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Written Test External Programs and GE

Teacher Protocol

I. What is the Written Test?

The Written Test is a cumulative written test given before the academic period ends, which
can include any of the contents covered in the course, before it takes place according to
pacing guide, making special emphasis on the key linguistic structures, or critical contents, of
the level. The Written Test consists of four parts:
a) Listening – 1 item
b) Reading - 1 item
c) Use of English – vocabulary & grammar (critical contents covered)
d) Writing - described in point IV.

II. Who designs the Written Test?

The Written Test is designed by the EUC test creation team and it is shared with teachers
in the Assessment folder in SharePoint, along with the answer key and the listening tracks.

III. Can teachers modify the Written Test?

Yes. Teachers can modify up to 10% of the Written Test in case some critical contents
haven’t been covered by the Test week. When doing so, they must let the Academic
Programs Coordinator know about these changes in case more adjustments are needed.

IV. How does the Written Test work logistically?

Each student must be able to answer the Written Test in 1 hour and 20 minutes. This session
is not supposed to have a break in between blocks, but it is one large 80-minute block. Some
minutes before the real class times starts, the teacher will upload the Test. This file must be
uploaded to a One Drive folder. The students will get connected in real class time and have
to submit it at the end of the session. It is important to use Zoom, in its tool Conference,
while they work in the test, so that students can make questions in real time if they have
some. Leave the folder open for 24hrs, in case a student had connection issues during the
session and give him/her one day to submit the Test. After 24hrs, make sure to take away
student Access to edit for modifications and set it to “view Only”’ so that students cannot
modify the submission anymore.
If a student is late, he/she cannot join the class until the listening part is over. The listening
part could be repeated at the end of the test, played just once.
Please, make sure that the time assigned for the test is not exceeded.

V. Who grades the Written Test?

Each teacher is responsible for creating and grading the Written Test of each student they
teach. Please bear in mind that the writing component elicits not only writing strategies
developed in the course, but also grammatical and lexical structures (critical contents
emphasized), and so, the score should be assigned considering the achievement on all of
these components in the light of the designed rubric.

English UC Language Center, 2023

Written Test External Programs and GE
Teacher Protocol

VI. Where do I record the results of the Written Test?

Record the results in “Escritorio del profesor”, following the procedure below:
1. Go to link
2. Click on “Intranet” at the top right side of the screen and then, on “Intranet
3. Input your RUT. The password is the first four digits of your RUT number.
4. Click on your class
5. Select “Notas”, at the left side of the screen.
6. Go to “Ingresar notas”
7. From the drop down list, select the correspondent grade item
8. Input the grades in each student’s box.

VII. How do I grade the Written Test?

The score should be assigned -item by item- considering the complexity of the tasks you are
requiring your students to do. Then add up all the item scores to get the Test Total Score.
Get the score the student obtained and divide it by the Test Total Score. Multiply that by 100
and you will get the student’s percentage of achievement for the test. Examine the chart
below and see what grade, in the scale where 4.0 equals 60% achievement, matches the
student’s percentage of achievement, or use ‘escala de notas’ available on

VIII. How many days do I have to grade and communicate the results to my

Teachers have five working days to hand the tests out to the students.

English UC Language Center, 2023

Written Test External Programs and GE
Teacher Protocol

IX. What happens if my student misses the Written Test?

After the Written Test is over, send an email to the absent students saying that they must
follow the Justification Procedure explained in the Program, i.e. send a copy of the Official
Justification Document to the teacher, copying Werner Baltra,, within 5
working days of the missed evaluation. After that, the student is authorized to take a
Recuperative Test on the date you and the student(s) previously agreed on.

X. What can I tell my students about Recuperative Tests?

After the document is received, the teacher will send the student an email, blind copying
Werner Baltra, confirming whether he/she can take the Recuperative Test.

English UC Language Center, 2023

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