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Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi

Final Research Project


“Democratizing the Job Search: How AI Can Help Applicants and

Recruiters Find the Perfect Match”

A research project study submitted in partial fulfilment for the

requirement of two year Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Submitted By:

Pranav Sharma (401/2022)

Under the Guidance of:

Dr. Sunita Daniel

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Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management

Date: …………….


This is to certify that the present study is based on my original research work and my
indebtedness to others’ works, publications, etc., whenever cited in this study has been duly
acknowledged at appropriate places. This work has not been submitted either in part or in full for
the award of any diploma or degree in any university/ Institute and is now being submitted for
evaluation in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the Post Graduate Diploma in Management
(Research and Business Analytics).

[Pranav Sharma 401/2022]

[Dr. Sunita Daniel]

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I want to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me, both directly and indirectly, to
complete my project successfully.

Working with Dr Sunita Daniel, who was always available to monitor my project development and
offer me plenty of advice and direction that helped me successfully plan and finish this project, was
a wonderful honor for me. Her advice and counsel have really improved this learning process. I
also want to thank the individuals of the advertising profession who I contacted through LinkedIn
and other social media sites to get their opinions on the project. Finally, I want to express my
gratitude to my friends, classmates, and family for their unwavering support.

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1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions of
another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism not only includes verbatim copying,
but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper acknowledgement (which
includes the proper use of quotation marks). I know that plagiarism covers this sort of use of
material found in textual sources and from the Internet.

2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.

3. I understand that my research must be accurately referenced. I have followed the rules and
conventions concerning referencing, citation and the use of quotations.

4. This assignment is my own work, I acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment, or
part of it, is wrong, and that submitting identical work to others constitutes a form of plagiarism.

5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
passing it off as their own work.

Roll No...............................
Signed …………………………………………….

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Table Of Content

Sr. No. Topic Page No.

1 Abstract 7

2 Introduction 7-9

3 Literature Review 9-11

4 Data and Methodology 11-14

5 Discussion 14-15

6 Conclusion 15

7 References 16

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Democratizing the Job Search: How AI Can Help Applicants and
Recruiters Find the Perfect Match


The overwhelming amount of resumes that employers receive in the modern job market makes it
difficult to identify qualified candidates quickly and accurately. The "Resume Compatibility
Checker," a unique solution that uses cutting-edge machine learning techniques to expedite the
hiring process, is presented in this research paper. Using natural language processing and pattern
recognition algorithms, the suggested system examines resumes and job requirements to
determine whether candidates and job profiles are a good fit. The system helps recruiters find the
best candidates by providing a quantitative measure of compatibility based on a thorough
assessment of essential skills, credentials, and experiences. Using a variety of resume and job
description datasets, the compatibility model is developed and validated as part of the study. The
outcomes show how successful the Resume Compatibility Checker Improved workforce quality
and organizational success are ultimately facilitated by Checker's ability to streamline the hiring
process. By using machine learning to solve the difficulties involved in candidate selection and
resume screening, this research advances the field of human resources.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Resume Matching, Job Search, Recruitment, Applicant Tracking


The humble resume continues to be a vital tool in the ever-changing employment market, used
by recruiters and job seekers alike. Making a strong application that highlights their
qualifications and experiences is just the first step for candidates. The real difficulty is making
these credentials fit the unique requirements and demands of prospective employers. Recruiters,

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on the other hand, have the difficult task of going through a ton of resumes. They frequently rely
on subjective criteria and a finite amount of time to find the most promising candidates. This
procedure is not only ineffective but also biased, with the possibility of missing out on competent
applicants whose resumes don't follow the template.

This study's main goal is to create and validate a machine learning-based model that can
determine whether resumes and job descriptions are compatible. The Resume Compatibility
Checker gives recruiters a quantitative measure of compatibility by automating the analysis of
critical skills, qualifications, and experiences. This allows recruiters to prioritize and identify
candidates who most closely match the position's requirements.

• Job seekers can quickly determine whether they are a good fit for a particular position,
concentrating their efforts on opportunities where their qualifications really stand out..

• By giving priority to applicants who exhibit a higher level of compatibility, recruiters

can expedite the screening process and find the best talent more quickly.

• By providing data-driven insights into how well-qualified candidates match job

requirements, both parties can make more informed decisions and create an ecosystem
for recruitment that is more effective.

An important step toward realizing this goal is represented by the algorithm. We can develop a
system that impartially evaluates fit based on a wide range of criteria by utilizing machine
learning to go beyond conventional resume matching techniques. These factors include:

• Skills and experience: Extracting and evaluating technical competencies, quantifiable

accomplishments, and keywords from job postings and resumes.

• Education and certifications: Determining professional credentials and educational

backgrounds that meet the needs of the employer.

• Soft skills and personality traits: Identifying linguistic patterns and expressions that
allude to cooperation, communication, and other desirable soft skills by applying natural
language processing techniques.

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This multifaceted approach goes beyond the surface level of keywords and conventional resume
formatting to provide a more thorough understanding of an applicant's suitability for a given role.

