The Looksmaxing Bible

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Mouth & Teeth
Jaw & Bones
Eye Area

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 2 of 105

Hello, valued reader! You'll want to thank yourself for purchasing this
book because I wholeheartedly believe it'll take you in the right direction
to better your life; from your dating life, social life, career, and life in

Looksmaxing is the process of enhancing one's appearance, and this is

what this book will teach you.

This e-book condenses all of the Internet's tried-and-tested looksmaxing

knowledge into one simple, visual, and engaging e-book to help
introduce you to the world of looksmaxing, its basics, and how to do it

Here's a list of disclaimers I must share before proceeding (READ)

I have fact-checked and reviewed ALL of my studies and articles to
the best of my ability to ensure that everything in this guide contains
valid information and not misinformation.
Whenever you see a number surrounded by [], it is a link, either to
studies, articles, citations, or purchase links.
If I didn't provide dosages for anything I have recommended you to
take, it means that either you should read the container for the
dosage or you should search online for the recommended dosage!
I am NOT liable for any ACCIDENTAL adverse side effects that any
supplements, surgeries, or peptides you take may bring. As I've stated
in the disclaimer, the advice is informational, not medical and you
should do your own research!
The information in this guide is not meant to be interpreted as
medical advice, I am NOT a doctor. It is for informational purposes
only. Apply at your own risk and do your own research!
Don't expect the info here to be a GUARANTEED ticket to being a
10/10 gigachad. The only promise I'll make is that you'll come out
better looking than before, if implementd consistently.
I wrote this book with many emojis, which may not display properly on
every device.
I am @enchanted_elixir on, so I own the rights to my
own intellectual property. This isn't stolen content from others.

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Your nutrition is quite literally the biological foundation of looksmaxing.
Without the right nutrition, you not only stunt your height but also
prevents your body from getting nutrients to properly develop a good-
looking facial bone structure, body, frame, and healthy hair just to name
a few.

If your nutrition isn't good, your looksmaxing journey will be longer,

harder, or in some cases even impossible.

Without your genomic data, microbiome (gut) data, goals, current

diseases, daily activities, etc. it becomes pretty hard for me to give you a
"perfect diet", if that even is a thing.

Everyone's body has different needs at different times, has different

goals, and even reacts differently to different foods! I can not tell you
what foods to eat or not eat. Instead, I'll tell you dietary principles that a
looksmaxing-oriented diet should have.

Limit your salt intake, especially if you're not drinking enough water.
When you consume loads of salt, your body starts to hold water
which leads to water retention. When this happens, you look more
bloated, less-chiseled, and in turn, less attractive. To flush out salt
from your body, you can drink loads of water, cut your salt intake,
and raise your potassium levels (via sweet potatoes, salmon,
supplements, etc.). You can also take natural diuretics like dandelion
root, ginger, hibiscus, green tea, and coffee.

You'll want to avoid things such as trans fats, high fructose corn
syrup, synthetic preservatives, processed foods, and excess sugar.
Each of these things harms your health by encouraging obesity,
unhealthy weight gain, and allowing toxic ingredients into your body.
If your health is harmed, your looks are as well.

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Consume an adequate amount of protein! I can not stress this
enough. Protein is a construction material for the body and if you
don't consume enough protein, your body's ability to grow and repair
cells of any kind and your ability to produce hormones, white blood
cells, and all kinds of other functions are stunted (because there's
little construction material). This means shorter height, hair growth
slows down, brittle nails, muscle loss, and much more. People debate
about dieting with low fat, low calories, etc. but almost NOBODY will
tell you to consume low protein and this is for a good reason, low
protein is VERY, VERY BAD! THERE ARE 0 BENEFITS! Track your
protein intake on a calorie tracking app like Cronometer for a week
to see if you're protein deficient and correct if needed.

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Get all of your vitamins and minerals! You can get it from
multivitamins or your diet. Deficiencies in vitamins or minerals, just
like any sort of deficiency/malnutrition in general not only stunt your
looks but causes so many problems in the body that it would take me
50+ pages to explain. Vitamins and minerals you need include...
Vitamin A (skin, bones)
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 (brain, cells, skin, etc.)
Vitamin C (Antioxidant, cleans free radicals, etc.)
Vitamin D (Bone health, maintenance, and growth)
Vitamin E (Antioxidant, skin, bones)
Vitamin K (bone remodeling and growth, stops blood clotting)
Essential Minerals: Biotin, folate, iodine, potassium, sodium,
selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc
Looksmaxing-wise, Vitamins A, D, E, and K are equally the most
important followed closely by Vitamin C, biotin, and then
Liver, sea moss, and moringa are all vitamin and mineral-packed
foods you can eat, which serves as a food-based multivitamin.

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The more intense the cooking method is, the more nutrients that get
burned out, so if you are relying on getting your vitamins and minerals
mainly through food, you may want to consider this when cooking
your food. Don't cook your food for any longer than you need it to

Drink 2 liters to 4 liters of water. There are so many OBVIOUS

benefits to drinking it and so many detriments to NOT drinking it that
it's painfully obvious you should be doing it. Water clears up your skin,
makes your breath smell better, makes you more alert, and your body
is made of mostly water so you REALLY need to drink water. Ideally,
you should be drinking enough water to where your pee is light
yellow or clear.

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Lower your carbohydrate and sugar intake. Carbohydrates tend to
be glycemic, meaning carbohydrates have a similar effect on the
body as sugar! When consumed in excess, you'll get the effects of
high sugar levels, like fatigue, bloating, acne, etc. If you consume a
high-carb diet, it is highly recommended to reduce it. Refined carbs
are the WORST form of carbohydrates

Consume QUALITY fat. Fat is crucial to being energized and having

proper brain function. To not feel exhausted while lowering your
carbs, I'd recommend that you consume quality fat like unsaturated
fats. You want to generally avoid trans-fats as this negatively affects
your cholesterol. With fat though, make sure you burn the fat you
consume, or else it may end up being stored in your body, leading to
weight gain. The more you exercise, the more fat you'll need to
consume so you aren't tired

Use Cronometer to track your food consumption, it is the most

detailed free app for food tracking I know of. If you want to sync
your food data to other places like Google Fit though, you'll want to
get another app like MyNetDiary, Lifesum, or MyFitnessPal. Track your
nutrition because what doesn't get measured, doesn't get managed.
Make sure you're eating enough, not in excess or in deficit (unless

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Height is a vitally important aesthetic feature! Under a certain height, no
matter how good-looking you are, you'll have a hard time being treated
as an attractive person. In this chapter, I demonstrate how to become (or
appear) taller.

Before we get into any heightmaxing advice, Let's first get some growth
plate myths out of the way.

"Growth plates close at 18". Not quite. Your growth plate closure
speed is mainly determined by your estrogen levels when you were
younger, and to a lesser extent, how quickly you're aging.
"Growth plates close all at once". Definitely not. Different growth
plates close at different times. The first growth plates to close are
the ones in your hands and the last ones to close are your spine and
shoulder blades (spine growth plates can close anywhere from ages
19-25, and shoulder blade growth plates close around age 24-28)
"Height is genetic". Yes, height is influenced by your genes but
environmental factors like nutrition, exercise, estrogen levels, and
sleep also play a crucial role.

What you need to know is that on average, the growth plates that control
our height usually FULLY close anywhere around age 21-25. Growing
taller is for those who are in their teens or early 20s.

The ideal height to be is at LEAST 6 inches (15.24cm) taller than the

average height of the women in your country or location. That should be
your goal, if possible.

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When growth plates start to slowly close, it gets progressively harder
to activate them for growth, meaning the closer you are to full
growth plate closure, the more work you'll have to put in to get taller.
On the contrary, when you're in puberty, your growth plates are VERY
open and sensitive, so it's easy to grow.

Growth plates have been understudied by the scientific community

but the research that HAS been conducted suggests that 18 isn't the
actual age growth plates close and depends on many factors, but
mainly estrogen levels.

You can get an estrogen (estradiol) blood test to monitor your

estrogen levels. You ideally want this to be as low as possible
(without side effects, of course) For reasons I'll explain very soon.

Fun Fact: Prolonged obesity or prolonged consumption of estrogenic

foods (like soy) accelerates growth plate closure.

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The remarkable and tragic tale of Adam Rainer defies doubts about
height limitations. Born in Graz, Austria-Hungary in 1899, he was a weak,
small, and thin child. At 18 years old, he was only 122.55 cm (4 ft 0.25 in).
However, something extraordinary occurred in his early 20s: he
experienced an astonishing growth spurt, gaining an average of 9.14 cm
(3.16 in) per year. By the age of 33 in 1932, Adam reached a towering
height of 218 cm (7 ft 2 in).

This was without fault though. During an examination between August

1930 and May 1931, doctors discovered a benign pituitary adenoma,
which was causing his unprecedented growth (your pituitary gland
controls growth hormone release, and his was hyperactive). Dr. Oskar
Hirsch successfully removed the adenoma, but unfortunately, the damage
was already done. Adam had become weak and unable to stand due to
his malfunctioning pituitary gland and rapid growth.

The famous motivational speaker, Tony Robbins experienced a similar

result, again from a pituitary tumor. During high school, he grew 10 inches
(25 cm) in one year.

These stories are extreme, yet they show that growing taller post-puberty
(late teens and early 20s) is possible for everyone. With consistency over
months or years (like the gym), you too can become taller.

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The FOUR pillars to getting taller are the following...
Maximizing growth factors.
There are 2 growth factors. HGH and IGF-1. HGH (human growth
hormone) tells our body to delegate its time, resources, and
energy into making a protein called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth
factor-1), which tells our growth plates to elongate, making us
taller! HGH itself doesn't do anything, it must be combined with
high levels of protein (protein serves as construction material for
HGH to work with). When HGH is combined with protein, it
produces IGF-1, which makes us taller.

Maximizing protein intake

This will give your body all of the construction materials
necessary to produce IGF-1. If you don't have any construction
materials (protein), you won't be able to produce a lot of IGF-1 to
get taller no matter how much high your HGH levels are.
Studies that show protein and height are correlated: [1] [2] [3]
[4] [5] [6]

Minimizing estrogen levels

High estrogen has been proven to speed up growth plate.
closure, decreasing our estrogen levels gives us more time to
grow as it slows down growth plate closure. Zero estrogen could
possibly completely stop growth plate closure.
Studies that demonstrate that estrogen (aromatase) inhibitors
slow done growth plate closure. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
100% of patients with aromatase (estrogen) deficiency were tall
in this study [14]
This study suggests that the adults with estrogen (aromatase)
deficiency, the first one being 6'6 (204cm), age 24, and the
second one, is 6'3 (190cm), age 38 would have likely gotten taller
if estrogen replacement therapy wasn't performed. [15]

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🦴Maximizing Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Calcium and Phosphorous
These are all VERY important as these three supply the materials
IGF-1 needs to grow new bone to make you taller. If you don't
have enough of these, getting taller becomes harder. [16] [17]
[18] [19]

"Well, why do people rarely grow after 18?"

The reason I believe is that the common person is malnourished to a
degree, especially in things that make you taller!

Most people don't get enough sleep, especially students (lower

growth hormone)
They don't exercise (lower growth hormone)
The average diet doesn't have that much calcium, protein, vitamin D,
etc. (lower construction materials to build new bone)
Your average person doesn't eat properly, they eat foods high in bad
fats and don't burn them off (being overweight increases estrogen,
which closes growth plates quicker),
Also,there are oftentimes trace estrogens in our water systems as

With all of these things factored in, it makes SENSE that most people
don't grow taller after puberty. High estrogen speeds up growth plate
closure, a decent amount of people are protein deficient to some
degree, and a lack of exercise and sleep to which leads to decreased
growth hormone

Now, when those things stated above are mitigated and HGH levels are
high, protein is adequate or high and estrogen is minimized, it's not
uncommon to see people getting taller after age 18. On the next page, I
present the protocol to get taller.

