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Warn-Gyu park* and Lakshmi N. ~ankar**

School of Aerospace Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332

theory(') models the propeller by a lifting line vortex in

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a potential flow and assumes that the wake is a rigid

helical vortex sheet. This theory can handle only a
An iterative time marching procedure for solving straight blade without a nacelle. ~ullivan(~) and ~ ~ o l f ' ~ )
three-dimensional incompressible viscous flow has been improved this theory to account for blade sweep and
applied to the flow around a propeller. This procedure nacelle by usin the curved lifting line concept and vortex
solves 3-D unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes filaments. loum has applied the full potential equation
equations on a moving, body-fitted, non-orthogonal grid with a finite volume approach to solve propfans but his
using first-order accurate schemes for the time derivatives method can not capture the strong rotational flow effects
and second- and third-order accurate schemes for the near the leading edge. Euler equations have been used by
spatial derivatives. To accelerate iterative process, a many researchers (e.g. hau us see(^), ~ o b e r @and )
multigrid technique has been applied. This procedure is whitfieldC7$.For a more accurate prediction, Srivastava
suitable for efficient execution on the current generation and sankar") developed an iterative method which
of vector or massively parallel computer architectures. couples the Euler equation solver and the NASTRAN
Generally good agreement with published experimental analysis to account for structural deformation due to
and numerical data has been obtained. It was also found aerodynamic forces and centrifugal forces. Full Navier-
that the multigrid technique was efficient in reducing the Stokes equations have recently been applied to advanced
CPU time needed for the simulation and improved the
solution quality. ) Hall et al.(lO)Lim and
propellers by ~ a t s u o ' ~and
sankar'") extended the Euler equation solver of
Srivastava and Sankar to full Navier-Stokes equations
using the Roe upwind scheme(12). These Navier-Stokes
equation solvers are based on the compressible Navier-
Stokes equations and are not effiient for analysis of low
Introduction Mach numbers (M + 0 ) incompressible flow solutions.
Moreover, the compressible Navier-Stokes equation
The flow around a propeller is a challenging problem solvers can not compute a truly incompressible flow.
because the geometry is much more complex than that of
aircraft wings, submarine bodies and helicopter blades. The significant difficulty in solving incompressible
The high twist, low aspect ratio, the close proximity of Navier-Stokes equations is that the governing equations
the blades and high rotational speed make the flow around are a mixed type of partial differential
a propeller highly three-dimensional and complex, equations. The continuity equation does not have a time
featuring centrifugal forces, derivative term and is given in the form of a divergence-
formation of curved tip vortices and leading edge vortices. free constraint ?he absence of a time derivative term in
Numerical methods for solving flow around the continuity equation prohibits integration of
propellers range from Goldstein's strip theory to Navier- continuity equation by a time marching scheme. The
Stokes equation solvers. The Goldstein's strip compressible Navier-Stokes equations, on the other hand,
are efficiently integrated by time marching schemes
because they are a set of e i c - h w e r b - partial
* Graduate Research Assistant, Member of AIAA. differential equations. Indeed, methods for three-
Presently, Department of Mechanical Engineering, dimensional incompressible flows lag behind three-
Pusan National University. Pusan, Korea. dimensional compressible flows by several years.
** Professor, Senior Member of AIAA
Kim(13) solved the incompressible Navier-Stokes
Copyright 0 1993by Park and Sankar. Published by equations in a cylindrical coordinate system for an
the American Institute of Aeronautics and Aswnautics, infinite-pitch marine propeller with rectangular blades by
Inc. with permission.
using the SIMPLER (Semi-ImplicitMethod for Pressure-
Linked Equations, Revised) algorithm(14).Although his
work can simulate marine-propeller flow fields, including
propeller loading and complex blade-to-blade flow, the

infmite pitch propeller with rectangular blade shape is not
realistic and no experimental data is available for
comparison. Furthermore, this analysis is restricted to
steady flows.
Park and Sankar(15*16117)recently developed an
efficient and accurate solution techiique for- three-
dimensional incompressible viscous flows using
a multigrid technique for rapid convergence. It was
applied to several flow problems such as flow over an
oscillating airfoil, flow past an ellipsoid of revolution,
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and flow through a 9Wegree bended square duct. It was

