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Chore List & Allowances

(Kids of All Ages)

•Take plates and utensils to sink after every •Make bed
•Clean Room
•Put away toys
•Take old bad sheets to laundry/ Put on new
•Dirty clothes to hamper bed sheets
•Pile books •Wash dishes
•Dust •Put away clean dishes
•Loading/unloading dishwasher
PRE-K TO 7 •Throw away trash (kitchen and bathroom)
•Clean room •Clean mirrors
•Put away toys •Wipe tables
•Make bed •Wipe counters
•Organize shoes •Dust
•Put clean folded clothes away •Vacuum
•Dirty clothes to hamper •Sweep
•Take food ware to sink after every meal •Wash clothes
•Sweep •Fold clothes
•Pull weeds $2 •Put clean folded clothes away
•Dirty clothes to hamper
8 TO 12 •Rake weeds
•Water plants
•Clean room
•Check mail
•Make bed
•Feed pets (food and water)
•Take old bed sheets to laundry/ Put on new
•Walk the dog/s
bed sheets
•Pooper-scooper duty
•Wash dishes
•Set the dinner table
•Take plates and utensils to sink after every
meal •Clear and clean table after dinner
•Set the dinner table
•Make own snacks ALLOWANCES
•Put clean folded clothes away •Pull weeds $2
•Dirty clothes to hamper •Clean mirrors $1
•Water plants •Wipe tables $1
•Dust •Wipe counters $1
•Clean windows •Clean windows $1
•Sweep •Vacuum $3
•Dust •Pull weeds $3
•Feed pets (food and water) •Rake leaves $3
•Mop $3

Reminder: •Clean showers and bathtubs $3

•Pull weeds $5
Basic, everyday tasks should not be •Clean Toilets $5
compensated as they are part of their •Make lunches and/or snacks for siblings $5
responsibility as a member of the family. •Tutor younger siblings/ homework helper
Allowances work best for older kids who $7/hr
already know how to be responsible. •Babysit younger siblings $7/hr
•Mow the lawn $10

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