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HEALTH Curriculum Forward Planning Overview Term 3

Pre-Service Teacher: YEAR LEVEL: Pre- TERM 3 YEAR 2022

TOPIC: HEALTH Focus: Actions that promote healthy and active communities - ACPPS007


EYLF Responsiveness to Learning through Intentional Learning Assessment Cultural Continuity Holistic approaches
PRACTICES children play teaching environments for learning competence of learning
& transitions
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
reciprocal relationships equity practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong 2.Children are 3.Children have a strong 4.Children are confident and involved learners 5.Children are effective
sense of identity connected with and sense of wellbeing communicators
contribute to their 3.1.9 , 3.2.2 , 3.2.6, 3.2.9 ,
world 3.2.10 , 3.2.11

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking competence Understanding
Indigenous Perspectives Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia Sustainability

Science Health Physical Education The Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Languages
8 Ways Pedagogy:
Supporting learning through
indigenous perspectives.
Additional Practices:
Embedded Aboriginal
resources; puzzles, books.
Children to learn
acknowledgement of country

Cooperative / Group Reflection Recording Information Thinking Tools Other
- Group work eight - Values line - Stations  Pop stick - Semantic grid - Rubric - Multiple - Journals - Computers
square out of the - Structured - Mind map intelligences - Interviews - Ipads
- Placemat - Thumbs up/down overview - T-chart - Blooms - Conferencing - Class
- Think, pair, share - Venn diagram - KWL taxonomy - Thinkers keys presentations
- Envoy - Call out  Two stars
- Community circle and a wish - Table - Diagram - Six thinking hats - Problem solving - Clockwise
- Graffiti - Card clusters - Y chart - Flow chart - SCAMPER - Questioning - Learning centres
 5 fingers
- Jigsaw - Decision tree - Graph - Inquiry process - Modelling - Smart board
- Round robin - Numbered heads  321 (three
- Role play takeaways, - Retrieval - Brainstorm - Discussion - Scaffolding - Worksheet
- Round table - Inside/outside circle two chart - Gradual release
questions, of responsibility
- Snow ball - Anticipation guide
and one
- Debates thing they

Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Low achievement
Being healthy, safe and Provides various examples of Provides an example of what Provides an example of what Provides an example of what Does not meet the
active what makes them feel unsafe or makes them feel unsafe or makes them feel unsafe or makes them feel unsafe or expected standard
uncomfortable and applies uncomfortable and identifies uncomfortable and identifies a uncomfortable without
effective strategies to use in each appropriate strategies to use in a simple, appropriate strategy to use providing an appropriate
situation. situation. in a situation strategy to use in a situation.

Identifies a range of trusted Identifies a range of trusted Identifies trusted people who Identifies a trusted person, Does not meet the
people who make them feel safe people who make them feel safe make them feel safe and provides usually a family member, who expected standard
and explains logical reasons for and provides logical reasons for simple reasons for their choices. makes them feel safe.
their choices. their choices.

Communicating and Selects and describes strategies Describes and appropriate Provides a simple, appropriate Provides a simple strategy to Does not meet the
interacting for health and to use when interacting with strategy to use when interacting strategy to use when interacting use when interacting with expected standard
wellbeing. others and justifies the with others and states the with others to support a positive others to support a positive
importance of a positive importance of positive outcome. outcome. outcome; however, it may not
outcome. be relevant to the situation.

Communicating and Connects the emotions they may Connects an emotion they may Connects a suitable emotion they Identifies an emotion they Does not meet the
interacting for health and feel to a given situation and feel to a given situation and may feel to a given situation and may feel in a given situation expected standard
wellbeing. provides a logical reason for provides a reason for the emotion. provides a simple reason for the without providing reasons for
each emotion. emotion. the emotion.

