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Effect of Pre-Training and Role of Working Memory

Characteristics in Learning with Immersive Virtual

Alyssa P. Lawson & Richard E. Mayer

To cite this article: Alyssa P. Lawson & Richard E. Mayer (11 Mar 2024): Effect of Pre-Training
and Role of Working Memory Characteristics in Learning with Immersive Virtual Reality,
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2325176

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Effect of Pre-Training and Role of Working Memory Characteristics in Learning

with Immersive Virtual Reality
Alyssa P. Lawson and Richard E. Mayer
Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara, Putney, VT, USA

Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is being incorporated into education, but not all learners have Executive function;
expertise in using this technology. As such, this research examined whether pre-training in IVR immersive virtual reality;
can reduce the novelty of this technology and enhance learning from IVR lessons and understand learning; pre-training;
working memory capacity
the role of individual differences in managing incoming information (i.e., executive function) and
capacity for holding information (i.e., working memory capacity) in learning from an IVR lesson.
Participants were split into two conditions; half of the participants played a game in IVR to
become knowledgeable about IVR technology and the other half did not play this game. All par­
ticipants then learned a lesson in IVR, took a posttest, and completed working memory tasks. The
results showed that playing the game prior to learning in IVR did not change the learners’ experi­
ence of distraction or their learning outcome, indicating that IVR game-playing was not an effect­
ive form of pre-training. Additionally, several measures of executive function and working memory
capacity were correlated with posttest performance, indicating that students with better executive
function learn better with distracting media such as IVR, regardless of pre-training. Theoretical and
practical implications are discussed.

1.1. Objectives and rationale The secondary goal of this study is to determine whether
students who have better skills in managing and holding
Learning in immersive virtual reality can enhance learning
information in working memory benefit more from pre-
by motivating students (Bailenson, 2018; Makransky & exposure to IVR before learning from an IVR lesson. The
Petersen, 2021), but also can hurt learning by distracting rationale for this derives from the fact that learning in IVR
students (Mayer et al., 2022). The primary objective of this can be a distracting experience because learners must inhibit
study is to examine whether we can reduce distraction and paying attention to the detailed perceptual richness of the
improve learning in IVR by exposing learners to IVR before environment and focus on the academic content of the les­
they experience the IVR lesson as a way to support learners son. Accordingly, individual differences in the ability to
in getting used to the perceptual richness of the modality. manage and hold information in working memory may be
The rationale of this objective derives from the assumption particularly important for learning in IVR. Thus, we are
that students who are unfamiliar with IVR technology—such interested in identifying individual difference characteristics
as what an immersive virtual reality environment looks like, related to learning in IVR.
how to use the controllers, and how to move in a virtual
environment—may need to get used to the experience and 1.2. Learning in immersive virtual reality
learn these skills at the same time as they learn academic
content from an IVR lesson, thereby distracting them from Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is a technology that
attending to and deeply processing the lesson content. If allows users to become completely immersed in a computer-
generated environment. IVR is commonly implemented with
they receive pre-exposure to IVR experiences, such as by
a head-mounted display and hand controllers using a system
playing an IVR simulation game before the lesson, they may
such as the HTC Vive or Oculus Quest. This technology is
be able to devote more of their cognitive resources to proc­ being incorporated into educational venues because of the
essing the lesson content, and therefore learn the material benefits for motivating students (Bailenson, 2018). As an
better. Thus, finding appropriate pre-training experiences example of how IVR could be beneficial to learning, individ­
should be a way to enhance academic learning in IVR. As uals may be more motivated to want to learn about the
such, the first goal of this study is to understand if provid­ impacts of ocean acidification if they use IVR to create an
ing exposure to an IVR experience before presenting an IVR experience in which they feel as though they are really under
lesson can enhance learning outcomes from the lesson. the sea, watching how carbon dioxide can harm sea animals.

CONTACT Alyssa P. Lawson Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
� 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Research on the benefits and pitfalls of using IVR in off-load some of the information to before the lesson via
learning environments is in its initial stages, yielding prelim­ pre-training.
inary findings about the impact on learning (Mayer et al., Pre-training is a learning strategy in which certain infor­
2022). In some studies, IVR has been shown to be more mation is presented prior to the lesson that is intended to
effective in teaching content compared to more traditional reduce cognitive load during the lesson and thereby allow
types of media (Alhalabi, 2016; Calvert & Abadia, 2020; learners to focus on building connections during the lesson
Makransky et al., 2019; Webster, 2016). One explanation of (Mayer, 2021; Mayer & Fiorella, 2022). Prior literature has
the benefits that IVR technology is that IVR positively demonstrated that using pre-training in lessons leads to ben­
impacts how students feel about learning and how motivated efits for learners (e.g., Clarke et al., 2005; Mayer et al., 2002;
they are to learn (e.g., Lee et al., 2017; Makransky & Meyer et al., 2019; Pollock et al., 2002). As an example, in
Petersen, 2021; Mayer et al., 2022; Stepan et al., 2017). Thus, an experiment where participants learned about the braking
the immersive experience afforded by IVR may be beneficial system of a car, half of the group learned the lesson nor­
in getting learners excited about learning and motivating mally, in which all the material was presented as a narrated
them to develop a deeper understanding of the material. animation (Mayer et al., 2002, Exp. 1). The other half of the
However, IVR has not consistently shown to be beneficial group were first exposed to the definitions of each part of
for learning. In several studies, learning using IVR did not the braking system (pre-training), then moved on to the
result in better learning outcomes than learning with more same lesson that other group received. Those who were in
traditional media such as a computer-based slideshow (e.g., the pre-training condition achieved significantly better postt­
Ekstrand et al., 2018; Kozhevnikov et al., 2013; Lee et al., est scores than the group without pre-training. Another
2017). Furthermore, in some cases, IVR was worse for learn­ study demonstrated that when students engaged with pre-
ing than more traditional forms of instruction (e.g., training worksheets prior to a lesson about spreadsheets,
Makransky et al., 2020; Parong & Mayer, 2018, 2021a, they performed much better on a posttest compared to those
2021b). A review of the literature on IVR has suggested that who did not, especially for those with low prior knowledge
one issue that may be contributing to these mixed findings (Clarke et al., 2005).
Pre-training is typically done by presenting some of the
is that many studies investigating the use of IVR technology
background content from the lesson prior to showing the les­
in learning environments do not consistently use evidence-
son, such as definitions of key terms. However, for learning in
based learning theories to design and implement this tech­
IVR, the problem may not necessarily be the amount of con­
nology (Matovu et al., 2022).
tent learners are taking in. Instead, the problem may result
One factor likely related to these findings is that learning
from individuals having to learn how to use and interact with
in IVR can cause an increase in cognitive load (Makransky
the IVR device at the same time as being introduced to the
& Petersen, 2021; Mayer et al., 2022). Prior research has
content of the lesson. From a cognitive load perspective,
demonstrated that experiencing an IVR lesson increases the
learners’ understanding of the material would benefit
amount of cognitive load learners must deal with during
if the demands of understanding how to use the device were
learning (e.g., Han, 2020; Huang et al., 2020; Makransky
off-loaded to before the lesson. In this case, the pre-training
et al., 2019; Parong & Mayer, 2018, 2021a, 2021b). As cogni­
introduced in this paper is focused on reducing how novel the
tive load increases, specifically extraneous cognitive process­ perceptual experience of an IVR device is for individuals in
ing (i.e., cognitive processing during learning that does not order to allow the learners to focus more on the content of the
support the instructional goal), learning decreases (Mayer, lesson during the presentation of the lesson. The main aim of
2021; Paas & Sweller, 2022; Sweller et al., 2011). As such, it this research is to understand if pre-training on how to use
is important to use cognitive theories to develop methods to IVR technology can reduce the novelty effect and thus benefit
decrease the cognitive load IVR puts on learners, especially learners.
load that does not contribute to understanding the material. Although IVR has motivating features that make it bene­
In this introduction, we explore two approaches to ficial for use in an educational environment, it also has dis­
understanding the challenges of learning in IVR: (1) using tracting features that reduce the effectiveness of the
pre-training to address novelty effects and (2) considering technology (Mayer et al., 2022; Parong, 2021). Specifically,
individual differences in cognitive skills for managing and one of these distractions could be that IVR is a new technol­
holding information in working memory in relation to ogy to many learners and the many beneficial features of
learning with IVR. using IVR, like interactivity and presence, may be over­
whelming for learners to adapt to when they are first
1.3. Using pre-training to mitigate novelty effects in IVR exposed to the device. By interactivity, we mean that the
environment is highly responsive to the learner’s head
A potential reason that cognitive load may increase in IVR movements, and by presence, we mean that the learner has
is that learners are likely unfamiliar with learning in this the subjective experience of being in a computer-generated
environment and thus may not know how best to use and environment. There have been only few studies that have
interact with this device (Wu et al., 2020), what we call the investigated the impact of the novelty of IVR technology in
novelty effect. One potential way to decrease the amount of an educational context (Huang, 2020; Miguel-Alonso et al.,
cognitive load learners deal with while learning in IVR is to 2023, Miguel-Alonso et al., 2024), although it is unclear