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Growth hormone maximization protocol (Here is my recommended
protocol for raising your growth factor levels)

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), or exercise in general, especially

intense exercise.
Studies that show exercise, especially high-intensity exercise
increases growth hormone levels: [20] [21]
Intermittent Fasting, 16 hrs fasting, 8 hours eating window (where you
eat all of the things you need for the day)
Studies showing that fasting increases HGH: [22] [23]
Long, quality sleep, preferably 9 hours.
Studies that show the more and better sleep you get increases
HGH: [24] [25] [26]
IGF-1 LR3 injections/nasal sprays
This is what will really make us grow taller, getting IGF-1 directly
into our system. You can choose to not do everything above but
this and you'll see results after months of consistent use (even
though it would be better for you to do those things). I
recommend taking 40mcg to 100mcg daily for best results. Take
IGF-1 LR3 for a month, take a break for two weeks (to prevent
desensitization), and resume. Keep cycling like this until you've
reached your desired height.

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Protein protocol
You'll want to track your diet (On the Cronometer app ideally)
and make sure that your protein intake is meeting the
requirements at the bare minimum. Ideally, you want to be in a
protein surplus
A simple equation for calculating your necessary protein intake
to grow. Weight in kg x 3 or 4 = Height increasing protein intake
(in grams). You'll be essentially megadosing protein.
You preferably want to consume ONLY animal protein (meats,
eggs) as plant protein often contains enzymes that will eat the
protein out of your body, an evolved defense mechanism by
plants so they could survive and not get eaten. This doesn't mean
I am condoning the use of beans, etc as substitutes if you wish to
do so, I am just saying that animal protein will provide you with
more protein.
Studies on plants inhibiting protein [37] [38] [39] [40]

You can also use grass-fed whey protein isolate. This kind of protein
powder is one of the best forms of protein powder. I'd recommend
consuming both a load of animal protein and whey protein to
maximize your protein intake.
BEWARE that high protein diets do have some possible side effects
that MAY happen to you
Bad breath
Kidney damage (if elevated for long periods of time)
Headache (if elevated for long periods of time)
Might accelerate existing acne
Long-term mega-dosing may accelerate aging
And more, I recommend researching online or this link here [41]
But it also accelerates hair growth on top of making you taller so
that's a plus.

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Estrogen (aromatase) minimizing protocol
Low estrogen has side effects that CAN be quite serious! (particularly
with estrogen-blocking drugs like letrozole, Aromasin and to a mildly
lesser extent Arimidex), so be careful! Some effects that MIGHT
happen are...
Suicidal ideation
Lowered libido
Weaker bones
Increased blood pressure
And more, I recommend doing your own research online to know
all of them.

If you're planning on using the drugs, my recommended advice to

reduce side effects if they appear includes...
Taking a serotonin-boosting supplement blend or 5-HTP to
counteract any aromatase-inhibitor-induced drop in mood
Taking a garlic supplement to lower blood pressure
Ashwagandha and Tongkat Ali (it increases testosterone,
counteracting low libido) [1] [2] [3]
Yerba Mate for energy
You don't have to do all of this, of course...
For the minority that experience adverse side effects, lower the
dose or get off of it.

Here are some known estrogen blockers you can purchase online
Chrysin + DIM -- Studies: [42] [43]
Dosage: 1-2 capsules daily.
Must be taken daily or else estrogen levels may go back up
higher than usual for a while.
Stinging Needle Extract (Urtica dioica) -- Studies: [44] [45]
Dosage: 2 capsules daily max.
Should be taken with Chrysin and DIM

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Arimidex (drug)
Studies: [46] [47]
Dosage: 0.5mg daily. 1 mg max
Must be taken daily or else estrogen levels may go back up
higher than usual for a while.
"Arimidex steroid purchase" to get it.
Aromasin/Exemestane (One of the strongest behind letrozole, drug)
Studies: [48] [49]
Dosage: 6-12mg, 25mg max daily.
Google: "Exemestane peptide purchase"

Foods that may inhibit estrogen include; cruciferous vegetables like

broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussel
sprouts, collards, etc.

Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Calcium & Phosphorous Protocol

Vitamin D source: supplements, milk, eggs, salmon, orange juice
Dosage: 500 mcg/daily
Vitamin K2 sources: supplements, cheese, eggs, butter, meat,
Dosage: 500mcg/daily
Calcium & Phosphorous sources: supplements, dairy products,
kale, eating bones (super boiled until soft)
Dosage: 2500+mg/daily
Note that the three above work best together, and again use the
Cronometer app and you'll see your calcium, Vitamin D & K

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Other things you can do to be/look taller include...

Shoe Lifts (little things you put inside your shoes to make you
Invisible Shoe Lifts (recommended, as you can put them on, and
then put your socks underneath so even if you have to remove
your socks, you won't get caught)
Longer Hair (growing upwards)
Wearing One Color (Multiple colors create visual breaks, and
make you look shorter as people are perceiving the height of
each color)
Fixing your posture (UNDER-RATED)
Wearing shoes that make you seem taller, like AF1s, Chelsea
Getting leg lengthening surgery (painful, long, and expensive),
also consider proportions so you don't look like you have long
legs on a short torso.

Taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin (1,500mg/daily)

This isn't to increase your height, this is to prevent height
shrinkage (Preferably after reaching your desired height). Gravity
decompresses our spines throughout the day and the average
person is 0.3 inches (.75 cm) to 1 inch (2.5cm) taller in the
morning than in the evening. Glucosamine and Chondroitin can
help reduce this as it increases water content and cartilage in
your spine and prevents compression. [50]

Note: You don't need to take all the supplements, peptides, etc I'm
recommending. Taking an estrogen inhibitor and IGF-1 LR3 is all that
is fundamentally needed. Everything else are bonuses.

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One of the first things you'll need to know before hair-maxing is your
hair texture. Different hair textures have different needs and have
their own hairstyles so it is quite important to figure out your hair
texture. The next page contains advice for each texture.

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(How To Take Care Of Type 1) - Straight hair is the shiniest. It is also
the most resilient hair of all hair types. It is hard to damage and next
to impossible to curl this hair texture for long periods of time.
Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of
the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the
interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Key Tips:
Wash your hair regularly. As you may already know, Type 1 hair
can get greasy quite easily so washing your hair properly with
cold water is important. I am a believer that nobody needs
shampoo unless their hair is greasy or dirty because the
unnecessary use of shampoo will dry out your hair and make it
frizzy and less aesthetic.
Cold water is the best to rinse your hair because it rids the scalp
of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair
cleaner for longer. This will be quite useful for when you don’t
feel like cleaning it or using shampoo.

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Condition your hair twice or three times a week. Conditioner is
important to healthy hair because it keeps your hair moisturized
and avoids frizziness. You should add a moderate amount of
moisturizing conditioner, and then let it sit for 5 minutes, then
rinse Your hair should ideally be soft when you're done rinsing it if
the right amount is applied. This keeps it nourished and frizz-
proof without making your hair greasy.
If your hair is super greasy and you've been overwashing your
hair, you may want to quit shampoo and conditioner altogether,
as overwashing can cause your hair to overproduce sebum
(grease) to compensate for overwashing.
You'll also want to test your hair porosity to know how much
moisture your hair can absorb, and to test that out is simple. Get
some strands of your hair, put it in a container with water, shake
it violently and watch how much it floats or sinks. The more it
floats, the less porosity (it’s hard for water to get in and out of
your hair). The more it sinks, the more porosity (it’s easy for water
to get in and out of your hair). People with low porosity need to
focus on getting moisture in their hair and people with high
porosity need to be focusing on how to keep moisture in their
You will probably want to invest in some anti-frizz product to
fight against frizz because, in reality, frizzy hair isn’t good-
looking. Argan oil is a good option for this that I’d recommend
If you have higher porosity, you may want to gently apply a
generous amount of oil like argan or olive oil after conditioning
to make sure your hair doesn’t frizz.
Try not to damage your hair with heat. If you do use it, use it
responsibly. Airdrying your hair is the best way to dry it out.
My recommended source for personalized haircare products: (You don't have to use it)
You’ll also want to get a haircut either every week or every two

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How To Style Type 1 Hair
You must style only when your hair is wet, like mildly wet, not
when it's damp.
You’ll want to detangle your hair if needed using a comb first so
the hair is all ready and organized so you can start styling.
If you want a more polished look or have drier hair, add a small
amount of moisturizing leave-in conditioner so it can retain
moisture, look shiny, and last throughout the day and not end up
frizzy or dry.
A way you can increase volume is to add sea salt spray or a hair
volumizing clay when you’re styling and combing your hair. I
would recommend ones from Pete & Pedro but you can get any
sea salt spray online really. You could even make your own by
mixing sea salt and water and putting it in a spray bottle (but the
ones you buy have more things for your hair than just sea salt for
A styling/forming cream is can be useful (but not necessary)
because it makes your hair much easier to style, form and
Style it in the manner you wish for your hair to be with a comb,
brush, etc.
Last but not least, a holding cream! If you need to have your hair
stay up and not flop, you’ll need one! Put it in your hair then style
your hair the way you’d desire it to be, whether that is a middle
part, a pompadour, etc. and there you go!
You don’t want to use excessive or heavy hair products though or
you’re running the risk of having product buildup! This is
especially bad for your hair as this will make your hair extremely
Once you’re all done, you can let your hair dry. (ONLY BLOW DRY
IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME). It’s best to apply a heat-protecting
spray as well before since blow-drying excessively can cause
heat damage and dry hair. (It'll feel like burnt barbie hair)

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(How To Take Care Of Type 2) Wavy hair lies somewhere between
straight and curly hair. It also is shinier than curly hair but less so than
straight hair. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A
wavy hair can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type
B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

I am a believer that nobody needs shampoo unless their hair is

greasy or dirty because the unnecessary use of shampoo will dry
out your hair and make it frizzy and less aesthetic.
For your hair type (and all hair types really), cold water is the best
because it rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but
also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will be quite
useful when you don’t feel like cleaning it.
You'll also want to test your hair porosity to know how much
moisture your hair can absorb, and to test that out is simple. Get
some strands of your hair, put it in a container with water, shake
it violently and watch how much it floats or sinks. The more it
floats, the less porosity (it’s hard for water to get in and out of
your hair). The more it sinks, the more porosity (it’s easy for water
to get in and out of your hair). People with low porosity need to
focus on getting moisture in their hair and people with high
porosity need to be focusing on how to keep moisture in their

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You should be moisturizing your hair with a fairly moisturizing
Try not to damage your hair with heat. If you do use it, use it
responsibly. Air-drying your hair is the best way to dry your hair
You will probably want to invest in some anti-frizz product to
fight against frizz because, in reality, frizzy hair isn’t good-
looking. Argan oil is a good option for this that I’d recommend.
My recommended source for personalized hair-care products: (You don't have to get it, it's just a
You’ll also want to get a haircut either every week to every two

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How To Style Type 2 Hair
You must style only when your hair is wet, like mildly wet, not
when it's damp
You’ll want to detangle your hair if needed using a comb first so
the hair is all ready and organized so you can start styling.
If you want a more polished look or have drier hair, add a small
amount of moisturizing leave-in conditioner so it can retain
moisture, look shiny, and last throughout the day and not end up
frizzy or dry.
A way you can increase volume is to add sea salt spray or a hair
volumizing clay when you’re styling and combing your hair. I
would recommend ones from Pete & Pedro but you can get any
sea salt spray online really. You could even make your own by
mixing sea salt and water and putting it in a spray bottle (but the
ones you buy have more things for your hair than just sea salt for
A styling/forming cream is can be useful (but not necessary)
because it makes your hair much easier to style, form and
Style it in the manner you wish for your hair to be with a comb,
brush, etc.
Last but not least, a holding cream! If you need to have your hair
stay up and not flop, you’ll need one! Put it in your hair then style
your hair the way you’d desire it to be, whether that is a middle
part, a pompadour, etc. and there you go!
You don’t want to use excessive or heavy hair products though or
you’re running the risk of having product buildup! This is
especially bad for your hair as this will make your hair extremely
Once you’re all done, you can let your hair dry. (ONLY BLOW DRY
IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME). It’s best to apply a heat-protecting
spray as well before since blow-drying excessively can cause
heat damage and dry hair. (It'll feel like burnt barbie hair)

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(How To Take Care Of Type 3 Hair) - Curly hair has a definite S
shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it
may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a
definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type
is climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of
proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

For your hair type (and all hair types really), cold water is the best
because it rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but
also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will be quite
useful when you don’t feel like cleaning it.

