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I Chapter Competition I

Sprint Round
Problems 1-30

N ame




Tins round.cfi the cornpetnfion consums of 30 probhnns. ye

You will have 40 minutes to complete the problems. You
are not allowed to use calculators, slide rules, books, or

any other aids during this round. lf you are wearing a

calculator wrist watch, please give it to your proctor now.
Ckdcuhufionsinay be done on mnmmch paper. AU answers
must be complete, legible, and simplified to lowest terms.

Record<mny finalansummsin.thelflanksin.thezfighhhand
column of the competition booklet. If you complete the
problems before time is called, use the remaining time to
check your ansvvers.

Total Correct Scorer’s Initials

l\/IATHCOUNTS is a cooperative project of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the CNA Insurance

Companies, The Dow Chemical Company Foundation, the General Motors Foundation, Texas Instruments
Incorporated, 3l\/l Foundation, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
The sum of three consecutive even integers is ~—6. VVhat is
the least of the three numbers?

IIQ How many units are in the perimeter of the polygon when
7) ll?

DJ You printing from your computer onto paper that

are 3.
8%” by ll”. Each margin on the printed page is 1".
How many inches are in the perimeter of the rectangular
region available for printing?

Compute (-15+5+ O—1_5-+0.5) (~3Z+2+5%~2—+0.2).


The student council is selling school t-shirts for a fund raiser. ‘Cf!
The number of t—shirts they can expect to sell (it) is a function
of the price, in dollars, charged (p) with t 200 10p. How
2 —~

t—shirts can they expect to sell at $7.50 each?

When Joyce counts the pennies in her bank by fives, she has
one left over. When she counts them by threes, there are
two left over. What is the least possible number of pennies
in the bank?

The remaining five boxes in the square below are filled so

that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column, and
each diagonal is the same. What number goes in the upper
left hand corner?

From 6am to noon the temperature rose 8°C. From noon
to 3pm, it rose another 3°C, but then dropped 5°C to ~—3°C
at 6pm. How many degrees Celsius was the temperature
at 6am?
9. A light year is about 5.88 ><‘1Ol2 miles. The distance
from Earth to a star 6 X 105 light years away is about
3.528 X 10”‘ miles. Whzit is the value of 72,‘?

10. A box contains both chewy—center and soft—center pieces of 10.

candy. There 8
chewy~center pieces than soft—center
are more

pieces. Vi/hen a piece of candy is chosen at random, the

probability that it has a chewy center is -93.
. .
How many pieces

of candy are in the box :’

11. A a volume of 36 cubic inches was made from a

tray with
square of tin by cutting one—inch squares from the corners
and turning up the sides. How many square inches are in
the area of the original square of tin?

12. All five squares in the figure below are congruent. How many 12.
lines of symmetry does the figure have?

13. The first term of a sequence is 5 and each subsequent 13.

term is 5 less than twice the preceding term. What is the
eighth term?

14. The trisection points of the

equilateral triangle sides of an 14.
are connected to each other
by drawing segments parallel to
the sides of the triangle. Many triangles are formed when
this is done. What is the ratio, expressed as a common
fraction, of the area of one of the smallest triangles formed
to the area of the original triangle? Express your answer as
a common fraction.

15. The dots on the number line are equally spaced. What is 15. 3%

the value of the common fraction 9:? F1

(31 1 .

C'>l 3

16. Jack spent one—half of his money for a movie ticket, twqthirds 16.
of the remainder for popcorn, and the remaining $2 for a
drink. How many dollars did he spend for the movie ticket?

l7. Given that 0. ® I) :

(at + Z9} 4: 2. W'l'ia.t is the value of 5 ® 3 7

. Points A(0.0:). l3((i,(l\) andC(I§l.3_) are the vertiees of a

triangle in a coordinate plane. How many square units are

in the area of tlie triangle‘?

19. Tlfie first four triangular r11.i1‘ribersi are pictured. Tlie 19.
’n,tl‘i triangular nunibcr is formed by drawing row oi‘ 72. (lots

below the (n~ list triangular dot pattern. The kth triangular
number is represented by 120 dots. Wlliat is the value of ski?

20. Each of the digits 2, 4, .5, 6, 8 and 9 is placed in exactly one 20.
of the boxes of the subtraction problem shown. Wliat is the
least possible positive difference’?

lllll——r lllll

21. A rubber ball is known to rebound half the height that

itdrops. The ball isdropped from a height of 32 feet.
Assuming that it bounces straight up and down, how many
feet will it have traveled by the time it hits the ground the
fourth time?

22. The radius of one of two concentric circles is 4 cm long,

and the other is 9 cm long. How many centimeters are in
the circumference of a circle which is concentric to the given
circles and whose radius is equal to the average of the other
two radii? Express your answer in terms of 7r.

23. Twin primes are prime numbers that differ by 2. Given that 23.
a and b the greatest twin
are prirnes with a < 100, evaluate
the value of 41+ 6.

24. What is the greatest integer :1: for which > 24.
25. The number of square inches in the areas of rectangles A, B 25.
and C are shown in the diagram. How many square inches
are in the area of rectangle D?

26. The surface areas of the side, front, and bottom faces of a 26.
rectangular solid are 12, 8 and 6 square inches, respectively.
How many cubic inches are in the volume of the solid?

27. The numbers 1, 2,3, . . .

,9 are arranged, one per circle, in the 27.
triangle shown that the sum, 3, of the numbers on each

side of the triangle is the same. The sum of the numbers

in the three corner circles is 12. What is the value of 3?
Express your answer as a common. fraction.


28. .Ex Pert calculated that if three times as many people worked 28.
twice as fast as the twelve
people doing the work now, the
job would be finished in eight days. Instead, Ex hired only
four new people and all sixteen worked at the same rate as

the original twelve. How many days did it take to finish the

29. The sum of 72 consecutive positive integers is 100. What is

the greatest possible value of 77,?

30. The sum of three different positive unit fractions is 30.

VVhat is the least number that could be the surn of the

denominators of these fractions?


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