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A research framework illustrates the
structure or blueprint of the research
plan and helps the researcher formulate
relevant research questions.

It consists of key concepts and assumes

relationships of the research project. It is
normally used as a guide for researchers
so that they are more focused on the
scope of their studies.

It can be presented using visual (diagrams, chart, etc.)
and narrative (paragraph stating the concepts and
relationships of the study) forms.
Theoretical Conceptual
Framework Framework

commonly used for studies refers to the actual ideas,

that anchor on time-tested beliefs, and tentative theories
theories that relate the that specifically support the
findings of the investigation study. It is primarily a
to the underpinning relevant conception or model of what is
theory of knowledge. out there that the researcher
plans to study.
of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The following are the similar characteristics of Theoretical and

Conceptual Framework:
1. Provide an overall view of the research study;
2. Anchor a theory that supports the study;
3. Guide in developing relevant research questions/objectives;
4. Help justify assumptions/hypothesis;
5. Aid in choosing appropriate methodology;
6. Help in gathering and interpreting data and
7. Guide in identifying possible threats to validity.
of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Conceptual
Content of Focus on specific theory used Focus on concepts related to
Discussion already in the field your study

Broader in sense
Range Directly related to a specific
Applicable in different studies

Presents one or more theory at May synthesize one or more

a time and specifically related theories or concept related to
to the current study current study

Usually, theory is established A working concept during the

Time Frame
before the study time of study
Theoretical Conceptual
Framework Framework

commonly used for studies refers to the actual ideas,

that anchor on time-tested beliefs, and tentative theories
theories that relate the that specifically support the
findings of the investigation study. It is primarily a
to the underpinning relevant conception or model of what is
theory of knowledge. out there that the researcher
plans to study.
Guidelines and Strategies in choosing and developing Research Frameworks

Theoretical Framework

❏ Revisit the information given by your related literature and identify if

there are potential theories or knowledge that may be use or
anchored to the possible outcome of your study.
❏ With the use of these information, you can now create a plan or
blueprint for your research study.
❏ You also need to comprehend and consider the variables that will be
significant in your study and their relationship with another.
Guidelines and Strategies in choosing and developing Research Frameworks

Conceptual Framework

❏ Refer to your research questions or objectives to identify the essential themes in your study.
Look for additional theories that involve the same principle and see how they relate to one
another. Make a concept map of your conceptual framework, utilizing the existing theories
as a reference. If there are topics which are not included in the theories you have chosen and
you know that it is essential to your study, you can include it.

❏ You have to make a written explanation on the concepts that are being incorporated and
their impact to one another after you have made the first draft of your conceptual
framework. Moreover, you have to revisit your research questions and conceptual
framework if they are aligned.

❏ It is important to remember that developing a conceptual framework is a process. This

means that as you study more material and research more theories, it may still be refined or
updated. The research hypothesis may be stated at the end of the conceptual framework in
some situations

You can enter a subtitle here

in case you need it 02
➢ A conceptual framework shows a clear picture Sub-topic
of the plan and the expected outcome of the
research study, gives the meaning of the
variables and their relationship in the study
(Swaen, 2020).
➢ Well thought out scheme or plan of action on
how to carry out your study which clearly show
○ the main purpose of the study, Main
○ objectives of the study, Topic
○ population and samples of the study,
○ scope of the study,
○ methodology or set of procedures to be used
including the means to collect, analyse and Sub-topic
interpret data,
○ software to use, Sub-topic
○ theories you will use to analyse, support and
explain your data (Kivunja, 2018).
Fundamental Steps in Constructing a

The 3Ks

1. Know your Variables

Independent Variable
presumed cause
Dependent Variable
presumed effect

Moderating Variable
factors that interacts with the effects of

Controlled Variables
variables that are kept constant
Fundamental Steps in Constructing a

The 3Ks

2. Know the basic parts of a CF diagram

Fundamental Steps in Constructing a

The 3Ks
3. Know the nature of the study or the
phenomenon you are investigating

Construct the conceptual framework

based on the causal relationship or
association you intend to find out in the
study. This means that the parts of the
diagram should be well constructed to be
able to show clear direction towards an
expected outcome.
Fundamental Steps in Constructing a


3. Know the nature of the study or the
phenomenon you are investigating
Basic Patterns of a Conceptual Framework
1. Cause and effect relationship between independent and dependent
2. Dependent Variable
1. Independent Variable
Understanding Level of Students on
Use of Computer Simulator
Chemical Reaction

2. A moderating variable affecting the independent variable resulting to a

change in the level of effect to the dependent variable.
2. Dependent Variable
1. Independent Variable
Understanding Level of Students on
Use of Computer Simulator
Chemical Reaction

3. Moderating Variable
Mental Ability
Fundamental Steps in Constructing a


3. Know the nature of the study or the
phenomenon you are investigating
Basic Patterns of a Conceptual Framework
3. Controlled variables are used when determining a causal relationship in
an experiment because they can affect the outcome or the dependent

3. Controlled Variable
Computer Literacy of Respondents

2. Dependent Variable
1. Independent Variable
Understanding Level of Students on
Use of Computer Simulator
Chemical Reaction
The Input-Process-Output
(IPO) Model
a conceptual paradigm which indicates
the inputs, required process, and the Research Title: Acceptability of Ampalaya
output. This approach is seated on the Cupcake Preference of TVL – Bread and
premise of acquiring essential information Pastry Students of Marikina High School.
by converting inputs into outputs through
the required processing steps in obtaining
the result.

The IPO Model is also referred to as a

functional model that is usually used in
action research where an intervention or
solution is necessary to solve the
identified problem.
may be the dependent

variables that is affected
or influenced by the
independent variable or
intervention or solution the intervention or solution

consist of the instruments to solve the identified
and analyses used to acquire problem.
the result
Independent Variable
Cause, influence, or affect
Research Title: Awareness on the
Research Title: ACCEPTABILITY OF Safety Precaution against COVID 19
MATHEMATICAL GAMES AMONG among the Senior Citizens who are
SECONDARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN living in the Home Care Facilities: Basis
MANDALUYONG for a Proposed Intervention Program


INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Socio-demographic 1. Profiling Proposed
Attitude formation 1. Profiling Level of Profile
2. Survey Tool Intervention
in terms of: 2. Survey Acceptability 1. Age
2. Sex 3. Data Gathering Program
1. Appeal Questionnaire 1. Highly Acceptable
2. Acceptable 3. Marital Status 4. Data Analysis
2. Objective 3. Data Analysis
3. Moderately 4. Educational and Interpretation
3. Content Attainment
4. Clarity Safety Precaution
4. Fairly Acceptable
5. Usefulness Awareness Against
5. Poorly Acceptable COVID 19
1. Causes
2. Management
3. Prevention
Your Turn!
Do you have
any questions?


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CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
infographics & images by Freepik and
illustrations by Stories

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