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Technical information Rated currents of busbars E-Cu (DIN 43 671) DIN 43 671 speci the constant curents for busbars at an ambien temperature of 35°C and an avorago busbat temperature of 5°C. With ie ado! a correction factor"), the continuous eurtents spect inthe fol Ibiing able may be adjusted (9 alernalve ‘operating temperatures safe operation with thermal reserve, tis adusable o limit the busbar temperature to & maximum of 85°C. However the dec sive factors he lowest permissible continuous temperature ofthe components whieh ‘rectly contact the busbar system (Use bases, outgoing cables etc |. The ambient fi temperature ofthe Busbars or busbar system snould not exceed 40°C. an aver 199 of 35°C maximum fs recommended. Continuous currents for busbers Mai ftom £-Cu win square cross-section in indoor locations at 28°C air temperature For the continuous temperatures specified in the table, ar amiesion lave of 0.4 apples, equivalent te an axdating copper bar. In fmadern busbar systems bul into enclo- Sutes with a protection category of P54 and above ~ a more lavaurable emission level tan be assumed, The kver emission level facta an additonal increase ih continu fous cures compared with the figures DIN 43671, rrespecive othe speciied ar and busbar temperature. Experience has Shown an increase nthe continuous current of 610% compared withthe table figures fer uncoated capper bars, and 60% for sur facovowid sed copper bars 59°C bar emporature, verlcal pasion cr horizontal postion of Ine bar wich Carino eA with DG sae cross A curent rnoleees | seston | wouney | noir | Goroeorie ea i Gare] coset | awe | Goad id ‘ar be ar ws | ne Te 7 2 1 ws [5m 26 Ea Ea Bar a REZ ca 7 ze a Tao ar sae 27 Tee 2.860 30 ars ae are co Tarte a. oe aaa Se 2720 585 ear 588 75 330 335 te [ae 20 ri SL ET Resta felon re Rial PLS current load ‘According 10 DIN 43.671 levels (gues :sken rom DIN 4 671) the correction factor ko (conection diagram) is used to conect the basi cutfent with reference fo the exsting temperatures ofthe ambient air and the busbat Irvaccordance wr DIN 43 671, tne load figures ofthe FittalPLS special bars have Been etermines on the basis of measurement Vals, as follows PLS special Re 3060 fe osoare To 5/65 (ele value) PLS 600 e848 PLS 1605 Ta Exampt Fara Gu bat 20x 10mm (E-Cu 20, DIN'43 871 species a constant current of lee = 573 A he correction factor dlagram for square crostaections indicates a corction factor ke= 1.29 alan a lomporaturo of 35°C ana ‘ oucbar temperature of 85°C. Thanks to the favourable emssion love. the continuaue current is increased by a furthar 6 ~ 10%. Inthis example. a mean value of 87s Used. Compared withthe lable figure ram Din-ig-671, he Atal rated cunent spectt- tallon for Cu bar 30% "0 mms Tae = be Ke + 8% SYA: 129-108 Inge = 800 A Correction factor diagram to DIN 43 671 Correction factor diagram for PLS 3 i ita Caslogue 23Pouerdistrbuton/11.2012 Technical information Rated currents of busbars E-Cu (DIN 43 671) In adalton othe rate usbars to DIN 43 6 Fete aseltional vakos for ralad currents oF TaLS busbar systems with bare copper for AC currants up to 60 He ‘These values were determined on Fla-PLS. rents for copper the following table busbars ited in enclosures with various pro- fection categories, as well as with and wih fut forced ventilation, Depending on he. ss0ar system and protection category, WO figures ate given, representing tne rated Uirent a! an overtemperature of 30 Kane 7K. In convast:o the rated currents 0 DIN 43.677 the temperature outsce the fenclosura is measured as he ambient tem= The beneli ofthis approach is tha the enclosure housing, when ray exert armajor Influence on the eusbar syst, is taken nto scount inthe raings data fcr the busbar System. Dasigring a busbar system to IN'23 671 wthodk consideration o! the ‘enclosure housing may lead lo thermal