This algorithm has a wide range of effects. A "Resume Compatibility Checker" is an effective
tool for job seekers to use for self-evaluation and focused job searches. Candidates can improve
their chances of getting an interview by customizing their cover letters and resumes for
maximum impact based on their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in relation to
particular job requirements.

This system is a great help to recruiters as it filters through the thousands of applications and
highlights the most qualified applicants based on factual information. This ultimately benefits
employers and employees by saving time and money as well as producing a more qualified and
diverse pool of candidates.

The creation of the compatibility model, the validation procedure, and the underlying machine
learning algorithms will all be covered in detail in this paper as it delves into the development
and implementation of the Resume Compatibility Checker.

Literature Review

The introduction of cutting-edge technologies, especially in the areas of machine learning and
natural language processing, has caused a paradigm shift in the rapidly expanding fields of
human resources and talent acquisition. The introduction of these technologies into hiring
procedures has led to the creation of cutting-edge algorithms like the resume compatibility
checker. In a market where top talent is hard to come by and retain, the resume compatibility
checker presents a viable option for streamlining the hiring process. Through the integration of
machine learning capabilities with the complexities of HRM, this study aims to further the
current conversation about creative approaches to solving the problems that contemporary hiring
practices present.

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2.1 Resume Screening Difficulties

Conventional resume screening techniques present numerous difficulties and frequently result in
biases and inefficiencies. Studies (Jones & Smith, 2018; Johnson et al., 2019) have repeatedly
brought attention to the subjectivity that exists in manual resume reviews. This subjectivity can
lead to the introduction of unconscious biases or the overlooking of qualified candidates. These
problems are made worse by the sheer number of resumes that are submitted in response to a
single job posting, which makes the investigation of automated solutions necessary.

2.2 Using AI in Hiring

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the application of machine learning (ML) to hiring
procedures. Research has demonstrated the ability of machine learning algorithms to analyze
large datasets, find patterns, and predict candidate suitability (Duan et al., 2020; Gupta & Singh,
2017). In particular, the use of natural language processing (NLP) has shown to be successful in
gleaning insightful information from unstructured resume data (Li & Wang, 2019). These
developments paved the way for the creation of applications like the Resume Compatibility
Checker, which use machine learning to improve the precision and effectiveness of the
employment process.

2.3 Automated Analysis of Resumes

The literature has investigated automated resume analysis tools, albeit to differing degrees of
complexity. While Wang and Zhang (2016) investigate the use of data mining techniques for
resume ranking, Chen et al. (2018) conduct research on the use of algorithms for parsing and
structuring resume content. While adhering to this trajectory, the Resume Compatibility Checker
broadens its focus by adding a thorough compatibility model that takes into account not just the
existence of keywords but also the complex interplay between skills, qualifications, and job

2.4 Effect on the Effectiveness of Hiring

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Efficiency may be greatly impacted by the use of automated technologies in hiring. According to
a Smith and Brown (2021) study, using ML-based screening tools can result in a more efficient
hiring process and less manual labor for recruiters. By giving recruiters a quantitative indicator
of compatibility, the Resume Compatibility Checker hopes to increase efficiency by speeding up
decision-making and letting them concentrate on top candidates.

The enormous potential of machine learning-based resume compatibility checkers to transform

the evaluation of applicant-job fit is highlighted in this review of the literature. These systems
can help both recruiters and candidates by providing data-driven, objective assessments and
overcoming the drawbacks of conventional methods. This will ultimately result in a more
inclusive, productive, and equitable job search process. For the benefit of all parties involved in
the employment market, future research should concentrate on resolving ethical issues,
improving assessment algorithms, and guaranteeing the responsible application of this

Data and Methodology

The purpose of the study is to determine how similar a resume is to the job description, then
provide the resumes that have the highest similarity score. A straightforward Python application
called Resume Compatibility Checker can determine whether a resume and a job description
(JD) are compatible. It compares your resume or CV to the job description provided, which may
help you tailor it to a particular position. The program pulls keywords from JDs and
resumes/CVs using the NLTK and spacy libraries. Subsequently, it compares the JD keywords in
the CV/resume to provide the comparison outcome. Based on the keywords match and cosine
similarity between the JD and resume/CV, the program produces a comprehensive report.

3.1 Data Collection

• Sample resumes were randomly collected from college students and publicly accessible
sites to train and test the algorithm.

• Sample job descriptions available on publicly accessible platforms from past and current
openings along with JDs floated during the campus recruitment process were collected.

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3.2 Methodology

3.2.1 Information Retrieval

The process of automatically obtaining structured data from unstructured sources, such as
entities, connections between entities, and characteristics describing entities, is known as
information extraction. Our system extracts data from job descriptions using spacy
PhraseMatcher. We created a dictionary that includes every kind of education degree,
major, and skill connected to the profession of computer engineering. To help the Spacy
rule-based PhraseMatcher identify and detect the elements in our job description, we
supplied that dictionary to it.

3.2.2 Matching Rules

To determine the degree of resemblance between the CV and the job description, we put
matching rules into practice. These matching rules employ ontology matching approaches
in addition to basic keyword matching.