I am a believer that nobody needs shampoo unless their hair is

greasy or quite dirty because the unnecessary use of shampoo
will dry out your hair and make it frizzy and less aesthetic so I’d
recommend that you avoid it unless the two conditions I’ve stated
are met, especially with having curly hair as your hair can get dry

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Using conditioners that are high in moisture (from Shea Moisture)
is also going to be your best bet, and applying them nearly every
day will be necessary. Your hair needs a lot of moisture and
when it doesn’t it gets frizzy so make sure your hair is amply
Try not to damage your hair with heat. If you do use it, use it
responsibly. Airdrying your hair is the best way to dry your hair
You will probably want to invest in some anti-frizz product to
fight against frizz because, in reality, frizzy hair isn’t good-
looking. Argan oil is a good option for this that I’d recommend.
You also want to test your hair porosity to know how much
moisture your hair can absorb, and to test that out is simple. Get
some strands of your hair, put it in a container with water, shake
it violently and watch how much it floats or sinks. The more it
floats, the less porosity (it’s hard for water to get in and out of
your hair). The more it sinks, the more porosity (it’s easy for water
to get in and out of your hair).
The lower your porosity, the more you should be fixated on how
to get moisture in your hair when you NEED moisture and for high
porosity hair, you should be fixated on how to keep moisture in
your hair when you NEED to moisturize.
Consider some oils like argan, coconut, olive, or avocado oil and
a leave-in conditioner, especially if you have high porosity hair.
My recommended source for personalized haircare products: (You don't have to get it, it's just a
You’ll also want to get a haircut every week to every two weeks.

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How To Style Type 3 Hair
Make sure your hair is mildly wet first.
You’ll also want to add a fair amount of leave-in conditioner to
your hair before you start styling just so it can retain moisture
throughout the day
A way you can increase volume is to add sea salt spray or a hair
volumizing clay when you’re styling and combing your hair. I
would recommend ones from Pete & Pedro but you can get any
sea salt spray online really. You could even make your own by
mixing sea salt and water and putting it in a spray bottle (but the
ones you buy have more things for your hair than just sea salt for
You’ll want to define your curls and make them pop by using a
curling cream/smoothie, I’d recommend Eco Style Gel - Olive Oil
for this one! (It so happens to be a curl accentuator and a styling
gel) This is optional but it makes styling easier. A product that
makes your hair shine is a plus.
Style it in the manner you wish via a comb, brush, etc.
You’ll probably want to add a bit of oil (coconut, olive, or
avocado) to seal the moisture in your hair throughout the day
You don’t want to use excessive or heavy hair products though or
you’re running the risk of having product buildup.

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(Type 4) Coily hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by
nature. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures but
doesn't appear like it because it's compressed. If not treated
properly it breaks more than other textures and looks the worst. It is
the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the
fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges
you'll experience are a lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles,
shrinkage, and breakage.

For your hair type, cold water is the best because it rids the scalp
of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair
cleaner for longer. This will be quite useful when you don’t feel
like cleaning it.

For your hair type, cold water is the best because it rids the scalp
of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair
cleaner for longer. This will be quite useful for when you don’t
feel like cleaning it.

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I am a believer that nobody needs shampoo unless their hair is
greasy or quite dirty because the unnecessary use of shampoo
will dry out your hair and make it frizzy and less aesthetic so I’d
recommend that you avoid it unless the two conditions I’ve stated
are met, especially with having coily hair as your hair is dry
almost 24/7, which is NOT GOOD.
This kind of hair requires the most intense moisturization methods,
oils, and products to retain any moisture because it is so prone to
dryness, so using intense moisturizing conditioners every day is
necessary. Even your shampoo should ideally be a moisturizing
one. When your hair is dry, it becomes frizzy and that isn’t a good
look so intense moisturization is key.
You will probably want to invest in some anti-frizz product to
fight against frizz because, in reality, frizzy hair isn’t good-
looking. Argan oil is a good option for this that I’d recommend.
You'll also want to test your hair porosity to know how much
moisture your hair can absorb, and to test that out is simple. Get
some strands of your hair, put it in a container with water, shake
it violently and watch how much it floats or sinks. The more it
floats, the less porosity (it’s hard for water to get in and out of
your hair). The more it sinks, the more porosity (it’s easy for water
to get in and out of your hair). People with low porosity need to
focus on getting moisture in their hair and people with high
porosity need to be focusing on how to keep moisture in their
You’ll need to be adding coconut oil or some oil sealant like olive
or avocado oil to lock all of that moisture in after you’re done
My recommended source for personalized haircare products:
You’ll also want to get a haircut either every week or every two

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How To Style Type 4 Hair
Firstly, make sure you're starting with mildly wet hair.
You’ll also want to add a decent amount of leave-in conditioner
to your hair before you start styling just so it can retain moisture
throughout the day.
Brush or comb your hair accordingly (unless you have braids,
dreads, etc.)
You’ll want to add in a moderate amount of Coconut oil here to
seal the deal and keep your hair moisturized and styled
throughout the day
You don’t want to use excessive or heavy hair products though or
you’re running the risk of having product buildup

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The next topic to cover is head shapes. This is important as it dictates
what kind of hairstyles we should avoid and which ones we should do.

Haircut advice for each head shape

Since you have an oblong face, the main problem you face is
that your face looks long. Hairstyles that emphasize the tops and
not the sides aren’t a good look for you, so you’ll want a haircut
that makes your face appear less long by adding some hair on
the sides.

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Hair 💇
If you have a rounded, circle-like face, you probably have a lot of
curved features. You’ll want to add some sharp angles to your
hairstyles to make your overall face more structured. Things like a
proper fade that have sharp styling (for example, swaying your
entire hair one way) would be the best for you. Also, make sure to
add hair on the top and not too much on the sides so your face
appears less rounded.
If you have a heart-shaped face, you’ll ideally want to get low
fades. A heart-shaped face has more exaggeration at the top
than the bottom and to make your head look more balanced, we
want to add more hair at the sides. Longer, more evenly
balanced hairstyles (where there's not a drastic difference
between the length of the sides and the top) do the best with
this face shape.
A quite balanced and robust head shape, but it is also angular as
well. This is probably the best shape for a buzz cut, if your other
facial features allow you to pull it off. Haircuts that have more
hair on top than the side work better for your head shape.
Your face’s features have more weight on the bottom than the
top so to re-establish proportions, look for haircuts that make
your forehead look better and adding hair at the top of your
head is important. High fades look the best on this type of head
Your shape is the perfect head shape as it is perfectly balanced.
You can pretty much choose any hairstyle and there are hardly
any hairstyles that this head shape can’t really pull off.

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Other Hair Advice

Facial Hair
Make sure to moisturize your beard every single day with water
and beard oil so it isn't dry, prickly and hard. You’ll also want to
comb/brush it (downwards) so it doesn’t appear unkept as well.
Beards give the illusion of an enhanced jawline. Generally, if you
don't have a top-tier jaw, opting in for facial hair is the best
thing you can do for that department unless you are going to put
in the effort to get a great jawline without a beard giving an
illusion of one. Experiment and figure out what beard style is best
for you
Make sure you trim your facial hair! Ideally, you want it to be
quite short. You don’t want your beard to resemble a bush in any
way unless that's what you desire.
If you have trouble growing a beard, you could apply minoxidil,
and then derma-roll the location of your beard patches every
other day and you should get results in a few months. But
beware! Dermarolling + minoxidil can destroy your skin quality if
used over long periods of time so make sure you're taking
collagen, religiously moisturizing and taking care of your skin. It
can also elevate your heart rate as it basically delivers more
nutrients to your hair follicles

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Hair Loss
If you're losing hair, it may be due to stress, malnutrition, or it may
be literal male pattern baldness. If it is male pattern baldness,
you’ll want to apply a solid hair growth routine, like the one I
provided in the next few pages, along with Minoxidil to
accelerate growth even further. You’ll also want to make sure
your protein and biotin levels are sufficient and that you use a
DHT blocker such as RU-58841, Finasteride or Dutaseride (ranked
from weakest to strongest). High levels of DHT cause male
pattern baldness and reducing that will helps us slow down that
balding. Then, the things I’ve recommended like protein, biotin,
Redenesyl, Minoxidil, etc. will all make sure that your hair has the
best chance of growing back as quickly as possible. You can go
to as well to get a hair loss treatment plan.
Caffeine also can work as a Minoxidil replacement as well. A
place you can get Finasteride and Minoxidil is at
Do note that DHT blockers can affect your sexual functioning, it
can give you erectile dysfunction, low libido, amongst other
You can also get PRP injections in your hair follicles, this
promotes regeneration of your hair
If all else fails, you may want to get a hair transplant to save you.
Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more
money. It’s better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100%
perfect, more like 95% perfect.
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries

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If your hairline is too low
You probably already know this by now but your hairline
appears too close to your eyebrows, wrecking your
proportions. You’ll probably want to purchase a quality “At
Home Hair Lasering Device” or go to a surgeon to get it
lasered off if you wish to not have to get it manually cut
every time you go to the barber.
Your ideal forehead size should consist of about four fingers,
not three or fewer.
Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more
money. It’s better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100%
perfect, more like 95% perfect.

If your hairline is too high

A big forehead puts your face out of proportion and can
even diminish the attractiveness of your hairstyle. You can
either get a hairstyle that covers your big forehead up or get
a surgical fix. Surgery-wise, there are two options here if you
care enough about getting this fixed.
You get a hairline lowering surgery, which consists of
surgeons stretching the skin with your hair forward to close
the forehead gap. This will leave you with a scar after the
procedure for a while but you don’t have to extract hair and
relocate your hair follicles. You can use skin-lightening
creams to cover the scar.

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You get a hair transplant. The pros here are that there are no
scars after the surgery. The bad thing is that if you are
severely balding in the future, you’ll have less available hair
to transplant and your hair will look weird because some
parts will be balding and some won’t.
Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more
money. It’s better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100%
perfect, more like 95% perfect.
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries

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If your have faint temple points
You can do one of two things.
1. Run a hair growth plan specifically on that area (I'll
show you my hair growth plan on the next page), or you
can derma-roll it + use minoxidil.
2. Get a hair transplant

Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more money. It’s
better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100% perfect,
more like 95% perfect.
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries

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You're going to also want to make your hair grow faster, because why
not! So here is my advice...

Fermented Rice Water and/or Keratin supplements

A protein called keratin is an essential protein to hair growth
formation. When your hair gets this protein, it can grow at a
much faster rate! [51] [52].
You can keratin by using rice water on your hair or taking keratin
supplements. (Rice water smells bad though, like expired cheese)
A tradition of the Yao people is that the women would use rice
water on their hair and here are their results after prolonged use

Redenesyl 📈💇‍♂️
Redenesyl is a novel hair growth serum that result in quicker,
stronger, and faster hair growth. Redensyl activates your hairs'
stem cells, provides nutrients to your scalp & hair follicles and
increases the blood flow to your scalp. Nourished hair follicles
result in more, longer and stronger hair strands. [53]
Other things that may help include: Peppermint Oil, Biotin, Minoxidil
Minoxidil users, moisturize! Minoxidil makes your hair dry.

