The Ultimate Guide for LAN3100 Video Reflections as at 26102022

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for LAN3100
Video Reflections

Written and Prepared by

Project-based Learning Team,
Languages Discipline,
Vocational Training Council

The Ultimate Guide for LAN3100 Video

Reflections is an online electronic book
prepared for students studying in Higher
Diploma programmes in the Vocational Training Council. Written and prepared by
the Project-based Learning Team, Languages Discipline, this book supports students
who are new to presentation skills. The first chapter introduces the basic structure
and components of presentation. Chapter 2 integrates authentic exemplars for PBL
Assignment, which will put students at ease and allow for greater absorption of the
materials. To help students identify good practices in speaking exercises, this book
closes with suggested solutions that encourage students to analyze the answers to
better understand how to give presentations more effectively. Sample presentation
videos are provided for students to support their learning. Clear, concise, and real-
life examples are carefully chosen and reinforced with exercises and opportunities to
encourage independent learning of learners.

Presentation Fundamentals
Consolidation Practices
• Colour scheme • Healthy diet
• Digital workplace • Hotel industry
• Early childhood education • Workplace safety
• Financial management

03 Suggested Solutions

1. Presentation Fundamentals

The video reflection is a short presentation on a given topic. It can be

daunting as it involves choosing suitable ideas worthy of sharing,
organizing them in a logical, accessible way for effective presentation and
explaining your solutions to convince the audience. This chapter consists
of some useful suggestions to help you accomplish these goals.

1.1 Choosing a topic

When finding ideas for sharing, it
can be challenging to make a
decision, simply because there
are too many possibilities. You can
follow a step-by-step procedure
to map out the best ideas. Doing
so can help you narrow down the
options and speed up the
selection process.

Start with experience

List three to five challenges that you associate with the problem set for
your video reflection. Focus on some small, specific ideas rather than
the general, vague ones. For example, instead of “reducing energy
consumption”, it is more specific and manageable to talk about
“automated ways to turn off lights when not in use”.

Define the problem

Once the list is compiled, pick the issue you have the most confidence
in dealing with. Describe the situation as specifically and accurately as
possible. For instance, when designing a logo for a brand, “not having
contrasting colours that stand out from the background” is more
concrete and easier to understand than “poor visuals”.

Brainstorm possible solutions

Write down a few ways to resolve the issue, whether they are plausible
or not. Doing this allows you to have a range of options to choose from
and not get stuck because of overthinking.

1. Presentation Fundamentals

Identify the ideal solution

After ruling out obvious poor options, you can examine the rest by
putting them into practice. Evaluate the effectiveness of each solution
before arriving at your conclusion.

Task: John just completed a video reflection about the topic – a daily
challenge faced by students. The following paragraphs depict the issue
he encountered. Arrange the following paragraphs in the correct order.

After some thought, John decided that the audiobook solution

was the most effective catering most people’s needs. They
would not have to sacrifice their sleep or the immersive quality
of reading. In fact, this would make the mundane commute
more fun.

John settled on the third challenge, as he felt that sharing

ways to read more was the most helpful for his audience. He
then described the background – most students were usually
busy with lessons and assignments, so there was not much
time left for reading, one of his favourite leisure activities.

John thought about how he could find time to read. One

option was to get up earlier in the morning, but this would
mean less sleep. Reading over lunch in the noisy school
canteen might not be the best experience, either. Another
possibility was to listen to audiobooks on his commute.

Based on the given topic, John brainstormed ideas and listed

a few challenges that he or other classmates had to deal with.
He wrote down “getting up in the morning”, “frequent elevator
sanitization” and “not enough time to read”.

Order: _____ > ______ > _____ > _____ Check suggested solutions

1. Presentation Fundamentals

1.2 Structuring your talk

It is important to have a logical structure for your talk. This ensures that the
ideas presented are coherent and easy to understand. See for example a
simple structure below.

Greet the audience and introduce the topic.
e.g. Hello everyone. In today’s video, I’m going to share...
Good morning, everyone. I’m here to talk about how...

Background / Current Problems

Briefly explain the background and describe the issues you
intend to address.
e.g. As you are all aware...
As we/you know, …
I think everybody has heard about..., but hardly anyone knows
about it.
I’d like to give you some background information about...