found that numerical solutions are in good agreement
with published experimental and other numerical data and
the multigrid technique is efficient in reducing the CPU
time needed for simulation and improved the solution with the contravariant velocities U, V and W :
quality. The objective of the present study is to apply the
unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equation solver
developed by Park and Sankar to the flow around a marine
propeller. To authors' knowledge, the present work is the
first application of a truly unsteady three-dimensional
incompressible viscous flow analysis to a practical
propeller conf~guration. Here J is the Jacobian of transformation and the quantities
kt, q t and are presented if the grid is in motion. These
quantities are given in terms of the velocity of the grid
(x, , y, , z, ) with reference to a stationary observers :

Mathematical and Numerical Foxmulation

1. Governing Eauations :
Three-dimensional unsteady, incompressible, laminar
Navier-Stokes equations in a general curvilinear, time
deforming coordinate system (z,&,q,C)may be written in a
non-dimensional form as follows : 2. Iterative Time Marching Procedure :

The goal of the present procedure is to advance the

flow properties (p,u,v,w) from a known time level 'n' to
the next time level 'n+lV.First of all, let us consider the
where momentum equation. Since the momentum equation is a
parabolic type of partial differential equation, it can be
solved using a time marching scheme as follows :

where the barred quantities are the same quantities of

Eq.(2) excluding the first row element. For example,
coupling changes in the velocity field with changes in the
pressure field while satisfying the divergence-free
)' constraint. In the resent study, the Marker-and-Cell
(MAC) approach''' is used to link the iterative changes
between the pressure and velocity, and can be written in
The above discretization of Eq(6) is first order accurate in curvilinear coordinate system :
time. But, extension to second order accurate in time is
easily achievable by replacing the fust term of LHS in
Eq.(6) by (3?+' - 4qn + qn-l ) 1 2At. The operators, 6
6rl and 6rs remesent
- soatial differences.
If the Newton iteration method is applied to solve
this unsteady flow problem, Eq.(6) is rewritten as
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where A(p 1 J) = ( p 1 J)~+'* - (p 1 J)"+~. and fl is a

relaxation factor, that may even vary from node to node
as in a local time concept. Again, when Ap goes to zero,
the continuity equation is exactly satisfied at each time
step, even in unsteady flows.
Eq.(12) states that if a cell is accumulating mass,
then the pressure value at the next iteration is increased to
---- repel fluid away from the cell. If a cell is losing mass,
Following a local linearization of E. F, G, E,, 6 and
then the pressure value is lowered to draw fluid. Thus the
z,, about the 'n+lt time level and at the 'k' iteration pressure field is iteratively updated along with the
level, velocity field until the conservation of mass is satisfied.
The spatial derivatives of convective flux terms are
differenced by using third order accurate upwind QUICK
(Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective
Kinematics) scheme(19)to reduce unphysical oscillations
for high Reynolds number flows, and the spatial
where o is a relaxation factor and A. B and C are the
- - - - derivatives of viscous terms are differenced using half-
Jacobian matrices of the flux vectors E - E,. F - F, and point central differencing. The spatial derivatives of
- - continuity equation is differenced with central differencing
G - G, ,respectively:
and a fourth order artificial damping term is added to the
continuity equation topabilize the present procedure. For
details of the numencal discretizations, the reader is
referred to the Ref. 16.
and p+l.
is the residual vector, defined as :
Combining the momentum equation, Eq.(9) and the
continuity equation, Eq.(12) and applying the numerical
discretization in time and space at all nodes in the flow
field, a system of simultaneous equation results for the
quantity A4 equal to ( A p l J. Au 1 J, Av 1 J. A w l J) . This
system may be formally written as :

