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TOresearch article

Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for

astronomy teaching

Construction of a Hubble Diagram: A Tool for Teaching Astronomy

Construction of a Hubble Diagram: A Tool for Astronomy Education

Giovanni Cardona Rodríguez1

Jaime Duvan Reyes2
Mauricio Giraldo3

Reception date:November 2015 Acceptance date:March 2016

To cite this article: Rodríguez, G., Reyes, J. & Giraldo, M. (2016). Construction of a hubble diagram: a tool for
teaching astronomy. Scientific Magazine, 24, 17-23.Doi:10.14483/udistrital.jour. RC.2016.24.a2

Summary run Astronomy clubs and want to address the issue of

An activity is presented that can support the work evolution of the Universe. Here Hubble's law is
of teachers who run astronomy clubs and want to reconstructed by reproducing a Hubble diagram with
address the topic of the evolution of the universe, Sloan Digital Sky Survey's (SDSS) data, from which the
since Hubble's law is reconstructed from the Hubble parameter value is obtained and the expansion
reproduction of a Hubble diagram with data taken of the Universe is inferred. This educational activity
from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), from allows teachers to guide their students along the path
which the value of the Hubble parameter is followed by Hubble to determine his law. In this sense
obtained and the expansion of the universe is some implications of applying the latter are discussed in
inferred. This didactic activity allows teachers to the context of teachers' training in Physics and
guide their students along the path that Hubble Astronomy clubs
followed to determine his Law. In this sense, some Keywords:Physics, didactic, physics, Hubble,
implications of its application are exposed in the astronomy.
context of the training of physics teachers and
clubs. of astronomy. Summary
Keywords:Didactics, astronomy, physics, Hubble, An activity is presented that can support the work of
teaching. two professors who lead Astronomy clubs and want
to address the question of the evolution of the
Abstract Universe, such as Hubble's reading is reconstructed
This article presents the construction and analysis of an from the reproduction of a Hubble diagram with
activity that can support the work of teachers who data taken from Sloan digital Sky Survey

Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá Colombia. Contact: gcardonar@udistrital.edu.co
Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá Colombia. Contact: jdreyesr@udistrital.edu.co
Bogotá Colombia District Planetarium, Bogotá Colombia. Contact: mauricio.giraldo@idartes.gov.co

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

(SDSS), is the Hubble parameter and infers the Size and expansion of the universe
expansion of the universe. This educational activity
allows teachers to guide their students along the path Thinking that the size of the universe does not
Hubble followed to determine the meaning. In this change led Einstein, initially, to not recognize
sense there are some implications of the application of the dynamic character that his equations
the same context in the training of physics teachers and admitted. However, it is appropriate to
astronomy clubs. remember the work of Slipher who, in 1919,
Key words:Teaching, astronomy, physics, Hubble, managed to demonstrate the dynamics of the
education. universe through observations of red shifts of
the spectral lines in the spectra of faint nebulae,
Introduction which allowed him to estimate the speeds with
which they moved the nebulae away (Ducrocq,
In the city of Bogotá there are 358 district schools, 1966, p. 49). These observations were followed
of which 59 report having formed an astronomy by astronomers such as Hubble (1929, p. 168),
club with at least one year of existence. When who compared the distances to the galaxies
these clubs were surveyed, with the support of the with the velocities found in 1919 and identified
District Planetarium of the city of Bogotá thatIf the galaxy is further away it moves faster.
(Colombia), it was possible to establish a Therefore, Hubble's interpretation was thatthe
classification of both the contents of interest and universe is expanding,just as Einstein's
the activities developed there, highlighting the equations admitted.
topic of the evolution of the universe as one of the This path developed by Hubble constitutes a
most significant in 34 of these clubs. However, it historical source of knowledge construction in
was also found that the activities associated with astronomy. Chevallard (1997, p. 11) states that
this topic are very scarce. this path of knowledge construction can be
This document presents an activity that can transformed didactically by the teacher in the
support astronomy clubs on the topic of the company of his students, so that it becomes an
evolution of the universe, since Hubble's law will experience through which not only the idea of
be reconstructed from the design and expansion of the universe, but a way of building
development of a Hubble diagram with real scientific knowledge.
galaxy data. , so that the value of the Hubble
parameter can be determined and the
expansion of the universe can be inferred. In Methodology
recent studies (Camino, 2012) a classification is
presented for didactic activities in which the one The reconstruction work was planned to later be
we develop here can be included, since this developed with a group of Physics Bachelor's
experience offers possibilities to teachers who students from the Francisco José de Caldas
direct Astronomy clubs, especially with regard to District University. The methodological
orientation. of his students in the development perspective followed in the development of the
of the process that Hubble followed to activity is descriptive in terms of the process of
determine his law, and specifically with regard constituting knowledge from historical and
to collecting real data, graphing, inferring the epistemological references, particularly with
expansion of the universe and estimating its age regard to the possibilities of questioning ideas
from the Hubble parameter. about the universe and its expansion.

