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Example of BPJS Employment calculation

1.74% 0.30% 3.70% 2.00% 2.00% 1.00%

Accident Insurance Life Insurance Old Age Insurance Pension Insurance
No. Nama Basic Salary
Company Pay 1,74% Company Pay 0,30% Company Pay 3,70% Staff Pay 2,00% Company Pay 2,00% Staff Pay 1,00%
1 Ani Rp9,600,000 Rp167,040 Rp28,800 Rp355,200 Rp192,000 Rp192,000 Rp96,000
2 Tati Rp8,750,000 Rp152,250 Rp26,250 Rp323,750 Rp175,000 Rp175,000 Rp87,500
Total Rp319,290 Rp55,050 Rp678,950 Rp367,000 Rp367,000 Rp183,500

Total Alocation BPJS

1 Accident Ins Company 1,74& -
2 Life Insurance Company 0,30% -
3 Old Age Ins Company 3,70% Staff Pay 2,00%
4 Pension Company 2,00% Staff Pay 1,00%
Total 7.74% 3.00%

Note :
the amount of funds for death or accident cannot be detailed because this must be calculated by BPJS claim party by considering:
1. the length of work
2. work accident has an impact on disability or not (if yes, it will be calculated which body part is missing and adjusted according to the amount according government regulations).

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