Technical Report 1_ Liquid-liquid Extraction

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Republic of the Philippines


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College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering



In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in

ChE 435- Separation Processes and Introduction to Particle Technology
Midterm Class, AY 2023-2024

Prepared by:


Group 3, FE-3302

Submitted to:


Course Instructor, ChE 435- Separation Processes and Introduction to Particle Technology

JUNE 28, 2024

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
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College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), also known as solvent extraction or partitioning, is a
method that can be used for separating compounds based on their relative solubilities in two
different immiscible liquids. One of the liquids in question is usually water (or a solution thereof)
and here, one may describe it as aqueous solvent for better differentiation with respect to an
organic liquid. It is based on the principles of differential solubility and selective partitioning and
hence an inevitable process for isolating, purifying or concentrating some specific substances
from complex mixtures.In the basic approach of LLE, two immiscible liquids are mixed leading
to transfer of a solute (the substance whose mobile species) between phases.. Liquid-liquid
extraction has been improved by the development of advanced techniques and equipment,
including mixer-settlers, spray column, packed column, and plate column.
In the food industry itself, Liquid Liquid Extraction is applied to a number of critical
purposes associated with enhancing the quality, safety, and efficiency of food production and
processing. One of the major objectives is the isolation and purification of essential nutrients like
vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that may be utilized as supplements or additives. It is also a
major tool in the extraction and concentration of natural flavors and aromas from plants, fruits,
and herbs; LLE improves sensory qualities of food products. Besides that, it removes unwanted
substances and off-flavors—bitter compounds, for example—to enhance taste and safety.


● to justify the principle of liquid-liquid extraction and the concept behind it.
● to identify various types of equipment used in liquid-liquid extraction.
● the different applications of LLE include industries such as pharmaceuticals, food
processing, environmental remediation, and petrochemicals.

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is an operation in which a solute dissolved in one liquid phase is
transferred to a second liquid phase. Sometimes called extraction, solvent extraction, or simply liquid
extraction, this process involves bringing two immiscible or partly miscible liquids into contact with each
other. During this contact, soluble substances in one liquid phase diffuse into the other liquid phase.
LLE is widely used in various fields such as chemistry, biology, and engineering. In chemistry, it
is employed to separate and purify compounds, especially in organic synthesis and analytical procedures.
In biology, LLE is used to isolate and purify biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, from
complex mixtures. In engineering, LLE plays a crucial role in the extraction and purification of valuable
materials, such as in the petroleum industry for refining hydrocarbons and removing impurities. Overall,
the versatility and efficiency of liquid-liquid extraction make it an indispensable technique for isolating,
purifying, and recovering a wide range of substances across different scientific and industrial applications.

Key Components in Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Feed Solvent (A): The feed solvent, sometimes called the carrier, is the major liquid component
in the feed mixture. It is the liquid in which the solute is initially dissolved before the extraction
process begins. The feed solvent's compatibility with the solute and its ability to maintain the
solute in solution is crucial for the efficiency of the extraction process.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
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College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

Solute (B): The solute is the material that needs to be extracted. It is the specific substance or
compound that is present in the feed solvent and is the target of the extraction process. The
solute's properties, such as its solubility and chemical stability, are important factors that
influence the choice of extraction solvent and the overall efficiency of the extraction.

Solvent (S): The solvent, also known as the extraction solvent, is the immiscible liquid added to
the process to extract the solute from the feed. This solvent must have a high affinity for the
solute but remain immiscible with the feed solvent to facilitate phase separation. The extraction
solvent's properties, including its selectivity for the solute and its ease of recovery, are critical to
the success of the extraction process.

Extract: The extract is the exit phase that is rich in solute. It is the phase that results after the
solute has been transferred from the feed solvent to the extraction solvent. The extract contains a
higher concentration of the solute and can undergo further processing to isolate and purify the
desired compound.

Raffinate: The raffinate is the exit phase that is lean in solute. It is the remaining phase from
which the solute has been largely removed during the extraction process. The raffinate typically
contains the feed solvent and any residual solute that was not transferred to the extraction solvent.

1. Desirable Solvent Properties

Loading Capacity: The loading capacity of a solvent refers to its ability to dissolve and extract
maximum amounts of solute from the feed mixture. This property is pivotal in liquid-liquid
extraction (LLE) as it directly impacts the efficiency of the process. Solvents with high loading
capacities can dissolve more solute per unit volume, reducing the number of extraction stages
required and optimizing resource use. This efficiency not only saves time but also lowers costs
associated with solvent handling and disposal.

