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October 11 Goa Chapter www.nirmaan.




The month of October has passed in a blink of an eye, or so it feels. Every single day was eventful with our projects progressing, meetings, preparations for the Waves stall and what not. But most notable days of the month were definitely during the Joy of the Giving week. Joy of the giving week is a symbolic week through which we reaffirm our duties to the society and take a moment to experience the joy of sharing our resources, time and skill with others. As a popular saying goes, Shared Joy is a double joy, and shared sorrow is half a sorrow. But somehow I feel that double is too less an adjective for the joy that was shared during this JOGW. Thinking of orphanage/old age home visits, Meal of Joy and audi programmes, still conjures in mind the innocent smiles, ringing sounds of laughter and somewhere deep within a joy that cannot be quite described. Overall the week was a success and it gave us a lot of memories to be cherished for a long time. The week is over, officially. The question is what now?. Do we simply document these events, treasure these memories and wait till next year to organize it again? Of course NO! How will we find the time and resources to meticulously plan and organize such a week more often on such a scale? Wait a minute, who says it has to be on similar scale. Little things seemingly trivial actions of ours can spread the joy without taking much effort from our side. Small gifts, a thank you, a helping hand, a nod of appreciation or at times a simple smile is all that is required to let the symphony of joy to spread. And so, its up to us now, to turn each and every day of our life into a celebration a celebration of giving and sharing in our own small ways.

1 | From the President 2 | Updates of this


3 | Joy of Giving

4 | All Goa Cloth

Collection drive

5 | Lunch of Joy 6 | Old-age Home

and orphanage visit

7 | Joy Fest



Date Event

SHIKSHA team gave the exam question papers to secondary school in 10/01/11 Zari to conduct a screening test for selecting students to coach for JNVST We were informed regarding the cancellation of the order for 1000 paper bags. The Zari Team begins to channelize their efforts for candles 10/01/11 and designer bags for waves stall 10/02/11 Nirmaan Goa 4th bday Teach English Team conducted the first regular class in Zari. About 20 10/02/11 students turned up for the class

We have only one passion.. The rise of a great nation.. -Nirmaan

10/05/11 Adult Literary Project was renamed as "Prerna" 10/09/11 Tech Cell completed the pilot project Idea Caf event in Collaboration with Matrix. Topic of discussion: PROs & 10/10/11 CONs Of Charity
MATHS team conducted their first regular class in Zari. 25 students 10/11/11 attended the class SHIKSHA team selected students for coaching based on the results in the 10/12/11 screening test they conducted and academic performance 10/14/11 PRERNA team completed the 15 hr plan for their class 10/15/11 Teach English Team conducted 5 classes before T2 10/24/11 Women in Zari were trained in marble painting for designing paper bags. Women in Zari complete the production of candles for the waves stall. The set consists of chip candles, floating candles, pyramid candles, plain 10/28/11 Candles and a frost candle.



The Joy of Giving Week is India's "festival of giving"! Launched in 2009, the festival is celebrated annually, in the week including Gandhi Jayanti, i.e., October 2, bringing together Indians from all walks of life, from auto drivers to CEOs, school children to celebrities, homemakers to opinion leaders, millions of people give their time, money, resources or skills back to society- by creating or participating in "events" of their choice. This year too, Nirmaan-Goa celebrated the Joy Of Giving Week, with the entire campus partaking in this event with uncompromising spirit and enthusiasm. The various events organized include, the All Goa Cloth Collection Drive,Meal of Joy ,Visits to Old-age homes and orphanages and performances in the auditorium for children.

Joy of Living is in Joy Of Giving



The Joy of Giving celebrations kicked off with a clothes collection drive in the hostels and faculty residences. This time, we scaled up our usual collection drive and covered many other colleges in Goa. Collection of clothes on campus was the first activity of the JOGW. Twenty volunteers covered the faculty quarters on October 2nd and collected 13 cartons of old clothes, stationery and toys. Cartons were also kept in each hostel to cover the student community. The toys and stationery thus collected are handed over to Abhigyaan for distribution among the kids. A few old clothes were taken to an old age home named Our Home. A part of the old clothes were sorted out and distributed to the lawn workers on 30th October. Twenty-three lawn workers on campus go benefited through this distribution. Outside the campus, PCCE collected old clothes and distributed them to an orphanage they are linked to. The colleges under the Fr.Agnels management also participated and appreciated the initiatives taken by Nirmaan. The clothes collected by these colleges will be merged and sent to Goonj, an NGO working on reuse and recycle of old clothes.