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I already covered this but your nutrition has a strong influence on
how rapidly and successfully you can looksmax. You'll want to make
sure that this is in check, but skin-wise, you'll want to make sure
you're consuming enough of the following...

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin B3 (Niacinimide)

And avoid...
High amounts of carbohydrates
High amounts of sugar
Excess protein (if you're heightmaxing, you'll want to cleanse your
face more often because your skin will be more oily)
Your nutrition and gut health are very important components of your
skin's quality. If you're eating poorly, your skincare routine will
probably be ineffective at best

Your gut microbiome matters as well. The bacteria in your gut affect
your mood, energy levels, and of course, your skin. If the bacteria in
there are mostly bad and toxic, your skin, breath, mood, smell, and
energy levels will all be bad.

Some ways you can enhance/fix your gut are by...

Lowering your sugar and carbohydrate intake
Taking probiotics and fiber
Getting customized and personalized gut health supplements by

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Identify your skin type. Do you have normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, or
combination skin (combination skin is where your skin is oily in some
places, and normal/dry places in other places)?

This is important as this will determine how your skincare routine will
need to be adjusted.

People with drier skin will need to focus more on moisture (by not
taking hot showers, moisturizing immediately out of the shower, and
topical hyaluronic acid (bonus) -- whereas people with oily skin will
need to cleanse more often and check their diet and make sure they
aren't consuming a lot of carbohydrates, sugars or excess protein. (If
you're heightmaxing, you'll have to clean your face more often)

You'll want to follow what I call "the trinity of skincare"

You'll need to purchase a cleansing product, and no soap isn't
good enough unless it's high quality. Most soaps today are very
similar to synthetic detergents. You'll want to cleanse your face
twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
You may use a pore cleansing/facial brush device but it may be

You'll also need to get an exfoliating product. Exfoliants remove
all of the dead skin cells from your body and reveal new, fresh
skin. You'll want to do this once or twice a week. Excess
exfoliation causes very dry skin. I recommend using exfoliating
products with activated charcoal or one of the exfoliating acids
like lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.

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When you're all done, get and apply a moisturizer. Your skin is an
organ, and it is a very hydration-demanding one as well. It needs
to be moisturized to work properly and to look good. I strongly
recommend getting a moisturizer that has hyaluronic acid as it is
a super-moisturizer.
If you have dry skin or want to really keep that moisture in your
face, you may want to apply a teeny bit of olive oil on your face
after moisturizing.

Cold showers and putting your face in a bowl of freezing water is better
for your skin as it doesn't dehydrate your skin and promotes blood flow,
amplifying nutrient transfer to your skin. They also close your pores,
reduce puffiness and decrease inflammation as well.

Hot showers and putting your face in front of water vapor dehydrate your
skin but it also opens your pores, exfoliating it, so if you ever want a
product to really get into your skin, you can use hot water on your skin for
a few seconds and your pores will be open.

You can use lukewarm water to get some of the best features of both
but if you want your pores to be more open or more closed, you can
change the temperature of your water accordingly.

All of this advice should resolve textured skin too, especially the
exfoliation part as textured skin is often unexfoliated skin.

Skincare companies I recommend...

Curology (personalized)
Geologie (personalized)
Lumin (personalized)

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Acne is essentially clogged pores, often caused by an
overproduction of a naturally occurring oil called sebum, but can
be caused by other things like applying things that can easily
clog your pores like intense hair products.
As I’ve stated earlier, you’re going to want to apply a solid
skincare routine and have your nutrition, gut, vitamin, and water
intake in check.
Other things you can do to clear your skin is taking chlorophyll or
applying Retinoids like Retin A and/or getting Tretinoin. These
things, combined with all of the healthy habits should ensure that
you’ll get high-quality skin in the future.

Blackheads are essentially a form of acne in which not only are
oils trapped, but dead skin and hair follicles too. The simple way
to fix this is via exfoliation. See what I said in the exfoliation part
on the past page or so to see what I recommend. If those aren’t
enough, use a chemical peel.

Acne Scars
You'll have to get laser resurfacing (preferred) or fillers to fix
deep acne scars.

To fix hyperpigmentation, applying Kojic Acid, Licorice Extract,
and/or a light amount of Hydroquinone should do.

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We ALL know that bad breath is a VERY STRONG TURN OFF! You should
be striving to keep your breath as fresh as possible 24/7.

Things that cause bad breath include..

Plaque, gum disease, candida or tartar.
White tongue
The white particles are remnants of food, bacteria, etc. and they
stay there and rot, ferment and cause bad breath.
Not brushing your teeth, or brushing incorrectly
Excess consumption of spicy food, garlic and/or onions
Poor gut health or poor digestion.
If your gut or stomach is in a bad shape, people will be able to
smell your food rotting in your stomach or your bad gut
A lack of water means a lack of saliva. Saliva kills bad breath so
if you are dehydrated, there won't be any saliva to kill the bad
breath bacteria.
Sugary, high carb diets or a ketogenic diet
These increases the likelihood that you'll get bad breath.
Lack of flossing
Ew, you're letting foods rot and ferment in your MOUTH!
Morning breath
Excessive protein intake
Protein encourages everything in your body to grow, from new
bones, new hair to even new bad bacteria so this is why.

How to ensure your breath stays fresh at all times.

Use cinnamon products (mouthwash, gum and toothpaste) instead of
Mint is the choice of many companies because it is a great odor
masker. Although it has some anti-bacterial properties, cinnamon
has been shown to have stronger anti-bacterial properties than
mint. Mint kills some bad breath and then hides the rest, mean
while cinnamon actually goes in there and kills most of it.

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 44 of 105

Studies that show cinnamon's superior efficacy to mint. [54]
In the first study, it mentions... "Mints (Mentha spp.) are medicinal
herbs that are valued worldwide in traditional medicines for their
antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. They are also odor-masking
We don't want to hide our bad breath, we want to get RID OF IT!

[55] In this study they tested a bunch of essential oils to see how well
they could kill a stand of bad breath-causing bacteria "Solobacterium
moorei". The results -> "Cinnamon oil was found to be the most powerful
essential oil with a MIC of 0.039% and a MBC of 0.156%. Essential oils
from balsam fir, myrrh, peppermint and sage were the less effective with
≥ ≥
MIC and MBC values 0.313% and 0.625%, respectively."
[56] <- Last study.

Other things we can do to fix our bad breath include...

Stay hydrated! Drinking a lot of water helps keep your breath in top
shape at all times!
Floss Properly & Tongue Cleaning with a tongue scraper (the tongue
should be as pink as possible)
Mouth probiotics, probiotics will recruit tens of millions of bad-
breath-fighting soldiers in the battle to kill all bad breath.
Digestive enzymes! This will make sure your stomach works at its peak
to make sure your food is digested quickly so it doesn't rot and
ferment in your stomach and relieves constipation both of which can
cause bad breath, especially the first one.
Replacing your toothbrush every two months, any longer and the
bacteria built up on the bristles of your toothbrush will actually
compound and can be causing you bad breath or sub-optimal
breath! Disinfecting it with hydrogen peroxide after use also kills the
bacteria in your toothbrush that may have otherwise come back into
your mouth

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Mouth & Teeth
One of the easiest looksmaxes to do here is to whiten your teeth, which
you can do by using a teeth whitening kit. Ideally, the ideal color should
come out the same as the whites of your eyes or a little whiter.

You can mix activated charcoal toothpaste + baking soda, or use a bit of
hydrogen peroxide + water (Caution, hydrogen peroxide may burn). You
can even mix both of these strategies for synergistic results.

Preferably, if you're going for the second route (where you combine all
three), I'd recommend making an activated charcoal + hydrogen
peroxide + baking soda mixture (that has the consistency of paste), mix it
and use your DIY toothpaste for several months.

If you wish to get things like veneers, implants, etc. Advise your
orthodontist to make a game plan for you, As an alternative, you can also
get clip-on veneers, which are much cheaper.

Lip Color
Many people don't find abnormally dark lips appealing, so if you
have very dark lips, you'll need to depigment your lips. You’ll
probably want to use some lip bleaching cream (particularly the
ones designed for smokers) or a skin bleaching cream. Continue
to use until your lips turn into a pinkish tint. (Don't go overboard

Lip Size
If you have thin lips and wish to enlarge them a bit, you can
purchase volufiline and get a cotton swab and apply it on your
lips every day for a month. Once your lips are amply big enough,
you can discontinue the use of Volufiline.

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Mouth & Teeth
Teeth Shaping
If you need your teeth straightened, get Invisalign. I’ll say this
from experience, metal braces tend to make your palate more
narrow, decreasing your smile, and the width of your lips... which
makes it harder to maintain proper oral posture (I’ll explain later),
and can even impede your speech, looks, and breathing.
Invisalign not only straightens your teeth but it doesn’t
compromise your looks in any way. Properly cleaning your mold
with hydrogen peroxide 2x a day is important though! You don’t
want to develop bacteria in it. That’s disgusting! Consult your
orthodontist for a pair of Invisalign braces!
A narrow palate means your teeth arches are too close to each
other. This prevents you from having a nice, broad smile and even
can impact your speech and your ability to mew. You’ll want to
talk to your orthodontist about getting a palate expander.

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A good body serves as a very strong multiplier (like fashion, fragrance,
accessories, etc.) to your overall attractiveness. Just like a woman with
an average face is much more attractive when she has wide hips, narrow
waist, a toned body, a nice ass, and big titties.

Most important muscles (ranked according to women & my estimated


1. Chest, Shoulders, Abs

2. Back, Neck
3. Forearms
4. Legs

A good way to optimize the growth of these muscles is to follow a fairly

modified push, pull, and leg workout that is more focused on aesthetics. I
don't know your skill level, workout location (whether that's home or gym),
or your available equipment (verythis is the kind of info I'd need to give
you a workout plan) so I will just give you what you should focus on, and
the rest of the research is on you.

You can find apps that can prescribe you a workout plan like Home
Workout or JEFIT, and you can simply select the muscle groups you want
to train and you're good to go. It'll do everything else for you.
Day 1
Shoulders & Back
Day 22️⃣
Day 33️⃣
Day 44️⃣
Chest & Neck
Day 55️⃣
Arms & Forearms

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 48 of 105

Day 6 6️⃣
Body 💪
Day 7 7️⃣

Make sure your nutrition is on point as well, you want ample protein so
your body can use those construction materials to build new muscle to
grow. You ideally want to get to 10% body fat. The ideal range is 9% to

The four dimensions to gaining muscle quicker are the following...

Testosterone maximization 📈
Growth hormone maximization 📈 (info provided earlier)
Myostatin inhibition (myostatin put simply makes growing muscle
harder, so reducing it makes it easier to grow muscle)📉
Pre-workouts (makes workouts feel easier) ⚡
Ways you can increase your testosterone levels are
If you're a chronic masturbator, cut that shit out.
Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, Horny Goat Weed, Fenugreek, Saw
Palmetto, Testosterone supplements have all of these. 💊
Eat enough protein, healthy fats, and not being malnourished ✅
Exercising constantly 🏃
Chrysin + DIM (suppresses conversion from testosterone to
Vitamin D (5,000 IU, 5mg/day)
Magnesium (500mg/day) and Zinc (25mg/day)
Steroids, here are a list of oral steroid options -> [57]. You can
evaluate which one is best for you, some have severe side effects
+ a lot of muscle gains, and some have no side effects but give
fewer muscle gains.
You could also inject Testosterone Enanthate, preferably 100g
every one to two weeks. (Conduct safety research on steroids

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 49 of 105

Body 💪
Ways you can DECREASE your myostatin levels... (remember,
myostatin tries to stop muscle growth) 📉
YK11 (a SARM) 5-10mg daily. 💦
If you notice any side effects, you'll want to stop using it for 2-4
weeks and then come back on it.
You'll have to cycle this after 6 weeks of use, meaning you'll have
to stop using it for 3 weeks and then continue the cycle.
Epicatechin (250mg/day) 🍫🍀
A flavonoid found in plants like dark chocolate, and it is
theorized to suppress myostatin levels, I couldn't find ample
convincingly valid studies to prove this but you can choose to
take it if you wish and evaluate it for yourself.