from this limited research whether reducing novelty could and the lesson is high, it does not answer the question
have a positive or negative impact on learning. addressed in this study about whether more general experi­
One study that has investigated the novelty of using IVR ence in IVR can act as a pre-training. As such, the present
for learning focused on how the novelty of using IVR may study attempts to fill this gap by examining whether more
benefit students’ motivation more at the beginning of an general experience with IVR, through playing an off-the-
experience with IVR, theoretically improving performance, shelf IVR simulation game with different content than the
but this would likely go down as the novelty of the device lesson, impacts subsequent learning from an IVR-based aca­
wares off (Huang, 2020). Participants in this study learned demic learning experience.
about astronomy, with the IVR training phase teaching
about the first four planets in the solar system and the
learning phase teaching about the Jupiter and Saturn. One 1.4. Recognizing individual differences in working
condition had participants learn in a less immersive VR memory for learning in IVR
condition all three sessions, another condition had partici­
pants transition from a less immersive to a more immersive A secondary goal of this research is to examine the relation­
VR condition between the second and third session, and the ship between individual differences in working memory
third condition had participants learn in a more immersive characteristics and academic learning outcomes in IVR.
VR condition all three sessions. However, there was no evi­ Working memory is one of the components of the memory
dence that self-reported engagement with the material system that information must go through to be encoded
decreased over time, and there was no evidence that the into long-term memory (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968). Within
groups differed in their learning outcomes. working memory during learning, individuals must organize
Another study posits that IVR can create a novelty effect incoming information and integrate it with knowledge acti­
because learners must figure out how to use the device, vated from long-term memory, but working memory is con­
explore the environment, and interact with different objects strained by being limited in processing capacity (Mayer &
while learning (Miguel-Alonso et al., 2023). This study Fiorella, 2022). When processing capacity is being used to
attempted to counteract this effect by providing a tutorial process the novelty of IVR technology, it cannot be used for
on how to use parts of the IVR device prior to learning learning. As such, it is important to be aware of the limita­
(e.g., pre-training explained the different buttons on the tions of working memory when it comes to learning, as all
hand controls). The pre-training led to high satisfaction information that students learn must go through this part of
with the learning experience, and the learners reported that the memory system to be of use later.
the tutorial was useful to them. There are several classic theories of working memory.
Additionally, a study used IVR to teach participants Baddeley and Hitch (1974, 1994; Baddeley et al., 2015)
learn how to assemble a PC computer either with or model posits that working memory is made up of two sub-
without pre-training on how to use the IVR device prior systems that are responsible for holding different types of
to the lesson (Miguel-Alonso et al., 2024). Participants
information in working memory with two other sub-systems
were either given a tutorial that allowed them to practice
which help integrate information. Engle et al. (1999; Engle,
the mechanics of the game at their own pace prior to the
2002; Pak et al., 2023) model posits that information in
lesson or not given this opportunity. Those who had pre-
working memory is what is being attended. Cowan’s (1999;
training prior to the lesson reported higher scores for
Cowan et al., 2005) posits that working memory consists of
engagement, presence, flow, and skill, and reported lower
memory elements that are activated at different times.
scores for immersion in the VR environment in compari­
Although a detailed analysis of working memory theories is
son to the group without the pre-training. The pre-train­
ing group also completed the introduction and guided beyond the scope of this paper (e.g., Logie et al., 2020), we
assembly portions of the lesson more quickly than the note that all of them explain that in some way working
group without pre-training. However, both groups made a memory is limited in how much information can be proc­
similar number of mistakes throughout the lesson. Lastly, essed at one time. This limitation is essential to recognize in
the pre-training group had higher scores on the posttest the context of learning with new media because it can have
than those without pre-training. This suggests that the an impact on how much various students can absorb from a
pre-training may have been helpful in reducing the nov­ lesson.
elty of the IVR experience and benefited learning. This paper focuses on two individual difference factors
These initial studies have begun the investigation into the that impact how learners may be able to deal with this limi­
novelty effect in IVR, but much more work is needed on tation: (1) how well individuals are able to manage informa­
whether the novelty effect does exist for learning from IVR tion entering working memory, (i.e., executive function),
devices and if exposure to IVR prior to learning can and (2) how much information someone can hold in work­
improve learning. One consistent aspect across the previous ing memory at one time (i.e., working memory capacity).
research on pre-training with IVR is that the pre-training Although related, these two components are investigated
experiences all involved content that matched the lesson separately because conceptually they involve different aspects
content. Although this type of content specific pre-training of working memory that have been measured by qualita­
could be more helpful as the match between the pre-training tively different tasks in the literature.

