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This Contract of Lease made and entered into this _ day of October 2023 in Quezon City, Philippines by and

Dahlia Pacleb Filipino Citizens, of legal age, with postal address at ____________.

Angelica Gelverio Filipino Citizen, of legal age, with present address at_____________________ BF Resort Las Pinas .


WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner/administrator of a residential unit located at Unit 2403 Studio A
Katipunan, Xavierville Quezon City with an area of 28 square meters, equipped with furnishings ("ANNEX A")
hereinafter referred to as the LEASED PREMISES.

WHEREAS, the LESSEE desires to lease the PREMISES and the LESSOR is willing to lease the same unto the
LESSEE subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter specified.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and mutual covenants herein contained, the
LESSOR has leased unto the LESSEE, the aforementioned residential condominium unit, the LESSEE hereby
accepts the same by way of lease under the following terms and conditions:

1. PERIOD - This contract of lease shall be guaranteed for a period of twelve (12) months contract
commencing on November _17_ ,2023 and ending on November _17__,2024 renewable upon mutual
agreement. The LESSEE shall negotiate such renewal at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of
this contract.

2. RENTAL - The parties herein agree that the monthly rental for the LEASED PREMISES is FIFTEEN
THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 15,000), inclusive of association dues and common area fees, and paid
one month in advance. After the signing of this Contract of Lease, the LESSEE shall pay the
LESSOR the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 30,000) covering the period from
November 17,2023 to December 17,2024and provide eleven (11) post-dated checks amounting to
FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 15,000), for the remaining billable period of lease from
November 17_,2023 to Novber 17,2024 The rental rate above agreed upon shall be valid for the
duration of this contract. Renewal of lease after the duration of this contract shall shall subject for

3. SECURITY DEPOSIT – Upon signing the contract, the LESSEE shall give to the LESSOR an amount
equivalent to two months rental, specifically the amount of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS
(45,000), as a security deposit, which sum can be applied by LESSOR against the LESSEE for unpaid
bills for electricity, water, & other utility charges, maintenance cost of appliance/s (e.g., cleaning of air
conditioning unit and refrigerator, etc.), upkeep of unit (e.g., cleaning of grease trap, bathroom,
mattress, replacement of bedsheets, etc.), and repairs for damages to the LEASED PREMISES due to
the fault or negligence of the LESSEE and/or his visitor/s. The deposit shall not be applied against
rent and shall not earn interest. The said deposit or balance thereof after deducting any of the
aforementioned expenses for which the LESSEE is liable, if any, shall be returned to the LESSEE
within thirty (30) days after the termination of this Contract of Lease. Should the LESSEE pre
terminate the lease before its expiration, the security deposit shall be forfeited in favor of the LESSOR.
If used as reservation for holding the LEASED PREMISES for a specific period, but LESSSEE was
unable to proceed with the lease agreement within the agreed holding period, the security deposit
together with the one month advance rental shall not be refundable in favor of the LESSOR, to
compensate with the time and opportunity loss for holding the LEASED PREMISES.

4. UTILITIES AND OTHER CHARGES – The LESSSEE shall, during the existence of this contract, be
responsible for the payment of electric power and water bills of the unit. Should the Lessee decide to
install cable, telephone landline &/or Internet, it will be on the account of the LESSEE who will be
responsible for paying all future charges related to the installation and subscription. Upon completion or
termination of the contract of lease, the subscription for cable, telephone landline &/or Internet shall be
terminated, and all outstanding bills related to subscription and use shall be paid by the LESSEE.
5. USE OF THE PREMISES- THE LESSEE shall use the premises exclusively for residential purposes only
and shall not be made into office or be subleased. Furthermore, the LESSOR has assigned the leased
property for the exclusive use of above-mentioned LESSEE and/or parties who are deemed fit to
occupy such property with the LESSEE as occupant of the Leased Premises. The maximum number
of tenants in the leased premises is THREE (3). Leased Premises shall not be used for any criminal
activities and LESSOR shall not be held liable for any illegal actions that may arise in the unit. The
LESSEE agrees to abide by the existing rules and regulations of the Studio A Condominium

6. CARE OF THE LEASED PREMISES – The LESSEE shall, at its expense, maintain the leased premises
in a clean sanitary condition, free from obnoxious odors, disturbing noises, or any other nuisances and
upon expiration of the lease, shall surrender and return the premises and fixtures in good condition as
they were found at the beginning of the lease, subject to ordinary wear & tear and as outlined in
ALTERATIONS, IMPROVEMENTS, ETC below. Pets are not allowed within the leased premises.
Smoking is strictly prohibited.