Uses thoughtful, appropriate Uses appropriate language, Uses appropriate language and Uses actions to communicate Does not meet the
language and statements, such as statements and actions to actions to communicate feelings in feelings in different situations. expected standard.
‘stop, I don’t like it,’ and actions communicate feelings in different different situations.
to communicate feelings in situations.
different situations.
Contributing to healthy and Identifies a range of actions that Identifies actions that keep people Identifies simple actions that keep Identifies an action that keeps Does not meet the
active communities. keep people healthy and safe, healthy and safe, and describes people healthy and safe, and people healthy and safe. expected standard.
and explains why they are why they are important. provides a reason for why they are
important. important.
Achievement standards taken from SCSA:


Integration N T Strategies
1 Focus: Intro to all about yourself Support: All Work sample: Power point  Work sheets
Introduction to all students to draw a Student looking after  Smart board
about yourself. WALT: We are learning to; picture on how worksheet yourself slides.  Discussion
o I can identify the different ways I keep myself happy and they can look after with drawing  Pop stick
English: healthy. themselves with and strategy
ACELA1435, teacher scribing sentences
ACELA1820, WILF: I am looking for students to identify two different ways in which their picture describing
ACELY1651, we can keep ourselves happy and healthy. description. their picture.
ACELY1653 Student
Intro: Show class the keeping yourself healthy slides. Discuss each At level: Most Summative: worksheets two
slide with the students students will draw This types for
EYLF: 3.1.9, a picture on how worksheet will differentiation.
3.2.2 they can look after be put into a
Whole Class: Students are to fill in the looking after yourself them selves and actions that
INDIGENOUS: worksheets where they need to draw ways in which they can look after write a sentence promote
themselves and write a sentence describing their picture or pictures. describing their healthy and
picture. active
- Ways to keep yourself happy and healthy communities
o Talk about how we are feeling to others booklet.
o Eat a balanced diet
o Doing exercise and things we enjoy/find fun
o Personal hygiene
o Think about hat to wear and where we are. Extension:
Some students will Pencils:
o Plenty of rest/sleep
draw three pictures - Lead
o People in the community keep us healthy and safe?
on how they can - Coloured
look after
Plenary: Recap the keeping yourself healthy slides along with the themselves and
WALT: We are learning to identify ways in which keep ourselves write three
happy and healthy. Using the pop stick out of the jar strategy three sentences
students are to identify two different ways in which we can keep describing their
ourselves happy and healthy. pictures.

2 Focus: Everyday Personal hygiene routines Support: All Work sample: Powerpoint:  Work sheets
personal Hygiene students will be Student personal hygiene  Smart board
routines ways to WALT: We are learning to; able to write a worksheet  Discussion
keep ourselves - I can identify everyday routines that keep myself clean and short sentence with their  Pop stick
clean and healthy. healthy. describing what explanation of strategy
the students are the students  Think, pair,
English: WILF: I am looking for students to identify one way in which you keep doing to keep showing good share.
(concepts of print) yourselves clean and healthy and explain why this is important. good hygiene. hygiene. “She  Checklists
ACELA1435, Teacher/EA is brushing Student
ACELA1820, Intro: Show class the personal hygiene slides. Think pair share ways scribing their her hair”. worksheet:
ACELY1651, in which each students may keep themselves healthy and clean (slide description. Good Hygiene.
ACELY1653 3). Summative: Explain how
At level: Most This these students
EYLF: 3.1.10 students will write worksheet will are showing
a sentence be put into a good hygiene.
INDIGENOUS: explaining and actions that
describing what promote
Discuss each slide with the students. the students are healthy and
doing to keep active
Whole Class: Students are to fill in the worksheet of explaining how good hygiene. communities
the picture of the students are showing good hygiene. booklet.