1.4.1. Executive function capacity and posttest performance was not significant how­
In this research, managing incoming information is opera­ ever. This suggests that how well learners’ can manage their
tionalized as measures of executive function. Executive func­ attention during an IVR lesson may play an important role
tion is defined as a set of cognitive processes that allow in learning from in the IVR environment and warrants fur­
learners to use their attentional control to focus on relevant ther investigation.
information; this includes the processes of inhibition, updat­
ing, and task switching (Banich, 2009; Diamond, 2013;
Miller & Cohen, 2001). However, executive function is not 1.5. Theoretical framework and hypotheses
uniform across all individuals; individuals vary in their This research uses cognitive load theory (CLT; Paas &
executive function (Friedman et al., 2008; Osaka et al., 2004; Sweller, 2022; Sweller, 1994, 2020; Sweller et al., 2011) and
Parong et al., 2017). cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML; Mayer,
Variations in executive function are important to con­ 2021, 2022; Mayer & Fiorella, 2022) to guide the hypotheses.
sider in learning because if someone is better able to sort Both of these theories present the idea there are different
relevant information from irrelevant information and focus types of processing a learner can engage in while learning
only on the relevant information, then only relevant infor­ and the type of processing has different effects on learning
mation should move into working memory where it can be outcomes. The reason that the type of processing matters is
processed and moved into long-term memory. However, if because there is only so much capacity in limited working
someone has weaker ability to focus only on relevant infor­ memory for processing to occur; thus, it is vital to maximize
mation, then more irrelevant material is likely to enter beneficial types of processing and minimize harmful types.
working memory, thus making learning more difficult. As Extraneous processing (in CTML) or extraneous load (in
such, this research seeks to understand whether a learner’s CLT) is a type of undesirable processing as it occurs when
ability to manage incoming information plays a role in learners are engaging with material that is irrelevant to the
learning from an IVR lesson and if this changes if learners goal of the lesson, such as processing of distracting informa­
have prior training in using IVR. tion (Mayer, 2021, 2022; Mayer & Fiorella, 2022; Paas &
Sweller, 2022; Sweller, 1994, 2020; Sweller et al., 2011). This
type of processing occurs when there are elements in a les­
1.4.2. Working memory capacity
son that are not relevant to helping the learner understand
Holding incoming information is operationalized in this
the material, like irrelevant sound effects and seductive
research by using classic measures of working memory cap­
details. As this type of processing does not benefit learners,
acity. Working memory capacity is defined as the amount of
an important instructional goal is to reduce this type of
information that someone can hold and work with at one
processing as much as possible by reducing the amount
time (Baddeley & Hitch, 1994; Diamond, 2013). As with
of distracting information in the learning material. This type
executive function, working memory capacity is not uniform
of processing is potentially an important issue with IVR
across all individuals; individuals vary in their working
technology, especially for those who do not know how to
memory capacity (Barrett et al., 2004; Ilkowska & Engle,
use and interact with an IVR device for learning.
Variations in working memory capacity are important to Specifically, the learner must figure out how to use the
consider in learning because if someone can hold more device, which is not relevant to the goal of the lesson, in
information in their working memory at one time, they are order to be able to learn from the lesson.
Essential processing (in CTML) or intrinsic load (in
likely going to be able to move more information into long-
CLT) is a required type of processing as it occurs when
term memory and be able to use the information later on
learners are creating a cognitive representation of the essen­
than someone who cannot hold as much information at one
tial presented material (Mayer, 2021, 2022; Mayer &
time. As such, this study seeks to understand whether a
Fiorella, 2022; Paas & Sweller, 2022; Sweller, 1994, 2020;
learner’s holding capacity plays a role in learning from an
IVR lesson and whether this changes if learners have train­ Sweller et al., 2011). The demands of essential processing on
cognitive capacity increase when a lesson is more complex
ing in using IVR.
for a learner, that is, when the information is more interre­
lated. This type of processing is required for learning to
1.4.3. Prior work on the relationship between working occur and generally is associated with being able to remem­
memory and IVR ber the presented material. As such, an important instruc­
In terms of research on learning with IVR, there have been tional goal is to manage the amount of essential processing
very few studies that investigate how individual differences such as by breaking content up into manageable segments
in working memory—particularly executive function and or highlighting important information.
working memory capacity—relate to posttest performance. Generative processing (in CTML) or germane load (in
One study found a relationship between executive function CLT) is a desirable type of processing as it occurs when a
and posttest performance after learning from IVR such that learner develops connections between the material being
stronger executive function (as measured by the flanker presented and their prior knowledge (Mayer, 2021, 2022;
task) related to better posttest performance (Lawson & Mayer & Fiorella, 2022; Paas & Sweller, 2022; Sweller, 1994,
Mayer, 2024). The relationship between working memory 2020; Sweller et al., 2011). This type of processing occurs

when a learner works to create connections between what without the pre-training, there is more extraneous processing
they are learning and what they already know about the to contend with during the IVR lesson, which would result in
topic. This type of processing is highly desirable because it those who have worse executive function learning less than
is associated with deeper understanding, but it does not those who have stronger executive function (hypothesis 3a).
have to occur during learning. As such, an important For learners who have IVR pre-training, there should be a
instructional goal is to encourage this type of processing by weaker relationship between scores on executive function
engaging in learning strategies that promote building tasks and posttest performance because IVR pre-training
connections. should reduce the amount of extraneous processing during
The research presented here focuses mainly on extraneous the IVR lesson (hypothesis 3b).
processing, specifically extraneous processing that may be Lastly, the fourth research question aims to understand if
caused by the novelty of using IVR technology in a learning learners’ holding capacity for new information plays an
context. The present research aims to understand whether important role in learning from IVR, both when learners
training learners on how to use IVR technology prior to being have and do not have pre-training in IVR. The fourth
shown a lesson in IVR reduces the amount of extraneous research question investigates the role that holding capacity
processing the learner must engage in during an IVR lesson plays in learning with IVR technology. Increased extraneous
by off-loading the device training to before learning the processing should be more detrimental to learners who have
material. Additionally, this work aims to expand these theo­ smaller holding capacity than those who have a larger cap­
ries by understanding the role of individual differences in acity. As such, hypothesis 4 predicts that there should be a
managing incoming information and holding capacity, both moderation effect of IVR training on the relationship
of which could change the impact of extraneous processing on between measures of working memory capacity and posttest
learning, in learning in IVR with and without prior technol­ performance. Specifically, for learners who do not have IVR
ogy training. pre-training, there should be a relationship between scores
The first research question aims to understand if pre- on working memory capacity tasks and posttest performance
training in IVR can impact the amount of extraneous proc­ with larger working memory capacity correlating with better
essing a learner experiences during learning with IVR. The posttest performance. This is because without pre-training,
novelty of IVR should increase the amount of extraneous there is more extraneous processing to contend with during
processing that someone engages in when learning with IVR the IVR lesson, which would lead to those with smaller
technology. As such, it is predicted that those who are given working memory capacities to learn less than those who
pre-training in IVR before shown an IVR lesson should have larger working memory capacities (hypothesis 4a). For
report less extraneous processing during the IVR lesson learners who have IVR pre-training, there should be a
(hypothesis 1a) and less distraction during the IVR lesson weaker relationship between scores on working memory
(hypothesis 1b) than those who do not have any pre-train­ capacity tasks and posttest performance because IVR train­
ing should reduce the amount of extraneous processing the
ing before the IVR lesson.
learner can engage in (hypothesis 4b).
The second research question aims to understand if pre-
training in IVR can impact learning outcomes when learn­
ing a lesson with IVR. The novelty of IVR should decrease 2. Method
the amount of learning that someone engages with since the
novelty of the experience takes away from processing that 2.1. Participants and design
can be dedicated to learning. Hypothesis 2 predicts that The participants were 204 college students recruited from
posttest performance should be better for those who receive the Psychology Subject Pool at a large university in
pre-training compared to those without pre-training. Southern California. Participants from all areas of study,
The third research question aims to understand if learners’ 18 years old or older, and with any level of prior experience
ability to manage incoming information plays an important were allowed to participate in this study. However, data col­
role in learning from IVR, both when learners have and do lected from participants who had moderate or high amounts
not have pre-training in IVR. The third research question of prior experience with IVR were excluded from analyses
examines the role that managing incoming information plays as the goal of this study was to focus on the novelty effect
in learning with IVR technology. A high level of extraneous of IVR technology. As such, 25 participants were excluded
processing required for learning in IVR likely would be more from the data set because they reported having moderate to
detrimental to learners who have a weaker ability to manage high amounts of prior experience in IVR. Additionally, 25
incoming information than those who have a stronger ability participants did not complete all parts of the study and did
(e.g., Lawson & Mayer, 2024). As such, hypothesis 3 predicts not have full data sets, so they were also excluded from the
that there should be a moderation effect of IVR pre-training analyses. In total, 154 participants were included in this
on the relationship between measures of executive function study from the original pool because they completed the full
and posttest performance. Specifically, for learners who do experiment and had no-to-low prior experience with IVR.
not have IVR pre-training, there should be a relationship The mean age of the participants was 19.32 years
between scores on executive function tasks and posttest per­ (SD ¼ 1.37) and most participants were in the beginning of
formance with higher executive function performance corre­ their program at the university (class level: M ¼ 2.08 years,
lating with better posttest performance. This is because SD ¼ 1.06). Prior knowledge of ocean acidification, the topic

