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From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

From Page to Heart- A

Comprehensive Guide to
Quran Memorization

Mubarak Al-bahri

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From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

From Page to Heart: A Comprehensive Guide to Quran

Memorizing the Quran is a noble and transformative

journey that many Muslims aspire to undertake. It is a
path that not only connects us deeply with the words of
Allah but also instills discipline, patience, and spiritual
fulfillment. However, this journey, while immensely
rewarding, can also be daunting and fraught with

This book, From Page to Heart: A Comprehensive Guide

to Quran Memorization, is designed to serve as your
companion on this sacred journey. Drawing on years of
personal experience, tested strategies, and timeless
wisdom from our righteous predecessors, this guide
aims to provide you with practical approaches and
spiritual insights to make your memorization journey
seamless and enriching.

Throughout the pages of this book, you will find detailed

steps on how to effectively memorize the Quran, tips for
maintaining and revising what you've learned, and
advice on how to overcome common obstacles. The

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guidance provided here is not an absolute prescription

but rather a collection of methods that have proven
successful for many, including myself and my students.

In addition to the practical strategies, you will also

encounter inspiring narrations from the salaf,
illustrating their dedication and methodology in
learning and internalizing the Quran. These stories serve
as both a reminder and a motivation, highlighting the
importance of patience, perseverance, and sincere
intention in this noble endeavor.

Whether you are just beginning your journey or have

already memorized substantial portions of the Quran,
this book aims to support and encourage you to achieve
your goal of becoming a bearer of the Quran by heart.
Remember, this is not a race but a lifelong commitment
to embodying the divine words in your daily life.

Finally, I hope you find the content beneficial. Please

take what resonates with you and feel free to disregard
what doesn't.

May Allah grant you ease, patience, and sincerity in your

efforts. May He make the Quran a light in your heart and
a guide in your life. Ameen.

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I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Ustadh Abdulbasit

Olugbon As-Sukari for being the subtle inspiration
behind this modest work.
I also want to thank my wife for her invaluable
assistance in accomplishing this task.

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Spiritual and Mental Preparedness for Qur'anic


Embarking on the blessed journey of memorizing the

Glorious Qur'an requires both spiritual and mental
readiness. This sacred endeavor demands a pure heart
and a focused mind, as it is a path laden with immense
spiritual benefits and challenges. Here is a
comprehensive list of essentials for beginning your
Quran memorization journey. This guide is beneficial for
everyone, including those who are already on the path.

1. The Power of Istighfar:

Engaging in abundant istighfar (seeking forgiveness

from Allah) is a profound practice that can significantly
aid in your memorization efforts. Istighfar purifies the
heart, opens doors previously closed, and facilitates the
achievement of difficult tasks with ease. It serves as a
means of seeking Allah’s help and mercy, making the
seemingly impossible, possible.

The renowned Islamic scholar, Ibn Taymiyyah, often

emphasized the transformative power of istighfar in his
own studies. He recounted, "There were times when I
found it incredibly difficult to memorize or understand
a particular issue. No matter how many times I went

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over it, it only became more complex and challenging.

During such moments, I would engage in a lot of
istighfar, sometimes repeating it a thousand times.
After this, I would find the task much easier to
comprehend and memorize."

This practice underscores the importance of

continuously seeking Allah's forgiveness and assistance.
It not only cleanses the soul but also enhances cognitive
abilities, making the journey of memorizing the Qur'an
more manageable and spiritually rewarding.

As you prepare to embark on this noble journey,

remember that spiritual and mental preparedness is
paramount. Engage in regular istighfar, keep your
intentions pure, and seek Allah's guidance at every step.
With steadfastness and sincere effort, the path to
memorizing the Glorious Qur'an will become a source of
immense blessings and fulfillment.

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The Transformative Power of Istighfar: Personal


In addition to its profound impact on mental clarity and

spiritual purification, istighfar has been repeatedly
affirmed by those who have experienced its blessings
One memorable instance involves a respected Ustadh
who was invited to a school to deliver a lecture on the
excellence of saying istighfar. After completing his
insightful lecture, he was approached by a young man
who eagerly shared his personal experience.