2. Partition Ratio: The partition ratio, or distribution coefficient, defines the ratio of solute
concentrations between the two immiscible phases at equilibrium. A higher partition ratio
indicates that the solute preferentially partitions into one phase over the other, facilitating
effective separation. This property is crucial in designing extraction processes to ensure that the
desired solute is efficiently transferred to the extracting solvent, leading to higher yields and
purities in the extracted product.

3. Solute Selectivity: Solute selectivity refers to a solvent's ability to selectively extract a specific
solute from a mixture containing multiple components. High selectivity ensures that the target
solute is efficiently separated from other substances present in the feed mixture. This
characteristic is particularly important in applications requiring the isolation of pure compounds,
such as pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals production. Solvents with high selectivity contribute
to the overall purity and quality of the extracted product by minimizing contamination and
co-extraction of unwanted components.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
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College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

4. Mutual Solubility: Mutual solubility describes the degree to which two immiscible solvents
dissolve in each other when brought into contact. In liquid-liquid extraction, maintaining low
mutual solubility is advantageous as it helps in preserving distinct phases. This property prevents
the formation of emulsions and ensures clear phase separation, which is essential for efficient
recovery of the solvent-rich phase (extract) and the feed-rich phase (raffinate). Effective phase
separation simplifies downstream processing steps and reduces the complexity of solvent
recovery and recycling processes.

5. Stability: The stability of a solvent, both chemically and thermally, is critical for maintaining its
effectiveness throughout the extraction process. Chemically stable solvents do not undergo
undesirable reactions that could alter the solute or degrade the solvent itself, ensuring the integrity
of the extracted product. Thermally stable solvents withstand variations in temperature during
extraction without compromising their performance or physical properties. Stability ensures
consistent extraction efficiency and product quality, making solvent selection a crucial
consideration in designing robust and reliable extraction processes.

6. Density Difference: The density difference between the two liquid phases involved in extraction
facilitates phase separation after the solute transfer process. A significant density contrast enables
easy gravitational settling or centrifugation, ensuring efficient recovery of the solvent-rich phase
(extract) and the feed-rich phase (raffinate). This property simplifies the separation process,
reduces solvent losses, and enhances overall extraction efficiency, contributing to the economic
viability and sustainability of liquid-liquid extraction processes.

7. Viscosity – low viscosity (water-like) is preferred because higher viscosity generally increases
mass transfer resistance and makes liquid-liquid phase separation more difficult.
Viscosity refers to the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. In the context of
liquid-liquid extraction, low viscosity is preferred, ideally resembling that of water. This
preference arises because higher viscosity tends to increase the resistance to mass transfer,
making it more difficult for the solute molecules to move between the two liquid phases. When
the viscosity of the solvent is high, it creates additional barriers to the movement of solute
molecules, slowing down the extraction process. This increased resistance can hinder the efficient
transfer of the desired components from one phase to another, reducing the overall effectiveness
of the extraction. Moreover, higher viscosity can also complicate the liquid-liquid phase
separation process. It can lead to slower settling of phases or emulsification, where the two phases
mix to form a stable emulsion, making it challenging to separate them.

8. Interfacial tension – preferred values for interfacial tension between the feed phase and the
extraction solvent phase generally are in the range of 5−25 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒/𝑐𝑚. Systems with lower values
easily emulsify while higher values result to low interfacial area and poor mass transfer
Interfacial tension refers to the force per unit length acting at the interface between two
immiscible liquids, such as the feed phase and the extraction solvent phase in liquid-liquid
extraction. In this process, it's important to consider the interfacial tension between these two

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

9. Recoverability – solvent physical properties should facilitate low-cost options for solvent
recovery, recycling, and storage and enable low-cost methods for purging from the overall
process impurities that may accumulate over time.
Recoverability in the context of solvent selection for a process refers to the ease and
cost-effectiveness of recovering, recycling, and storing the solvent, as well as purging any
accumulated impurities from the overall process. To ensure recoverability, it's essential to
consider the physical properties of the solvent. Solvents that are easily separable from the desired
product, either through simple physical methods like distillation or filtration, are preferred.
Additionally, solvents that have low volatility, meaning they don't readily evaporate at normal
operating temperatures, are advantageous as they can be recovered more efficiently.