of the lesson, was somewhat low (M ¼ 2.06, SD ¼ .95) on a 10 minutes, participants played an off-the-shelf game called
scale from “1-Very Low” to “5-Very High.” Of this sample, “Job Simulator” that was created by Owlchemy Labs and
112 participants identified as women and 42 participants available for purchase on Steam. The premise of this game
identified as men. is that computers have replaced humans in all jobs and this
For the first set of analyses, a between-subjects design simulator experience allows humans to try out the jobs that
was used. In this design, 78 of the participants were ran­ computers are now doing. Participants were able to choose
domly assigned to the condition with IVR pre-training one of four jobs: car mechanic, cook, office worker, or store
(IVR þ condition) and 76 of the participants were randomly clerk (see Figure 1 for still-images from each job option). In
assigned to the condition without pre-training (IVR condi­ each job, participants were given objectives that they could
tion). The independent variable for this set of analyses was complete that required them to move around the virtual
whether or not learners received pre-training and the environment and interact with different objects. Participants
dependent variables included self-reported extraneous proc­ were told that they could complete the objectives, but they
essing rating, self-reported distraction rating, and posttest were not required to; the only requirement was to move
score. For the second set of analyses, correlations and a around and interact with the different game elements.
moderation analysis were used with the predictor variables During this period, participants were monitored by a
being scores on measures of executive function and working researcher and were prompted to interact with the game if
memory capacity tasks, the outcome variable being posttest they were not engaging with the IVR environment.
performance, and the moderator being the pre-training con­ The reason this game was chosen was because it had no
dition participants were in. relation to the lesson material and was a game-based way to
learn how to use and interact with the perceptual richness
of using IVR. However, it presented a helpful way for par­
2.2. Materials ticipants to become familiar with interacting with the device.
All the materials were presented in a controlled laboratory For example, it offered many opportunities to practice mov­
environment and were either computer-based or presented ing around the virtual environment and had participants
via an IVR head-mounted display. The computer-based looking at many different spots across the entire 360 degrees
materials included a prequestionnaire, posttest, postquestion­ of visual information. Additionally, the game had them
naire, and classic tasks measuring executive function and practice using the hand controls to interact with different
working memory capacity. The IVR-based materials objects. All of these skills were required in the IVR lesson
included pre-training in IVR and IVR lesson. but did not expose them to any learning content. The goal
of this pre-training was to familiarize participants with
knowing how to move around and how to use the control­
2.2.1. Prequestionnaire lers to interact with objects in their environment, so they
The prequestionnaire (Appendix A) collected data from the did not have to contend with the novelty of these tasks
participants on basic demographic information, including while in the lesson phase.
age, class level, gender, and prior knowledge of ocean acid­
ification through a single item, 5-point Likert scale asking
“Please rate your knowledge of ocean acidification” ranging 2.2.3. IVR lesson
from “1-Very Low” to “5-Very High.” Participants’ prior The IVR lesson used in this experiment is called, “The
knowledge was assessed using this self-report question rather Stanford Ocean Acidification Experience” and is openly
than a prior knowledge test in order to avoid the testing accessible on Steam. This lesson was created by the Virtual
effect, in which the act of taking a test is an instructional Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University and has been
event causing learning (Brown et al., 2014; Latimier et al., used in previous research (Fauville et al., 2021). The lesson
2019; Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). The testing effect occurs involved six different scenes that discussed ocean acidifica­
because learners are exposed to main ideas in the test ques­ tion. In the first scene (Figure 2(a)), participants watched
tions that could cue learners towards relevant parts of the the Earth spin in front of them while the voice over dis­
lesson to focus their attention. Without a pre-test, the learn­ cussed how carbon dioxide can pose a risk to the environ­
ers do not have a cue as to which parts of the content may ment and introduce the lesson. In the second scene,
be tested and thus allow for the posttest to more likely dem­ participants were in the middle of traffic and watched and
onstrate what learners could more naturally absorb from the listened to how carbon dioxide spews from exhaust pipes
lesson. Additionally, the degree to which participants were then goes into the atmosphere. In the third scene (Figure
prone to becoming motion sick was also collected, but no 2(b)), participants were on a boat and watched and heard
one reported that they were highly prone to motion sickness about how carbon dioxide comes down from the sky and
in this study. interacts with ocean water to create carbonic acid. In the
fourth scene, participants saw a real-life reef off the coast of
Italy that naturally releases carbon dioxide and heard how
2.2.2. Pre-training in IVR this reef can be a crystal ball for the future of ocean
Participants in the IVR þ condition were given a 10-minute acidification.
pre-training experience aimed at reducing the novelty of In the fourth scene (Figure 2(c)), participants were placed
using and interacting with IVR technology. During these in a virtual reef that was healthy and the voice over pointed

Figure 1. Images from different Job simulator experiences.

Figure 2. Still images from IVR lesson.

out the features of a healthy reef. In the fifth scene, par­ 2.2.4. Posttest
ticipants were placed in a virtual reef that was impacted The posttest included eight open-ended questions that aimed
by ocean acidification and the voice over pointed out how to assess various levels of transfer of knowledge from the
this reef differed from the healthy scene. Finally, partici­ lesson. The questions are included in Appendix B.
pants again watched the Earth spin in front of them while Participants were given each question one at a time and
the voice over explained what they can do to reduce the given 90 seconds to respond to the question, which was gen­
impacts of ocean acidification. Each scene was designed to erally more than sufficient time for participants to provide a
fully immerse the participant in the environment and, in complete response. Participants were required to stay on
several different spots, required that the participants inter­ each page with a question for the full 90 seconds to prevent
act with the environment, like having participants “feel” participants from skipping through questions and to encour­
carbon dioxide bubbles coming up from the sea floor in age deeper thinking of the answer. After the 90 seconds
the fifth scene or marking where the sea snails are in passed, the page automatically advanced to the next ques­
both a healthy environment and unhealthy environment tion. This was done to determine what information was
in the fourth and fifth scenes. The lesson lasted a total of most accessible to learners at the time of answering. Most
seven minutes. participants did not need the full 90 seconds to complete