Present your solutions and explain their main advantages.
e.g. The expected result of this will be...
The problem will be solved if....
This solution helps create...
The solution fits into...

Summarize the topic covered and compliment the audience.
e.g. I’d like to conclude by....
Now let me sum up my main points.
To summarise, / In conclusion, / All in all, …

1. Presentation Fundamentals

Task: Match the following sentences to the sections listed below.

(a) Carrying a dedicated stand can be a headache as well, as it requires

additional storage space and can be lost easily.
(b) Since the 2000s, mobile phones have been one of the most popular
personal gadgets.
(c) Despite their obvious advantages, smartphones come with a major
(d) That's all I would like to share with you today.
(e) The popularity of rounded edge designs means that the phones
cannot be used in a standing position, particularly for video
(f) Another benefit of the solution is its ease of use. You can flip the
side panel open and rest it in a stable position with one hand.
(g) In today's video, I’m going to talk about a collapsible smartphone
stand that I designed.
(h) Thanks for watching.
(i) My answer to this challenge is a design that is portable and secure
while retaining the kickstand functionality.
(j) More specifically, my design is an accessory attached to the back of
the phone rather than a separate gadget. As a result, you do not
have to worry about carrying or losing the stand.
(k) Hello everyone.
(l) I hope you find my design useful and interesting.

Introduction Background / Current Problems

Solutions Closing

Check suggested solutions

1. Presentation Fundamentals

1.3 Explaining your

Presenting solutions to a problem requires
you to present the information clearly,
persuade the audience, elaborate ideas
and make evaluations. You can adopt the
suggestions below.

Knowing your audience

Who are your target audience? How
much do they already know about the
topic? What are their expectations?
These are some of the useful questions
to ask when you prepare for a

Presenting benefits brought by your solution

You need to clearly explain how the solution you propose overcomes
the specific problem and therefore benefits the target users. To better
make connections with the audience, make sure you speak their
language, address their needs and suggest a tangible solution. You
may consider using the following expressions:
• The benefits brought by this solution will be...
• This will help solve the problem because...
• You may have concerns about … but it is not a problem since…

Using visual aids

Visual elements can provide
additional information and allow the
audience to understand the point
you want to make. When they are
used strategically, they can add to
the quality of the presentation,
enhance audience’s memory and
retention of the message you would
like to deliver in the presentation.

2. Consolidation Practices

In the following tasks, you are required to record a video of about 1.5 - 2
minutes on your own to demonstrate your ability to interact, and to
express ideas clearly and logically on a given topic. Interviews,
demonstrations or ideas sharing could be included. Practise presenting to
your classmates.

You are required to exhibit your skills in presenting information, persuading

your audience, explaining and elaborating ideas and making evaluation
learnt from this module, LAN3100 English and Communication: Workplace

2.1 Colour scheme

In your video, you need to clearly explain
the background, the problems and the
possible solutions of the task. It is assumed
that the video will be shown to the local
tutorial centres.

Based on the following area, address the

questions and present your ideas in your
video reflection.

Area Colour scheme

How could the colour combination in your

Driving question brand design help establish a remarkable
brand image?

Target audience Tutorial centres

What might be the challenges of using the

Problems existing brand colours in terms of branding
and marketing? List some examples.

What suggestions will you give to tutorial

Solutions centres for brand image enhancement?
Please explain.

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


Existing colour


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.2 Digital workplace

In your video, you need to clearly explain the background, the problems
and the possible solutions of the task. It is assumed that the video will be
shown to the local companies.

Based on the following area, address the questions and present your ideas
in your video reflection.

Area Digitial workplace

How can technology help staff improve

Driving question
work performance?

Target audience Companies

What might be the challenges of using

Problems technology in the workplace? List some

What recommendations will you offer in

Solutions order to help increase productivity and
efficiency? Please explain.

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


Using technology in
the workplace


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.3 In your video, you need to clearly explain

the background, the problems and the
possible solutions of the task. It

Early is assumed that the video will be shown

to the local kindergarten teachers.

childhood Based on the following area, address the

education questions and present your ideas in your

video reflection.