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

For the purposes of this communication, the performing an SQL query (Structured Query
organization of the process is described below: Language). The queries basically consist of three
the first part will show how to obtain the SDSS parts (see table 1). For the case study, it is
data by performing an SQL query in DR7; The exemplified with 1000 galaxies with their
data obtained will then be processed to identify respective redshift values and magnitudes.
magnitudes and redshifts that will allow
distances and speeds to be obtained; Finally,
with these data the Hubble diagram will be Data management: apparent magnitude
constructed so that conclusions can be drawn.
Hipparchus of Nicaea, around the 2nd century BC,
was the first astronomer who discriminated the stars
Obtaining the data according to their magnitude and created a catalog
that contained the positioning of around a thousand
The SDSS contains images and spectra of stars, visible to the naked eye. He grouped them into
different objects such as: galaxies, nebulae, six categories that he calledmagnitudes: the
stars, asteroids and quasars. The fundamental brightest, he classified them asfirst magnitude and
objective of this study is to make a map of the the faintest ones likesixth magnitude.
universe. The data, taken with a 2.5-meter For the development of the didactic proposal, it
diameter optical telescope at the Punto Apache must be considered that themagnitudeIt is a
observatory in New Mexico, USA, can be freely logarithmic measure relative to the brightness of
downloaded at http://www.sdss.org. celestial objects, it is dimensionless and expresses
their luminosity (Karttunen, 2006, p.86). In this sense,
the data shown by the SDSS are of magnitudes in
Query via SQL different filters. For the study associated with our
case we will takethe red filter and the z value(
Gray (2002) presents the way to obtain redshift). Then, to obtain a classical Hubble diagram,
information en masse from the SDSS through the magnitudes must be converted

Table 1.SQL queries. For a more detailed example see Gray, 2002, p. twenty.

Characteristic Example for 1000 galaxies

Here the parameters about the information we

need are specified. If we need more than one, we
SELECT separate them by comma. For example, to obtain selecttop 1000, pz
1 the right ascension and declination of objects, you
must writeselect ra,dec.
Here you specify which tables the above
2 DESDE desdegalaxy p, specobjs
parameters are searched for.
If desired, the search can be restricted by
imposing on a parameter. For example, if we are where p.objid=s.bestobjid
WHERE only interested in galaxies with a redshift valuez and sz BETWEEN 0.1 AND 0.5
3 between 0.1 and 0.5, we write and z between 0.1
and 0.5.

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

at relative distances and redshifts at velocities. respective units, we can estimate the distance to
the other galaxy.
Firstly, given that the relationship that existed
between the brightnesses of different magnitudes is Results
associated with a factor of 2.511, if it had magnitude
1, or first magnitude, compared to magnitude 6, or red shift
sixth magnitude1 is 100 times brighter than 6. If you
want to relate magnitude 1 to 3, you find that it is When comparing the spectrum of light from some
approximately 16 times brighter, which shows that celestial bodies with the spectra measured in the
there is a decrease in brightness equal to the fifth laboratory of the chemical species contained in
root of one hundred, but the magnitude that we call these bodies, it is observed that they are not the
apparent, is considered as the brightness that is same since the spectral lines coming from space
appreciated and influences the distance of the star are displaced towards positions of greater or
with respect to the Earth. greater magnitude. shorter wavelength, either
Secondly, the mathematical process to find the towards the red or blue side of the
apparent magnituderegarding brightness. For this electromagnetic spectrum. The way to determine
we denote the brightness with Fand with subscripts this displacement is by comparing the wavelengths
the magnitude corresponding to the different between the spectra received from the celestial
brightnesses. From what was said above, the body and the laboratory.
quotient betweenYoFandi+1F always gives a constant The expression to determine the velocity
2,511. The process is illustrated in table 2. from the redshift (z) is v=cz. It is clarified that z is
In this way, if we have the distance to the a dimensionless magnitude, v the recession
nearest galaxy, and for convenience we choose speed of the galaxy and c the speed of light
its flux is equal to unity in its

Table 2.Process for calculating distance between galaxies.

Fa F1 F4 F4 F4 F5
The reasons They are constant. =k =k =k =k =k
F2 F5 F5 F5 F6
And by relating the first magnitude to the k5= 100
sixth magnitude with respect to its brightness F1= 100F6
we obtain: k5= 2,5115
If the difference between magnitudes is F1 =k(m −m )
1 2

considered. F2

Where the logarithm allows us to obtain

Pogson's law.

For the particular case, F =1 2and m =0.