their response. The McDonald’s omega (x; Hayes & Coutts, the results and these participants were not included in the
2020) was used to determine the reliability of posttest and analyses.
was 0.75, which is considered an acceptable reliability value.
A delayed posttest was used in this study for two reasons.
First, as learning in educational settings is not typically 2.2.5. Postquestionnaire
assessed immediately after the content is presented, a The postquestionnaire (Appendix C) consisted of 42 items
delayed test was chosen to increase the generalizability of about the participants’ experience with the lesson. The first
these results to real-life learning. Additionally, learning that five items assessed various types of affective experience the
is tested immediately may be retained through repetition in participants had with the lesson on a 5-point Likert scale
working memory, not from memory that has been fully from “1-Strongly Disagree” to “5-Strongly Agree.” The next
four questions assessed various types of self-reported distrac­
encoded into long-term memory. As such, this study aimed
tion level the participants could have with the lesson on the
to understand how much knowledge is retained over longer
same 5-point Likert scale, from broader distractions (e.g.,
periods of time to assess what information from the lesson
“The lesson was distracting.”) to more specific distractions
learners had encoded into long-term memory and were still
(e.g., “Interacting with the environment in the lesson dis­
able to retrieve after a week’s time. Although a delayed test
tracted me from the content.”)
may introduce potential confounds, the benefits of being
The next nine questions were used to assess self-reported
more generalizable to real-life learning was deemed to be of
cognitive load (Parong & Mayer, 2018, 2021a, 2021b) on the
top importance to this study.
same 5-point Likert Scale. There were three questions that
assessed extraneous processing (x ¼ 0.77), three questions Posttest scoring. The posttest was scored by identify­
that assess essential processing (x ¼ 0.56), and three ques­
ing how many main ideas were present in the responses
tions that assess generative processing (x ¼ 0.64). The next
provided by participants. To do this, scorers used a rubric
seven questions were used to assess for presence (Parong &
that included key main ideas that could be presented in
Mayer, 2018, 2021a, 2021b) on the same 5-point Likert scale
each question response and determined how many of the
(x ¼ 0.88). The following nine questions assessed for cyber
main ideas were present in the response. For example, a
sickness (Kim et al., 2018) on a 4-point Likert scale from
question like “How can marine scientists figure out if an
“1-Not At All” to “4-Very Much” and had to rate aspects
area of a reef is healthy?” had three main ideas that could
related to oculomotor issues (x ¼ 0.66) and disorienta­
earn the participant points: “conduct a species count,” “if
tion (x ¼ 0.62).
there is more sea life, the reef is healthier,” and “if there is
The next four questions asked participants who were in
no or little sea life, the reef is unhealthy.” As such, partici­
the IVR þ condition to rate their experience with Job
pants could earn up to three points on this question.
Simulator. These questions were answered on the 5-point
However, this type of rubric differs from one that deter­
Likert scale and included questions like “I enjoyed playing
mines whether the response is right or wrong. Participants
Job Simulator.” and “Playing Job Simulator distracted me
could be correct in their responses without earning all the
from learning the material presented in the lesson.” Lastly,
points. For example, with the question above, a participant’s
participants answered four other questions that asked about
answer would technically be correct if they only said, “do a
color-blindness, prior experience with VR, any comments
species count,” but with this rubric, they would only earn
participants had about the experience, and if anything went
one point. This rubric style was used in order to determine
wrong during the experiment.
who demonstrated more knowledge about the material by
including more correct ideas in their responses. As such, a
proportion correct does not accurately represent the data, so 2.2.6. Executive function and working memory capacity
the raw score was used in data analyses. The rubric used to tasks
grade the posttest is included in Appendix B. A battery of six classic working memory tasks was used to
Each question had two to seven main points associated assess individual differences in participants’ ability to man­
with it. To determine a posttest score, the number of main age incoming information (executive function) and holding
ideas the participant had across the entire test were added capacity for new information (working memory capacity).
up to create a total score. The highest possible score for this See Table 1 for a description of each task. The executive
test was 32. Two independent scorers read each response function tasks included Stroop task, n-back task, and flanker
and gave the participants scores. The correlation between task, and the working memory capacity tasks included digit
the scorers was strong, r ¼ 0.90, p<.001. Any disagreements span task, Corsi block task, and operation span task. The
were discussed until full agreement was met between the digit span task was presented on Qualtrics and each
scorers. sequence length, from three up to 10 digits, was completed
twice for each participant. The Stroop, Corsi block, n-back, Outliers. In this data, outliers were determined to be and flanker tasks were presented on PsyToolKit (Stoet, 2010,
participant scores on the posttest and measures of working 2017), and each task was completed twice. Scores for these
memory in which the z-scores exceeded positive or negative tasks were only calculated using trials from the second block
three. In this data, four participants were identified as out­ as the first block was used for training. The operation span
liers. Removing the outliers did not change the pattern of task was presented on Inquisit and included three blocks,

Table 1. Description of executive function and working memory capacity tasks.

Description of task Determining task score
Executive function tasks
Stroop task (Diamond, 2013; MacLeod, 1991; Word names are presented in different ink colors; Response time on incongruent trials minus
Stroop, 1935) participant needs to determine ink color as response time on congruent trials
quickly as possible. Congruent trials ¼ ink color
and word match, incongruent trials ¼ ink color
and word do not match
N-back task (Diamond, 2013; Friedman et al., 2008; Series of letters presented 1 at a time; participant Number of correct responses minus number of
Waris et al., 2017) needs to report if the letter presented currently false alarms
matches the letter n letters ago (or in this case
3 letters ago)
Flanker task (Diamond, 2013; Eriksen & Eriksen, A line of 5 arrows is presented on the screen; Response time on incongruent trials minus
1974) participant needs to report which direction the response time on congruent trials
center arrow is pointing (left or right).
Congruent trials ¼ all arrows facing same
direction, incongruent trials ¼ center arrow
facing opposite direction than other arrows
Working memory capacity tasks
Digit span task (Conway et al., 2005; Waris et al., Series of number presented 1 at a time; participant Total number of correctly reported sequences
2017) needs to report the sequence exactly as they divided by total number of sequences displayed
saw. Sequences vary from 3-digit strings to
10-digit strings
Corsi block task (Corsi, 1972) Array of 9 yellow squares on screen and squares Longest reported sequence successfully reported
light up in purple in a sequence 1 at a time;
participant needs to report the sequence exactly
as they saw. Sequences vary from 2 squares to
9 squares
Operation span task (with degree of EF) Daneman Sequence of letters is presented; participants must Total number of letters in correctly reported
& Carpenter, 1980; Engle, 2002; Waris et al., report the letter sequence exactly as shown. sequences
2017) But, in between each letter, participants must
determine if a simple math equation is true or
false. Sequences vary from 2 letters to 6 letters

two of which were training and the last block being the real participants were thanked for their participation and told to
trial. return to complete session 2 of the study the following
After a week, participants returned to the lab and began
2.3. Apparatus
session 2 with the posttest. Once done with the posttest,
For the IVR lesson and pre-training, participants used the participants answered all the questions in the postquestion­
HTC Vive head-mounted display virtual reality system con­ naire. Once they completed that, they were moved to
nected to a Dell Alienware desktop computer. Along with PsyToolKit to complete the n-back task and flanker task.
the head-mounted display, participants used wireless hand Finally, they completed the operation span task on Inquisit.
controls to interact with the environment. Both Job Once they completed the operation span task, the partici­
Simulator and the lesson were presented through Steam pants were thanked and given credit for their participation.
software. For the non-IVR portions of the experiment, the Each session of the experiment took up to an hour. We fol­
material was presented on a Dell computer with a 20-inch lowed guidelines for treatment of human subjects, and this
color monitor. study was approved by the university’s Institutional Review
Board (IRB).
2.4. Procedure
Participants began the experiment by completing the 3. Results
informed consent form. Then, they were given instructions
3.1. Are the groups equivalent on key characteristics?
on how to begin the experiment. They started with complet­
ing the prequestionnaire, then moved to complete the digit A first step is to determine whether random assignment was
span task on Qualtrics then the Stroop task and Corsi block successful in creating groups equivalent in basic characteris­
task on PsyToolKit. After completing this, all participants tics. Means and standard deviations for age, class level, and
were given instructions on how to put on the virtual reality prior knowledge rating are presented in Table 2. Based on t-
head-mounted display. Participants who were in the tests, there was not a significant difference between groups
IVR þ condition played in Job Simulator for 10 minutes based on age, t(146) ¼ −0.14, p ¼ .887; class level,
while being monitored by a researcher. Next, the partici­ t(148)¼0.06, p ¼.951; or prior knowledge rating,
pants moved onto the lesson. In the IVR condition, partici­ t(148)¼ −0.93, p ¼.337. In addition, a chi-square test showed
pants immediately started with the lesson without any that the groups did not differ significantly in gender ratios,
experience in Job Simulator. Once done with the lesson, v2 (1, N ¼ 150)¼1.91, p¼.167. Based on this, we concluded

