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September 11 Goa Chapter www.nirmaan.



FROM THE President: Im IN

A phrase that was used by most people in the beginning of this semester Im IN; be it the new inductees who meant that they have become a part of Nirmaan family or the existing volunteers who were thinking of the unknown and untapped future they are IN for. Along with the respective projects which are all geared up for action throughout the year, we have the Joy of the Giving week, SHG stall during Waves, NGO conference, Spree marathon, Bhagirath during Quark, Blood Donation Camp and other small events. With Maths and English team starting off this semester, Shiksha shifting to a new school and Tech cell beginning their work on Flash videos , the year has a lot of new things to offer. It would be a fruitful exercise to analyse what we are all IN for this year. We are IN, to share the passion for making a difference and to tap our own potential into form from which the society as well as we ourselves can benefit. We are IN for the experience, to learn new things, to meet different people, to find new sources of inspiration, to work as a team, and to feel the joy of satisfaction and have fun along the way. We are IN for discovering new levels of patience, persistence and determination. Let me warn you, along with the above we are also IN for a tinge of disappointment when our plan fails, as it often happens and for learning to bounce back from there without getting discouraged. But mostly we are IN for discovering ourselves, though its too soon to realize it. This is a new beginning. Fresh vigour and zeal is in the air. Brainstorming sessions, meetings and field work will follow along with fun, treats and trips. Lets all do this together, as one big Nirmaan family. After all, we are IN this together.

1 | From the President 2 | The New Executive


3 | Updates Of The

4 | Experiences Of A
New Inductee

5 | Prerna 6 | Cloth Collection


7 | A Different Kind
Of A Social Butterfly




President Vice President , Cleanliness & Health Ops Head Human Resources Head Public Relations Head Treasurer, Tech Enhanced Cell Head Knowledge Operations Head Employment Operations Heads

Chithra Rahul Reddy Kavya Gayatri Fatima Dilruba M. Deepak Raj Pranita M. Venugopal Shruti Vaze

Contact No.
+91-9405334001 +91-9420921750 +91-7875814572 +91-9637423618 +91-9637423634 +91-9325775616 +91-9860897719 +91-9421554651

Gmail ID
chithrajayarajmm rahulreddy.challa kavyagayatri fatimadilruba rudraksh576 pranita21292 venu.bpgc shrutivaze9

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. -Rabindranath Tagore




Crochet training began in Birla for a group of 9 women under the guidance of the trainer Mrs. Sumitra Jayant Naik. INDUCTION: The turn out for Nirmaan Induction was truly amazing. A fresh batch of enthusiastic volunteers were inducted after a screening procedure which consisted of a written round and a one to one interactive session All the new members were explained about the four verticals in Nirmaan Goa. This was followed by an introductory session were the freshers introduced themselves. A trip was organised to Aaravali waterfalls and Calangute beach. Nirmaan volunteers Kavya Gayatri, Surya Kiran and Pranita participated in the Independence day celebration in Zari School. Surya Kiran gave a formal speech in Kannada. A cloth collection drive was organised in hostels and faculty quarters under the initiative of Manjuri Kumar Ma'am, Head, Chemical Department, BITS Goa. The collected materials were donated to "Our Home", an oldage home in Bogmalo. The SYCM School in Zari arranged for a meeting with parents as per the request of our volunteers. A presentation was given about the scholarship provided by the Jawahar Navodaya School and their admission tests. The response was highly encouraging. Adult Literacy Classes started in Zari



We have only one passion..



The rise of a great nation.. -Nirmaan


11/09/11 20/09/11


IDEA CAF: A discussion session was held on the topic: Government and the people: Where does an NGO stand? "



Congratulations!! You have been inducted into Nirmaan. Please come to the C-wing balcony at 9 pm today for your 1st meeting. This was the message that greeted me on the morning of 14th August 2011. I was ecstatic!! Being a club member of the nonprofit social-working organization-Nirmaan, Goa chapter was a great honor in itself and working for the under-privileged was an opportunity very few could boast of. According to my preferences, I was chosen for adult literacy in the K-ops vertical and also for the PR team. The seniors introduced themselves and explained to us that what drove them was the fire in their heart to Change the face of the Country, Make a difference to the poor, Better their lives But above all, CREATE SMILES!!!