The young man said, "Sheikh, please help me convey

this message to people. Advise them to engage
abundantly in istighfar. I have personally witnessed its
benefits first hand. There came a point, after frequently
saying istighfar, that whenever I am in need of anything
and raise my hands in prayer to Allah, seeking His
assistance, He grants me what I need in a very short

This powerful testimony highlights the immediate and

tangible benefits of consistent istighfar. It underscores
that beyond its spiritual significance, istighfar also
serves as a direct means of drawing closer to Allah's
mercy and assistance. When practiced sincerely and

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regularly, it can transform one's life, making it easier to

overcome obstacles and fulfill needs, both worldly and

Upon hearing the Ustadh's message, I shared it with

some people. One of them, who had been looking for a
job for a while, was employed without an interview the
very next day. He got back to me and said the same
thing: "Ustadh, don't get tired of encouraging people to
say lots of istighfar."

I told another good brother, who had been rejected by

a sister he proposed to because he was not financially
strong enough to meet her standards. Two to three
months later, he shared the good news of earning
hundreds of thousands with a job that only required a
few hours of work per week.

If your goal is to memorize the Qur'an, istighfar should

be the air you inhale. The practice of istighfar is a
powerful tool in the journey of memorizing the Qur'an.
Its benefits extend far beyond purification and mental
clarity; it opens doors to Allah’s boundless mercy and
support. By making istighfar a regular part of your
routine, you not only cleanse your soul but also position
yourself to receive divine assistance in all aspects of
your life. As these personal testimonies show, the

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consistent invocation of Allah's forgiveness can lead to

remarkable, life-changing experiences.

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him)

reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings be upon him) said:
'Whoever makes istighfar (seeking forgiveness) a
regular practice, Allah will make a way for him out of
every difficulty, and relieve him from every worry, and
provide for him from sources he never could imagine.'
Narrated by Abu Dawood (1518), Ibn Majah (3819), and
Ahmad in "Musnad" (1/248).

And despite the weakness of the hadith, its meaning is

acceptable and supported by correct evidence. Allah
Almighty has said regarding the virtue of istighfar
(seeking forgiveness):

“So, I said, "Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is

ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the
sky upon you in [continuing] showers and give you
increase in wealth and children and provide for you
gardens and provide for you rivers." (Surah Nuh, 10-12)

And He, the Exalted, also says:

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'And [saying], "Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent

to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for
a specified term and give every doer of favor his favor.
But if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the
punishment of a great Day."' (Surah Hud, 3)

Thus, the scholar Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned in his book

'Al-Wabil al-Sayyib' in the eighteenth chapter: istighfar,
as one of the remembrances that bring provision and
ward off hardship and harm."

In addition to the personal testimonies and benefits of

istighfar shared earlier, it is essential to recognize the
divine support and evidence from the Qur'an that
highlight its significance.

This verse reassures believers that seeking forgiveness

and repenting to Allah leads to good provision and
favorable outcomes.

The renowned scholar Ibn al-Qayyim, in his book 'Al-

Wabil al-Sayyib', in the eighteenth chapter included
istighfar as one of the remembrances that bring
provision and ward off hardship and harm.

Including abundant istighfar in your daily routine not

only aligns with the divine guidance provided in the

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Qur'an but also draws upon the wisdom of esteemed

scholars. Istighfar is a key component in the journey of
memorizing the Qur'an, serving as a means to unlock
both spiritual and worldly blessings.

I have expounded on this aspect as I deem it the most

important preparation you need to start the journey
and the spiritual support necessary for keeping the
journey going.