Table 2. Means and standard deviations on each variable for each group. p¼.781, in contrast to hypothesis 2. We conclude that the
IVR þ Condition IVR condition Job Simulator pre-training was not successful in improving
M SD M SD posttest scores.
Age 19.33 1.49 19.36 1.25
Class level 2.11 1.11 2.09 1.01
Prior knowledge 1.99 0.95 2.14 0.94 3.4. Hypothesis 3: Does ability to manage incoming
Extraneous processing 2.07 0.78 1.94 0.78 information play a role in learning with IVR, but not
Distraction from lesson 1.83 1.04 1.70 0.96
Distracting instructions 1.66 0.83 1.73 0.95 when learners have pre-training in IVR technology?
Distracting interactions 2.08 1.20 2.08 1.18
Distracting environment 1.95 1.14 1.79 1.13 Hypothesis 3 predicted that participants’ ability to manage
Posttest score 12.66 4.73 12.45 4.58 incoming information, as measured by classic tasks of
Presence 3.97 0.80 4.16 0.61
Enjoy 4.51 0.53 4.70 0.54
executive function, should play a role in learning when a
Interesting 4.33 0.68 4.43 0.78 lesson has increased distractions, but not when the lesson
More lessons 4.30 0.75 4.49 0.78 does not have distractions. As such, in a situation where a
Effective 4.11 0.86 4.16 0.91
Motivated 4.08 0.86 4.35 0.80
participant is given training in IVR, there should be
a decrease in the reliance of executive function compared to
a situation in which a participant is not given training in
that random assignment was successful and further analyses IVR. To investigate this question, first, correlations between
did not require covariates. executive function task scores and posttest scores were
examined for each condition, then a moderation analysis
3.2. Hypothesis 1: Does pre-training in IVR reduce the was conducted. Correlation matrices for both conditions are
distractions learners experience while learning with IVR? presented in Table 3.
For the IVR condition, n-back task score was the only
Hypothesis 1 predicted that if pre-training in IVR prior to task that correlated significantly with posttest performance,
learning a lesson with IVR does reduce the novelty of IVR r ¼ 0.30, p¼.010. The correlation demonstrated that as n-
technology, then participants who receive IVR pre-training back task score increased—meaning an increase in executive
should report experiencing less distractions than participants function—posttest score also increased. This suggests that,
who do not receive pre-training. This was analyzed through when an IVR lesson is presented without any training on
a series of t-tests to determine if there were any differences how to use the IVR device, a learner’s ability to manage
between the IVR þ and IVR conditions on self-reported incoming information seems to be related to how much
extraneous processing and various distraction types. Means information they can learn. This is partially consistent with
and standard deviations are presented in Table 2. There was hypothesis 3a.
not a significant difference between the IVR þ and IVR con­ For the IVR þ condition, n-back task score, r ¼ 0.28,
ditions on self-reported extraneous processing, t(148)¼0.77, p¼.015, and Stroop task score, r ¼ −0.29, p¼.011, were sig­
p¼.331, in contrast to hypothesis 1a. nificantly correlated with posttest score. As with the IVR
There were several questions that asked about distraction condition, the significant correlation between n-back task
to assess hypothesis 1b. In a question assessing general dis­ score and posttest score indicated that as n-back task score
traction, there was not a significant difference between the increased—meaning an increase in executive function—
two conditions, t(148)¼0.77, p¼.441. Additionally, there was posttest score also increased. The significant correlation
not a significant difference between the two groups on ques­ between Stroop task score and posttest score indicated that
tions assessing distraction from the instructions, as Stroop task score decreased—meaning an increase in
t(147)¼ −0.47, p¼.640; assessing distraction from interacting executive function—posttest score increased. Both of these
with the environment, t(147)¼0.82, p¼.413, nor assessing correlations demonstrate that, even with exposure to an IVR
distraction from the immersion of the environment, environment prior to learning in IVR, a learner’s ability to
t(147)¼ −0.02, p¼.987. These findings are in contrast to manage incoming information seems to be related to how
hypothesis 1b. We conclude that the Job Simulator pre- much information they can learn. This is inconsistent with
training was not successful in reducing distraction during hypothesis 3b.
learning in IVR. To test this hypothesis more directly, two moderation
analyses were conducted based on the correlations. Both
moderation analyses were conducted using PROCESS v4 in
3.3. Hypothesis 2: Does pre-training in IVR benefit
SPSS. The first moderation analysis investigated how n-back
task score impacted learning across the two conditions.
Hypothesis 2 predicted that participants who are given pre- Figure 3 demonstrates the moderation. Condition type did
training in IVR before learning should be able to learn bet­ not moderate the relationship between n-back task score
ter from the lesson than those who do not have pre-training and posttest performance, p¼.762. This suggests that the
and thus should perform better on a posttest. Means and relationship between managing incoming information, as
standard deviations on the posttest for the groups are pre­ measured by n-back, and posttest performance were not dif­
sented in Table 2. There was not a significant difference ferent whether a participant had pre-training in IVR or not.
between the two groups for posttest score, t(148)¼0.28, This is inconsistent with hypothesis 3.

Table 3. Correlation matrix for IVR and IVR þ lessons.

Posttest Stroop N-back Flanker Digit span Operation span Corsi
IVR þ Lesson
Posttest 1.00 −0.29� 0.28� −0.15 −0.02 0.23� −0.08
Stroop 1.00 −0.07 −0.05 0.03 −0.10 −0.08
N-back 1.00 0.08 0.03 0.27� −0.23�
Flanker 1.00 0.03 −0.11 −0.19
Digit span 1.00 0.40��� 0.18
Operation span 1.00 0.12
Corsi 1.00
IVR lesson
Posttest 1.00 0.10 0.30�� 0.22 0.15 0.26� −0.08
Stroop 1.00 0.16 −0.18 −0.02 0.03 0.09
N-back 1.00 0.02 0.12 0.34�� 0.11
Flanker 1.00 0.09 0.17 0.12
Digit span 1.00 0.39��� 0.21
Operation span 1.00 0.07
Corsi 1.00
�p<.05; ��p<.01; ���p<.001.

Figure 3. Moderation analysis for N-back task score on posttest performance by condition.

For the second moderation analysis, there was a focus on score) are related to learning in IVR regardless of whether
how Stroop task score impacted learning across the two con­ there was pre-training.
ditions. Figure 4 demonstrates the moderation. Condition
type significantly moderated the relationship between Stroop
task score and posttest performance, p¼.015. This was fur­ 3.5. Hypothesis 4: Does holding capacity play a role in
ther investigated by looking at the slopes for each condition. learning with IVR, but not when learners have pre-
In the IVR þ condition, the slope of the line was signifi­ training in IVR technology?
cantly different from zero, t¼ −2.60, p¼.010, suggesting that
as Stroop task score decreased—meaning an increase in Hypothesis 4 predicted that participants’ holding capacity, as
executive function—posttest performance increased. measured by classic tasks of working memory capacity,
However, in the IVR condition, the slope of the line was should play a role in learning when a lesson has increased
not significantly different from zero, t ¼ 0.83, p¼.406. This distractions, but not when the lesson does not have distrac­
demonstrates that if participants had pre-training in IVR, tions. As such, in a situation where a participant is given
participants who were better able to manage incoming infor­ training in IVR, there should be a decrease in the reliance
mation performed better on the posttest than those who of holding capacity compared to a situation in which a par­
were worse at managing incoming information. This was ticipant is not given training in IVR. To investigate this
not true for those who did not have pre-training in IVR. question, first, correlations between working memory cap­
This is the opposite of what hypothesis 3 predicted. We con­ acity task scores and posttest scores were examined for each
clude that some measures of executive function (e.g., n-back condition, then a moderation analysis was conducted.