Classroom link:
Puzzle corner: Plenary: Restate the WALT: We are learning to identify everyday Observation: I
Keeping clean routines that keep ourselves clean and healthy. Using the pop stick am observing
matching game out of the jar pick three students to show their understanding and students oral Checklist
identify one way in which they keep themselves clean and healthy and responses
explain why it is important. when Pencil pots with
discussing lead pencils.
Extension: what ways
If there is time read the book “Germs are not for Sharing” by Elizabeth
Some students will they keep
Verdick. Just to familiarise the students with the book for next weeks
write full sentences themselves
lesson. Book: “Germs
explaining how the clean and
are not for
students are healthy. Sharing” by
showing good
Elizabeth Verdick
hygiene Checklists:
Identifies one
routine that
keeps us
clean and

Explains a
reason for
why that
routine is

Explain the
different ways
you keep
happy and

3 Focus: Everyday Personal hygiene routines Support: All Work-sample: Book: “Germs  Worksheet
personal Hygiene students will draw Student are not for  Discussion
routines. Hand WALT: We are learning to; their germ and worksheet of Sharing” by  Community
washing and - I can identify the process to wash our hands give it a name. their germ Elizabeth Verdick circle
germs. - I can identify the importance of when we wash our hands drawing,  Blooms
- I can identify what happens if we don’t wash our hands name and taxonomy
English: description.  Checklist
(concepts of print) WILF: I am looking for students to identify the importance of washing This work
ACELA1435, our hands and if we don’t what will happen. sample will
ACELA1820, guide the
ACELY1651, Intro: Re-read the book “Germs are not for sharing” Have a quick checklist.
ACELY1653 discussion about the procedure in which we wash our hands, when we
wash our hands and what happens when we don’t wash our hands. Summative: Glitter in the
Science: This colours Blue and
ACSIS233 Whole Class: Whole class to go outside and create a circle. The EA worksheet will red
At level: Most
will go around to every second student giving them a sprinkle of blue students will draw be put into a
EYLF: 3.1.10 glitter inside the students hands and the teacher will go around to Two buckets with
their germ, give it a actions that
every other student and give them a sprinkle of red glitter. Students promote warm soapy
name and
INDIGENOUS: then hold hands within the circle and then move around and shake healthy and water to wash
describe their
other students hands. The teacher and EA will have gold glitter in their active their hands in.
germs features.
hands and shakes students hands. Once each student has shaken communities
another students hand they are to return to a community circle. booklet. Paper towel to
Discuss what they can see on their hands and the different colours of dry their hands.
glitter they now have and the importance of washing their hands. Observation: I
Germs are small and cannot be seen. The glitter represents the germs will observe Design your own
and how quickly germs can spread. the way germ worksheet
students wash
Students are then to make two lines and wash their hands thoroughly their hands (Picture of germ
in the warm soapy water and then dry them and return back to the mat after the glitter worksheet)
inside. activity.
Students are then going to draw their own germ, give it a name, Checklist: - Lead
describe the germs features and list what the germ can do. Identify the - Coloured
process of
Plenary: Restate the WALT: We are learning to identify the everyday washing
routine of hand washing that keeps ourselves clean and healthy. hands
Using the pop stick out of the jar choose three students who can tell
you why and when we wash our hands. Extension: Identifies the
Some students will importance of
draw their germ, when we
give it a name and wash our
describe their hands
germs features
and what it can do. Identifies what
when we don’t
wash our

4 Focus: Healthy Eating healthy Support: All Work-sample: Powerpoint:  Work sheets
Eating – always students will cut, Student Food pyramid  Smart board
food WALT: We are learning to; sort and begin to worksheet of  Discussion
- I can identify parts of the food pyramid paste the food into their cut and  Pop stick
English: - I can identify a sometimes food and an always food the pyramid. paste food strategy
ACELA1435, - I can describe the differences between sometimes and always pyramid.  Blooms
ACELA1820, foods. At level: Most taxonomy
ACELY1651, WILF: I am looking for students to; students will cut, Summative:  Checklist
ACELY1653 - Identify one part of the food pyramid sort and paste the This Student
- Identify two sometimes and always foods food into the worksheet will worksheet
Fine Motor: - Describe one difference between sometimes and always pyramid. be put into a Cut and paste
ACELY1653c - foods. actions that food into food
Cutting Extension: promote groups on the
Intro: Some students healthy and pyramid.
ICT: ACTDIK001 Recap previously taught ways to keep ourselves healthy and safe. will cut, sort and active
paste the food into communities
EYLF: 3.2.9 Show students the food pyramid slides. In the slides there will be the pyramid and booklet.
labeled healthy and unhealthy foods. Identify that we call them write their favourite
Classroom link sometimes foods and always foods as all foods are healthy in foods.
Home corner = moderation. Students will interact with slide 3 (pictured). Students will Checklist:
shop with have a turn at moving the foods into their correct sections. Identifies
sometimes and parts of the
always foods. Discuss each slide and what each part of the food pyramid represent. food pyramid

