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In this IB lab, you will be assessed on the following criteria: Exploration (6),

Analysis(6), Evaluation (6).

A factor affecting the coefficient of restitution of a squash ball.

1. Design and carry out an experiment that will allow you to investigate the effect of a factor on the
coefficient of restitution of the squash ball.
a. The design of your investigation must take into consideration all, or nearly all, of the
significant factors that may influence the relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the
collected data. Your design should use only continuous variables.
b. The design of your investigation must include the use of one of the following:
i. Phyphox
ii. Logger pro
iii. Video analysis
iv. Any other appropriate app to measure the height of bounce.
2. Conduct a data analysis and evaluation of results that will address the following IB criteria:
Analysis and Evaluation.
3. Write a lab report (not more than 10 pages) that will satisfy the following IB criteria: Exploration,
Analysis, Evaluation. The lab report is due on Mar 11.

Designing your investigation:

• Read and understand the meaning of coefficient of restitution.

• When designing the investigation, think of what the sources of uncertainties are.
• Choose the range of independent variable and value of controlled variable carefully. You must be
able to link the values to reduction of uncertainties.
• Take note of all these and report it in write-up.

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