7. ALTERATIONS, IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. – The LESSEE shall not make any alterations, additions or
improvements within the unit without the prior written approval of the LESSOR. The LESSEE shall not
drive nails, hooks, screws, adhesive, stickers and similar items on the walls, ceiling or any other
area of the leased premises.

8. DAMAGE TO THE LEASED PREMISES, REPAIRS - In case of damage to the leased premises as may
be occasioned by fire or water damage not attributable to the LESSEE, like earthquake, typhoon, war or
similar concerted act of man, notice thereof must be made known to the LESSOR who shall, upon receipt
thereof, endeavor and see to it that the premises are rendered in tenantable condition within the earliest
possible time. If, however, the premises shall be so destroyed as to make the premises not tenantable,
the parties may agree to the rescission of this contract. Advance rental and security deposit not yet due
shall be returned to the LESSEE. Expenses for the repair and restoration as above indicated shall be for
the account of the LESSOR.

Extraordinary repairs including, but not limited to, any damage on the furniture or appliances caused by
LESSEE’S guests or any incident to the fault of the LESSEE shall be borne by the LESSEE. The LESSEE
shall also be responsible for minor repairs incurred through ordinary usage amounting to not more than
Php5,000.00 (inclusive of labor & materials) per occurrence, such as but not limited to: a.) Replacement
of light bulbs and fuses
b.) Breakage or loss of faucet handles, drawers or cabinets pulls and catches, keys, locks, toilet
mechanisms (seats and water tank covers, electrical switches or outlets and buzzers, minor faucet leaks
and damage door knobs, clogged toilet bowls, clogged sinks, broken screens, and similar items that
maybe required in the leased premises.)

9. SANITATION AND REPAIRS – The LESSOR undertakes to deliver the leased premises to the LESSEE
in good, clean and tenantable condition together with the equipment listed in “ANNEX A” hereof. The
LESSEE in turn, shall at all times keep and maintain the leased premises as well as the fixtures and
equipment located therein, at his expense, in as good, clean, sanitary, and habitable condition, as when
received from the LESSOR. The LESSOR shall schedule regular cleaning of the air conditioning unit and
grease trap 3 times a year, which shall be shouldered by the LESSEE and be deducted on the security
deposit, in order to maintain the cleanliness and good function of the said equipments,

LESSOR shall give the LESSEE seven (7) days from move-in date to observe and test the appliances
included in “ANNEX A” and therefore LESSEE shall report if any of the items are defective or needs repair.
LESSOR agrees to shoulder the cost of repair or replacement of defective appliances as long as it has
been reported during the 7- day allowance period. The LESSOR shall be responsible for the repairs on
the leased premises, such as for water heater, plumbing, electrical and sewerage installations caused by
structural defects by storm or acts of nature, and on the equipment found to be defective, not functioning
for the purpose intended for this lease except repairs due to the fault or negligence of the LESSEE,
members of his household, guest or relatives.

10. FAILURE TO PAY ON TIME – In case of failure to pay the advance monthly rental, or if the POST DATED
CHECK is not honored or encashed with the reason/s arising from NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS (NSF), the
LESSOR shall have the right to NOT GRANT the LESSEE entry into the leased unit until the rental arrears
have been paid and the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR the amount of three percent (3%) of monthly rent
as penalty for overdue rental payment. If the payment is delayed for FIFTEEN (15) days from the due
date, it shall be considered as BREACH OF CONTRACT, hence the LESSEE obligates himself/herself to
evacuate the LEASED PREMISES within five (5) calendar days after the receipt of notice from the
LESSOR, and accepts full authority of the LESSOR to terminate this Contract of Lease and may forfeit
whatever Security Deposit or Advances that have been given by the LESSEE in favor of the LESSOR as
part of liquidated damages.
11. SUBLEASE – The LESSEE shall NOT sublease the premises to other parties.

12. RETURN OF SECURITY DEPOSIT - The LESSOR upon the expiration of this lease shall refund to the
LESSEE the security deposit, subject to applicable deductions as defined in item #3 of this Contract of
Lease. The refund shall be made no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the expiration or termination
of the lease upon presentation of proof by the LESSEE that all accounts secured by security deposit have
been settled such as water and electricity, etc. and all repairs/replacements have been completed.