INDIGENOUS: Identifies an
always food

Describes the
between a
Whole Class: sometimes
Students are to cut and paste their food pyramid worksheet by moving and always
the food and pasting them into the correct sections. Then they are to food
write what their favourite food may be and if it is a always food or a
sometimes food.

Restate the WALT: We are learning to;
- I can identify parts of the food pyramid
- I can identify a sometimes food and an always food
- I can describe the differences between sometimes and always
Using the pop stick out of the jar choose 3 students to identify the
- Identify one part of the food pyramid
- Identify two sometimes and always foods
- Describe one difference between sometimes and always
5 Focus: Healthy Eating healthy Support: All Observations: Magnetic sorting  Smart board
Eating – students will – I am food  Discussion
Sometimes foods WALT: We are learning to; identify at least two observing chart/pyramid.  Pop stick
- I can identify a sometimes food and an always food sometimes foods students strategy
ICT: ACTDIK001 - I can describe the differences between sometimes and always choices when  Community
foods. At level: Most placing their circle
EYLF: 3.2.9 WILF: I am looking for students to identify two sometimes and always students will food cards in  Questioning
foods and describe one difference between them. identify two alwaysthe Video
INDIGENOUS: and two sometimes “Berenstain
Intro: sometimes foods. and always bears too much
Show students the video “Berenstain bears too much junk food” – (12 They will attempt food columns. junk food” – (12
mins) ICT: ACTDIK001 to describe the - I am mins)
difference between observing and
Whole Class: them. listening to 5kCUKMxAo
Students to get into a community circle. Put all the sometimes and their verbal
always foods into the middle of the circle. Go through one first and Extension: descriptions
outline if the food is a sometimes food or an always food then go Some students will of the
around the circle asking students to select a food and tell us what it is identify three difference
and to put it in the correct section on the pyramid. Once it has been sometimes and between
completed have a look at the sorted cards and highlight any foods that three always sometimes
may have been put in the wrong category and discuss with the class if foods. They will and always
this is correct or incorrect and what makes a sometimes food and an describe the foods and
always food. How do students know these foods are in a particular difference between why a food is
category. them. a sometimes
or always
Highlight that even though sometimes foods are not good for you food.
doesn’t mean you are not allowed to have it. It just means to have it
sometimes. Everything is healthy in moderation. Questions:
What are
Plenary: sometimes
Ask three students using the pop sticks to identify two sometimes and foods?
two always foods and describe one difference between sometimes
and always foods. What are

What makes
the food an
always food?

What makes
the food a

Describes the
between the

Identifies a
6 Focus: Identifying household substances that can be dangerous Support: All Work sample: Powerpoint:  Pop stick out
Hazardous students will Household Hazardous of the jar
Substances WALT: We are learning to: identify some substance substance strategy
- I can identify hazardous substances hazardous worksheet. powerpoint.  Questioning
- I can identify how to store them safely. substances  Worksheet
ICT: ACTDIK001 Summative:  Smart board
WILF: I am looking for students who can identify two hazardous At level: Most This
EYLF: 3.2.10 substances and explain where they need to be safely stored. students will worksheet will
identify all be put into a
INDIGENOUS: Intro: Ask students if they know what a substance is – explain the hazardous actions that
meaning and ask students if they know what hazardous is, explain the substances and promote Worksheet:
meaning of hazardous (it is something that is dangerous or unsafe it where they may be healthy and Household
may cause you to get hurt) stored active substance work
communities sheet
Discuss with students what types of hazardous substances there are Extension: booklet.
in and around their homes and classroom. Some students will
- Dishwashing liquid identify all
- Cleaning products hazardous Questioning/
- Washing powder substances and Checklist:
- Dishwashing tablets where they are 1: What is
- Hand sanitizer if swallowed stored. hazardous  Lead pencils
- Medicine substance?  Colouring in
Show students the hazardous substance powerpoint. Discuss each slide and 2: How do you
ask students to come up and interact with the powerpoint by putting harmful know it is a
substances in the cup board and circling the medicines. hazardous
Whole class:
All students to be at tables with their pencils and hazardous substance
worksheet. Students are to circle the hazardous substances in the kitchen 3: Where
then to colour the picture in. should we
store them
Teacher and EA to float around the tables ensuring students are on task and safely?
to assist where needed.
3: Tell me
Plenary: how you know
Restate WALT and ask 3 students to tell you one hazardous substance they the difference
have learnt and where to store it safely. between a
medicine and
a sweet?