10. Availability and cost – the solvent should be readily available at a reasonable cost.
Availability and cost are critical considerations when selecting a solvent for any process.
a. Readily Available: A solvent should be easily accessible in the required quantity
and quality. Availability ensures that there are no disruptions in the production
process due to shortages or delays in obtaining the solvent. It's advantageous to
choose solvents that are commonly produced or readily sourced from suppliers to
maintain a steady supply chain.
b. Reasonable Cost: Cost-effectiveness is essential for maintaining the economic
viability of a process. The solvent should be affordable and not significantly
inflate the overall production expenses. Opting for solvents that are cost-effective
helps in keeping the operational costs low and maximizes the profitability of the

Types of Extraction
1. Solid-liquid extraction - A solute is transferred from a solid phase to a liquid phase.
This process typically involves extracting desired compounds or substances from
solid materials, such as plant material, ores, or biomass, using a liquid solvent. The solute
dissolves in the liquid solvent, forming a solution, which can then be separated from the
solid residue through filtration or other separation techniques. Solid-liquid extraction is
widely used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food processing, and
environmental remediation, for extracting valuable compounds or removing contaminants
from solid materials.

2. Liquid-liquid extraction - A solute is transferred from one liquid to another.

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a pivotal technique in chemistry and chemical
engineering, utilized to separate compounds based on their differential solubilities in two
immiscible liquids. Liquid-liquid extraction is widely used in various industries for the
purification, separation, and concentration of substances, such as in the recovery of
valuable chemicals from industrial waste streams, the purification of natural products, or
the separation of metals in hydrometallurgical processes.

3. Acid-base extraction - A solute is transformed into an ionic compound and transferred

from an organic phase to an aqueous phase.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

Acid-base extraction is a refined chemical separation technique that exploits the

acid-base properties of compounds to separate them based on their solubility in aqueous
and organic solvents. This method is particularly useful for isolating acids, bases, and
neutral compounds from complex mixtures. The process leverages the principles of
acid-base chemistry to convert compounds into their ionic or neutral forms, thereby
altering their solubility characteristics. Acid-base extraction is commonly used in organic
chemistry for purifying and isolating compounds based on their acid-base properties. It
allows for selective extraction of target compounds from complex mixtures, making it a
valuable technique in chemical synthesis and analysis.

Examples of Extraction

Source: Newton, T (2017) Source: Moncada, K (2022)

1. Brewing Coffee - During the brewing process, soluble compounds such as caffeine, oils,
and flavor compounds are extracted from the coffee grounds into the liquid (usually
water) to produce the beverage. This extraction occurs as hot water comes into contact
with the coffee grounds, dissolving and suspending these compounds in the water. While
the mechanism of coffee brewing differs from some traditional extraction processes (such
as liquid-liquid extraction), the fundamental principle of extracting soluble compounds
from a solid material using a liquid solvent is the same. Therefore, brewing coffee is
commonly categorized as a form of extraction.
2. Making Tea - When tea leaves (or tea bags containing tea leaves) are steeped in hot
water, soluble compounds such as flavonoids, catechins, and caffeine are extracted from
the leaves into the water. This process occurs due to the dissolution of these compounds
in the hot water, resulting in the formation of the tea beverage. Similar to coffee brewing,
making tea involves the extraction of soluble compounds from a solid material (tea
leaves) using a liquid solvent (hot water). Therefore, making tea is considered a form of

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

L-L Extraction Setup

Source: Diagrammatic illustration of liquid-liquid extraction (adapted from Nichols [100])

A typical liquid-liquid extraction setup involves several components to facilitate the

transfer of a solute from one liquid phase to another. Here's a basic overview of the setup:

● Separatory Funnel: The separatory funnel is a key component of the extraction

setup. It's a pear-shaped glassware with a stopcock at the bottom that allows for
controlled drainage of liquids. The funnel is used to hold the two immiscible
liquid phases during the extraction process.
● Organic Phase: One of the liquids involved in the extraction, often referred to as
the organic phase, is added to the separatory funnel. This phase usually contains
the solute to be extracted.
● Aqueous Phase: The other liquid, known as the aqueous phase, is added to the
separatory funnel. This phase typically contains the extracting agent or solvent
that will transfer the solute from the organic phase.
● Mixing: After adding both phases to the separatory funnel, they are mixed by
shaking or swirling the funnel. This allows for intimate contact between the two
phases, facilitating the transfer of the solute from the organic phase to the
aqueous phase.
● Phase Separation: Once mixing is complete, the separatory funnel is allowed to
rest, allowing the two phases to separate based on their densities. The denser
phase settles at the bottom, while the lighter phase forms a distinct layer on top.
● Drainage: The stopcock at the bottom of the separatory funnel is then opened,
allowing the denser phase (which may contain the solute in the new solvent) to
be drained into a separate container. The lighter phase remains in the separatory
● Recovery: The drained phase is typically further processed to recover the solute.
This may involve additional steps such as evaporation, precipitation, or
crystallization to isolate and purify the desired compound.