As we have seen through various examples, personal

testimonies, and divine revelations, the practice of
istighfar (seeking forgiveness) is not only crucial for
spiritual cleansing but also serves as a powerful tool for
opening doors and overcoming obstacles. Whether it is
finding employment, gaining financial stability, or
achieving any personal goal, istighfar has proven to be

When embarking on the noble journey of memorizing

the Glorious Qur'an, istighfar becomes even more
essential. It purifies the heart, making it more receptive
to the words of Allah, and brings divine assistance in
understanding and retaining the verses.

May Allah make this journey easy for you and fill it with
His blessings and guidance. Ameen.

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2. The Spiritual Power of Salawat: A Key to Successful

Quran Memorization:

Including the regular recitation of Salawat (blessings

and peace upon the Prophet) is essential in your
foundational toolkit. One hadith encapsulates its
profound benefits:

Narrated by At-Tufail bin Abi Bakr from his father: "I

said, 'O Messenger of Allah! I frequently send blessings
upon you. How much of my prayer should I devote to
you?' He said, 'As much as you like.' I said, 'A quarter?'
He said, 'As much as you like, and if you increase it, it
will be better for you.' I said, 'Half?' He said, 'As much as
you like, and if you increase it, it will be better for you.'
I said, 'Two-thirds?' He said, 'As much as you like, and if
you increase it, it will be better for you.' I said, 'Should I
devote all of my prayer to you?' He said, 'Then your
concerns will be taken care of, and your sins will be

So, if your concern is to commit the Quran to heart, then

making a habit of frequently sending salawat (blessings)
upon the Prophet is essential.

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3. It's crucial not to overlook other essential adhkar

(remembrances of Allah) at their designated times.
These acts provide the necessary spiritual grounding
and encouragement to stay steadfast in all facets of life.

4. The Importance of a Knowledgeable Tutor

Selecting a Sheikh to guide and correct your Qur'an
memorization is paramount, as I have personally
discovered through my own journey. Initially filled with
enthusiasm akin to scaling Mount Everest, I embarked
on memorization efforts like many others. However,
after memorizing from Surah Ahqaf to Surah An-Nas
(five Juz) within the first six to seven months (my 100-
level days in the University), my motivation waned. For
nearly a year during my second year (200-level), I
struggled to regain momentum.

Everything changed when I found Sheikh Abu Hafs (may

Allah honour him, less him and protect him) in October
2016. Under his guidance and mentorship, I experienced
a transformation. With renewed dedication and
structured learning, I completed the remaining
memorization in less than seven months, concluding in
March 2017. Sheikh Abu Hafs (may Allah honour him,
less him and protect him) not only corrected my
recitation but also provided invaluable spiritual

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grounding and encouragement, revitalizing my

commitment to the noble task of memorizing the
Qur'an. His guidance was pivotal in rekindling my
passion and ensuring consistency in my memorization

One of the key benefits of having a sheikh to whom you

deliver your memorized portions is the identification
and correction of any oversights or mistakes, whether
minor or major, that you may inadvertently make while
reciting the Quran. This guidance ensures the accuracy
and precision of your memorization.

For instance, I recall a friend of mine who is a hafidh

(someone who has memorized the Quran) discovering
an unconscious mistake he had been making for about
two to three years. This error was only identified when
he had the opportunity to recite the verse to another
sheikh. Specifically, he had been omitting the tanwin
َ ‫ َ ه‬in the 164th verse of
from the word "‫ "ق ْو ًما‬before "ُ‫"ٱّلل‬
Surah Al-A'raf, which reads:
ۖ ً َ ً َ َ ْ ‫َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َّ ٌ ِّ ْ ه ْ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ ً َ ه ه ْ ُ ه ْ َ ْ ه َ ِّ ه ه‬
ُ‫و ِإذُقالتُأمةُمنهم ُِلمُت ِعظونُقوماُٱّللُمه ِلكهمُأوُمعذبهمُعذاباُش ِديدا‬
َ ‫َ ُ ۟ َ ْ َ ً َ ٰ َ ِّ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ ه ْ َ َّ ه‬
ُ ‫قالواُمع ِذرة ُِإَلُرُبكمُولعلهمُيتق‬