4: Why do the
need to be
stored safely?

Work sample:
This work
sample will
guide the
7 Focus: Following Safety Symbols and procedures Support: All Work sample: The book:  Pop stick
Following safety students will draw Students https:// strategy
WALT: We are learning to;
symbols and - I can Identify safety symbols
themselves using drawing or  Discussion
procedures - I can identify the actions used around those symbols that a safety symbol. picture of the (5.40mins)  Worksheet
keep us safe and healthy. students  Smart board
English: At level: Most using a safety  Checklists
Writing: WILF: I am looking for students to identify and describe at least two students will draw symbol and
actions that keep us safe and healthy.
ACELA1435, themselves using their scribed
ACELA1820, Intro: recap what we have already learnt about being safe and a safety symbol responses of
ACELY1651, healthy. Show or read to students the book Run away signs and teacher to them using a
ACELY1653 (5.40mins). Identify what signs they can scribe their safety symbol.
see throughout the book and if they use or have seen any of the responses when Outdoor:
signs when coming to school? Bikes
EYLF: 3.2.6 asked what they Summative:
Whole Class: Take students outside to the bike track. Have students are doing in the This Safety signs
ride the bikes around and practice using stop signs, cross walks, picture. worksheet will Cross walks
INDIGENOUS: being the lollipop man and looking both ways. be put into a
Extension: actions that Worksheet:
Activity: Teacher and EA to take a photo of the students using the Safety symbols
Some students will promote
safety symbols – if there is time students are to draw a picture of
themselves using a safety symbol they used outside. They are to draw themselves healthy and picture of them
then write a sentence describing what they were doing in the picture. using safety active using a safety
“I am being safe by using the crosswalk” symbols and write communities symbol and their
Teacher to scribe students answers. Students who finish early can a sentence booklet. sentence
have a go at writing themselves. describing the (Teacher or EA
actions and safety Checklist. scribe)
Bring students back inside and recap what signs they used outside.
symbol they are Can identify a
Restate WALT: We are learning to Identify safety symbols and the using. range of Pencils
actions used that keep us safe and healthy. Choose two students safety
using pop stick strategy to check for understanding and to identify a symbols
safety symbol they use it and describe why they use is it.
Can identify
actions used
around those
 Coloured
 Lead