Area Early childhood education

How could the EdTech tools help improve

Driving question the effectiveness of online teaching to

Target audience Local kindergarten teachers

What might be the challenges for the existing

Problems teachers in delivering their lessons online to
the children in kindergarten? List some

What suggestions will you give to deliver

your online lesson better for the children to
Solutions overcome the challenges mentioned? Please

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


EdTech tools


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.4 In your video, you need to

clearly explain the background,
the problems and the possible

Financial solutions of the task. It

is assumed that the video will
be shown to the audience of the
Finance EXPO Asia 2022.
Based on the following area, address the questions and present your ideas
in your video reflection.

Area Financial management

How does effective financial management

Driving question help small businesses achieve business

Target audience Small businesses and startups

What might be the financial challenges

Problems when running a small business? List some

What recommendations will you offer to

Solutions small businesses to ensure financial
stability? Please explain.

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


management of a
small business


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.5 Healthy diet

In your video, you need to clearly explain the background, the problems
and the possible solutions of the task. It is assumed that the video will be
shown to the local health-conscious consumers.

Based on the following area, address the questions and present your ideas
in your video reflection.

Area Healthy diet

How can a healthy diet help individuals

Driving question prevent health-related illnesses and
improve well-being?

Target audience Health-conscious consumers

What might be the challenges for

Problems workaholics to maintain healthy eating
habits? List some examples.

What recommendations will you give to

Solutions promote a healthy diet? Please explain.

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


Healthy diet


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.6 Hotel industry

In your video, you need to clearly explain the background, the problems
and the possible solutions of the task. It is assumed that the video will be
shown to the management of local hotels.

Based on the following area, address the questions and present your ideas
in your video reflection.

Area Hotel industry

Following the pandemic onset, how can

Driving question local hotels improve profitability and
create a more sustainable future?

Target audience Hotel managers

What might be the challenges for hotel

Problems businesses to maintain operations? List
some examples.

What suggestions will you give in order to

Solutions optimise operational efficiency and
adaptability? Please explain.

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


operations of hotel


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

2.7 Workplace safety

In your video, you need to clearly explain the background, the problems
and the possible solutions of the task. It is assumed that the video will be
shown to the local companies.

Based on the following area, address the questions and present your ideas
in your video reflection.

Area Occupational safety and health

How can a company improve workplace

Driving question
safety to avoid injuries and accidents?

Target audience Companies

What are the common causes of

Problems workplace injuries and accidents? List
some examples.

What precautionary measures will you

Solutions suggest in order to protect employees
from workplace hazards?

2. Consolidation Practices

Your Draft

You may use the mind map below for brainstorming ideas.


Occupational safety
and health in


suggested solutions

2. Consolidation Practices

Self-assessment Checklist:

1. Do you begin by introducing yourself and the topic


2. Do you present your ideas (both problems and

solutions) clearly, logically and concisely?

3. Do you end your presentation in an appropriate


4. Do you present a right amount of facts and figures to

support your claim? Are they clearly presented?

5. Do you speak with an appropriate tone and style?

6. Do you look confident when you are presenting?

Do you maintain eye contact with the audience?

3. Suggested Solutions

1.1 Correct order: d, b, c, a

1.2 Introduction: g, k
Solutions: f, i, j
Background/Current Problems: b, c, a, e
Closing: d, h, l

2.1 Colour Scheme

2.1 Colour scheme: Sample Presentation


Watch on

Hello everyone. As a design student, I have been always in love with

colours. Since each colour delivers a unique mood, a right colour scheme
would be fundamental in branding and marketing. Today I will talk about
the colour combination I proposed to help a tutorial center establish a
remarkable brand image.

It is common to find that most brand colours chosen for tutorial

centers may not best represent their brand identity. Hence, it could be
difficult for the public to associate the centres with the professional
service that they provide.

So what colours could be used for brand image enhancement? Take the
tutorial centre I worked for as an example. To incorporate youthful
elements into an educational brand, I used complementary colours, bright
orange and navy blue, to represent both the centre and young people that
it serves.

3. Suggested Solutions

First, bright orange resembles sunshine and growth, which illuminates a

bright future ahead of young people. Moreover, the colour signifies
innovation and creativity of the young minds. Using bright orange, thus,
aligns with the mission of the tutorial centre, that is, to equip the youth with
knowledge and skills to excel in their studies.