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Another example involves a student who mistakenly

read the singular word "‫( "آية‬verse) as the plural "‫"آيات‬
(verses) in the 146th verse of the same surah:
َ َ َّ ُ ۟ ْ َ َ َ ۖ ِّ َ ۡ ْ َ ْ َۡ َ ‫َ َ ْ ه َ ۡ َ َ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ َّ ه‬
ُ‫ض ُُِبغ ْ ِّبُٱلحقُو ِإنُيرواُكلُءای ࣲة‬ ‫سأْصفُعنُءایاتُٱل ِذينُيتك َّبونُفُٱۡلر‬
َِّ ۡ َ َ ۟ ْ َ َ َ ‫َّ ه ْ ِ ه ۟ َ ۖ َ ِ َ َ ْ ۟ َ َ ُّ ْ ِ َ ي َ َّ ه ِ ه َ ا‬
ُ‫ّلُيؤ ِمنوا ُِبهاُو ِإنُيرواُس ِبيل َُٱلرش ِدُّلُيت ِخذوهُس ِبيࣰلُو ِإنُيرواُس ِبيلُٱل يغ‬ ُ
َ ْ ۟ ‫ه‬ َ
َ ‫اُوكانوا‬ َ ۟ َّ َ َّ َ َ ۚ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬
‫َيتخذ ه‬َّ
َُ ْ ‫ُعن َهاُغ ٰـ ُِف ِل‬
‫ي‬ َ ‫مُكذ هبواُب َٔـ َاياتن‬
ِ ِ ُ ْ ‫كُ ِبأن هه‬ َ ‫وه‬
ُ ‫ُس ِبيࣰلُذُٰ ٰ ِل‬ ِ

He only became aware of his mistake when others heard

him reciting it. Such examples underscore the
importance of having a qualified sheikh who can provide
the necessary oversight and corrections, ensuring that
one's memorization remains accurate and faithful to the
Quranic text.

5.The Pitfalls of Rushing: Embracing Patience

One of the major mistakes that aspiring Quran

memorizers make is attempting to complete the
memorization in an unrealistically short period. This
rushed approach often leads to frustration, loss of focus,
and eventually abandoning the goal altogether. To avoid
this pitfall, it's essential to understand that memorizing
the Quran is not a race against others but an act of
worship for Allah. The ultimate aim is to become a
hafidh (one who has memorized the Quran) who can
recall and recite the Quran accurately when needed.

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While setting a timeframe for your memorization is

important, it should be realistic and flexible enough to
accommodate setbacks. You must give yourself enough
time to stay on track, even if you experience periods of
relapse. It's noteworthy that Ibn Umar spent no less
than four years memorizing Surah Al-Baqarah.

I recall one of my students, Abdullah, already a hafidh

before we met, who sought to refine his memorization
and learn various riwayaat (rendition styles of the
Quran). When he recited to me, he rarely made
mistakes, and if he did, he corrected himself almost
instantly. I later learned from his classmates that he
never rushed his memorization. Even when he could
easily memorize 5 to 10 pages a day, he chose to focus
on just two pages, revisiting them multiple times. Many
peers who started with or after him completed their
studies and graduated before him. However, on
graduation day, he was selected as the best student of
his year.

This example highlights the importance of a measured

and patient approach to Quran memorization. The goal
is not speed but accuracy and depth of retention,
ensuring that you internalize the Quran thoroughly and

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Now, down to the core of the process: after preparing

yourself spiritually and mentally, you need a solid
approach to memorizing the Quran. Here, I will highlight
some key strategies and techniques to ensure a
seamless and engaging memorization journey.

Before diving into these methods, I'd like to share a few

narrations from the salaf (pious predecessors) that
emphasize the importance of the approach I'll be
outlining. These narrations will serve as the
foundational framework for our discussion.