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.


When us first-ies were asked to partake in this days joyous meal; We anticipated it to be easy, not a big deal. But nave though we were, we learned through hard-work and much toil, How strenuously citizens work on Indian soil. The Meal of Joy was a student-organized lunch for the mess workers who serve us and dish-wash our plates as well as for the security guards, lawn workers, Eco Clean workers and their children. Scrumptious food was prepared for them, which was of course, a pleasant change from the routine everyday mess food, and served to all. They were enthralled by the delicious meal and our hospitality as we were by their openness. It took us a while to get to know each other, for us, they were those without whom we couldnt survive (though we never did give that a serious thought) and for them, we were those who had taken the willing effort to show an act of kindness. We interacted with them, heard their tales while they were happy to know that the same people who fooled the year round and buried their heads in books for a small fraction of the year, were the same ones taking time off their supposedly busy schedule to spend with them. All in all, it was a humbling experience for everyone, the benefit being mutual. Looking back I can say it was a days or rather a lunchs worth and looking forward I can say that I hope to participate in many more.

If you can't feed a hundred people ,then feed just one.


Spend a moment, Share a feeling, Experience the joy of giving. With this motto, a group of 30 students from BITS Goa visited Fr. Agnels Orphanage on Oct 6th,2011 as a part of the Joy Of Giving Week. The place was very beautiful and the smiles of the children added an extra glory to it. We were introduced to the kids by their in-charge. And the fun started. The kids were really friendly. They taught us a few games and we started playing. Hours just flew by with a lot of games, a lot of chasing around and many smiles. In the end, we distributed chocolates and had a photo session with all the kids. Later, they invited us to visit their individual houses and explained us their daily time table. They were very excited and explained every minute detail of the activities they do. After that, we bid farewell and invited them to come visit our college. As much as the visit meant to them, they made our day special with their innocent faces and cute smiles. It was a wonderful experience to all of us.

You give but little when you give of your possessions.It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.


21 students from BITS Pilani Goa campus visited an old age home Our Home at Bogmalo. Located next to the scenic beach, this home is a haven for its 55 residents. Initially, most of them found some sense of relief by speaking out their stories. We started asking about their health and well being after getting acquainted. They were happy to have us come forward to spend time with them. At an age when managing daily chores becomes burdensome, the inmates showed keen interest on improving their artistic talents. Joseph gets all the medicine needed for his fellow patients himself from faraway places. Mona spends most of her time with her Bible and novels. Fatima, another resident made us laugh with her age-defying enthusiasm. Despite their age these people put in all possible efforts to stay lively and happy. Some of the old clothes collected during the Joy of Giving Week were also donated to the home. The residents were very happy about the visit and asked us to visit again.


The Audi echoed with last minute sound checks and preparations, as the legion of children of Father Agnels Orphanage entered, in a disciplined, single file. It was amazing to watch the bubbly, cheerful children entering with so much excitement and curiosity on their faces! Stage lights were dimmed, backstage finished up with one or two final touches and we were off! As the spots came on, Kunjan Gandhi, Director, Branding Networking and Public Relations, Nirmaan (Central committee), and former NirmaanGoa president gave everyone the necessary introductions to JOGW, applauded all involved in the successful JOGW, and kicked off the show! First up, The Music Society! The audience was treated to an enchanting line-up of melodies followed by a performance by the Drama Club. Next up was the dance club with a terrific performance of flexibility and timing. The children were also shown short animated films by Pixar in between the shows, and they loved it! The Robotics club demonstrated some of their robots, encouraging the kids to be a part of the Robotics world. Riyaz, one of our students enthralled the audience with his logic-defying magic tricks. The show was brought to a close with Chitra, President, Nirmaan-Goa, giving an inspiring speech about the Joy of giving and how that joy should not be constricted to just that one fabulous week! The nights work ended with the beautiful byes of the children as they left, thanking us for inviting them to a brilliant night and expressing their desire to come back once again.
President: Chithra Jayaraj
+91-9405334001 PR Head: Fatima Dilruba +91-9637423618

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go


Editorial Team:
Aditi Chantal Manupriya Chithra Sugandhita Fatima

Designer :
Nava Teja

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