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Maverick Justine Layda

Bacheclor of Science in Hospitality Management 1- B

Risk Management as Applied to Safety,

Securityand Sanitation

Activity 2: Typhoon: Real Risk

1.Identify a risk related to typhoon.

• Typhoon brings various adversities or risks to the people and the community itself.
One of these adversities is the powerful and extreme winds.

2.What possible harms it brings?

• Strong and Extreme winds might be able to tear a house apart, and as well as lift up
trees from its roots. These winds can cause downed powerlines that may electrocute
someone. These debris brought by these winds might hit somebody and cause fatal
injuries and may sometimes result to sudden death.

3.How can you mitigate risks it brings?

• Firstly, safety starts with ourselves, we must always prepare ourselves from the risk of
strong and extreme winds as we won't exactly know how intense it would be when it
hit. We must observe precautions such as strengthening the foundations and the
roofs our home through thorough constructing supports that may be able to
withstand the adverse effects of the winds. If we are not able to do the things stated
above, we must evacuate ourselves within a place where it would keep us safe from
the risks that strong and extreme winds bring.

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