It has been authentically reported that Ibn Umar, may

Allah be pleased with him, spent four years learning
Surah Al-Baqarah. Ibn Sa’d narrates in "At-Tabaqat Al-
Kubra" (4/164): "Abdullah bin Ja'far reported to us,
saying: Abu Al-Malih narrated from Maymun that Ibn
Umar learned Surah Al-Baqarah in four years."

Does this learning refer to memorization or to

understanding and comprehension? It is likely both,
given the Sahabah's (companions of the Prophet)
approach, which focused on deep understanding and
practical application. Abu Abdur Rahman As-Sulami
said, "Those who used to teach us the Quran told us that

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they would not go beyond ten verses until they learned

the knowledge and actions contained therein."

Az-Zarqani, in his commentary on Malik's Muwatta,

"Sharh Az-Zarqani 'ala Muwatta' Malik" (2/27), explains
that the prolonged period taken by Ibn Umar to learn
Surah Al-Baqarah was not due to slow memorization—
God forbid—but because he was learning its obligations,
rulings, and related matters.

Many of the salaf (righteous predecessors) would advise

their students to exercise patience, perseverance, and
to avoid haste. Yunus bin Yazid reported that Az-Zuhri
said to him: "Do not take knowledge all at once, for
whoever acquires it all at once will lose it all at once.
Rather, take it little by little, day by day and night by

In another narration by Ma’mar from Az-Zuhri:

"Whoever seeks knowledge all at once will miss it all at
once. Knowledge is to be acquired one or two hadiths at
a time."

The truism of this fact is not fact from you have

experienced yourself.

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Practical Steps for Effective Quran Memorization and


Based on the above narrations, I will be sharing some

key points to aid in your Quran memorization journey.
Alhamdulillah, I have shared these points with many
individuals, and those who applied them have
expressed their appreciation and made dua for me, as
these methods have proven effective. I hope you
benefit from them as well.

Please note that what I am sharing is not an absolute

truth. I am human and prone to mistakes. I do not
receive revelation; rather, I am sharing strategies that I
have tested and found to yield good results. My
intention is not to seek any personal benefit but to
ensure that we all benefit and ultimately achieve our
long-held goal of memorizing the Quran.

Here are the comprehensive approaches to effectively

memorize the Quran:

1. Finding the Best Time for You: Identify the time of

day when you are most alert and focused. Generally, the
best time to memorize the Quran is during the early
hours of the day, such as after Fajr prayer.

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2. Spreading Out Your Memorization: Avoid

memorizing every day. Instead, choose 3 or 4 days a
week, such as Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and/or
Saturdays. This schedule allows you to use the alternate
days for revision, ensuring that what you have
memorized is retained and reinforced.

3. Setting Realistic Portions: Always memorize less than

your maximum capacity. If you can easily memorize a
page, aim for half a page. If your strength is two pages,
go for one or one and a half pages. Even if you can
handle more than two pages, do not exceed two pages
in your memorization. This approach aligns with the
advice and story of my student, Abdullah, shared earlier,
emphasizing the importance of gradual learning.

4. Pre-Memorization Preparation: Ensure that you

review the portion you plan to memorize next with your
sheikh to avoid oversights and unconscious mistakes.
When you sit down to memorize, read the portion about
10 times while looking at the mus-haf (the physical copy
of the Quran). Be present-minded as you do this. This
helps your tongue to familiarize with the verses and
allows your mind to capture the layout of the page,
including where each verse begins and ends. This
practice will help you recognize and correct mistakes
more easily in the future.

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5. Initial Memorization: Attempt to memorize the

portion. Once you can recite it from memory without
mistakes, repeat it from memory 20 times. After this,
you can proceed with your day.

6. Reinforcement Throughout the Day: At each of the

subsequent prayers (Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha),
spend 5 to 10 minutes repeating the memorized portion
another 20 times.

