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• Weakened Immune System
• Increased Fatigue
• Reduced Athletic Performance
• Slower Recovery From Exercise
• Reduced Mental Focus and Clarity
• Toxicity Buildup

T h e M o s t P o w e r f u l A n t i o x i d a n t Yo u H a v e
N e v e r H e a r d o f … I t ’s C a l l e d G l u t a t h i o n e .

–Dr. Mehmet Oz
The Dr. Oz Show

Glutathione (GSH) is produced by every

cell in your body. It is the primary protector
and detoxifier of the cell. To understand its
importance, consider these four facts:


1 Every cell in your body would die


The entire defense (immune) system

2 of your body would surrender and
cease to function.

Your liver, which cleanses all of the

toxins you ingest or inhale could no
3 longer cleanse any poison or toxin,
as glutathione is responsible for

Oxygen based life (human) would be

4 impossible.
If glutathione is so important,
It’s the critical key to the life, hea
On his popular television show, Dr. Oz called
glutathione, “The most powerful antioxidant
every human cell…and t
you have never heard of.” He then asked Dr.
David Katz, the Director of Yale University’s It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of gluta
Prevention Research Center, why have most most violent attackers, namely free radicals, chemical tox
never heard of glutathione? In essence, Dr. line of defense against the toxins that enter your body thr
Katz replied that most people hadn’t heard of
glutathione because it’s the antioxidant that The cells in your lungs use glutathione to try to eliminate
is produced by the body itself. before they are transported throughout your body. The liver
blood. Your eye and skin cells use glutathione to protect th
There Are More Than 100,000 Scientific Studies
on Glutathione Recorded in PubMed.*
Although glutathione may be unknown to the Your Glutathione Levels Are Decreasing—an
general public, it is well known to medical
The continuous a t t a c k s on your cells, the invasion of to
scientists, chemists and molecular biologists.
and free r a d i c a l s c a n l o w e r o u r l e v e l s of glutath io ne. C
In fact, there are twice as many scientific
studies on glutathione recorded in PubMed The aging process (and all of its issues) accelerates. E
as there are on vitamin C. Throughout the all of the cells, tissues and organs pay the price. Gluta
past two decades there have been tens of encountered by the cells, including injuries, infections a
thousands of studies on glutathione and its and exercise can reduce glutathione levels.
relevance to health and longevity.

If you’re run down; if you’re fatigued; if your

body just isn’t firing on all cylinders, low glutathione
may be part of it, both cause and effect. Higher Glutathione
Health, Performanc
–Dr. David Katz,
Director of Yale University’s
Prevention Research Center

* PubMed is the online medical science library of the U.S. Government.

Better health, better performance, faster
alth, performance and longevity of recovery, and increased energy are a few
of the benefits associated with high
that’s just the beginning! glutathione levels.

athione. It is the cell’s first line of defense against its

xins, radiation and heavy metals. It is your body’s first
rough the foods and liquids you consume.

the air pollutants and countless other toxins you breathe


r cells use glutathione as their purifier to detoxify your

It is the most abundant antioxidant manufactured
emselves against radiation. 1 by the human body. It is the Master of
sequestering free radicals.
It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself after it
nd That’s Bad News for Your Body! has neutralized a free radical.
It recycles ingested antioxidants including vitamin
oxins a n d h e a v y m e t a l s a n d e x p o s u r e t o r a d i a t i o n
3 C, vitamin E as well as alpha lipoic acid after they
C e l l s a r e d a m a g e d a n d l ose t h e i r o p t i m a l f u nc tion. have been utilized.
nergy levels fall, inflammation levels increase and It maintains healthy oxidant-reductant levels of
4 the cells (cellular redox homeostasis).
athione levels are also depleted by any trauma
It reduces hemoglobin to a plus 2 state so it can
and diseases. Even stress, poor diet, lack of sleep 5 accept oxygen and carry it to the cells.
6 It helps support a healthy immune system.

7 It protects the DNA in the nucleus of the cell.

8 It protects the mitochondrial DNA of the cell.

It reduces lipid peroxides formed by the
9 oxidation of fats.
Levels Are Associated With a Myriad of It transports amino acids from outside of the
ce and Anti-Aging Benefits. 10 cell into the cell, allowing protein biosynthesis
It really is the most important anti-oxidant. It
to take place.
the one the body relies on to clean up critical toxins
It is the first line of protection against
11 - Dr. David Katz,
environmental and chemical toxins.

12 It Director ofsequestering
is a major Yale University’s
agent of heavy metals.
Prevention Research Center
Studies have recognized an
association between people
who have higher glutathione
levels and those who...
• Have Strengthened Immune Systems

• Feel More Energetic

• Recover Faster From Exercise

• Claim Better Stamina and Endurance

• Experience Greater Focus

• Sleep Better

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