Act as if what you Inspired by their words and driven by the same fire, we started preparing immediately makes a difference.for our spoken English classes that were to be taught to the women in Zari. Meeting at least twice a week, we prepared a list of topics to be taught and their hour-by-hour It Does. th -William James

plan. We were also taken on an outing to Calangute and Aravalim Falls on 16 August 2011. We played games, talked and had tons of fun- a day that will be etched in my memory forever!! Meanwhile, the women in Zari enthusiastically agreed for the revision classes to be conducted from 20th September onwards. We went to Zari in the evenings where our passion was met by an overwhelming enthusiasm and genuine thirst for knowledge of the women. Their child-like excitement was contagious and we had an incredible time teaching them. Overall, it was a very humbling experience for all of us and all of us new inductees are looking forward eagerly to future endeavors as Nirmaan members.


True to its name, our Nirmaan K-ops group seeks to motivate the basic aim with which we started out to teach English to the women in Zari. Why do you want to learn English? we ask For our children, they say, We want our children to study in good English medium schools and be able to clear their doubts, help them learn and also interact with their teachers and other parents. Their sparkling, hope-filled eyes conveying their aspirations of the future to us, as we enter the classroom to teach them.

Never worry spirit of hard work and passion. My heart beams with pride as I see their about numbers. conversations in English improving day-by-day. Their enthusiasm is contagious, there is so much of energy in the women and so much of will and determination to learn, Help one person they are a true inspiration to us!!, my Prerna counterparts tell me and I couldnt have a at a time, and agreed more. always start with However bad my day has been, as I enter Zari and the women wish me a good evening, I cant the person nearest help but feel my spirits rise andthe world just seems like a brighter place!! They are friendly and inquisitive and every moment spent with them is a learning to you. experience and gives us sheer joy. As I look forward to my next visit to Zari, I realize
that these classes are the most important and memorable part of my BITSian life and will be cherished FOREVER!!!

It is enthralling to see this class of 16 women learn and understand with their undying



Manjuri ma'm (of chemical dept.) had entrusted us with an initiative regarding mass collection of old/used bed-sheets, pillow-covers, saris etc. for an old-age home, "Our Home" in Bogmalo. Initially, we put up notices in every hostel, informing the students of this initiative. However, we were unable to collect much from the students. At this juncture, Manjuri ma'm and Meenal ma'm helped us send a mail to each and every faculty member, informing them of the situation and how the Old-age home was in a dire need for bed-sheets, mattresses, etc.

You give but

On 14th August (Sunday), we (almost 10 members including 2nd and 3rd little when you yearites) went to the faculty residences and guess what? The response give of your was GREAT!!!! possessions. It is when you On 15th Aug, Nirmaan handed over its collection of bed-sheets(41), give of yourself that pillow-covers(48), saris(6), duppattas (16), curtains(8),sweaters (2) and a few mats, to the in-charge of the old-age home. The Oldage home was that you truly indeed grateful for the clothes that we provided. All in all, the initiative give. was a success. A perfect way to begin the Nirmaan activities of this semester.



Have you ever stopped to wonder about the millions of people in India under the poverty line? Or even remotely cared to take a second look at the empty-handed beggar on your street? What about the hapless children and tens of thousands of families (in India only) who are impoverished? Well, its indubitably burdensome to take some time off ones strenuous schedule for the meek and oppressed. But nevertheless, despite lifes drudgery, someone has Nirmaan, the Non Govt and Non Profit Organisation run by students and professionals, since its inception in February 2005 is here to stay. Initially, it started out as My INDIA, a BITSian Club, but only got full recognition of being an NGO on 12th July 2007. With its selfless battalion of over 500 members and 8 chapters spanning 3 campuses (premier Engineering campuses in the country, if I may mention), Nirmaan seeks to not only spread the lifeword, but also put thoughts to actions.

The purpose of is not to be happy- The moral test of our society is how we protect our children, the elderly and disabled. These but to matter, to be individuals represent some of the most vulnerable members of society, and deserve our protection and support. Thus, social-service programs are the lifelines to help those most productive , to be affected. Social-service programs for the disabled are provided by nonprofit and charitable useful, to have it organizations, and they must be adequately funded to do their job. make some differencecan and so, must help these Organisations to the best we can. This can be done by direct We that you have lived support through contributions, participating in clothes/ newspaper drives, visiting old-age homes, orphanages or at the very least be kind to those every-day people youve never at all. noticed your maid, cook, driver, peon people who dont really cross your mind as they have
no place, no part in that hectic life. But really, hectic is what life would be without them. And this is what Nirmaan has, and shall continue to be doing. To sum it all up, the Nirmaans endless servitude echoes the purport behind the oft-heard line, `I complained that I had no shoes till I saw a man with no legs.

President: Chithra Jayaraj

+91-9405334001 PR Head: Fatima Dilruba +91-9637423618



Editorial Team:
Fatima Sughandita Chantal Chithra Manupriya Aditi



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