Around dhuhr, you may notice that the portion you

memorized seamlessly in the morning begins to fade
from your memory. This can lead to feelings of
inadequacy, with some even doubting their ability to
memorize the Quran. Thoughts like "Quran
memorization is not my calling" can arise, causing many
to abandon their efforts.
It's important to understand that what appears to be
memorized in the morning is merely hovering in your
short-term memory. If not reinforced, it quickly
dissipates. This highlights the necessity of consistent
reinforcement throughout the day and even into the
next day.
To prevent this fading, you must continually review
and reinforce your memorization, solidifying it in your

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long-term memory. This process requires patience and

persistence, but it is crucial for successful and lasting
Quran memorization.
If you find it difficult to complete the recommended
recitations at the designated times, make it a priority to
catch up before the day ends.

7. Next-Day Repetition: On the following day, repeat

the memorized portion 20 times after each prayer. This
totals 200 repetitions of the memorized portion,
reinforcing your retention.

8. Revision Schedule: If you start on a Monday, use

Tuesday for revision. Continue with new memorization
on Wednesday and use Thursday for revision. If you
have chosen to memorize 3 days a week, Friday will be
for new memorization and Saturday for revision. If you
are memorizing 4 days a week, use Friday and Saturday
for new memorization. It is advisable to memorize half
of the portion you originally planned on Saturdays.

9. Weekly Revision: Dedicate Sundays to a general

revision of everything you have memorized throughout
the week. Review each memorized portion at least 20
times. This helps consolidate your weekly efforts and
ensures you retain what you have learned.

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10. Comprehensive Revision: As the number of

memorized pages begins to accumulate (for example, 5
pages or more), you will need a more thorough revision
schedule. I will discuss this in detail in the next section,

Revision of the memorized accumulated parts and

portions is often the most significant challenge that
many aspiring memorizers encounter. Even those who
have already memorized large portions of the Quran, or
have become Hafidh, are not exempt from this
challenge. Insha'Allah, I will share with you strategies to
overcome this problem, whether you are just starting
out, have memorized a substantial part of the Quran, or
have already completed your memorization.

I will narrate my experience and give you a glimpse of

what the strategies look like so you can understand how
they will work, Insha'Allah.

My students in the madrasah, for this session, are

tasked with memorizing from Surah Ghafir to Surah Al-
Jathiyah. They have just one more surah to finish the
session's syllabus, and we are only 7 months into the
journey. Although they can effortlessly memorize half a
page of the Quran (7 lines), I have them memorize just
5 lines.

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Before we take on new portions, I make them revise

everything we have memorized from day one to the
most recent portions. This approach has greatly helped
them, ensuring that there is no verse or section of the
parts we have memorized so far that they cannot recite

They follow the same approach for the hadith they are
memorizing. They have memorized over 70 hadith, and
they can recite any of these hadith accurately, even if
asked unexpectedly.

You are also an example of this approach. Think about

the morning and evening adhkar you recite. In the first
few weeks, you needed to read them from a copy of
Hisnul Muslim. However, after two months, you can
now recite all the adhkar without referring to Hisnul
Muslim. This is essentially the strategy behind the
approach I will be sharing with you.

Strategies for Effective Quran Revision

1. Optimal Time for Revision: According to my

evaluation, the best time to revise the Quran is during
the midnight, particularly during Qiyam al-Layl

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(Tahajjud). If this is not feasible for you, find another

time that works best.

2. Daily Revision Routine: If you have memorized 10

pages, ensure you read them every day during your
Tahajjud. Initially, read from the mus-haf rather than
from memory. For the first few weeks, read one page
per rak'ah for 10 rak'ahs, covering 10 pages.

3. Incremental Increase in Revision: As the number of

pages you've memorized increases, adjust your daily
revision accordingly. For instance, if you’ve memorized
15 pages, increase your reading to 1.5 pages per rak'ah.
For 20 pages, increase to 2 pages per rak'ah, and so on.
Do not exceed 5 pages per rak'ah. Aim to recite 50 pages
per day, regardless of the total pages memorized.

4. Transition to Memorized Recitation: Once you are

familiar with the 10, 15, or 50 pages per day recitation,
typically after about 4 to 5 months, start attempting to
recite by heart. Prepare the pages you will recite in the
next midnight prayer beforehand. After another 6
months, you may increase from 5 pages to 7 pages or
more, based on your comfort level.