Meanwhile, navy blue is often associated with education as a motif of

professionalism and maturity. Such a colour thereby symbolises the solid
training and staunch support provided by the tutorial centre. Therefore, the
combination of bright orange and navy blue echoes with the thriving of
young talents with the guidance given by the tutorial centre.

That’s all I would like to share with you today, and I hope you would find
my sharing helpful. Thanks for watching.

2.2 Digital workplace

2 2 Digital workplace: Sample Presentation


Watch on

Hello everyone. As we know, technology has become more indispensable

in almost every workplace. Many tasks can be accomplished faster and
easier with the help of technology. In this video, I would like to share how
technology helps increase our productivity and efficiency.

3. Suggested Solutions

To start with, let’s take a look at some possible challenges of using

technology in our workplace. Have you ever had your computer crashed with
all your important documents, or a task delayed because you couldn’t get the
files you needed? We have so many documents and folders saved at
different locations, and sometimes we may even forget where the files are
since we are just so busy and get so much to remember. Moreover, when we
need to work on a task with our colleagues by sending different edited
versions in and out, we may easily get confused and even work on the
wrong document.

So how can we make good use of technology to work faster and easier?
Some cloud collaboration tools and platforms including OneDrive, Asana and
Wrike may help us work better. The overall team performance can be
improved when you get all your documents and folders in sync and it is
easily accessible. Your co-workers can manage and collaborate on projects
and tasks together at the same time, instead of waiting for colleagues to
finish their own part. What’s more, they can easily share and assign tasks,
projects and folders with their team members. Cloud collaboration tools
really help encourage teamwork and collaboration a lot.

Well, that’s all I’d like to share with you today. Thank you very much for

2.3 Early childhood education

2.3 Early childhood education: Sample Presentation


Watch on

3. Suggested Solutions

Good morning, everyone. As we know, education has been hit hard, and
online teaching has become more prevalent since the outbreak of COVID-
19. In this video, I would like to tell you how Education Technology (EdTech)
tools help improve the effectiveness of online teaching for children.

Let’s start by talking about the challenges teachers and children may
encounter in online lessons. First, teacher-student interactions have been
limited as they cannot meet face-to-face. Besides, with the home
environment being surrounded by potential distractions, keeping students
engaged and motivated in online lessons becomes more challenging.

So, what can we do to tackle these challenges? The use of Edtech tools is
the answer.

There are many popular Edtech tools available. For example, Mentimeter,
PollEverywhere and Padlet facilitate online teaching and learning. These
apps allow real-time responses from learners. Children can easily share
ideas by simply clicking choices, texting, drawing, taking or uploading
pictures using digital gadgets. What’s more, children can engage in
gamified activities, including earning virtual “points” for completing tasks,
playing educational games to build academic skills and competing with
peers on a leaderboard. These activities can be conducted online with the
use of Edtech tools such as Wordscapes, Kahoot and Quizlet, etc. This helps
enhance their motivation in learning.

That’s all for today, and I hope my sharing will be helpful. Thanks for

3. Suggested Solutions

2.4 Financial management

2.4 Financial management: Sample Presentation


Watch on

Hello everyone. I am a Business Studies student. Recently, I learnt that

one of the factors in understanding whether a business may be
successful or not is financial management. Today, I will talk about good
financial management practices for small businesses.

Through research, I found that a lot of small businesses fail because of

poor financial management. You may ask, if you’re skilled in your craft,
wouldn’t that allow your business to be successful? The answer is no.
Being good at what you do is important but if you don’t understand how
to spend your money, you can also quickly lose it! Furthermore, 42% of
small businesses reported that their challenge was not how good they
were at what they do but how their money was spent!

So how can we better manage our finances? Firstly, record when our
payment deadlines are through a spreadsheet. Otherwise, you might be
in debt if you miss your payment!

Secondly, monitor our spending! Do you know how much money you
spend each day, week or month? If you don’t, it’s understandable why it’s
difficult to track your money, so create a monthly budget of how much
money you should spend!

3. Suggested Solutions

Finally, cut costs where possible. For example, if you find that too many
materials were bought, next time, buy less to save money or even better use
some of that saved money to help promote your business, like decorating
your store!

That’s all I would like to share with you! Thank you!

