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What are health rituals?

 A) Ceremonial rituals

 B) Negative rituals

 C) Intimacy rituals

 D) Daily routines

2. What are ceremonial rituals and/or celebrations?

 A) Idiosyncratic rituals

 B) Spiritual rituals

 C) Intimacy rituals

 D) Negative rituals

3. What are negative rituals?

 A) Idiosyncratic rituals

 B) Ceremonial rituals

 C) Spiritual rituals

 D) Unhealthy patterns

4. What are idiosyncratic rituals?

 A) Couple time

 B) Daily routines

 C) Private rituals

 D) Spiritual rituals

5. What is couple time?

 A) Communication patterns/habits

 B) Idiosyncratic rituals

 C) Patterns of family abuse

 D) Time spent focusing on mutual beliefs and faith

6. What are spiritual rituals?

 A) Intimacy rituals

 B) Negative rituals

 C) Spiritual rituals
 D) Ceremonial rituals

7. What are the 4 parts of relational maintenance?

 A) Connection, Repairs, Satisfaction, Going

 B) Repair, Satisfaction, Connection, Staying

 C) Staying, Going, Repairs, Satisfaction

 D) Going, Staying, Connection, Repairs

8. What are relational currencies?

 A) Physical gestures

 B) Communication patterns

 C) Symbolic communication behaviors

 D) Financial gestures

9. What are relational maintenance strategies?

 A) Avoidance, Silence, Criticism

 B) Sharing tasks, Disclosure, Giving assurances

 C) Argumentation, Defensiveness, Stonewalling

 D) Ignoring, Blaming, Neglecting

10. What do rigid families often require?

 A) Variety and quantity of relational currencies

 B) Specific relational currencies valued by those in power

 C) Regular exchange of diverse relational currencies

 D) Recognition of valuable currencies by all members

11. What do highly cohesive families do?

 A) Provide variety and quantity of relational currencies

 B) Lack variety and quantity of relational currencies

 C) Ignore relational currencies

 D) Exchange only specific relational currencies

12. Who is the Scapegoat in the family?

 A) Family Hero

 B) Chief enabler-rescuer
 C) Family Victim

 D) Lost Child

13. John and Mary have been married for ten years. Lately, they've noticed a decline in their
emotional connection. What type of couple ritual might help them reconnect?

 A) Spiritual rituals

 B) Idiosyncratic rituals

 C) Intimacy rituals

 D) Daily routines

14. The Smith family rarely engages in open communication and often misunderstands each other's
needs. What type of family might they be?

 A) Highly cohesive family

 B) Low cohesion family

 C) Chaotic family

 D) Rigid family

15. Emma has recently become a new parent. She is struggling to balance her work, personal life,
and new responsibilities. Which process of role appropriation is she currently experiencing?

 A) Role Expectations

 B) Role Negotiation

 C) Role Enactment

 D) Role Appropriation

1. C) Intimacy rituals

2. A) Idiosyncratic rituals

3. D) Unhealthy patterns

4. C) Private rituals

5. D) Time spent focusing on mutual beliefs and faith

6. C) Spiritual rituals

7. B) Repair, Satisfaction, Connection, Staying (True)

8. C) Symbolic communication behaviors (True)

9. B) Sharing tasks, Disclosure, Giving assurances (True)

10. B) Specific relational currencies valued by those in power (True)

11. A) Provide variety and quantity of relational currencies (True)

12. C) Family Victim (True)

13. C) Intimacy rituals

14. B) Low cohesion family

15. B) Role Negotiation

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