Pre-workouts, make working out easier by supplying oxygen and

nutrients to your body, making workouts seem easier.
Creatine (5-20g before workout)
A pre-workout powder
Oxygen (breathing hard and properly)
A nitric oxide supplement

Something I have to mention is the importance of frame.

We all like women with wide hips, don't we, right?

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Body 💪
In the picture above, it is painfully obvious that the body on the right
is much MUCH more attractive than the body type on the left.

This is because of her hourglass figure and her waist-to-hip ratio

being near 0.7 , compared to the other one, which is literally
shaped like a stick.😔
I don't know if you've ever noticed this but have you ever seen women
with an upside-down triangle shaped hip area? 🤢

Looks terrible, doesn't it? The ratios and proportions are way off.

What we need to know is that women view WIDE shoulders the EXACT
SAME WAY WE men view wide hips. If you have narrow shoulders, no
matter how jacked you get, you'll ALWAYS LOOK TERRIBLE.

The ideal waist-to-shoulder ratio is about 1.6, meaning your shoulder

width is 1.6x broader than your waist.

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Body 💪

In this example, we see the painful difference between a man with

narrow shoulders and a man with wide shoulders. Women WILL view
the man with the narrow shoulders the same way we view women
with inverted hips, while women will view the man with the broad
shoulders the SAME way we view women with curvy hips. ✅
This is called "frame", a wide frame massively influences how your
body is perceived. Frame is primarily controlled by the length of your
shoulder blades, aka your clavicles. Small waist, wide shoulders = ✅
Ways you can increase your frame...
Growth hormone maximization (info provided earlier) 📈
Vitamin D, K2, Calcium & Phosphorous (info provided earlier) 🦴
Lifting, shoulder, back & chest workouts (especially workouts that
stretch your arms, shoulders & chest apart)
Protein maximization (info provided earlier) 🥩
Testosterone maximization
Estrogen inhibition (if you're near the age of 25, you may want to
suppress estrogen to buy more time to grow them)
Clavicle lengthening surgery (if you're 30+ and desperate)
Note: The growth plates in your clavicle (shoulder blades) are
open until about ages 24-27 so you likely have a LOT of time!

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Advice on Weight
Body 💪
Gaining weight ⬆️
Gaining weight consists of consuming more calories than you
burn, since your weight wasn’t provided to me, You can use
this link to find out how much you should be taking to gain
weight. [1] Generally people will need to consume 3,000
calories a day to start gaining weight.
I recommend eating a lot of steak, eggs, avocados, salmon,
and food of the sort.
Track your nutrition with an app, I prefer Cronometer.
Make sure you also consume a lot of protein as well!
You’ll want to go to the gym and continue this bulking for
anywhere from 6 months to a year, more if needed. Once
you've hit your goal weight, you'll want to burn off any fat
you've gained during the bulk. You can perform cardio and
lower your carbohydrate intake to achieve this.
You can also use something called Cardarine, which has
strong fat-burning properties, but of course, this is AFTER
you’re jacked, and if you want to burn the fat from your
bulking you just did. (10-25mg/day). Get off of it if you
notice any adverse side effects.
Losing weight ⬇️
Losing weight consists of consuming much fewer
carbohydrates and performing exercises, like cardio. The
more intense, the better. The cardio part is VERY important.
I’d suggest that you run a mile a day!
Track your nutrition with an app, I prefer Cronometer.
You can cut down your calories if you wish, but cutting
carbohydrates and cardio is much more effective than simply
lowering calorie intake. Plus, I wouldn’t want you to be hungry
and weak, that just encourages cravings. You can use this
link to find out how many calories you’ll need to lose weight

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Body 💪
Intermittent fasting is another great way to lose weight. 16 hours of
no eating and 8 hours of eating everything you need. NO THIS
ENOUGH! This just means you must eat everything that your body
needs ONLY in that eight hour period.
Make sure you’re still consuming fat though (preferably healthy fats
from things like coconut and avocado oil) because a low-fat diet will
make you feel week and hungry. Lower your carbs and keep your fat
levels at a proper level (burn the fat you consume as well)
Consuming ample amounts of protein will make you fuller faster, so
investing in a quality protein powder like grass-fed whey isolate is
You can also use something called Cardarine, which has strong fat-
burning properties, (10-25mg/day). Get off of it if you have any
adverse effects though.

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Jaw & Bones 💀
Your bones determine how your face & your body are shaped, and in
turn, dictate how you look. If your bones aren't shaped and formed
correctly, it is VERY hard to be good-looking.💀 Below is the SAME FACE
but on different bone structures.

The building blocks of a good facial bone structure are the following...
A well-developed (not recessed) maxilla ✅

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Jaw & Bones 💀
A strong (not recessed, or over-projected) mandible & chin ✅

A properly shaped forehead, that is properly sloped ✅

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Jaw & Bones 💀
Outside of surgeries like IMDO (for a recessed jawline) or Lefort surgery
(for your maxilla), something you can do by yourself at home is mewing.
What mewing is (summarized) is pressing your ENTIRE tongue against the
roof of your mouth. What this does to your face is that it pushes the
maxilla upward and forward. This automatically pushes and tends to
correct the bone structure of all other nearby bones in people that are
"recessed" (people whose bone structure more resemble the "wimp"
example). This works granted you don't have a narrow palate and under
the age of 25. The younger, the more effective.

If you don't naturally mew, this is a STRONG indicator that you may be
recessed. (formally called "craniofacial dystrophy")‼️

To learn more about mewing, type in "Mike Mew" or "Orthotropics" on


Some examples of mewing successes , see how the jaw comes out
and the cheekbones become more pronounced due to the pushing of
the maxilla (the bone that controls the structure of the middle of your

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Jaw & Bones 💀

Breathing and diet also affects your facial bone structure, did you
know that? 😤 When you breathe with your mouth and/or eat only soft
foods, you tend to lose proper oral posture (keeping your tongue
against the roof of your mouth), causing your bones to become prone
to becoming recessed, over time this wreaks SUPER HAVOC to your
facial attractiveness.‼️

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Jaw & Bones 💀

7 years of mouth breathing destroys the attractiveness of a boy

Two sisters were instructed on how to stop mouth breathing. One

stopped mouth breathing and the other one didn't. Guess which
one of the sisters continued mouthbreathing? 🤔

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Jaw & Bones 💀
Mewing consists of pressing your entire tongue against the
roof of your mouth, this maintains the bone structure in people
with a good bone structure and helps fix the bone structure of
people with a weak bone structure, aka “craniofacial
dystrophy” or “facial recession” that are under the age of 25.
Mewing holds your bones up. When you don’t mew and
breathe with your mouth, you’re letting your bones sag down,
making your face unappealing. This is called “oral posture”.
Common things that make mewing harder or even impossible
are a narrow palate and having a tongue tie.

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Jaw & Bones 💀
To mew, you’re going to want to place your entire tongue on the
entire roof of your mouth. You should feel a slight suction force. If
you do, that’s good! If no matter what you do, you can’t get your
tongue fully on the back of your mouth, this means you either have
a narrow palate or a tongue tie. A narrow palate makes the roof
of your mouth too narrow for your tongue to rest on it for mewing.
To fix this, you’ll need to contact your orthodontist about getting a
palate expander. A tongue tie makes it hard to mew because your
tongue literally can't touch the roof of your mouth.
Keep your proper oral posture for 6 months to 2 years and you
should see improvement.
You can mew harder and/or take Vitamin K2 to speed up your
results. Vitamin K2 regulates and accelerates bone remodeling.

List of surgeries (price isn't listed as it varies too much)
Genioplasty - surgery to fix weak, receding chins.
BIMAX/Corrective Jaw Surgery/Maxillary & Mandibular
Osteotomy - surgery to correct your maxilla and mandible.
IMDO - surgery to correct a poorly developed mandible
Lefort - surgery to correct the maxilla, there are three types.
Rhinoplasty - surgery to correct the shape of your nose.

A before an after of a Maxillary & Mandibular Osteotomy

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Jaw & Bones
Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more money.
It’s better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries
Understand that surgeries rarely come out 100% perfect, more
like 95% perfect.

Chewing 👄
Chewing hard foods constantly, using a jawline exerciser like
JAWLINER, or chewing on some mastic/falim gum helps with
your jaw as it makes your masseter muscles bigger (the
muscles in your jaw when you chew), giving the appearance
of a wider, more developed jaw. Preferably, you’ll want to use
this 3-4x a week for 30 minutes.

Hyoid exercises for a double chin 😀

Hyoid exercises are a great way to fix a double chin (on top of
losing weight, of course). What you’ll want to do is simply look
up at the ceiling until you feel a stretch on your neck. Once
you feel that, you’ll want to stretch your lower jaw as far up as
possible, hold for a few seconds, and then rest. You’ll want to
do anywhere from 20 to 100 of these a day, every day, for a
week or two for results.

Remove bloating 🎡
What you’ll need to do is lower your carbohydrate intake,
consume a lot of potassium (bananas, moringa, supplements,
etc.), make sure your digestion is in check (don’t speedrun
eating, take digestive enzymes like Bromelain if necessary) cut
your salt intake, and drink loads of water. I provided tips in the
nutrition section as well.

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Eye Area 👀
Your eye area is a make-or-break part of your face. Without a good
eye area, it is EXTREMELY HARD to have a good-looking face, period.
👀 A bad eye area can damage your looks ‼️

What makes a good eye area are the following...

Almond shaped eyes

Rounded shape ❌ Almond shape ✅

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Eye Area
Sufficient and visible eyelashes

404 Eyelashes not Found ❌ Proper amount of eyelashes ✅

Eyebrow Darkness

Eyebrows are very faint (color also

plays a role in its faintness)
Eyebrows are dark and thick ✅
Eyebrow Tilt

Whereas a positive eyebrow tilt

A negative eyebrow tilt makes makes you look better and
you look scared all the time ❌ less of a bitch✅

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Eye Area 👀
Upper Eyelid Exposure

This guy's eyelids are more apparent He has no upper eyelid

than his ugliness 🤣 Upper eyelid exposure. His orbits don't
exposure makes your eye sockets l look deformed or
look bigger than they're supposed abnormally large ✅

to be.

Scleral Show

The top demonstrates

scleral show, where the
whites of your eyes are
visible below your iris. This
makes your eyes look less
alert and more round. ❌
The bottom demonstrates
no scleral show, where the
whites of your eyes are NOT
visible below your iris. She
not only looks better, but more
alert and even friendlier ✅

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Eye Area 👀
Sclera Color

Your sclera should remain as white

as possible at all times ✅
Very straightforward reason
why this isn't good-looking
Your sclera should be as
white as possible. ❌
Canthal Tilt

A negative canthal tilt just f**ks

up your eyes. It gives the
appearance that your
bones are unable to
support your eyes to
keep them upright ❌
A positive or neutral canthal
tilt is ideal as it doesn't carry the
negative aesthetic effect
a negative canthal tilt carries ✅

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Eye Area 👀
Eyebrow Set

High set eyebrows makes you Low set eyebrows make you
look like prey ❌ look more masculine & attractive.
You also don't look scared 24/7 ✅
How to fix/enhance your...
Eye Shape
Practice squinching
You can adapt yourself to take on squinching as your default
way of seeing by practicing it as much as possible. Also, it is
very important that you do it without overdoing it or having
the muscles near your eyebrows crease, or else people may
think you're either angry or mentally ill!

Notice how when this

guy practices
squinching, that the
muscles of his
eyebrows aren't
creased ✅
Fixing Upper Eyelid Exposure (This will be covered in the next few

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Eye Area 👀
Getting Almond Eye Surgery
I don't recommend this to anyone unless they have very deformed
eyelids iike this guy.

Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY
SURGEON, even if it costs more
money. It’s better to pay $3,000
extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know
what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your
I am NOT to be held liable for
botched surgeries
Understand that surgeries almost
NEVER come out 100% perfect,
more like 95% perfect.

Get some sleep!
Get some peppermint oil, mix it with water and freeze it. Use
the solution on your eyebags (It needs to be very cold!)
You can also freeze a spoon to very cold temperatures and
put it on your eyebags for 5 minutes.
You can apply an eye bag serum with caffeine or use green
tea bags on your eye bags.
Mewing or osteotomies. People who are recessed have
downswung facial bones, which give their lower eyelids less
support, giving them eyebags. So no matter how much they try
to hide their eyebags, they never go away.

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Eye Area 👀
Eyebrow Tilt & Set
Push the outer part of your eyes upward, while pushing the inner part
of your eyebrow. Do this while simultaneously furrowing your
eyebrows. Do this for 5 - 15 minutes daily until you get your desired

Trim your eyebrows in such a way that gives the appearance

of a positive canthal tilt.
If you're growing out your eyebrows, you can focus on growing
them out in such a way that it gives a more positive-tilt-like
To lower your eyebrow set, you will have to furrow your
eyebrows & push your eyebrows down towards your eyes

Scleral Show
Your options are as follows
Mewing if you're recessed (a recessed bone structure causes
the bones that would originally hold up your eyes to prevent
scleral show -- to provide less support to your lower eyelid,
therefore causing scleral show)
In all else fails for some reason, your surgical options are either
fillers or a canthoplasty.

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Eye Area
Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more money. It’s better
to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries.
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100% perfect, more
like 95% perfect.

Scleral Color
If you have a yellow sclera, You might have Jaundice. Go to
the doctor ASAP!
If you have a red sclera, there are eyedrops that reduce red
eyes, so you can use those. You can also do/consume things
that reduce inflammation like reducing sugar and
carbohydrates, taking antioxidants like Vitamin C, curcumin,
Omega 3, among others.

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Eye Area
Upper Eyelid Exposure
There are two leading ways to fix this at home.
Method #1 - Ice Hooding
Essentially, you get a very, very cold piece of ice or
freeze a spoon to below -15 degrees celsius or 5
degrees Fahrenheit. Then you place that cube of ice
or the super cold spoon on your eyelids for 5 minutes
or so. Super cold temperatures promote the
production of brown fat which fill up your eyelids. Do
this everyday. Over time, your eyelid exposure will
slowly diminish. Ice hooding works best if you're not
starving yourself.

One of the reasons you'll almost NEVER see an Eskimo with upper
eyelid exposure is because they are constantly exposed to the cold.
The cold stimulates brown fat production, especially in places like
their face, to keep it warm.

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Eye Area 👀
Method #2 - Eyelid Pulling
What you'll do is you'll pinch a piece of skin between
your eyebrows and your eyelashes and push it
downwards. This moves the fat located in that area
down to fill up the upper eyelid exposure. Consistently
do this every day until you get the desired results.

Method #3 - Fillers
If for some reason, you do both of these and they
BOTH somehow don't work or you want a quick fix, you
can get fillers on your eyelids.

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Eye Area
Eyebrow Thickness
You can derma-roll your eyebrows with a derma-roller for about 15-
30 seconds and once you're done, wait for a few seconds, then apply
5% Minoxidil.
Latisse also helps with eyebrow growth
You can also get an eyebrow pen to fraud darker eyebrows
There are eyebrow growth serums available online
Castor oil also assists in making your eyebrows darker

Results of a woman on Reddit

who used minoxidil (also called
Rogaine) to enhance her
eyebrows. According to her,
her results were achieved in a
week, although I think it'll take
longer than that for you to see

Applying Latisse or a Lash Growth Serum if needed.
Only use as much as you need! Don't go overboard!

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Eye Area 👀
Canthal Tilt
Fixing your upper eyelid exposure, scleral show and eyebrow tilt can
help. But in a fair amount of cases, you'll have to get a canthoplasty.

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My advice here is quite simple actually...
Higher testosterone levels for extended periods promote the
lengthening of the vocal cord, making your voice deeper. 📉
Ways you can increase your testosterone levels are
If you're a chronic masturbator, cut that shit out.
Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, Horny Goat Weed, Fenugreek, Saw
Palmetto, Testosterone supplements have all of these. 💊
Eat enough protein and healthy fats, and don't be malnourished

Exercising constantly 🏃
Chrysin + DIM (suppresses conversion from testosterone to
Vitamin D (5,000 IU, 5mg/day)
Magnesium (500mg/day) and Zinc (25mg/day)
Stress minimization 😰📉
Steroids, here are a list of oral steroid options [57]. You can
evaluate which one is best for you, some have severe side effects
+ a lot of muscle gains, and some have no side effects but give
fewer muscle gains.
You could also inject Testosterone Enanthate, preferably 100g
every one to two weeks. (Conduct safety research on steroids

After that, the way to get a deep voice is merely by practicing. You
ideally want to speak from your lower neck or your diaphragm.

To practice, you ideally want to set about 30 minutes a day, ⌚

pretending to have an imaginary debate with someone about
something you're passionate about. Yes, this may sound weird but this
is how we can practice our deep voice while having an engaging
activity to do.

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Voice 🎤
There are two apps you can use to practice enhancing your voice.
1️⃣Vocular (primarily focuses on voice deepening and eliminating
voice fry aka raspy voice) is under $5, a one-time-purchase.
2️⃣Vocal Image (primarily focuses on making your voice
entertaining to listen to. Have you ever heard a narrator with the
most soothing, relaxing, and pleasant voice you ever heard? This is
what this app is aiming to do.) It is free for 7 days then there's a

The pillars of a good voice include the following...

Volume 🔊
Pitch 🎹
Rhythm, or the flow of your voice
Expression 🎭
Vocal Fry (raspy voice) Eradication 🍳🚫
Enunciation (speaking properly)
Avoid using harsh-sounding letter combinations (there's a whole
word for these called euphony (good-sounding words, like
tranquility) and cacophony (harsh-sounding sounds, like
regurgitate or moist)

On top of that, you'll want to practice speaking with a deeper voice

24/7 until it becomes a habit.

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Fashion 👔
The way you dress is another multiplier to your attractiveness. Fashion
adds spice to the way you look by emphasizing and hiding certain
features on your body via the piece you're wearing, the coloring, and
the fit as well.👖
While you're skimming this section, you'll ideally want to make sure you
use Pinterest as a source of inspiration. Just type in a kind of style, be
inspired, and choose what you like. Here are my fashion tips though.

One of the first things you'll want to sort out is "What style should I
adopt?". This is very important as determining this will determine what
kind of clothing should be in your wardrobe.

Some styles you can choose include the following... (click them to see

Business Formal 🤵💼
Event Formal 🤵🥳
Casual 😌
Artsy/Vibrant/Designed/Colorful Fashion 🎨
Comfort Casual 😌🛏️
Hip-Hop 🔫🤑
Beach Fashion 🏖️🌴
Nautical Fashion 🚢
E-boy Fashion 👦
Cowboy Fashion 👞
Modern Formal Fashion 🤵⌚
Rugged/Lumberjack Fashion 💪
Smart Casual 🧠🤓
Exotic Indie Fashion (custom) 🌈

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Fashion 👔
Once you have a sense of what style(s) you'd like, you can begin
collecting the pieces you'll NEED to add to your wardrobe. (Click on a
kind of clothing or shoe to see examples). Almost all wardrobes are
made from the following building blocks...

Upper Body Clothing 👕

Hawaiian Shirts (They don't have to have the tropical print)
Flannels (Patterned & Unpatterned)
Dress Shirts
Puffer Jackets
Bomber Jackets

Lower Body Clothing 👖

Dark Jeans
Solid Color Pants
Plaid Pants
Athletic Pants

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Shoes 👟
Fashion 👔
Dress Shoes
Chelsea Boots
Leather Boots
Minimalist Sneakers
White Sneakers
Nike Sneakers
Converse Sneakers
Athletic Sneakers

So what you'll ideally want to do now is that you will want to go on

Pinterest, check out the style(s) you want to apply and write down
notes on the kind of clothing used for the style you want to replicate.
For example, a smart casual style tends to use chelsea boots, blazers,
solid color shirts, jeans, solid color pants and plaid/formal pants.

Once you've got your list, all you need to do now is to purchase those
items and you're set. Although I would like to add one thing. Getting
clothes that fit you is very important! You don't want super tight
clothing or very loose clothing. Ideally, you want clothing that mildly
hugs your skin, and the second thing I'd like to add is that working out
and having a good body and fashion is a pretty strong combination,
especially if you're a 6/10+ facially.

You can also get personalized clothing subscription services shipped

to your door (based on your size, style, etc.) with some services I found
just for you.
Amazon Wardrobe
The Melo Club

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Fashion 👔
There are some things we do need to know so we can keep our
wardrobe in the most pristine condition and also some general fashion
tips. Here are my tips.

Shoe Protectors 👟
NECESSARY! These prevent your shoes from getting dirty, and
if dirt falls on them, you can blow it away, it's like a shield. You
will need this to keep your sneakers clean. This also makes it,
MUCH easier to clean off if the damage is on the severe end.
Shoe Cleaners 🧽
NECESSARY! Of course, you can clean your sneakers with
soap, water, and a spare toothbrush/cloth but using a
professor sneaker cleaner is even better! It cleans deeper and
is very cheap.
Kinds Of Shoes To Avoid 👠
Ones that use excessive fabric, dirt gets attached to it and it
is harder to get out unlike other materials, which is the inverse.
De-wrinkling your garments ❌
Please don't walk around with wrinkly clothing! Iron your shirts,
pants, etc. or you can use a clever hack I've discovered which
is sticking a garment in the dryer (alone) for 2 minutes.
Make sure your clothes fit you (unless you're into
baggy/oversized fashion). Measure your body using a
measuring tape or using an app, just search "body measure
clothing" on your phone's app store and use those to buy the
correct fitting clothing. Plus, if you have a good body, you
wouldn't want to hide that wouldn't you? So skip the loose
clothing and wear something that fits properly.

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Fashion 👔
There are some things we do need to know so we can keep our
wardrobe in the most pristine condition and also some general fashion
tips. Here are my tips.

An A.I. fashion assistant🤖

I occasionally use an app called Acloset and it provides me
with ideas on what I wear, based on colors, wearing patterns,
trends, and gives me style analytics as well. The downside
though is that you'll have to manually take pictures of
everything you have in your wardrobe! It does make choosing
things easier though.
Dry cleaning 🧼
For sensitive materials (like cotton) that are prime to shrinking,
tough stains that traditional washing can't remove, or dark-
colored garments, dry cleaning is a much better alternative.
Dry cleaning is less harsh on clothing and is more effective at
cleaning. Plus, a lot of dry cleaning places iron your clothing
Season-Specificity ❄️🍃☀️🍂
You want to be dressing according to the season, don't wear
shorts and a light shirt with sunglasses during the winter, and
don't wear coats and stuff during the summer. (Unless you live
in Singapore and Greenland respectively).
Don't wear clothing ONLY because of the brand 💰
Quality and look is more important than price.
Layering your clothing. 🤵
For the most part, you don't want to ONLY wear a shirt, you
want to add extra layers of sophistication as well! You'll
ideally want to stack a shirt with some unpatterned, solid-
colored flannel, a necklace, and then proceed to wear a
bracelet. This makes your outfit much more sophisticated.

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Patterns and Designs 🧵
Make sure they match and fit the coloring and harmony of
your outfit and don't look like you're intentionally trying to
mismatch things. Try not to combine, for example, checkered
black and white pants and a striped blue and red shirt.
Washing your clothing 👘🧼
Make sure you wash your clothes! Some clothes shouldn't be
washed as frequently such as black cotton clothing, or jeans.
The further away it is from your skin, the less it needs to be

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Grooming 🧽
Grooming is important, you want to look like someone who is well-
kept. Let's get straight into this.