8 Focus: Looking at different ways the community keeps us safe Support: All Observations: Powerpoint:  Pop stick
Ways in which the students will I will observe Guess who strategy
community keeps WALT: We are learning to; interact with each students community  Discussion
us safe. - I can identify the different community members that help keep learning interacting helpers slides.  Worksheet
us safe experience. with the  checklists
Fine Motor: - I can describe their roles in the community. Support students experiences  Smart board
ACELY1653c - I can explain where we can find community helpers. will identify two throughout
community the room and
ICT: ACTDIK001 WILF: I am looking for you to; helpers. listen to their
- identify two community helpers conversations Interactive slides:
EYLF: 3.2.6 - Describe their roles in the community At level: Most when they are
- Explain where you can find these community helpers students will identifying
INDIGENOUS: interact with each each
Intro: Play the game of community helper guess who. Read each learning community
question and pick a student using the pop sticks to guess who the experience. They helper.
helper may be. will identify three
community helpers Anecdotal Sensory game:
Whole Class: separate the class into three groups of six. Each group and attempt to notes:Teache Rice
will move around the room and engage in each activity. describe why they r and EA: will 6 trays
can help. jot down who Paint brushes
Table 1: EA: Sensory activity. Students are to move the rice out of the can identify
way using their fingers or paintbrushes to uncover a community helper community
one at a time and tick them off their checklist. The first person to Extension: helper roles
uncover all images win. Students will and describe 6 copies of the
interact with each why they can base sheets
Table 2: Teacher: interactive powerpoint slides. Students to choose learning help us and
who can help them in various situations. experience. They give an
will identify three example of
Table 3: Home corner – Healthy food shop – community where they
helpers, give can help.
Plenary: Bring students back to the mat and restate Walt: Identify examples of where 18 copies of the
ways in which people in the community help keep us safe. Choose they may be found Checklist: checklists
three students using pop stick jar strategy to identify two community and describe why Identifies what
helpers who can help keep them safe and describes why they can they can help. a community
help. helper is

their roles in

where we can
find the

9 FOCUS: Keeping Playing safety in the environment Support: All Work sample: Butchers paper  Pop stick
safe and healthy students will draw Students Pencils strategy
outside. WALT: We are learning to; themselves in the labeled  Coloured  Discussion
- I can identify the ways I can be safe when I play in the natural natural drawing of  Lead  Worksheet
English: environment. environment along their day out. Paper  Smart board
Writing: - I can describe the steps I need to take in which can help me with the things
ACELA1435, play safely in the natural environment. they need.
ACELY1651, WILF: I am looking for you to identify one way you can be safe in the At level: Most
ACELY1653 environments and describe the things or procedures you need to keep students draw
yourself safe in the environment. themselves in the
EYLF: 3.2.11 Intro: Using a butchers paper or the smart board brainstorm with the environment along
class ways in which they can be safe in the environment when they with the things
INDIGENOUS: are playing. It may be at the beach, at the park or on the playground at they need and
school. begin to label their
drawing. Summative:
Whole Class: This
Students are to plan a day at one of the places they identified, they worksheet will
will draw what they need to be safe and label their drawing. Extension: be put into a
Eg, if a student chose the beach they will draw; themselves at the Some students will actions that
beach and label each part. (See picture below). draw themselves promote
- A towel in the natural healthy and
- Sun hat environment along active
- Sunscreen with the things communities
- Bathers long top they need, label booklet.
- Water and colour their
- Food drawing. Checklist:
- Shade Identifies
ways to be
safe outside.

Describes the
steps needed
to keep safe

Students will use the brain storm to help them label their drawings. If
help is needed the teacher and EA can scribe their answers.

Bring students back to the mat and recap what the lesson was about
using the WALT: identify ways in which we can play safely in the
natural environment and the objects needed to help us play safely.
Choose three students to check for understanding.

10 Focus: Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision

Summative assessment:
Look through their Actions that promote healthy and active
communities booklet in which were made throughout the term and
discuss what was learnt.
Health: ACPPS007 – Actions that

promote healthy and active
Identifies one routine that keeps us clean
and healthy.

Explains a reason for why that routine is


Identify the process of washing hands

Identifies the importance of when we

wash our hands
Identifies what happens when we do not
wash our hands.

Identifies parts of the food pyramid

Identifies a sometimes (unhealthy) food

Identifies an always (Healthy) food

Describes the difference between a

sometimes and always food

Identifies a hazardous substance

Each worksheet will be put into a Actions that promote healthy and active communities booklet.

Identifies where hazardous substances

are stored

Can distinguish between a sweet and a

Explains why a hazardous substance
needs to be stored safely.
Can identify a range of safety symbols

Can identify actions used around those


safety symbols

Identifies what a community helper is

Describes their roles in the community

Explains where we can find the

community helpers.

Identifies ways to be safe outside.

Describes the steps needed to keep safe


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