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Ones upon a time, there was an old man outside of an elegant restaurant, in fact
he was homeless. He was very starving!! Soddenly, he thinks!! I need to do
something because I have to eat.

The old man starts looking for flies in a trash can. He finds some and cover them in
a piece of paper.
He comes into the restaurant and sits down alone, but near to an elegant couple.

She says to her husband: Do you think, he has money to pay the meal?

He says, I don´t think so. I think the manager is going to give free food to him.

She says: This man smells bad, he hasn´t taken a bath for months, I think!!

He says: Be quit!! He can hear you!!

She says: I´m sorry, but it´s hard to be around him.

He says: Don´t pay attention to him. Let´s order our food.


Meanwhile, the old man calls to the waitress and asks for the menu.

He says: Waitress, waitress(WAITER) , come here!!! Could you please bring me

something to eat
Waitress: Good morning, sir, what do you want to eat? Specialty of the house?

He says: I would like to eat chicken, fish, seafood and a strawberry ice cream.

Waitress: You eat a lot sir!! Do you have money to pay it?

He says: Yes, it is!! What a lack of respect, disrespectful lady!!! Im hungry!! Move,

She says: Ok, I hope you have enough money to pay the bill!!

30 minutes later, the old man ate all the served food. The waitress approaches the
old man and tells him to pay the bill.

The old man says: I am hungry yet, please bring me a chicken soup and a
tamarind drink.

Waitress says: Are you sure?

The old man says: Yes, I am. Don´t worry I have enough money to pay.. go, go!!

The waitress serves the soup and the tamarind drink.

The old man, take two flies, he puts one into his soup and the other into his
tamarind drink.

Five minutes later, the old man starts to scream… there is a fly in my soup!! There
is a fly in my soup. Come here waitress, come here waitress…. Into my tamarind is
another fly!!! What´s wrong with you!! What kind of restaurant is it?

The couple who are near him, starts to scream to… they say…. What a dirty
restaurant!!! I´ll never eat here again!! They paid and leave.

While the old man asks to talk with the manager of the restaurant….
Old man: Unresponsible you are, flies in the food!!! Dirty restaurant….

The manager tells him be quiet… Quiet!! Shhhh!! Quiet!! The food is free… don´t

The old man says… ok, thanks… have a nice day!!!

When he stands up, the other flies fell and the waitress look them…. She says: you
are a cheater and thie. Immediately she asks to the police… the police talk to the
manager… the manager tells him he must wash the dishes to pay the bill.



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