2.5 Healthy diet

2.5 Healthy diet: Sample Presentation


Watch on

Hello everyone. I am a year-one student majoring in Applied Science.

Having a healthy diet is important to everyone. In this video, I am going to
share a tool which I designed before to help people keep a healthy diet.

I found that most of the dishes in restaurants and takeaways are salty.
Nevertheless, living in such a fast-paced city, dining out is inevitable. But
how can we avoid eating too salty then?

To resolve this dilemma, I have designed a portable healthy diet device

which can help test the salt level of our dishes.

It looks and functions like a thermometer. You just need to dig this meter into
the dish and wait for a few seconds to measure the salt level. The meter will
tell you the salt level according to three scales: high, medium and low.

3. Suggested Solutions

The red area indicates a high and unhealthy level of salt. The green one in
the middle suggests a medium level of salt. The blue label shows a small
amount of salt which is the healthiest for diners.

This device has several benefits for customers. First, it is portable, small,
and light with only 10 grams. Second, it is environmentally friendly as it is
run by solar energy. Third, of course, it reminds you of the importance of
having a low-salt meal even when dining out.

That’s all I would like to share with you today. I hope you like my design.
Thank you for watching.

2.6 Hotel industry

2 6 Hotel industry: Sample Presentation


Watch on

Hello everyone. As we know, it is unlikely that Hong Kong will see a full
resumption of cross-border travel in the next three to six months under the
pandemic. In today's video, I will discuss how the hotel industry can
optimise operational efficiency and adaptability.

The number of visitors has reduced sharply since 2019 because of the
outbreak of Covid-19 and quarantine requirement. With the huge drop of
occupancy rate, this alarming issue has caused significant business
disruptions. Hence, it is necessary to find ways to revive the local tourism

3. Suggested Solutions

As suggested by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, we can boost local

consumption and encourage Hong Kong people to take the initiative and be
tourists in our own city. When the pandemic situation has stabilised, a
new program called "Staycation Delights" can be launched. This offers an
additional option for people of Hong Kong to enjoy local experiences. For
example, we can encourage the public to collect original machine-printed
receipts from spending at least HK$800 or more at local retail or dining
outlets to redeem them for a HK$500 discount on a hotel package from the
"Staycation Delights" programme. When the social-distancing measures
are further relaxed, we can introduce a series of mega-events and great
offers to create business opportunities for the hotel sector.

That's all for today, and I hope my sharing will be helpful. Thanks for

2.7 Workplace safety

2.7 Workplace safety: Sample Presentation


Watch on

3. Suggested Solutions

Good morning, everyone. Do you agree that employees are important

assets to a company? If you do, how would you provide a work environment
which is free from potential dangers? In today's video, I would like to share
with you how to prevent workplace injuries and accidents.

Let’s begin with three common causes of workplace injuries and accidents.
The first one is the use of worn and broken hand tools, equipment and
machinery, which could result in cuts, bruises, bleeding, electrocution, bone
fractures and even death.

What’s more, fire is usually caused by incorrect storage of defective electrics

including loose wires, faulty equipment and combustibles such as paper,
wood and cardboard. This finally leads to casualties and destruction of
goods, equipment, materials and buildings.

Last but not least, a messy workplace poses numerous dangers to workers,
including tripping over loose objects on floors, being hit by falling objects
and slipping on greasy or wet surfaces.

Let’s now move on to the precautionary measures. First, we should regularly

check if tools and equipment are in good order, replace them timely and
maintain machinery well before use. Training should be given to
maintenance and operating personnel to identify potential problems with
the operation of the machinery. As for fire prevention, anyone who may
have to use extinguishers should be trained and receive basic instructions
on firefighting. Finally, it is necessary to conduct a housekeeping program
including daily cleanup, waste disposal, removal of unused materials and
proper storage of toxic materials.

That’s all for my sharing, and I hope you find my suggestions useful. Thanks
for watching.

The Ultimate Guide
for LAN3100
Video Reflections
This study package features
- fundamentals of presentation;
- practices with a wide range of authentic topics; and
- suggested solutions with sample presentation videos.

All rights reserved (2022).

This online electronic book is written and prepared by

Project-based Learning Team, Languages Discipline,
Vocational Training Council. All content in this book is
provided only for educational purposes.

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