This basic setup can be modified and adapted for different extraction processes and
scales, depending on the specific requirements of the application. Additional equipment, such as
heating mantles, reflux condensers, or filtration setups, may be incorporated as needed to
optimize the extraction process.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

Common Equipment
1. Mixer-Settlers

Source: De Dietrich, 1996

Mixer settlers are a class of mineral process equipment used in the solvent extraction
process. A mixer settler consists of a first stage that mixes the phases together followed by a
quiescent settling stage that allows the phases to separate by gravity.Mixer-Settlers A top choice
for LLE Process.

The mixer and settler are essentially two separate components that are integrated to act as
one system. Mixer-settlers are widely used for liquid/liquid solvent extraction applications where
they generally operate in a continuous mode of operation. The name comes from the two steps
involved in phase-splitting: one is a first mixed for mass-transfer of liquid phases and another step
employs gravity to naturally divide, settling down components.
It consists of vertical vessels incorporating a turbine or propeller agitator. It is provided
with charging nozzles at the top and a discharge connection provided with a sight glass at the
bottom. The feed solution to be extracted is taken into the agitated vessel, required amount of the
solvent is added and the whole mass is agitated for a predetermined time. At the mixing cycle,
agitation is stopped and settling is applied for the phase separation.Afterwards, the raffinate and
extract phases are withdrawn from the bottom discharge connection into separate receivers.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

2. Spray Column

Source: Singh , 2000

The simplest and one of the oldest extraction devices is the spray column. Either the
heavy phase or the light phase can be dispersed. The spray column is a straightforward extraction
device that has been used for a long time. It operates on the principle of dispersing either the
heavy phase or the light phase of a mixture into smaller droplets within a column..In liquid-liquid
extraction, a spray column is a type of equipment used to facilitate the contact between two
immiscible liquid phases for the purpose of transferring solute(s) from one phase to another. It's
commonly employed in industrial processes such as chemical manufacturing, wastewater
treatment, and purification of substances.

3. Plate Column

Source: William Khuang, 2015

A plate column or tray column is a chemical equipment used to carry out unit operations
where it is necessary to transfer mass between a liquid phase and a gas phase. Some common
applications of plate columns are distillation, gas-liquid absorption and liquid-liquid extraction.
A plate column, also known as a tray column, is a type of chemical equipment employed
in processes where it's essential to transfer mass between a liquid phase and a gas phase. These
columns are commonly used in industries such as petrochemical, oil refining, and chemical
In liquid-liquid extraction, a plate column, also known as an extraction column or sieve
tray column, is a type of equipment used to facilitate the contact between two immiscible liquid
phases for the purpose of transferring solute(s) from one phase to another. Plate columns are
commonly employed in industrial processes for extraction, purification, and separation of

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

substances. Overall, plate columns are indispensable tools in liquid-liquid extraction, providing
efficient and customizable solutions for a variety of industrial applications.
4. Packed Column

Source: Haslego, 2022

In industry, a packed column is a type of packed bed used to perform separation
processes, such as absorption, stripping, and distillation. A packed column is a pressure vessel
that has a packed section.A packed column, also known as a packed bed column, is a type of
equipment used in chemical processes for separation, purification, absorption, or reaction
between gas and liquid phases. Packed columns are commonly employed in industries such as
chemical manufacturing, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, environmental engineering, and food
processing. Overall, packed columns offer a versatile and efficient solution for a wide range of
gas-liquid and liquid-liquid separation processes, making them indispensable in various industrial
While both plate columns and packed columns serve similar purposes in separation
processes, they differ in their construction, operation, and efficiency. The choice between a plate
column and a packed column depends on factors such as the specific separation requirements, the
properties of the mixture, and the desired efficiency of the process.

