Eye & Orbit

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● Eyelid

○ Upper Eyelid
■ Whitnall’s Ligament
○ Lower Eyelid
■ Lockwood Ligament
○ Palpebral Fissure
○ Layers of the Eyelids
■ Subcutaneous Tissue
■ Muscular Layer
■ Conjunctiva
○ Blood Supply of the Eyelid
○ Nerve Supply of the Eyelid
■ Motor Nerves
■ Sensory Supply
○ Applied Anatomy of the Eyelid
■ Conjunctivitis
■ Hordeolum
■ Chalazion
■ Blepharospasm
■ Blepharoplasty
■ Ptosis
■ Entropion
■ Ectropion
● Lacrimal Apparatus and the Orbit
○ Parts of Lacrimal Apparatus
■ Lacrimal Gland
■ Lacrimal Puncta
■ Lacrimal Papilla
■ Lacrimal Canaliculus
■ Lacrimal Sac
■ Nasolacrimal Duct
○ Applied Anatomy of the Lacrimal Apparatus
■ Epiphora
■ Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
■ Dry Eye Syndrome
○ Orbit
■ Bones of the Orbit
■ Walls of the Orbit
● Medial wall
● Lateral wall
● Roof of the orbit
● Floor of the orbit
■ Orbital Foramen
● Optic foramen
● Supraorbital foramen
● Zygomatic foramen
● Infraorbital foramen
● Superior Orbital fissure
● Inferior Orbital fissure
■ Muscles of the Orbit
● Annulus Tendineus
● Rectus muscle of the Eye
● Superior Oblique Muscle
● Inferior Oblique Muscle
● Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle
■ Clinical Applications
● Oculomotor nerve
● Trochlear nerve
● Abducens nerve
■ Blood Supply of the Orbit
■ Venous Drainage of the Orbit
■ Nerve supply of the Orbit
● Eyeball
○ Fibrous Tunic
■ Sclera
■ Cornea
○ Vascular Tunic
■ Choroid
■ Ciliary Body
■ Iris
○ Nervous Tunic
■ Retina
■ Optic Disc
● Corneoscleral Angle of the Eye
○ Anterior CHamber
○ Posterior CHamber
○ Vitreous Chamber
● Accommodation of the Eye
○ Glaucoma Impaired Vision
○ Cataracts Impaired Vision
○ Age-Related Macular Degeneration
○ Presbyopia
○ Color Blindness
■ Pseudoisochromatic Plates as Test for Color Blindness
● Visual Pathway
○ Cones
○ Bipolar Neurons
○ Ganglion Cell’s Axon forms the Optic Nerve
○ Optic nerve to the Optic Chiasm
○ Optic Tract
○ Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
○ Optic Radiations
○ Primary Visual Areas Of The Occipital Lobes
● Visual Field Defects

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