Us Ismail

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Name: Zidni Nuran Bt Mohamed

Matric no. : 0531376
Course code: COMM 3022 (Feature Writing)
Lecturer’s name: Sir Razlan b.Rashid

Reading is the best way to acquire knowledge and information. It has been said that

reading is exercise for the mind. That is why many people make it a hobby as a form of seeking

knowledge and entertainment and also for relaxation.

Reading has become a hobby for Ismail bin Mamat since he was a kid. At that time, his

parent always bought to him story books to read. He was very excited when he read the books

with colourful pictures. Begin from that, he determined to be a teacher which can share the

knowledge with other people.

Ismail, who was born at Air Lanas, Jeli Kelantan, has showed the best achievement in his

study when he was studied at Sekolah Kebangsaan Air Lanas from standard one until six. He has

become a best student and also a head prefect at his primary school. He then further his study at

Sekolah Menengah Ugama (Arab) Al-Sabirin, Air Lanas, until form five and have the

opportunity to study at Sekolah Menengah Ugama (Arab) Maahad Muhammadi Lilbanin, Kota

Bharu in lower six.

He has born on 14 November 1971 at Air Lanas, Jeli Kelantan. His parent work as rubber

tappers and they really emphasize about the education of their children. The difficulty of his life

at that time was not being the reason for him to give up from his study but he determined to

change his family’s life and become an educated person. He always helps his parent at the rubber

state in the early morning before he went to school.

Ismail is a brilliant student. He can manage his time wisely with the commitment at

school and at home. He has 18 siblings with two mothers. Because of he got good result in SPM

examination, he was offered by Matriculation Centre of International Islamic University

Malaysia at Petaling Jaya to further his study there. He took the Islamic Revealed Knowledge

course. He studied there about 1 and half year and then continues at International Islamic

University Malaysia, Gombak campus in the same course.

After he finished his bachelor at IIUM, he applied as a teacher at Sekolah Menengah

Ampuan Jamaah, Shah Alam Selangor. He worked there about two years. Then, he worked as a

assistant librarian at International Institute of Islamic thought and Civilization (ISTAC). In 1995,

he got the opportunity to further his study again in Master in Islamic thought and Civilization.

He was there about three years and finished on 1997.

The luck is always with him, he has accepted to work as a research assistant at IIUM.

After a few months, he once again got offered to make Master in Library and Information

Sciences. He accepted. And because doing the Master have took a long time, IIUM offered him

to make a PHD.

After finished his PHD, he applied to be a lecturer at IIUM. He got approval from IIUM

and he was sent to Jordan about three years to further the study in Islamic Thought and

Civilization course. After he came back to Malaysia on 2003, he officially appointed as a lecturer

at IIUM in department of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. He teaches the

subject of Islamic Ethics and Methods of Dakwah.

This lecturer has getting married on 1997 and now he has six children. He got his first

child when he was studied at Jordan. His wife also graduated from IIUM and now works as a

teacher at Al-Amin school. Although he has been a full time lecturer at IIUM, he also taught

about Islamic teaching to people at the mosque and ‘musolla’ near his house at night. Besides, he

is an advisor of the mosque at his house at Segambut.

Ismail do not like force students in any matters. “University students are mature enough

to do what is good and what is wrong. For example, in attending the class, I will not angry if

students did not come or come late to class but I will advise them in proper manner. If I need to

scold a student, I will avoid the public humiliation against others”. That is how Ismail deals with

his students.

He applied more about his previous experiences be a student at university to his students

right now. Sometimes, he tries to understand the student’s situation and the attitudes. “I also have

experiences missed the class when I was a student. This thing is the same happened to my

students. So, I need to considered and understand them. But I will not allow them to go against


When Ismail was asked about his sweet memories since be a lecturer, as I told early, he is

a book lover. He is happy become a lecturer because he will always be with books. Sometimes,

from reading the student’s assignments can give him new knowledge. He also needs to know

anything else in order to share the information with his students. So, he must keep reading and

increase his knowledge.

Ismail has an ambition to publish the books but until now, he does not have much more

times to do so. Before, he has published a few articles about his related course when he was at


“Seeking knowledge is compulsory to all people because by knowledge, people will have

a respect. As a human being, we must keep studying and explore any branch of knowledge. We

must making friend with library because there are many source of knowledge there. Please make

use our time to seek knowledge and I’m sure, we will not regret in our whole life and will get

blessing from our God”. Said Ismail.

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