13. PRE-TERMINATION OF LEASE – This Contract of Lease is for a guaranteed period of twelve (12)
months. If the pre-termination occurs during the lease term of the contract, the LESSOR shall forfeit the
security deposit by way of liquidated damages. However, the unused rental will be returned in favor of the
LESSEE. The LESSEE shall also be liable to pay the LESSOR all the remaining utility bills and damages
to the premises and its furniture and fixtures before the actual clearance and release from this contract
can be granted to the LESSEE.

14. RULES AND REGULATIONS – THE LESSEE and the LESSOR shall comply with the House Rules and
Regulations, Master Deed with Declaration of Restriction and by-laws of STUDIO A Condominium
Corporation and all the reasonable rules and regulations for safety, security, sanitary and good use of the
leased premises as may from time to time be provided by the LESSOR and/or building administrator as
well as all rules and regulations, ordinances or requirements as may be imposed or promulgated by the

15. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY – The LESSEE during its occupancy of the premises, shall hold the LESSOR
free from any liability or responsibility to any person or party arising out of or as a consequence of the use
of the leased premises by the LESSEE, his agents, domestic help and guests. When damage or liability
is caused by fortuitous events or acts of GOD, such as typhoon, earthquake, explosion, flood, etc., which
are beyond the control of the LESSEE nor LESSOR, both parties shall not be held liable to each other.

16. BREACH OR DEFAULT- The LESSEE agrees that should default or breach is made to any such
covenants and conditions herein contained, the LESSOR shall have the right/opinion to terminate or
cancel this CONTRACT OF LEASE and to take possessions of the leased premises immediately, without
need of any court order. If it be shown that the breach was on the part of the LESSOR, the LESSEE shall
be immediately refunded the unused portion of the rental and security deposit without need of any court
order. The LESSEE shall be given 7 days to remove and collect all personal belongings from the LEASED

17. EXPIRATION – Upon the expiration of this contract, the LESSEE shall automatically vacate the leased
premises and deliver physical possession thereof to the LESSOR devoid of any occupants, furniture,
articles and appliances belonging to the LESSEE. Should the LESSEE, with the written consent of the
LESSOR, which consent is to be secured at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the lease period,
continue to enjoy or hold over or otherwise remain in possession of the leased premises after the
expiration of the period of lease, such hold over shall be treated as a tenancy from month to month
subjected to the same terms and condition herein contained but with an automatic rental escalation of ten
(10%) percent.

18. FIRE HAZARDS – The LESSEE shall not bring into or store in the leased premises anything of a highly
inflammable nature or explosive material nor install therein any apparatus equipment that will expose the
lease premises to fire or increase the fire hazards of the premises.

19. INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES – The LESSOR or his duly authorized representative shall, by prior
arrangement with the LESSEE, have the right to enter the leased premises at reasonable durations and
times to examine the same or to make alterations or repairs, or for any purpose deemed necessary for
the maintenance of the condominium unit, and during the last 2 months of the term, to exhibit the leased
premises to prospective tenants, unless the LESSEE has indicated to the LESSOR its intent to renew the
lease contract. For the sake of security, The LESSOR respects that at all times, either the LESSEE or a
mutually agreed representative will be present.
20. COMPLETE AGREEMENT – This contract embodies all the agreements of the parties covering the
properties subject hereof. No alteration, modification, novation, addition or any collateral agreement which
alters, modifies, novates and adds to the terms of this contract shall be valid and binding unless made in
writing and signed by the parties hereto. It is agreed that in case any provision of this contract is declared
null and void by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain and continue to
be valid and enforceable against the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hand this day of ___ Oct 2023 at
Quezon City.

Dahlia Pacleb
Angelica Gelverio

Lessor Lessee



) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a notary Public, for and in the City of , Philippines this

day of , 2023 personally appeared the following:


All known to me and to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to
me the same is their own free act and deed. This agreement consists of ( ) pages signed by the parties and
their instrumental witnesses at the dispositive portion of this page and at the left hand margin of all other

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this day of , 2022 at

. Doc. No.

Page No.

Book No. Series of



appliances & pieces of furniture included/installed in the leased unit:
I. Appliances:

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