Application In Industry
Liquid-liquid extraction, also known as solvent extraction, is widely used in various industrial
applications for separating components from liquid mixtures
1. Pharmaceutical Industry
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) plays a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry for the
separation, purification, and isolation of various compounds. This technique is employed in
several stages of drug development and production, including the extraction of active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) from complex mixtures, purification of reaction products,
removal of impurities, and isolation of natural products.
Pharmaceutical LLE Process:
1. Purification of Synthetic Drug Compounds: After chemical synthesis, crude reaction
mixtures often contain impurities or by-products. LLE can be employed to purify the target drug
compound by selectively extracting it into a suitable organic solvent phase, leaving behind
unwanted impurities in the aqueous phase.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

2. Isolation of Natural Products: Many pharmaceuticals are derived from natural sources like
plants or marine organisms. LLE is used to isolate and concentrate bioactive compounds from
these natural extracts. For instance, extracting alkaloids from plant material using organic
2. Chemical Industry
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is extensively utilized in the chemical industry for the
separation, purification, and recovery of various compounds from liquid mixtures. This technique
is applied in processes involving the extraction of valuable chemicals, removal of impurities,
purification of intermediates, and recovery of metals from solutions.
Application of LLE in the Chemical Industry:
1. Metal Extraction and Recovery: LLE is employed in hydrometallurgical processes for
extracting and recovering metals from ores or solutions. For instance, in copper mining, LLE is
used to extract copper ions from leach solutions containing copper sulfate or copper oxide.
Organic extractants like hydroxyoximes or dialkylphosphoric acids are often used as selective
extractants for specific metals, allowing the separation and recovery of target metals from
complex solutions.
2. Purification of Chemicals: LLE is used to purify chemical compounds by selectively
removing impurities or separating desired components from reaction mixtures. For example, in
the production of organic acids like acetic acid, LLE can be employed to separate and purify
acetic acid from fermentation broths or reaction mixtures.
3. Aromatics Extraction in Refining: In the petroleum refining industry, LLE is utilized for the
extraction of aromatics (e.g., benzene, toluene, xylene - BTX) from hydrocarbon mixtures.
Aromatic extraction is crucial for producing high-purity benzene and toluene used as feedstock’s
in the petrochemical industry.
4. Removal of Contaminants in Chemical Processes: LLE is employed for the removal of
unwanted contaminants or impurities from process streams. For instance, in biodiesel production,
LLE can be used to remove glycerol and soap contaminants from biodiesel to improve its quality.
3. Food and Beverage Industry
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) plays a significant role in the food and beverage industry
for various applications, including the extraction and purification of natural flavors, removal of
undesirable components, and separation of valuable compounds from food matrices. This
technique enables the isolation and concentration of specific compounds that contribute to the
sensory characteristics, quality, and functionality of food products. Below are examples
illustrating how LLE is employed in the food and beverage industry:
Application of LLE in Food and Beverage Industry:
1. Extraction of Natural Flavors and Fragrances: LLE is used to extract essential oils, flavors,
and fragrances from natural sources such as fruits, herbs, spices, and flowers. Organic solvents
like hexane, ethanol, or supercritical carbon dioxide are utilized to selectively extract volatile
aromatic compounds, resulting in concentrated flavor extracts.
2. Debittering and Decolorization of Food Oils: LLE is employed for the removal of bitter
compounds, pigments, or impurities from food oils. For example, in the production of olive oil,
LLE can be used to remove bitter phenolic compounds or chlorophyll pigments from olive oil
extracts, improving the sensory attributes and quality of the final product.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