5. Tahajjud as a Priority: As an aspiring memorizer of

the Quran, prioritize Tahajjud. Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be

25 Al-bahri
From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

pleased with him) said, "A person who recites the Quran
should be known by his nights when people are asleep."
Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "Witr is not obligatory like your
obligatory prayers, but the Messenger of Allah (ُ‫)ﷺ‬
prescribed it, saying, 'Allah is Witr (One) and loves Witr,
so observe Witr, O people of the Quran.'" Similar
narrations were reported from Umar and Ibn Abbas.

6. Success Stories: One of my friends, who completed

his memorization four years ago, struggled with
retention despite hours of revision. Adopting the above
approach, he successfully led the Taraweeh the
following year with very few mistakes, often preparing
only 20 to 30 minutes before Taraweeh.

Final Words

These strategies are not infallible, as no method is

perfect for everyone. However, they have been tested
and have yielded positive results for many, including my
students and myself.

The strategies and approaches discussed here are not

just beneficial for beginners or those in the midst of
their Quran memorization journey but are also effective
and helpful for those who have completed their
memorization (Hafidh).

26 Al-bahri
From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

Pray Fervently. Constantly seek Allah’s help and divine

assistance. Clear intentions are crucial, so strive always
to have a sincere intention. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬warned
about actions done for the sake of praise rather than for
Allah in a hadith narrated by Abu Huraira:

"The first to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will

be a man who died as a martyr. He will be brought
forward, and Allah will make known to him His favors
and he will recognize them. Allah will say: 'What did you
do with them?' He will say: 'I fought for You until I died
as a martyr.' Allah will say: 'You have lied—you fought
so that it might be said [of you]: 'He is courageous.' And
so it was said.' Then he will be ordered to be dragged
along on his face until he is cast into Hell. [Then will be
judged] a man who acquired knowledge and taught it
and recited the Quran. He will be brought forward, and
Allah will make known to him His favors and he will
recognize them. Allah will say: 'What did you do with
them?' He will say: 'I acquired knowledge and taught it
and recited the Quran for Your sake.' Allah will say: 'You
have lied—you did it so that it might be said [of you]:
'He is learned.' And so it was said.' Then he will be
ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast
into Hell. [Then will be judged] a man whom Allah made
rich and to whom He gave all kinds of wealth. He will be

27 Al-bahri
From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

brought forward, and Allah will make known to him His

favors and he will recognize them. Allah will say: 'What
did you do with them?' He will say: 'I left no path
[untrodden] in which You like money to be spent
without spending in it for Your sake.' Allah will say: 'You
have lied—you did it so that it might be said [of you]:
'He is generous.' And so it was said.' Then he will be
ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast
into Hell." (Muslim 1905)

Internalize the Quran. It’s not just about memorizing the

words but also about understanding and acting upon
the Quran. Follow the example of the righteous
predecessors. Keep away from sins, both minor and
major, and seek forgiveness whenever you fall into any.
Let your behavior reflect the teachings of the Quran.

Be Exemplary. The character of a person who has

memorized the Quran should be evident in their actions
and words. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)
described the character of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬as being the
Quran itself (Muslim 746). Strive to embody the Quran
in your daily life.

I would like to take a moment to offer a heartfelt prayer

for my esteemed teachers, whose guidance and wisdom
have been instrumental in my journey. May Allah bless

28 Al-bahri
From Page to Heart- A Comprehensive Guide to Quran Memorization

them abundantly, grant them good health, and shower

them with His infinite mercy. May their efforts in
spreading knowledge and nurturing hearts be rewarded
manifold in this world and the hereafter. May they
continue to inspire and illuminate the paths of countless
students, and may their contributions to the
preservation and transmission of the Quran be a source
of perpetual blessings for them and their families.

May Allah grant us success in our efforts to memorize

and live by His words. Ameen.

29 Al-bahri

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