Figure 4. Moderation analysis for stroop task score on posttest performance by condition.

Correlation matrices for both conditions are presented in learning in IVR regardless of whether there was pre-
Table 3. training.
For the IVR condition, operation span task score was the
only task that correlated significantly with posttest perform­
4. Discussion
ance, r ¼ 0.26, p¼.029. The correlation demonstrates that as
operation span task score increased—meaning an increase in 4.1. Empirical contributions
working memory capacity—posttest score also increased.
The main positive finding in this study is that individual
This suggests that, when an IVR lesson is presented without
differences in executive function (e.g., as measured by the n-
any training on how to the use the IVR device, a learner’s
back task) and holding capacity (e.g., as measured by the
holding capacity seems to be related to how much informa­
operation span task) are positively related to posttest score
tion they can learn. This is partially consistent with hypoth­
from learning in IVR for both the IVR and
esis 4a.
IVR þ conditions. This shows that students who are better
For the IVR þ condition, operation span task score,
at managing and holding new information learn better with
r ¼ 0.23, p¼.049, was significantly correlated with posttest
the distracting medium of IVR than students who are
score. As with the IVR condition, the significant correlation
weaker at these skills. These findings suggest that skill at
between operation span task score and posttest score indi­ managing incoming information and holding it in working
cates that as operation span task score increased—meaning memory play a role in learning academic content in an
an increase in working memory capacity—posttest score also immersive environment. This relationship has only recently
increased. This correlation demonstrates that, even with been studied in literature (e.g., Lawson & Mayer, 2024).
exposure to an IVR environment prior to learning in IVR, a However, not all measures of executive function and holding
learner’s holding capacity seems to be related to how much capacity yielded significant results, perhaps due to the short
information they can learn. This is inconsistent with length of the tasks or differences in the components of
hypothesis 4b. working memory each task is targeting.
To test this hypothesis more directly, a moderation ana­ The main negative finding in this study is that the form
lysis was conducted based on the correlations. This moder­ of pre-training we implemented in this study—providing
ation analysis investigated how operation span task score 10 minutes of exposure to playing a simulation game in
impacted learning across the two conditions. Figure 5 dem­ IVR—did not reduce distraction, reduce cognitive load, or
onstrates the moderation. Condition type did not moderate improve learning outcomes for students when they subse­
the relationship between n-back task score and posttest per­ quently learned academic content in an IVR lesson. In short,
formance, p¼.762. This suggests that the relationship the form of pre-training we used did not add value to learn­
between holding capacity, as measured by operation span ing with IVR lessons by introducing pre-training. Despite
task, and posttest performance was not different whether a these null findings, there are important contributions of this
participant had pre-training in IVR or not. This is inconsist­ work. This differs from the previous work done on pre-
ent with hypothesis 4. We conclude that some measures of training in IVR (e.g., Miguel-Alonso et al., 2024). In this
holding capacity (e.g., operation span score) are related to previous work, learners were exposed to training content

Figure 5. Moderation analysis for operation span task score on posttest performance by condition.

that matched the lesson experience they were introduced to 4.2. Theoretical contributions
and this led to better posttest performance for those with
This research extends the cognitive theory of multimedia
pre-training. The present study differs from the work of
learning (Mayer, 2021, 2022; Mayer & Fiorella, 2022) and
Miguel-Alonso et al. (2024) mainly in that the match
cognitive load theory (Paas & Sweller, 2022; Sweller, 1994,
between the pre-training experience and lesson, in terms of
the functionality and specificity of the training, was strong 2020; Sweller et al., 2011) by examining the role of individ­
in the Miguel-Alonso et al. study but not in the present ual differences in aspects of working memory. These theo­
study. Specifically, in the present study, the pre-training ries explain how there are three different types of cognitive
involved an off-the-shelf IVR simulation game that was load, including extraneous processing, essential processing,
unrelated to the IVR lesson. and generative processing, and each type of processing
As such, this finding suggests one of two interpretations. impacts learning differently. In this research, we focused on
One possibility is that pre-training in IVR is effective in attempting to reduce extraneous processing in IVR learning
reducing distraction and enhancing learning, but only if the by giving learners pre-training in the IVR device. However,
IVR experience in the pre-training environment more the findings from this research demonstrated that pre-train­
closely matches that of the lesson. In other words, pre-train­ ing in IVR does not seem to reduce the amount of extrane­
ing in IVR does not generalize from one environment to the ous processing that a learner engages in and thus does not
next. It would be helpful to investigate how different levels seem to benefit learners in an IVR lesson. In fact, pre-train­
of match between the pre-training and the lesson impacts ing may possibly expose learners to more distraction that
the effects of pre-training on learning in IVR to investigate requires inhibition to ignore, as demonstrated by the finding
this possibility further. that Stroop task score predicted posttest performance when
The other possibility is that the distractions requiring the participants had pre-training in IVR but not when they
use of executive function experienced by individuals using did not.
IVR for learning is not solely due to learners working to fig­ Along these lines, this research also expands these theo­
ure out how to use the technology; instead, there is some­ ries of cognition by introducing the idea that individual dif­
thing more inherent about IVR that is distracting. If this is ferences in executive function and working memory capacity
the case, prior training in IVR may not be a means to sup­ can impact how learners experience learning from IVR les­
port learning with IVR technology. If this is the case, further sons. Both n-back task score and operation span score were
research needs to be conducted on how to design instruction significantly correlated with posttest performance across
within IVR lessons to support variations in executive func­ both conditions, suggesting that executive function and
tion to benefit learning. However, because determining working memory capacity seem to be related to how much
which interpretation is more correct was not the purpose of someone can learn in an IVR lesson. As both executive
this research, this study cannot pinpoint which of these function and working memory increased, posttest perform­
options is correct. As discussed, future research should be ance increased. This may indicate that for those who are
done to investigate this distinction further. better able to manage incoming information and have more