Note that LHS of Eq.(ll) is the same form of descretized Here, since the right hand side is the discretized
momentum equations, Eq.(6), at 'k' iteration level and
form of the governing equations, as long as
when ?+'. goes to zero, the momentum equations in
{A:} is driven to zero, the discretized form of unsteady
their discretized form are exactly satisfied at each physical
time step. The solution is independent of ", and any Navier-Stokes equations are exactly satisfied at physical
approximations made in the construction of A, B and C. time level 'n+ll. The steady state solutions are obtained
Next, let's consider the continuity equation. As as asymptotic solutions of the time marching process.
mentioned before, in order to solve incompressible Although the matrix [MI is a sparse and banded
viscous flow problems efficiently, we need a relationship matrix, direct inversion of this matrix requires a huge
number of arithmetic operations. A common strategy in Acceleration bv Multizrid Technique
iterative solutions of elliptic equations is to approximate
the matrix [MI by another, easily inverted matrix [N]. In Since the mamx [N] (which is an approximate to
this study, matrix [N] contains only the diagonal matrix [MI of Eq.(13)) is a simple diagonal-matrix, use
contributions of matrix [MI, and Eq.(13) becomes an of such a simple diagonal matrix simplifies the
explicit form which is easier to be tailored for efficient inversion, and makes the flow solver 100% vectorizable
execution on the current generation of vector or and parallelizable. But, it leads to slow convergence of
massively parallel computer architectures than an implicit the pressure and velocity fields at every time step. To
form. accelerate the present procedure, a multigrid coarse grid
correction (MG-CGC) method is applied.
The principles behind the present multigrid
technique are as follows. The quantities (Ap, Au. Av. Aw)
may be viewed as Fourier series-like sums made of
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components of different wave lengths. The long wave

Boundarv Conditions length error components can be efficiently removed on
coarse grids and the short wave length errors on the fine
The governing equations are always in the inertial grid. The multigrid technique reduces both errors
frame. The use of inertial frame simplifies the governing efficiently by cycling over several levels of grids. When
equations because the Coriolis and centrifugal forces do the process converges, of course, the discretized equations
not appear explicitly. This approach is suitable for a (i.e. RHS of Eq.(9) and (12)) are exactly satisfied on the
rotating blade and a blade undergoing time dependent finest grid.
arbitrary pitching 1 flapping 1lead-lag motion. The coarse grid correction algorithm presently used
The governing equation (1) requires initial (given here for 2-grid sequence for simplicity) is as
conditions to start the calculation as well as boundary follows :
condition at every time step. In the present work, the i) Compute the residual {R) appearing on the right
quantities Ap, Au. Av and Aw are initially set to zero at
hand side of Eq.(l3) on the fine grid using q n + l s k .
all solid and fluid boundaries. The boundary conditions
are updated after every interior points updated during each ii) Transfer the residual from the fine grid to the coarse
iteration. Thus the boundary values as well as interior grid using the injection operation, l i h R . An injection
values are iteratively advanced from a time level 'n' to operation is given at any node (i, j, k) as ;
'n+ 1'. We assume that the propeller is impulsively started
from rest. Therefore, the uniform freestream conditions
are used as initial conditions. The farfield boundary is
placed far away from the solid surface. Thus, it is natural
to specify the freestream values at the farfield boundaries
except along the outflow boundary where the
extrapolation for velocities in combination with p = p,
is used to account for the removal of vorticity from the
flow domain by convective process. On the solid surface,
the no slip condition is imposed for velocity
components. The surface pressure distribution is
determined by setting the normal gradient of pressure to
be zero. On the singular lines that occurs along the axis
of rotation in the body-fitted grid system(see Fig.2). the
flow quantities are obtained by extrapolating from two
adjacent points along the normal direction and then
averaging them azimuthally to ensure that the flow iii) Compute the quantity Aq at every point on the coarse
quantities are singlevalued. For the present axial flight grid by solving the system of equations ;
simulation the flow is periodic from blade to blade, and
periodic conditions are applied at interface boundaries.
However, if the propeller has an angle of attack, periodic
contitions on these boundaries do not exist and flow fleid
in all the blade passages should be simultaneously iv) Interpolate the Aq values computed in step (iii) back
solved on to the fine grid using the bilinear interpolation.
v) Compute the updated values of the flow properties
(;n+l.k+l qn+l.k + A ~ .

