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Separation of a Mixture


Most substances are found naturally as part of a mixture. Before the properties of substances can
be studied, it is necessary that the substances be separated from the mixture. Selection of appropriate
separation techniques requires a basic understanding of the properties of the substances.

In this experiment, you will be given a mixture of sand, salt, iron, and Styrofoam. The goal is to
separate components based on their different physical properties (i.e. size, color, melting point, odor,
density, solubility) and recover as much of the four components as possible. Samples of each of the four
components are to be weighted and shown to the instructor in mini-test tubes.

The challenge is that YOU must design the approach that you will use to separate the mixture. All
equipment in your lab locker and on the front counter of the lab are available to you. The additional items
on the front counter are cellophane, aluminum foil, wood splints, plastic forks and spoons, tissue paper,
plastic straws, plastic pipets, cotton, magnets, water, and hot plates.

Pre-lab Activity

Each person must submit a step-by-step procedure prior to lab and submit to Canvas by the due
date set by your instructor. At the beginning of the lab partners in each group will compare the procedures
and make decisions about how best to carry out the experiment.

Name _____________________________

Report Sheet


Before Separation:

Mass of original mixture: _______________

After Separation:

Mass of salt: _______________

Mass of Iron: _______________
Mass of sand: _______________
Mass of styrofoam: _______________
Total mass _______________


% recovery = (total recovered mass/mass of original mixture) x 100

Show calculation:

% recovery _______________

Name ______________________________________________

Post Lab Questions:

1. In paragraph form, using complete sentences and correct grammar (i.e. not numbered steps), type
your procedure that you used to separate the mixture of salt, sand, Styrofoam, and iron. Your procedure
should be written in enough detail so that another student could take your written procedure and carry out
the experiment exactly as you did. (attach this document to your lab report)

2. For each of the four components, describe a specific physical property that enabled you to separate it
from the rest of the mixture. Do not explain HOW you separated that substance but instead describe, the
physical property that allowed you to separate one substance from the others.

Salt –




3. If you were to repeat this experiment again, describe THREE specific things you would do
differently to improve your purity and/or % recovery.

4. Would the same procedural steps work in any order? (Hint: could you isolate the salt, sand, Styrofoam,
and iron in any order?) Be sure to explain.

5. Describe how you would separate out each of the following two-part mixtures:

(a) White blood cells and red blood cells

(b) sand and poppy seeds (note: a sieve will not work)

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