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AICTE Activity Programme

• Promotion of cultural heritage: Our tourism promotion efforts have highlighted the
cultural significance of Mirjan Fort, encouraging visitors to appreciate and respect the
historical legacy it represents, thus promoting the conservation of cultural heritage in
the region.

• Long-term sustainability: Through sustainable tourism practices and conservation

efforts, we have contributed to the long-term sustainability of Mirjan Fort, ensuring that
future generations can continue to enjoy and learn from this architectural marvel for
years to come.

2.5 Snapshots

Fig 2.1: Providing educational insights into Historical Sights.

Fig 2.1: Providing educational insights into Historical Sights.

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AICTE Activity Programme

Fig 2.2: Promoting Mirjan Fort through our social media.

Fig 2.3 Ways to Reach Mirjan Fort

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AICTE Activity Programme

• Increased Awareness: Participants gain greater awareness of their health status, risk
factors for diseases, and preventive measures through health education sessions and
interactions with healthcare professionals.
• Reduced Morbidity and Mortality: Early detection and intervention lead to a reduction
in the prevalence and severity of diseases, ultimately lowering morbidity and
mortality rates within the community.

• Enhanced Quality of Life: Access to healthcare services and treatments improves the
quality of life for participants by alleviating symptoms, managing chronic conditions,
and addressing health concerns.

• Health Behavior Changes: Participants are more likely to adopt healthy behaviors and
lifestyle practices following exposure to health education and counseling provided
during the camp.
3.5 Snapshots

Fig 3.1:Volunteering in a health camp

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AICTE Activity Programme


Fig 3.2: Certificate Issued by the Health Organization, Bengaluru, Karnataka

3.7 Summary
During the reporting period, I actively participated in the Aasare Clinic Free Medical Camp,
an initiative aimed at providing free medical services to underserved communities. My role
involved assisting the medical team in various capacities, ensuring the smooth operation of the
camp, and engaging with patients to address their healthcare needs effectively. The camp,
meticulously organized by Asare Clinic, served as a beacon of hope for individuals facing
barriers to accessing regular medical care due to financial constraints and geographical
remoteness. Through my involvement, I witnessed the dedication and professionalism of the
medical team, who went above and beyond to provide comprehensive care to each patient. The
camp not only facilitated early detection and intervention of health issues but also provided
opportunities for health education and empowerment within the community. Overall, the
Aasare Clinic Free Medical Camp exemplified the transformative impact of medical camps in
enhancing access to healthcare, promoting preventive care, and improving health outcomes for
marginalized populations.

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AICTE Activity Programme

Furthermore, the concept of a circular economy is gaining prominence in waste management.

A circular economy focuses on minimizing waste by emphasizing the principles of reduce,
reuse, and recycle. This model encourages the design of products with longer lifespans,
facilitates the repair and refurbishment of items, and promotes the recovery and reuse of
materials to create a closed-loop system that minimizes environmental impact.
Technological advancements are instrumental in modern waste management practices. Smart
waste management systems, equipped with sensors and data analytics, optimize waste
collection routes, improve efficiency, and reduce operational costs. Waste-to-energy
technologies convert certain types of waste into energy, contributing to sustainable energy
production while minimizing the volume of waste that ends up in landfills.
In addition to technological innovations, public awareness and education are integral
components of effective waste management. Encouraging responsible waste disposal practices,
fostering a culture of waste reduction, and promoting environmental consciousness are crucial
for the success of waste management initiatives.
Ultimately, waste management is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration among
governments, businesses, communities, and individuals. Embracing these principles is not only
essential for addressing the immediate challenges of waste but also for creating a sustainable
and harmonious coexistence with our planet in the long run.

Fig 4.1: Waste Management Cycle

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AICTE Activity Programme

• Impact on Mental Well-being: The focus on the positive impact of a clean

environment on mental well-being could lead to improved community mental health.
A cleaner and healthier environment often contributes to a better quality of life for
• Inspiration for Future Initiatives: The success of your initiative serves as an
inspiration for future waste management and cleanliness initiatives. The lessons learned
and positive outcomes achieved can be a catalyst for similar programs in other

4.5 Snapshots

Fig 4.2: Working in Cleaning Activities

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AICTE Activity Programme

Fig 4.3: Involving in Cleaning and Garbage Collection Activities

4.6 Certificates

Fig 4.4 Certificate Issued by Kengeri residents Welfare Association

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Fig 5.1: Planting samplings near Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

5.6 Summary
The plantation drive conducted by our team in SJBIT was a focused and impactful initiative
centered on planting trees for environmental rejuvenation. Strategic activities were employed,
including careful site selection and preparation to ensure optimal conditions for sapling growth.
Diverse native tree species were deliberately chosen to enhance biodiversity within the
community. The active involvement of residents, students, and volunteers highlighted a
collective commitment to environmental responsibility, with participants engaging directly in
the process of planting trees. This targeted tree planting effort not only transformed previously
underutilized areas into vibrant green spaces but also fostered a heightened sense of
environmental responsibility among participants, showcasing the positive impact of
community-driven actions in promoting sustainable practices.

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6.5 Snapshots

Fig 6.1 Faciltilate digital transcation

Fig 6.1: Creating Awareness about digital Payments

Fig 6.2: Various UPI apps for digital payments

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