space for incoming information can learn better from a dis­ should investigate whether using more trials of these tasks
tracting IVR lesson. leads to more consistent findings across the different tasks.
Similarly, not all measures of working memory capacity
related to posttest performance either. Only the operation
4.3. Practical implications span task related to posttest performance; digit span and
The most important practical implication is that learning in Corsi block task never did. However, this may be due to the
IVR can put certain kinds of learners at a disadvantage— fact that operation span task requires both holding capacity
namely, students who struggle with managing and holding and a degree of managing incoming information to com­
information in working memory. Specifically, we recom­ plete it successfully while the other two tasks focus only on
mend more scaffolding for these students when they are measuring holding capacity (Engle, 2002). As such, the dif­
asked to learn in immersive virtual reality, including high­ ference may be due to the different requires of these tasks,
lighting the relevant elements in the visual display as they but more research should be done to flush out this differ­
are being described (i.e, signaling, Mayer, 2021), pausing the ence more thoroughly.
lesson at various points to ask summarize what they have Another limitation of this work was the short length and
learned (i.e., segmenting; Mayer, 2021), and providing previ­ content of the pre-training experience. Participants only
ous experience with the concrete objects that represented in received 10 minutes of pre-training in an IVR game prior to
the virtual environment (i.e., pretraining; Mayer, 2021). learning the lesson, which may not be enough time to
Overall, this work demonstrates the role that individual adequately become used to using and interacting with IVR
differences can play in learning from an IVR lesson. These technology. In addition, the immediate move from game to
findings show that individual differences in how well some­ lesson may have also changed the impact that the pre-train­
one can manage incoming information and their holding ing had on the lesson. It could be the case that learners
capacity for new information plays a role in a learner’s abil­ need time to digest the experience. Future research should
ity to learn new information from an IVR lesson. As IVR investigate how pre-training that is longer and done further
technology is becoming more widely adopted into class­ in advance could benefit learners using IVR lessons. Other
rooms and educational realms, this is important to consider forms of pre-training that focus more on the specific con­
in order to ensure access to knowledge is equitable for all tent of the IVR lesson and employ similar features should
learners. Work is needed in how to mitigate the distracting also be investigated. It is important to note that we were
features of IVR especially for learners with weaker executive using the pre-training simulation to provide the learner with
function and smaller holding capacity. experience in being in immersive virtual reality so that they
This research also illuminates the importance of being would be less overwhelmed and distracted during the IVR
able to determine what may cause distractions in an IVR lesson. We were not using the pre-training simulation to
lesson. As this research showed, learning in an IVR lesson teach specific content relevant to the IVR lesson, but instead
seems to require a better ability to manage incoming infor­ our goal was to get learners used to the perceptual richness
mation and larger holding capacity for the best learning out­ of being in IVR. For this reason, we needed the pre-training
comes to occur. Although there may be ways to train experience to be sufficiently long.
individuals to increase these aspects of their cognition, it is An essential future direction of this research is the fur­
likely easier to identify what features of a lesson are distract­ ther investigation into what about IVR lessons may serve as
ing in IVR and work to mitigate these factors. Pre-training distractors. As this work has shown, learners show a reliance
learners with general knowledge about IVR did not seem to on different components of working memory that suggest
be an effective way to help mitigate the reliance on manag­ there is a need to ignore information that is irrelevant to
ing incoming information and holding capacity, so more the goal of the lesson. As such, to make IVR learning more
research is required to determine what can impact this equitable across all learners, being able to identify what dis­
relationship. tractors exist in IVR is vital to the continued use of this
technology in education.
Relatedly, once the types of distractions are identified,
4.4. Limitations and future directions future research should also investigate ways in which these
One important limitation of this research is that not all the distractions can be mitigated. To do this, research can focus
measures of executive function related to posttest perform­ on how to modify an IVR lesson in order to mitigate the
ance. Specifically, the flanker task was the only factor that distractions that would otherwise be present, like focusing
did not predict posttest performance across both conditions. on developing IVR design principles. This approach could
As flanker task is conceptually similar to Stroop task, it is allow IVR technology to be more useful in educational
somewhat confusing that there were different patterns of spaces.
data across these two classic executive function tasks. One
potential for this difference may be due to the fact that all
5. Conclusion
the measure of executive function and working memory
capacity had a low number of trials in this experiment, cre­ This study investigated whether adding pre-training on how
ating insufficient power to adequately measure executive to use and interact IVR technology to an IVR lesson benefits
function and/or working memory capacity. Future research learning of the lesson. This research found that this pre-

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Psychology, 64(1), 135–168.
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Ekstrand, C., Jamal, A., Nguyen, R., Kudryk, A., Mann, J., & Mendez,
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Office of Naval Research, granted to the second author. ized controlled study. CMAJ Open, 6(1), E103–E109.
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About the authors d. Creates less carbonic acid/less acid/less ocean acidity
4. What molecules combine to increase ocean acidification? What
Alyssa P. Lawson is a Research Associate at Landmark College molecule do they create?
Institute for Research and Training. Her research focus is on under­ a. CO2 (carbon dioxide)
standing cognitive aspects of learning and how to best incorporate b. H2O (water)
technology into instruction. Additionally, she is interested in develop­ c. H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
ing strategies to support a variety of learners in learning with 5. How does an abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere affect sea life?
technology. a. Interaction of H2O and CO2
b. More carbonic acid in the ocean
Richard E. Mayer is Distinguished Professor in the Department of c. Acidic ocean/ocean acidification occurs
Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa d. Acid is harmful to sea life
Barbara. His research interests include multimedia learning, computer- e. Sea life moves of dies, unlivable conditions for sea life
based instruction, game-based learning, learning in virtual reality, and 6. Why were there snails in the first area of the reef but not in the
learning with online pedagogical agents. second area?
a. First area ¼ less CO2 absorbed
b. First area ¼ less/not acidic
c. First area ¼ not corrosive
d. Second area ¼ more CO2 absorbed
Appendix A e. Second area ¼ acidic/acid present
Prequestionnaire f. Second area ¼ corrosive area kills off the sea life
7. How might ocean acidification affect humans?
Major: a. Kills sea life/less sea life
GPA: b. Food chain can collapse/ecosystem collapse
Age: c. Less fish in the sea means less fish for humans to consume
Gender: 8. How can marine scientists figure out if an area of a reef is healthy
or not?
Class level: a. Species count
� Freshman b. More sea life ¼ healthy reef
� Sophomore c. No/little sea life ¼ unhealthy reef
� Junior
� Senior
� Other (please specify) Appendix C
Please rate your knowledge of ocean acidification: Experience questions�
� Very low 1. I enjoyed this lesson.
� Somewhat low 2. The topic of this lesson was interesting to me.
� Average 3. I would like to learn from more lessons like this.
Somewhat high 4. I felt as though the way this lesson was taught was effective for me.
� Very high 5. I felt motivated to understand the material.
6. The video lesson was distracting.
How prone are you to motion sickness:
Cognitive load questions�
� Not at all
� Very little 1. I was hard to pay attention during the lesson. (extraneous
� Moderate processing)
� Very prone 2. I tried to remember the information in the order presented.
(essential processing)
3. I felt distracted during the lesson. (extraneous processing)
Appendix B 4. I was trying to make sense of the material. (generative processing)
Posttest questions (with main idea scoring guide) 5. I was working to memorize the information. (essential processing)
6. I was trying to make connections between the material and things
1. Explain how ocean acidification occurs. I already know. (generative processing)
a. CO2 is in the atmosphere 7. I was working on understanding the lesson. (generative
b. CO2 and H2O interact processing)
c. Creation of acid/acidification 8. My mind was not on the lesson. (extraneous processing)
d. Specifically, carbonic acid is created 9. I was trying to learn the main facts from the lesson. (essential
e. Carbonic acid increases the acidity processing)
2. If car’s exhaust released a different greenhouse gas, like methane
(CH4), could ocean acidification still occur due to car fumes? Presence questions�
a. No
b. CO2 þ H2O ¼ carbonic acid only 1. I felt that I was able to control events in the environment.
c. H2O and CH4 do not combine to create carbonic acid 2. The environment was responsive to actions that I performed.
specifically 3. My interaction with the environment seemed very natural.
3. What steps would need to be taken to make the ocean less acidic? 4. The visual aspects of the environment were really present and
a. Reduce greenhouse gas producing ideas moving around me.
b. Specifically reduce CO2 5. I felt like the objects in the environment were really present and
c. Lessens the interaction with water moving around me.

6. I felt like I was really in the environment. Other questions

7. I felt like I was immersed (or included in) and interacting with the
environment. 1. Are you color blind?^
2. Please provide any additional comments about this lesson below.
(Open-ended question)
Cyber-sickness questions�
3. Did anything not work for you during this lesson?^
1. General discomfort 4. How much experience did you have with VR prior to participat­
2. Fatigue ing in this study?#
3. Eye strain
4. Difficulty focusing �Scale ¼ 1–strongly disagree, 2–somewhat disagree, 3–neutral, 4–some­
5. Headache what agree, 5–strongly agree

6. Fullness of head Scale ¼ 1–not at all, 2–slightly, 3–moderately, 4–very
7. Blurred vision Scale ¼ 1–Yes, 2–No
8. Dizzy (eyes closed) Scale ¼ 1–No experience with VR, 2–Very little experience with VR,
9. Vertigo 3–Moderate experience with VR, 4–A lot of experience with VR

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