EHS Bulletin 0006 Rev.1 - Condition in wearing of Jewelry in the Work Place

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EHS Bulletin
Section Environment Health and Safety Guidelines
Subject Condition in wearing of Jewelry in the Work Place
Bulletin No. 0006 rev.1 Effectivity Date: August 20, 2021 Page 1 of 1

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

GR Saunders / EHS Head VH Medina / OMCG Head DL Salipsip / EC Mananquil/ RJ Ocampo /COG Head

Responsible for implementation:

Project Manager, Project In Charge, Site Engineers, Supervisors and Project EHS Personnel
Wearing of jewelry while at the workplace can potentially lead to serious injury resulting to Permanent
Disabling or Lost Time Injury. However, the risk can be controlled by following the safety requirements.
The objective of this Bulletin is to;
1. To set conditions in allowing the use of jewelry at the workplace.
2. To provide further information / awareness controlling risk associated while wearing jewelry at
the workplace.
3. To provide a clear guideline to avoid confusion in the implementation at project level.
EHS Requirements/ Initiative:
1. As much as possible avoid to use jewelry in the workplace.
2. Wearing of jewelry in the workplace is allowed as long as it will not create risk to the personnel.
3. If wearing a ring it shall be mandatory for all personnel to wear cotton gloves with rubber palm or
chemical gloves to ensure the ring is covered.
4. Loose jewelry shall be covered under clothing or removed during activities that require the use of
equipment and power tools with rotating parts.
5. Metal jewelry shall be properly covered or removed when working with electrical power tools or
when welding.
6. Supervisors shall monitor and ensure all personnel follow the requirements of this Bulletin and if
jewelry is worn it does not create extra risk during their activities.
7. Immediately stop personnel if they are observed not following the requirements of this Bulletin.
8. Jewelry includes all forms of rings, necklaces, ear-rings, and wrist watches are allowed given that it
shall be provided with cover or not create risk.

Cotton Gloves Chemical Gloves


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