Q2 ENG7 WK 2

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God the Father, Creator of all things
True source of light and wisdom
Enlighten our hearts and minds
to follow your will today
Give us the grace to LISTEN ATTENTIVELY
READ critically WRITE excellently
And SPEAK English confidently for deeper meanings
Bless our teachers and classmates today
So that learning becomes a joyful encounter
With you and people
In Jesus name….true love and fruitful learning spring.
OBJECTIVES: At the end of thhe topic the
students are expected to:
• Interpret literal • Answer questions
01 and figurative 02 about literal and

• Demonstrate
appropriate gestures
03 that accompany oral
What is literary devices?

Give an example of Literary devices.

What are the things
you do when you
feel sad to uplift
your mood?

If you read this take a screenshot and ask me about it before the class ends.
n. a cloud of tiny water droplets
n. a soft, indistinct sound made
suspended in the atmosphere at or near
by a person or group of people
the earth's surface limiting visibility, but
to a lesser extent than fog; speaking quietly or at a distance.
a bamboo percussion instrument used
by the Benguet to accompany their n. a recurrent rhythmical
chants. series.
LADEN Ravine
adj. heavily loaded or weighed a deep narrow steep sided
down. valley.
- was listed on the staff of the Three
Stars as an editor in 1931.
- He was the first Filipino poet to have his
collected poems published as a book in the
U.S. Published in 1925 by G.P. Putnam’s
Sons, the book was
entitled Azucena, named after a lily found
in the Philippines.
- Azucena (1926)- The first book of poetry
by a Filipino written in English.
- He was a romantic poet whose greatest
influences, he wrote, were Edgar Allan
Poe, Rabindranath Tagore, and Lafcadio

Silent trails
Silent are the trails of Benguet hills,
When the mist veils the sun -
Even when the wind stirs the ferns
And the bamboo brakes sing
Their echoed murmurs.
And the laden Benguet women pass;
Beating their pakkongs*
In cadenced monotones.
Even so,
These trails are lonely...
And deep are the ravines,
And higher still the skies
Interpretation of the Poem
Literal Meaning

This poem talks about the silent atmosphere of the

Benguet Hills, and because of this you can only
hear the music that is produced by nature. Like the
movement of ferns caused by the wind, the echoes
of colliding bamboos and the sound of the
pakkongs that the women beat as they pass by the
trails. It also talks about the beautiful nature you
can find as you walk along the trails of Benguet
Deep Meaning

The poem expresses that the lonely atmosphere of the

Benguet Hills is the same as a lonely person. A person
who is lonely is always silent; just like the Benguet Hills
was described in the poem. As we go deeper in the trails
we discover new things, just like when we find out a
lonely person's thoughts. We discover their true feelings
and emotions that they are keeping in because they do
not have anyone to share them with.
Read the sentences below and identify
which has literal and figurative meaning.

a. I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.

b. She is as fast as a cheetah!

c. He was late to dinner

Literal language is used to mean exactly
what is written.
For example:

“It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.”

In this example of literal language, the writer means

to explain exactly what is written: that he or she
chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain.
Figurative language is used to mean something
other than what is written, something
symbolic, suggested, or implied.

For example:

It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus.

In this example of figurative language, there were not

actually cats and dogs falling from rain clouds, instead, the
rain felt so heavy and large that it was almost as if small
animals were falling from the sky!
Let’s Try!
Identify the phrases as literal or figurative
and explain why.
1. That dog is a clown; it makes us laugh all the time.

2. They are as busy as bees.

3. The sky is pale blue with few clouds.

Give the meaning of gestures above.
A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication
in which visible bodily actions communicate
messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with,
speech. It includes movement of the hands, face, or
other parts of the body.

Gesture is a fundamental component of language that

contributes meaningful and unique information to a
spoken message and reflects the speaker’s underlying
knowledge and experiences.

On the next slide watch the video about the 7 Hand

Gestures You should be using to improve your
communication skills

As a Marian, with the knowledge

of literal and figurative knowledge
how are you going to express your
concern to a friend/ relative who
is feeling down?
Dear Lord, we thank you for all the

blessings we receive today. Let peace

prevail in our, home, school,
community, and country. Keep us
always safe and let your love reigns
in our heart. In Jesus name.
2. Amen.
That’s all for today.
Thank you and God
Task: Composing a poem using literary devices.
Your task is to compose a-3 stanza poem about the person you secretly admire
(your crush). Each stanza should have 4 lines. In the 1st stanza use at least simile, in
the 2nd stanza, use personification, and on the 3rd stanza, use alliteration. Look at
the definition and example of each below.
• Simile: Comparing two unlike things using like or as.
Example: Her skin is as white as a rose.
• Personification: Giving human traits or characteristics to something that isn’t
human, such as animals, objects or non-living things.

Example: The stars in the clear night sky winked at me.

• Alliteration: It is the repetition of consonant sounds, generally at the beginning

of words, or within neighboring words in a sentence.

Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Note: Use appropriate gestures in
expressing your feelings.

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