Repeat step (i) - (v) till Aq is driven to zero.

additional changes to the grid are needed to resolve this
vortex further.
The present procedure for solving 3-D unsteady Fig.8 shows comparison of the convergence history
incompressible viscous flows has been applied to the of marine propeller problem without and with
flow around a 2-bladed SR7L propeller (Fig.1) at zero implementation of multigrid on the two grid system. Up
angle of attack. 50,000 of Reynolds number, 30.4~of -
to 30 50 % reduction in computer time was obtained
blade pitch angle, and 0.881 of advance ratio. The advance using the multigrid technique. The CPU time is based on
ratio is defined as 25 iterations at each time step on the CRAY-YMP
supercomputer on a 97x45~4 1 grid system. The surface
pressure distributions are nearly the same as those of
single grid system and are not plotted.

where n is the number of propeller revolutions per second

(rps) and D is the diameter of the propeller. Fig.2 shows
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isometric view of H-0 grid system for a 2-bladed SR7L

propeller. Fig.3 shows the pressure coefficient
distribution at several selected spanwise locations Conclusions
compared with experimental data by ~ushnell(~')and
compressible Navier-Stokes equation solutions by Lim An iterative time marching procedure for the
and sankar(ll). A fairly good agreement with solution of three-dimensional unsteady incompressible
experimental and other numerical data was achieved viscous flows has been applied to the flow around a
except near the leading edge region. This discrepancies of marine propeller. The steady state solutions are obtained
pressure distribution near the leading edge are attributable as asymptotic solutions of the time marching process.
to the coarseness of grid near leading edge which The present procedure is efficicntly solved by a point-
precludes its ability to properly capture the strong leading implicit method. This requires no matrix inversions, and
edge vortex. The other possibilities of this discrepancy is suitable for use on massively parallel machines. It was
include uncertainties in the deflected blade shape and blade found that a multigridcoarse grid correction method(MG-
setting angle. Especially, experimental measurement of CGC) can be used to accelerate the convergence process.
the blade setting angle is not sufficiently reliable. During The propeller simulation gave generally good results
wind tunnel tests at the Modane test facility, setting compared with experiments and other numerical
angle was adjusted to match power coefficient at different solutions. The curved leading edge vortex, tip vortex, and
runs for the same flight conditions. Adjustment of as significant radial flow were captured by the present
numerical simulation.
much as 2.6O were needed for some flight condition. The
shift in pressure coefficient at root station (rW.284)
may be due to the coarsely spaced grid near the leading
edge of the nacelle. This d y spaced grid gives a cone
shaped nose even though the actual nose is blunt. The
conical flow characteristic is completely different to the
flow ovex a blunt body. The comely spaced grid around a
nacelle cannot also accurately compute the boundary layer
on the nacelle and its interaction to the flow over blade, This work was sponsored by Office of Naval
especially at inboard stations. Research (ONR) under grant N00014-89-J-1319. The
Flow over a spinning propeller is rich in physical authors would like to appreciate Dr. S. G. Lekoudis and
phenomena, and may be studied using scientific Dr. Edwin Rood, both of ONR, for their guidance and
visualization tools. Fig.4 shows the pressure contours on support of this work.
the marine propeller surface and Fig.5 shows the
spanwise distribution of aerodynamic force.. Fig.6 shows
the simulated oil flow pattern. Significant outward flow
on the solid surface are seen. This is due to the strong
centrifugal forces acting on the very low speed flow
(having low momentum) in the boundary layer. Fig.7 References
shows the streamlines over the blade of propeller. The
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0 02 0.4 0.0 0.8
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0 02 0.4 0.8 0.8 1

Fig.2.Body-fitted grid around a SR7L propeller

Fig.3. Surface pcsure disaibution at a selected

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(ti) Drag distribution (Sectional)

(c) Thrust distribution Elemental)


k1 C

& d i Q & &dR ~ b & &

(d) Torque disfl'bution (Elemental)

Fig5 S m distribution of raodywnic fhcs Fig.5. continued

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Fig-8.Comparisonof convergeom history with

Fig.6.Simulated oil flow paaan on the blade surface and without multigrid technique

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