Manscaping ✂️
A very important section of grooming is manscaping (cutting
off unwanted hairs). You can get a trimmer from Manscaped,
it's nick-proof (you won't ever have to worry about cutting your
nipples, balls, or dick again), and wireless. Please use! Fully
shaving the hair off of our upper body is very important, all
must go!
You can also purchase an at-home laser hair removal device
if you have hairs that you consistently shave but you would like
to never grow ever again (like ass hairs, chest hair, ball hairs,
unibrow hair, etc.)
Groin Hygiene 🧼
You use deodorant on your armpits, why not your groin? We
don't want smelly damp balls after exercising, don't we? If you
especially have this problem, you may want to try
Manscaped's ball deodorant. If you're a victim of brutal
swampass, you can get Chassis for men ball powder, it'll stop
it completely or at least greatly reduce it. Please use a ball
deodorant so you don't have smelly balls.
Eyebrow Plucking ✂️
Simple really, just remove excess hairs under, over, around,
and in the zone of the unibrow using tweezers or a clipper.
Plenty of tutorials about this on YouTube.
Shaping up your beard and getting a haircut 💇
Taking showers 🚿
Use quality soap, ideally from Dr. Squatch. 🧼☀️
Cleaning your nose hairs 🤢
Manscaped sells a nose trimmer. If you have hairs coming out
of your nose, that is just disgusting.

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Cleaning your ears 👂
Especially if you have wet earwax! Please use a proper
earwax scooping device like Axel Glade's spade or something
that is shaped to scoop it out since cotton balls often push
earwax back.
You could also get it professionally cleaned out as well!
Clipping Finger and Toenails 💅
Get a manicure/pedicure at your local beauty salon or do it
yourself at home using nail clippers. Trim your nails and clean
them, Don't let them get dirty, unkept, and long.
Proper ass cleaning 🧹🧼
Use a bidet to clean your ass out. Paper towels oftentimes
aren't enough. If someone shitted on your floor, would you
thoroughly rinse it or just wipe it off? Do the same for your ass.

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Fragrance 🍃
What we can achieve with smells is honestly amazing! There are
honestly so many dimensions and varieties of smells. You can check
out a giga-list of smells used in fragrances by clicking THIS.

One of the things about fragrances is that they should be used in a

season-specific manner, what do I mean by this? Well, let me show

Generally, fragrances fall under four seasonal categories.

🍂Autumn deserves aromatic, mineral-like, spicy-sweet, woody,
and herbal smells.
Winter deserves warm, sweet smells.
🍃Spring deserves fresh, clean, green, and floral smells.
Summer deserves fruity, tropical, marine, and citrus smells.

Why are seasons and smells so important? It's because...

You don't want to be smelling like mangoes 🥭 and pineapples 🍍
during the winter ❄️
You don't want to be smelling like fresh-cut-grass 🌱 and lavender
🌺 during autumn 🍂
You don't want to be smelling like Christmas cookies , hot
chocolate , vanilla, and wintergreen mint during summer ☀️
You can also combine scents during transition periods (when it's going
from winter to spring, or summer to autumn)

You don't want to spray fragrances on your clothing! This is because

your fragrance is optimized to be on your skin + once you apply it to
your clothing, it won't come off unless washed. I'd also prefer using
unscented deodorant as you don't want a deodorant smell to be
clashing with your fragrances. Last but not least, don't over-apply!
That gives people headaches.

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Fragrance 🍃
Here is a list of the best colognes for each season (you can use to
different colognes during transition periods, for example, you can use
a spring and summer fragrance in May)

You can buy these fragrances at your local mall or online at, or a fragrance subscription
service called Scentbird. You can also click each fragrance listed
below and check what ingredients they have.

Winter ❄️
Roja Enigma
Spicebomb Infrared
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
Versace Eros
Carolina Herrera CH Men Prive
Paco Rabonne 1 Million Prive
Armani Stronger With You Intensely
Valentino Uomo Intense
Dior Homme Intense
Maison Martin By the Fireplace
Xerjoff Starlight
Spring 🍃
Coach for Men
Versace Eros Flame
Hermès H24
Nautica Voyage
Terre d'Hermès Parfum
Spicebomb Extreme
Santa Lucia Come Closer
Santa Lucia To Conquering
Santa Lucia Love
Creed Green Irish Tweed
Un Jardin Sur le Nil
Oud Minérale Tom Ford

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 86 of 105

Summer ☀️
Fragrance 🍃
Creed Aventus
Creed Virgin Island Water
Calvin Klein CK2
Prada L'Homme Water Splash
Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue Eau Intense
Hawas for Him
Aqva Pour Homme Marine Bvlgari
Jimmy Choo Man
Ultra Male Jean Paul Gaultier
Date For Men Fragrance One
Everyday Santa Lucia
Dior Sauvage
Scotch and Soda Island Water
Autumn 🍂
Paco Rabonne 1 Million
YSL La Nuit D'Homme
Dolce & Gabbana The One
Santa Lucia Azabache
Santa Lucia Gala
Tom Ford Oud Wood
Tom Ford Fucking Fabulous
General 🏙️
Bleu de Chanel
Fragrance One Office For Men

Spray on the sides of your neck, the center of your neck, and on each
wrist. You'll preferably want to buy an EDP version of the fragrance of
interest, as these lasts the longest. Also, DO NOT SPRAY ON
CLOTHING. Ideally, you'd want to spray this on when you're fresh out
of the shower and when you don't have anything on your body.

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Fragrance 🍃
Essential/Fragrance Oils
Combining cologne + fragrance oils can make your smell much more
unique & flavorful. Fragrance oils are essentially what they sound like,
oils with a fragrance. They range from pineapple to sandalwood to
fruit punch, etc. You'll want to only combine this with cologne.
The best stores to get fragrance oils I know of are the P&J Trading
Store and Eternal Essence on Amazon. You can find others online.
You should first click HERE to search for ALL of the scents used in
fragrances to be inspired on what fragrance oil(s) to buy. Here are
some I found.

❄️ Winter Set of 14 Different Season-Specific Oils - Link

🍃 Spring Set of 14 Different Season-Specific Oils - Link
☀️ Summer Set of 14 Different Season-Specific Oils - Link
🍂 Autumn Set of 14 Different Season-Specific Oils - Link
🪵 Woody (Masculine) Base Note Oils - Link
‼️I'd recommend searching "fragrance oil sets" on Amazon though so
you can choose the smells you're going for. If you have no clue where
to start, start with a floral , woody 🪵 or citrus🍊 smell and combine
that with a cool smell like pumpkin spice, or a tropical smell🌴🥥 on
top of using cologne. You'll probably realize that you'll need to try a
lot of them to see what you like so keep that in mind. Dab the
fragrance oil gently on the place of interest. If the smell is too
feminine, mix it with some woody fragrance oil.

The best place to apply fragrances is on your neck and your wrists

Studies show that pheromones can amplify existing attraction.
Pheromones are distinct smells generated by the body that the
opposite gender finds attractive.

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Fragrance 🍃
Pheromones aren't pseudoscience and are 100% legit. Proven by this
study. [58]♨️
One of the reasons why women like taking guys’ hoodies are because
of these pheromones. This is what causes women to like "his smell"
when it really is just pheromones.

There are multiple pheromones but the most important ones are...
I've chosen the best combination to give to you, which you can
head over to these links and purchase if interested. [58] [59]
And this one I think is the best: Evolve XS - Pheromone Spray for
Men ( <- clock to see or buy 💰
If you have a naturally bad body odor, get chlorophyll supplements
and get your gut cleaned using probiotics and fiber.

Best locations to apply fragrances: Neck, Wrists & Armpits. 🗺️

No more than 2 sprays for a cologne, no more than 3 for pheromones.
Fragrance oils are up to you for the dosage.

And that is it for the fragrance section, in short, to smell like a

fragrance god, you'll want to use...
Fragrance Oils (bonus)
Pheromones (bonus)

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Accessories 💎
Things like jewelry are known fashion pieces to amplify your look.
In an outfit, here are all of the possible accessories you might find.
💍 (Click a kind of jewelry or accessory to see examples)

Rings 💍
Ties, Bowties 👔
Necklaces 🧣
Headbands & Hair Accessories
Tattoos & Temporary Tattoos
Upper Arm Jewelry
Sunglasses 😎(best for people with asymmetry and bad eye
Glasses 👓 (best for people with asymmetry and bad eye
Magnetic Earrings (I recommend getting gems like rubies, and
sapphires for coloring, they don't have to be legit.)
Watches ⌚
Bags 💍
Here are the best places to buy jewelry online (in my opinion):
Ronn Jewelry, Rose Gold and Black, David Yurman, HelloIce, Black-
Vienna, Degs and Sal Jewelry.

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Coloring 🌈
Have you ever realized that certain colors look better on you? This
because some colors look better with your coloring (the colors on
your body) than others. Your coloring is doesn't just encompass
your mere clothing color choice, it includes all of the following...

Hair color(s)
Eye color
Skin Color
Skin Undertone Color
Teeth color
Clothing colors
Accessory colors
Shoe colors

All of these together make up your total coloring . Certain color
combinations are more aesthetically pleasing on you than others and
the study of all of this is called color theory. Good coloring is based
on color harmony and contrast.

Download the Dressika app and get your coloring analyzed. You'll get
labeled in one of 12 categories. (You can click each for more info)
Dark Winter
True Winter
Clear Winter
Clear Spring
True Spring
Light Spring
Light Summer
True Summer
Soft Summer
Soft Autumn
True Autumn
Dark Autumn

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Coloring 🌈
Good, you got your coloring, now what? What we want to do is to
analyze the coloring recommendations given to us. There should
be a "best colors" section and a "not recommended" colors
section and a set of colors to wear. 📊
I recommend reading this entire article to understand coloring
further if you're still confused for any reason. [59]

When wearing outfits, we do NOT want to use more than three

colors. When you use an excessive amount of colors, color
harmony goes out the window. Ideally, we want to use two main
colors in our outfits.

If you wish to change the coloring of your hair, you'll want to consult a
hairstylist to either get a whole color change or highlights, or you
could purchase a hair-dying kit and do it at home.

(If you dye your hair, you'll have to make sure you moisturize it much

You can use a colored shampoo/conditioner (for your desired hair

color) to keep your hair the same color for as long as possible. I'd
recommend getting the Celeb Luxury color depositing hair products
for colored shampoos & conditioners 💇‍♂️
If you wish to change the coloring of your skin,
(Skin darkening) You can purchase a Melanotan ll nasal spray, This
increases the amount of melanin in your body and makes you
tanner (2 sprays/day).
(Skin lightening) You can take 2500+mg of liposomal glutathione
a day. Antioxidants when taken in large doses lighten your skin.

To maintain these effects, you'll have to continue taking these.

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If you wish to change your eye coloring... 🎨
The only 100% proven way to change your eye color is to get
colored contacts or surgery.
The best colored contacts to get are ones from 9mmsfx, but
they’re expensive. If you wish to get them, search up “9mmsfx
natural” on Google and click on the first result. The other
brands I recommend are Solotica and TTDeye.
You’ll probably want to put a ruler in front of your eyes to
measure your eye, pupil width and length so you know which
colored contacts fit the best and one and which ones don’t.
The only safe way to get your eye color changed is via iridial
depigmentation surgery. Iris implants have a high probability
of making you blind and ketaropigmentation (eye tattooing)
looks fake. The only clinic that does this that I trust enough to
recommend is Yeux Clairs, which is located in Mexico. Please
do additional research & assess if they can give you your
desired results.

⚠️ Surgery Advice:
Always get a QUALITY SURGEON, even if it costs more money.
It’s better to pay $3,000 extra than to get botched.
Do in-depth research to know what exactly you’re doing
Talk to your surgeon about your goals
I am NOT to be held liable for botched surgeries
Understand that surgeries almost NEVER come out 100%
perfect, more like 95% perfect.

