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3 Chapter Competition I

Team Round
Problems 1~—10


N amc

Te am
Members , Captain

MATHCOUNTS is a cooperative pro ject of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the CNA Insurance

Companies, The Dow Chemical Company Foundation, the General Motors Foundation, Texas Instruments
Incorporated, 3M Foundation, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration,
Jenni, _Matt and Devon have a total of 1454 pegs. Jenni has
twice as many as Matt. Devon has 209. How many page
does Matt have?

The figure below is composed of congruent squares. How

many rectangles can be traced in the figure?

The positive integer 4 can be represented as a sum of is

or2’s in five ways, such as 1 + 2 +1 and 1 + 1 + 2. In how
many Ways can the positive integer 5 be represented as a
sum of 1’s or 2’s'?


How many integral values exist for
21 » 32;’?
l :2: such that < <

How many of the first 30 positive integers can be expressed

as a sum of two distinct prime nnrnbers‘?

What is the sum of all tWo~digit positive integers whose

squares end with the digits 01'?

A single troy ounce comrnernorative silver bar is 2" long,

1%” wide, and 332" thick. How many of these oneounce bars
could be obtained from the silver contained in 3 blocks.
given that each silver block 6” long, 4” wide and 3” thick?
Assume there is no Waste.
Wilma and Betty ran a ;l0O—meter race at top speed, and
Wilma finished when Betty had 10 meters to go. They
decided to run again, but this time VVilma gave Betty an
advantage. Wilma’s starting point was 10 meters behind the
original starting point. Given that Wilma and Betty run at
the same speeds as the previous race, how many meters will
Betty be from the finish line when Wilma crosses it?

To determine your target heart rate for exercising, you 9.

subtract your age from 220 and multiply that difference
by 0.75. Madeline has a target heart rate of 129. How many
years old is she?

10. A wooden model of a square pyramid has a base edge of

12 cm and an altitude of 8 cm. A cut is made parallel to
the base of the pyramid that separates it into two pieces:
a smaller pyramid and a frustum. Each base edge of the
smaller pyramid is 6 cm and its altitude is 4
How many cm.

cubic centimeters are in the volume of the frustum?

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