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DocuSign Envelope ID: CCC0E706-E381-46FF-80E8-31E35BAE0EA8

EHS Bulletin
Section Arc Welding Works
Subject Effective Grounding and Cable Management for Welding Works
Bulletin No. 0002 Effectivity Date: November 11, 2019 Page 1 of 2

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

11/19/2019 11/20/2019 11/20/2019
Garry Saunders / EHS Director Vince Medina / OMCD Head Rodelito J. Ocampo / Operation Head

Responsible for implementation:

Construction Management, Construction Operations Division, Construction Method &Solution
Group, Project In Charge (PIC), Site Engineers, Supervisors, EHS personnel
1) To provide further information concerning the safe work practices on effective grounding during
welding works.
2) To give additional safety precautionary measures regarding welding cable management to avoid
potential electrocution while performing welding works.
EHS Requirements/ Initiative:
 Welders shall be certified by TESDA and an approved “Hot Work” Permit shall be secured before
the commencement of activity.
 Inspect all tools and equipment that will be used during the welding activity prior to use.
 Welding cable with obvious cuts, exposed wire and splices even if it is covered by electrical tape
shall be prohibited from use.
 Do not use structural members, reinforcement rods, metal risers, or branch piping as the welder
grounding system to transmit return current.
 Place the work clamp of the grounding cable as close to where welding takes place as possible
and have it attached to the components being welded.
 Disconnecting switch / circuit breaker to shut down the machine in an emergency shall be
provided near each welding machine and on the same level within the project.
 Do not hold or move the welding electrode holder and the welding return cable simultaneously
when moving from one working position to another if the welding machine has not been
switched off.
 Avoid standing in water, on wet surfaces, or working with wet hands or wearing sweaty

DocuSign Envelope ID: CCC0E706-E381-46FF-80E8-31E35BAE0EA8

EHS Bulletin
Section Arc Welding Works
Subject Effective Grounding and Cable Management for Welding Works
Bulletin No. 0002 Effectivity Date: November 11, 2019 Page 2 of 2

EHS GOLDEN RULE Rule No.3 - "Obtain permit for high risk activities"
BREACHED Rule No.4 - "Follow approved methodology"
Rule No.9 - "Wear required PPE "


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