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Usually, the best coloring combinations 🌈
(facewise) consist of
dark-colored hair, white to dark brown skin, with a light eye color.

Here are examples on how coloring affects attractiveness.

In this example, we see here that NOTHING HAS CHANGED on this man
besides the contrasting coloring of his facial features. Removing all of
the contrast out of his face has reduced his appeal greatly.

In this example, we see a similar trend. Removing his tan/undertone color

and turning his eye color brown takes a toll on his appearance, even
though this man is still good looking in both examples.

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Anti-Aging 👴
Now that we've ascended into a much better-looking person, we want
to do everything possible to keep our good looks for as long as
possible. We don't want to age like milk 5 years after we've ascended.
We want to start this as early as possible, because the earlier we start,
the better we will age, so I've compiled a laundry list of things we can
do to slow down our aging rate and ensure that we keep our looks

One of the easiest things you can do to slow down aging
(face-wise) is the maintenance of your skin. We already
discussed this in the skincare section but skin maintenance is
also an anti-aging measure. To make our skin look as good as
possible, we want to make sure we use...

Collagen 🔨
This provides your skin with structure and support. A lack of
collagen is what causes the skin to lose structure and age. We
want to make sure we consume collagen (in powdered form)
every day. I recommend getting it from either Vital Proteins or
get Bulletproof Collagen Powder. As you get older, you're
going to want to increase the dose to compensate for lower
collagen levels since your collagen levels decline with age

Elastin 💪
This keeps our skin flexible and stretchy. A lack of elastin
causes our skin to become loose and saggy. You can find
elastin supplements on Amazon. As you get older, you'll want
to increase the dose to compensate for lower elastin level
since your elastin levels decline with age

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Anti-Aging 👴
Copper Peptide 💉
GHK-cu (aka. Copper Peptide) is a peptide that increases
collagen, elastin, and supports the function of dermal
fibroblasts (a fibroblast is a cell that produces collagen and
other fibers)
You can get the serum by searching "GHK-Cu serum
purchase" on Google.

Sunscreen ☀️🛡️
One of the most important ones on this list. Sunscreen
protects your skin from UV radiation from the sun and the
effects it causes. If your skin isn't protected, you'll damage
your skin cells' DNA, which will cause it to malfunction and age
very quickly.
Melanin isn't enough to protect yourself from the sun, as you
are still getting DNA damage, which is a NO NO.
Get a quality natural sunscreen with an SPF of 30. If you don't
what that annoying thick whiteness on your face that
sunscreen gives you, you'll want to go for a natural clear
mineral sunscreen

Water & Hyaluronic Acid 💦

Dehydrated skin = dryness, cracks, fine lines, texturization,
wrinkles and overall aging of the skin. Make sure you're
drinking loads of water and supplementing/applying
hyaluronic acid if needed.

To prevent our hair from degradation (balding and greying),
we want to do these things...

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Anti-Aging 👴
If you so desire, you can use DHT-blocking shampoos infused
with either RU58841, Finasteride or Dutaseride to prevent
balding from ever happening but DHT blockers MIGHT have
side effects like lowered libido, erectile dysfunction and
lowered motivation.
If you ever see greying of your hair, utilize colored
shampoos/conditioners to hide it.

Biology 🧫🧬
The final and the most important thing to do to slow down
aging is to optimize our biochemistry to fight against aging,
since the core root of aging is our biology/biochemistry.
Aging is fundamentally the wear and tear of the body ability
to function.
Here, I present to you 6 known pillars scientifically known to
influence aging, they are as follows...

😰 Stress [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71]
Your body ages MUCH faster when you're stressed. It
damages your DNA, kills your body's ability to function to keep
you healthy and encourages inflammation. The effects of
stress are so severe on aging that it can literally make you look
10+ years older in 3-8 years.
Some things you can do/take that can tackle the stress pillar
of aging:
CBD, Kava Kava, Lemon Balm Extract, L-Theanine,
Meditation, exercise, having a social life, having a
supportive friend group, being in a relationship (with
mutual genuine attraction) and removing life stressors are
all proven manage or alleviate stress.

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Anti-Aging 👴
The burden of being a world leader is a huge and stressful one, so much
so in fact that presidents oftentime come out looking like they aged 20
years after merely 4 or 8 years in office.

🧬 Epigenetics [72] [73] [74]

We all have something called an epigenome, which is the system that
dictates which one of our genes should be on or off, and by how much.
Our epigenetics is perfect when we're babies, as we age, our bodies'
epigenome stops functioning properly and bad genes get turned on and
voila, you're aging. It is equivalent to a CD. When it's new, the information
stored works fine, as it ages, the information on it slowly gets forgotten
and messed up until the CD eventually becomes unreadable. This turns
your cells into old, rotting, and malfunctioning cells. This is a fairly similar
way to describe the epigenetics of aging.

Things you can do/take that can tackle the epigenetic pillar of aging:
S-adenosyl-methionine (aka SAM-e) [75] [76] [77]
Choline [78] [79]
Folic acid
Vitamin B12 [80] [81] [82] [83]
Trimethylglycine [84]
Microdosed Lithium [85]
Alpha Ketoglutatate [86]
Glycine [87]
NMN [88]

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Anti-Aging 👴
Malate [89]
Exercise [90] [91]
A quality diet [92] [93]
All of these things help in DNA methylation, which essentially tells
our bad genes to silence themselves so it doesn't mess up our
looks and increase aging. In some cases, these things can actually
reverse aging to an extent

🤒 Inflammation [94] [95] [96] [97] [98]

Put simply, inflammation is the body's immune system's response to an
irritant. Pulling all-nighters, excess sugar, processed foods, gluten,
allergies, a painful punch, stepping on Legos, saturated fats, a bug bite,
or anything that irritates the body causes inflammation. Inflammation
plays a major role in many diseases [99] [100].

The connection between inflammation and aging has been called

"inflamm-aging ". When inflammation levels are high enough, it may
surface on your skin, causing red, swollen, and sore bumps [101],
potentially causing hair loss, and pre-disposes you to all of the worst
diseases of aging like cancer, Alzheimer's', etc.

Some things you can do/take that tackle the inflammatory pillar of
🥗🥩 Get your nutrition and diet in check [102] [103]
Getting quality sleep [104] [105], how to get better sleep: [106] [107]
Curcumin [109] [110]
Red light therapy [111] [112]
Vitamin D [113]
Ginger [114]
Antioxidants (ex. Vitamin C, Glutathione, CoQ10, PQQ) [115] [116]
[117] [118]
🧘 Deep Meditation/Wim Hof Breathing

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 99 of 105

Telomeres [119] [120] [121] [122]
All cells contain chromosomes with your DNA in them. At the tips of
your chromosomes, there are telomeres. When your cells divide, these
telomeres get slightly shorter. Once the cell run out of telomeres, the
cell either becomes a senescent "zombie" cell or dies. Zombie cells
damage/rots nearby cells leading to aging and all sorts of other

Things we can do to lengthen telomeres & slow telomere shortening:

Epithalon (injection/nasal spray) [123] [124] [125] [126]
😥🚫 Avoid stress, and depression [127] [128]
🏃 Exercising [129] [130] [131]
🥩🥗 Proper diet and nutrition [132] [133]
📝 Note that lengthening telomeres not only increases the lifespan
of your healthy cells, it also increases the lifespan of cancer cells
(if you get it in the future or already have it)

🏗️ Proteostasis [134] [135]

Our bodies are made out of proteins, and a process called
proteostasis acts like a maintenance system and recycling machine
for the maintenance of proteins. As we age, more and more proteins
start to linger around, making huge protein clumps and waste. They
eventually get so big that they affect the cells' ability to function.
When a cell's ability to function is compromised, you age.

Some things we can do to tackle the proteotoxicity aspect of aging:

Microdosed Lithium [136]
Fisetin [137]
Glycine [138]
Avoid consuming excess protein (unless you're under 25,
heightmaxing or actively building muscle)

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 100 of 105

Mitochondrial Dysfunction [139] [140]
The mitochondria are the powerhouse (power plants) of the cell and if
our power plants are dying, there is less energy for the organelles in
the cell to function, which in turn makes them less effective and tired.
Some things we can do to tackle the mitochondrial aspect of aging:
Microdosed Lithium [141]
Glucosamine [142]
Alpha Ketoglutatate [143]
Glycine [144]
NMN [145]
Malate [146]
NAD+ [147]
CoQ10 [148]
Exercise [149] [150] [151]
Urolithin A [152] [153] [154] [155]

🧫📉 Stem Cell Exhaustion

Stem cells are essentially cells that can turn into any other cell and
provide fresh cells for the body as it grows, and replace cells that are
damaged, old, or lost. As we age, our stem cells lose their ability to
regenerate and replace our old, damaged, or malfunctioning cells
and that leads to old cells not getting replaced by new, young, and
fresh ones. This ages the body as our ability for our body to make
fresh cells decline, leading to decreased attractiveness, aging, and
overall health.

Things that can tackle stem cell exhaustion...

Alpha Ketoglutatate [156] [157] [158]
NMN [159] [160]
NAD+ [161] [162]
Exercise [163] [164]🏃‍♀️
Intermittent Fasting [165] [166]🍴🚫

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 101 of 105

Antioxidants are agents that can fight against MANY aspects of
aging, Below is a ranked list based on an educated guess on which
antioxidants are strongest, based on primarily these three sources...
[167] [168] [169]

Vitamin E
Vitamin C

And here is an unranked list of antioxidants

Green Tea
Vitamin A
Green Tea

The benefits on antioxidants are quite numerous and powerful,

antioxidants have been shown to ...
💫 They enhance skin quality, and fight skin aging [170] [171]
🚫🤒 Fight inflammation [172] [173] [174] [175]
They fight off free radicals, cellular damage and oxidative stress
[176] [177] [178]

The Looksmaxing Bible Page 102 of 105

Other ways to tackle aging 🧓🚫
Senolytics [179]🧟‍♂️🔫
Remember the zombie cells I talked about earlier? Senolytics
are agents that seek to kill these zombie cells.
Some senolytics include...
Fisetin (most powerful) [180] [181]
Quercetin [182] [183]

Getting an air purifier ✈️

Air pollution is linked to free radical accumulation, poor skin
quality (your skin absorbs harmful things in the air), and
premature death [184] [185]

Cut smoking, alcohol and vaping 🚭

All of these destroy your organs like your lungs and liver. They
also invite toxins into your body.

Being in a good mood (or at least not sad). Sadness causes stress
and that causes aging. (I've explained this earlier)😃
You can take a biological age test (online) if you're into health
optimization and you can keep track of your biological age and
keep it as close to the ages of 18-25 as possible. 🌴🥥

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Other Notes 📝
📸 The last part of looksmaxing is building a QUALITY Instagram

In your Instagram biography, you ideally want no more than 3 lines of

text. Each of them telling an aspect about you. All of the lines must
start with an emoji. Here is an example.

🎨 Painter
🏆 5x World Cup Winner
🎉 Come to my party tonight at 5PM (Address)
If you decide to use captions, your captions should be short and
creative. 🖌️
Let me be 100% honest with you, taking the actual pictures is out of
my expertise, but this is an IMPORTANT part of looksmaxing, because
it builds a system in which you don't have to go on dating apps (and
do very little in general) to get women, and serves as social proof to
to others.

Although, you can learn from the following sources...

@Teachingmensfashion on Instagram
@Alex Costa on Instagram
#mensfashion on Instagram
"Male Models" on Pinterest 🏆
Listening to male models' advice on taking quality pictures 🏆

And of course, you'll need a good camera, either a professional high-

grade camera, an Apple camera, or a high-tier Android camera. All
others are not optimal.📸
Also use editing apps on your phone like Adobe Lightroom. 🎞️

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The End 🎉
🥳You've reached the end of the book! I hoped you've enjoyed the
book and that you've gained massive insight from it about

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