3. Extraction of Bioactive Compounds: LLE is utilized to extract bioactive compounds such as

antioxidants, polyphenols, and vitamins from plant extracts or by-products. This process
contributes to the development of functional food ingredients with health-promoting properties.
4. Removal of Undesirable Components: LLE can be applied to remove undesirable
components like off-flavors, contaminants, or toxins from food matrices. For instance, in fish oil
processing, LLE can be used to eliminate fishy odors or unwanted impurities from fish oil
4. Environmental Applications
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is applied in various environmental applications for the
removal, recovery, and purification of contaminants from aqueous streams or wastewater. This
technique enables the selective transfer of target compounds into an immiscible organic phase,
allowing for efficient separation and concentration of contaminants.
Application of LLE in Environmental Remediation:
1. Removal of Organic Contaminants: LLE is utilized to remove organic pollutants such as
phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, and pharmaceuticals from
contaminated water sources. Organic solvents like dichloromethane, hexane, or ethyl acetate are
employed to selectively extract these organic contaminants into the organic phase, leaving behind
clean water.
2. Heavy Metal Recovery: LLE is applied for the recovery and removal of heavy metals (e.g.,
cadmium, lead, mercury, copper) from industrial wastewater or mine drainage. Specific chelating
agents or complexing agents in organic solvents are used to extract and concentrate heavy metal
ions, facilitating their subsequent recovery or safe disposal.
3. Radioactive Waste Treatment: LLE techniques are used in the treatment of radioactive waste
to remove and recover radionuclides from aqueous solutions. Specific extractants designed for
radionuclide complexation are employed to selectively extract radioactive contaminants into an
organic phase for safe disposal or recycling.
4. Oil Spill Cleanup: LLE can be utilized for the extraction and recovery of spilled oils from
water bodies. Suitable organic solvents are used to dissolve and extract hydrocarbons, enabling
the separation of oil from water, which aids in oil spill remediation efforts.
5. Biofuels Industry
This process in turn shows that LLE is an essential separation process widely employed in the
production and processing of biofuels for different uses. Here are key ways in which LLE is
applied in the biofuels sector:
Application of LLE in Biofuels Industry:
1. Biofuel recovery/distillation and purification: LLE plays an important role in the biofuel,
bioethanol and biodiesel production where the fermentation methods are used in production of
these biofuels. It is used for the purpose of cleansing biofuels from the fermentation broth and
removing unwanted entities for preparing biofuels of high purity for use in further blending or
direct use.
2. Extraction of High-Value Chemicals: Besides biofuels, LLE is adopted for the recovery of
valuable chemicals generated as a by-product of the biofuel creation process. This includes the
production of organic acids, platform chemicals, and other minorities from the fermentation
broths or biomass feedstocks. LLE assists in the efficient extraction of these chemicals for other
processes and uses as showcased below.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

3. Energy-Efficient Separation: Compared to some of the methods such as distillation, LLE

provides a better energy-saving separative tactic within the biofuels industry. In this case, it is
most advantageous for the separation of boiling point substances or substances forming
azeotropic mixtures, thus saving energy and cutting production expenses.

4. Reduced Environmental Impact: This is achieved through LLE applied in the biofuels
industry and which works to reduce impacts on the environment due to production processes. Due
to LLE, there is reduced waste production and lesser energy use; this makes the process of
producing bio fuel, green and preserving the environment.
5. Optimization of Production Processes: LLE is very essential in enhancement of optimized
numerous separative steps in the biofuel production process since it offers easy means for
separation of the components. It is an optimization that enhances not only the performance of
processes and products, but it is also beneficial in the management of resources for better yields
and costs.
6. Sustainable Biofuel Technology: The advantages of LLE facilitate cost and energy-efficient
process technology required for polygeneration and the commercial viability of sustainable
biofuels. This technology is very useful in the development of other renewable energy sources
such as the biofuels to help in cutting down effects on the lives of citizens.

● Liquid-liquid extraction is a process where a solute is transferred from one liquid phase to
another, separating components of a mixture by treating them with a solvent that preferentially
solubles the desired components. This separation occurs when substances from one solution are
transferred to another.
● The selection of a solvent for a process involves several factors, including loading capacity,
partition ratio, solute selectivity, mutual solubility, stability, density difference, viscosity,
interfacial tension, and recoverability.
● Solid-liquid extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, and acid-base extraction are methods used in
industries like pharmaceuticals, food processing, and environmental remediation to remove
contaminants, purify, separate, and concentrate solutes.
● Brewing coffee and tea involves extracting soluble compounds from coffee grounds and leaves
using hot water, using a liquid solvent to dissolve and suspend these compounds.
● A liquid-liquid extraction setup involves a separatory funnel with a stopcock, holding two
immiscible liquid phases. The organic phase contains the solute, while the aqueous phase contains
the extracting agent. The denser phase settles, while the lighter phase remains.
● Some mechanisms and equipment include mixer-settlers, spray columns, plate columns, and
packed columns are mineral process equipment used in solvent extraction, chemical
manufacturing, wastewater treatment, purification, petrochemical, oil refining, and chemical
● Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a crucial technique in various industries, including
pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food and beverage, and environmental remediation. It is used for the
separation, purification, and isolation of compounds, metal extraction, and aromatics. In the food
and beverage industry, it is used for extracting natural flavors and removing undesirable
components. LLE also aids in environmental remediation by selectively transferring target
compounds into an immiscible organic phase. It is also used for radioactive waste treatment.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
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College of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering


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Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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