
standard care, which headspace was © 2023 AMPCo Pty Ltd.
207(10 Suppl): S5-­S18.
deliberately designed to redress the au/journ​al/2017/207/10/integ​rated-one-stop-
failings of for young people.10 The shop-youth-health-care-best-avail​able-evide​
inability of standard approaches to meet 1 Kisely S, Looi JCL. Latest evidence casts further nce-and-future
young people’s mental health needs is doubt on the effectiveness of headspace. Med J 12 McGorry PD, Mei C, Chanen A, et al. Designing
Aust 2022; 217: 388-­390. and scaling up integrated youth mental health
widely acknowledged internationally,
au/journ​al/2022/217/8/latest-evide​nce-casts- care. World Psychiatry 2022; 21: 61-­76.
and major reform initiatives are taking furth​er-doubt-effec ​tiven​ess-heads​pace 13 Kwan B, Rickwood DJ, Telford NR. Development
place in many western countries, 2 Hilferty F, Cassells R, Muir K, et al. Is headspace and validation of MyLifeTracker: a routine
542 following the pioneering work of making a difference to young people’s lives? outcome measure for youth mental health.
headspace.11,12 Final Report of the independent evaluation of Psychol Res Behav Manag 2018; 11: 67-­7 7. ■

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