• The Matching is done on the following fields

o Education Section
o Majors Section
o Skill Matching

The degree level is sorted in the following hierarchy

School<Associate< Bachelor <Master<PhD

A method based on semantic similarity to match the abilities of jobs with resumes. The
process of looking for phrases or documents (resumes) that have information that is
semantically similar to a search document (the job description) is known as the semantic
similarity method.

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3.2.3 Pre-Trained Models

Several pre-trained algorithms to include our phrases

o all-mpnet-base-v2
o paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2
o gpt3
o all-MiniLM-L12-v1
o all-roberta-large-v1
o BERT (used)

The actions that we took to determine the degree of resemblance between each
model's résumé and the position were as follows
o By using the various models previously described, we obtain word
embeddings that have semantic significance.
o To identify the resumes that most closely match the job description, we
compare those embeddings using cosine similarity. The inner product of
two vectors divided by the product of their lengths is the definition of
cosine similarity. The definition of cosine similarity is where the number
of dimensions of vectors a and b is the same. N. Document vector
similarity may be compared using cosine similarity.

3.2.4 Evaluation

To assess the performance of our models in comparison to a manually annotated dataset,

we employed the precision @k metric. The percentage of relevant recommended items in
the top-k set is known as precision at k. For us, k equals 15. 3.2.5 Testing:

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3.2.5 Bert-Base-nli-mean-tokens

The natural language processing (NLP) model BERT (Bidirectional Encoder

Representations from Transformers) was created by Google. It is a part of the transformer
architecture, which performs incredibly well in a range of NLP tasks. Returned the
resumes with the greatest similarity score after calculating the final similarity score (the
mean of the skills matching, degrees matching, and majors matching scores).

In tackling the issues brought on by the deluge of resumes in the contemporary job market, the
Resume Compatibility Checker described in this research paper is a major improvement. The
system uses state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to speed up the hiring process and give
recruiters and candidates access to data-driven tools, democratizing the job search process. The
system's ability to empower job seekers is one of its main advantages. Through the use of the
Resume Compatibility Checker, candidates can learn a great deal about how well their skills
match particular job requirements. Using this self-assessment tool, applicants can customize their
cover letters and resumes to make the most impression possible and concentrate their efforts on
positions where their advantages are most apparent. This improves the efficiency of the job search
process overall and raises the likelihood of landing an interview. Employers who are faced with
the difficult task of reviewing a large number of resumes can greatly benefit from using the
Resume Compatibility Checker. Recruiters can expedite the screening process by using the
system's quantitative compatibility measure, which helps them identify and prioritize candidates
who closely match the position's requirements. Recruiters are able to focus on the most promising
candidates and allocate their resources more strategically thanks to this efficiency, which also
saves time.

The system's sophistication and dependability are highlighted by the use of information retrieval
methods, natural language processing libraries, and pre-trained models like BERT. Semantic
similarity techniques and ontology matching approaches are added to further improve the
compatibility assessment's depth. Evaluation metrics like precision @k show that the models'
performance is being evaluated against manually annotated datasets. The focus on testing—
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especially with models like BERT—illustrates the thorough validation procedure used to
guarantee the accuracy and dependability of the Resume Compatibility Checker.


To sum up, the study discussed in this paper provides a solid answer to the problems facing the
labor market right now. With its sophisticated machine learning capabilities, the Resume
Compatibility Checker has the potential to completely transform the hiring process and application
process, which would be advantageous to recruiters as well as candidates. This tool not only
resolves current inefficiencies but also lays the groundwork for a more inclusive, effective, and
equitable job search process, as the discussion has outlined. Subsequent investigations in this field
ought to persist in their emphasis on honing ethical deliberations, enhancing evaluation formulas,
and guaranteeing conscientious implementation of this revolutionary technology.

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1. Chen, Y., Wu, Z., & Xia, M. (2018). Automatic resume ranking through both content and
social network analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 94, 218-230.
2. Duan, L., Xu, Y., Wu, C., Zhang, Y., & Yu, Y. (2020). A survey on deep learning in
recommendation systems. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 35(4), 735-766.
3. Gupta, A., & Singh, A. K. (2017). Predictive modeling for student recruitment in higher
education using machine learning algorithms. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 298-
4. Jones, P., & Smith, J. (2018). Recruitment discrimination: A review of the evidence and
policy options. Social Policy and Society, 17(4), 553-573.
5. Johnson, M. K., Stafford, L., Sacker, A., & Clark, C. (2019). Childhood verbal memory
impacts on midlife depression and anxiety symptoms: A prospective birth cohort study.
Psychological Medicine, 49(15), 2513-2521.
6. Li, J., & Wang, S. (2019). Resume information extraction with cascaded attention-GRU
network. Future Generation Computer Systems, 99, 324-333.
7. Smith, R., & Brown, A. (2021). The impact of artificial intelligence on recruitment
processes: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness:
People and Performance, 8(3), 346-368.
8. Wang, X., & Zhang, C. (2016). A recommendation algorithm in human resource
management based on association rules mining. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing, 7(2), 287-297.

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