prob- Toms inthe enclosure nterox, particulary vith higher currents. Alfough IEC 61 439-1 permis nigher over temperature Imts man 70 K the ansole Busha temperature at an amovent tempera {ure of 95°C and 70 K overtemperature Im is 105°C. Ths figure of 105°C high, ur Signiieanlly below the thermal softening of Copper material and therefore acceptable. Rated AC currents of Flat PLS busbar system up to 60 Hz for bare copper bars (E-Cu F30)In A ‘curentsused at an overtampers ‘SOK, thie meane thal the temperate jsbare 20K above the ambent Temperatura ofthe enclovure, Expresses in absolute figures, therolar, a! an ambient temperature of 35°C around the enclosure housing, ths produces a maximum absolute busbar temperature of 68°C. 7 - Ear oman Sr] ea re [une anen] P= nee ae rhs 2000 us ng ncn Beane For calculating rated currents a tempera tutes betwoon tho over temperature limits of Fla PLS busbar systems, the correc- ion factor clagrary may be used. I data 's available regaraing the maximum aribi- tent iomperature and the maxmum bar fomperalso, a correction factor ke may be calcu lagram. With a cortecton factor ke and a Speciad rated curton at 30 K overtem= ature lt, te new raiee currents cab ulated Atal Catalogue 20)Powereistibuon 3.2012 seo usng amanater vr Sk 2243 °00 and ous ier SK 2248200, Example FlatPLS 100 busbar ystom ‘with 4x 109 x 19 mim Isa at IP 2X = 2320 A ‘ambien temperature = 39°C ar temperature = 85°C From the diagram, this produces @ actor ks = 1.28 ne new rated current under these conditions i then Correction factor alagram oH i 159 Technical information Calculation of heat loss in busbars The heat loss of busbars can be calculated In order to caloulale the hea loss in acct using the folowing equation, provided the [AC current ouislance = known l> [A] operating current [mim] AC or DC curent resistance tthe busbar 1 [m}longty of busbar which stows trough For this reason, and in order to obtain com ance wit the above formula, in incvidval parable results when determining neat Cazes ean be assumed Inal he raled fosees, te lable shows the resitance val Cutent cfacreul andlor the “eperaling Ges m mii for tha mast common srosse Clients" of fhe busbar sections andthe sections of copper busbars, Coresponding longi el the conductor sys- tem inthe inslalaton o distrbutor are own. By contrast, the res stance af con ductor systems ~ particularly the AC curtent Fesisiance of busbar arrangements — cannot Simply be takon from a decument or deter mined yourselt Tavares aT OT ered T um aa wi Tn 4 man eonuctr aan eonuce 2x2maneansuter sxamaneandicrs a SS SS SL TT i z 3 4 B $ 7 a 2 Tax cari Tat Za 7s Tas oa oe 1382 1382 a a2 7337 oR87 Ta aa 0x8 a8 aa? oaai 3208 oat or aura 522 522 028 288 aoxfo [On 58 Ts8 ore? aT ee TE Tost wei [om 087 a8 om ass 262 od Tet? oxi [028 Te 078 087 188 08 a O58 iooxt0 [021 Tee 3.89 ore a9 0a oat 008 The sistance values shown the able re based on an assumed Fr busbar empetatures other than 65°, the elstance may be ‘erage busbar lamperive of 6° (ambient ampere ¥ sok.” Calelated a olows ening) and thersote ona specie wasance 9 ont epeeane vevaton i Negative temperature deviation ve) = 209 [ m8 =m ® peo) = 208 [-ma-mami fgetwwe (4 @ 89) [mci] esisance at any aven temperate Example: fos for 1 main condicor 122 mm a [£]feroeratse contin (er Cu = 0.004 5 9 IK omer citforence in eaten to the resstance value tes 209 [R20] 4m aerc ros = 26S) m oar ma 20 rin] Specitcresistan at [202 specie resistance 156 Pal Caaogu 24Poner sro! 2012 Technical information Busbar screw connections to DIN 43 673 Drilling patterns and drilled holes Tea ase Bee a wratoo {otng pater 2 gape ee 8 30 a a a a To a a T Shape desgnaions 1= 4 rich Dl Examples of busbar screw connections Longitudinal connectors ‘Angular connectors 3 ling patterns and etiled holes ‘one end ofthe 6 refer tt th Slots ate pe

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