Having the magnitude we can calculate

the flow, with the inverse square law d1 F2
l =
F= for the relationship between two objects
between their respective flux and luminosity we
d2 F1
obtain the relationship.

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
[ twenty ]
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

Hubble diagram freely through the web. Students can access the
same data used by professional astronomers
and use it to make their own discoveries. This
workshop was applied to a group of students
from the Francisco José de Caldas District
University, in the Bachelor of Physics curricular
program, and was a way of incorporating
classroom activities that use real data, which is
supposed to be a guided investigation, leaving
the possibility of posing challenges and open
investigations. The advantage of using real data
instead of simulated or simplified data is that its
processing can give students a real idea of how
Figure 1.Hubble Diagram with 1000 Galaxies scientific investigations are carried out. HeUsing
taken from the SDSS. real data guides the student to solve real
problems, posing opportunities such as data
The SQL query allows us to make a Hubble processing that no one else has seen and at the
diagram with 1000 galaxies (figure 1) which was same time being able to make discoveries with
made with the programOrigin Pro 8, where the tools typical of professional scientists.
instruction was also executed:Analysis, Fitting,
Fit Linearobtaining a slope: Astronomical data is data obtained from a
variety of instruments, primarily telescopes, but
may also include the results of computer
simulations of theoretical astrophysics and the
like. These may include spectrophotometric
It has been argued that the time since the readings, images, information such as magnetic
expansion of the universe began can be inferred field intensity, temperature, magnitude in different
from the inverse of this value (Zeilik, 2002). It is filters and redshift. These data can be in different
appropriate to consider that the different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum without
cosmological models propose that H can vary being limited to the optical one.
slowly over time and can be treated as a The challenge in this activity is the
parameter defined in terms of deceleration, as construction of the Hubble diagram by the
evidenced in work with type A1 supernovae students. Recent studies (Navone, Scancich,
(Arenas, 2014) when assuming a uniform Vázquez, 2011) raise the need to emphasize the
expansion that does not agree with a more real historical analysis of the moment in which
model where changes in velocity occur. Hubble found its law and highlight the
contributions of different scientists. However, it
Didactic implications should be noted that the 1929 Hubble diagram
has a problem in measuring distances, so much
Astronomy and the teaching of this today has so that the age of the universe from this
the availability and access to a large number of diagram is younger than the age of certain stars
real data, presented by large observatories that studied at that time. The activity begins with the
make available a huge number of data that can students generating the query to download the
be requested and manipulated. galaxy data in the SDSS. The first

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
[ twenty-one ]
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

Hubble diagrams that students obtain in the The slope in the right panel of Figure 2 is of
activity are diagrams that present magnitude the order of
versus redshift, which are the data presented km
directly by the SDSS database. Kirshner (1999) heither=73.6
disseminated this type of diagrams. The
problem with these diagrams (figure 2) is This result is approximate to the values obtained
obtaining the slope, orHubble parameter,having with the study of Cephee variables by Riess, Macri,
to make changes to distance and speed in each Casertano, Lampeitl, Ferguson (2011). The
case. This change allows us to raise the need to variations, or indeterminacy of the constant, lie in
understand astronomical redshift and the the uncertainty in the measurement of distances
concept of magnitude. With the concept of and limitations in the cosmological parameters
magnitude, students have problems because it used in the distance module.
is counterintuitive; it seems to express a scale of
obscurations and in the face of redshift, it is Conclusions
necessary to present in the classroom by the
instructor the relativistic correction of the same, In the teaching of astronomy where learning is
for the large number of galaxies that present a oriented towards the reconstruction of physical
redshift greater than one. laws, it is important to be consistent with the
observational profile of astronomy, giving
students the possibility of reconstructing
knowledge in an area that has many open
In the case of this innovation, the
reconstruction of models with a direct
relationship with observation is allowed, where
the appropriate way to describe astronomical
phenomena is identified based on the
processing of real data.
It is important that the teachers in charge of
the astronomy clubs commit to the development
of proposals of this type, guiding students in the
interpretation of graphs with data from recognized
observatories, which helps and supports the work
in the astronomy clubs. teachers and can activate
the interest of students.
At this point, knowing that the students
already manage the process of downloading the
data and its translation into magnitudes of
interest, challenges or questions can be
generated to continue the research work, such
as creating the Hubble diagram for galaxies with
Figure 2.Hubble diagrams in redshift and magnitude high redshift, interpret Hubble diagrams derived
and their corresponding version in distance and from studies of Supernovae Ia and evidence of
velocity for 50 galaxies made by the students. accelerated expansion.

Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
Construction of a Hubble diagram: a tool for teaching astronomy
RodRíguez, g., Reyes, J. & giRaldo,M.

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Scientific magazine• ISSN 0124-2253 • e-ISSN 2344-2350 • Bogotá-Colombia • No. 24 • pp. 17-23
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