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These notes are meant to revise the training session on How to Write a Legal
Research Paper for step by step detailed description of the legal research paper
writing process for submission of Assignment 4 of the Internship Training
Program the details of which are shared with you in the group or which will be
shared in the group.

© LawFoyer. 2024.
No Part of this document shall be replicated,
circulated or used without the consent of

1) Busting 3 Major Myths Regarding Legal Research and upholding

a) Legal Research Is Not Boring
b) Legal Research Is Not Time Taking
c) Legal Research Does Not Require Prior Knowledge of Law
2) What is Legal Research:
a) Step By Step Process
b) Searching a Solution
c) For a Legal Problem
i) Lack of Information related to a Legal Issue
ii) Lack of Solution of a Legal Issue
iii) Lack of Discussion related to a Legal Issue
d) Using Legal Reasoning
i) Thinking like a Lawyer and Judge
ii) Establishing cause-effect, statement-deduction relation
e) Derived from Primary Sources (Empirical Research) or
f) Secondary Sources (Doctrinal Legal Research)
3) Why Legal Research?
a) Aids in Legal Drafting
b) Aids in Framing of Strong Arguments
c) Aids in Client Counselling
d) Day to Day skill of Practical Legal Use
e) To know Action / Remedies / Legal Recourse Available
f) Adds weight to Statements, Deductions, Conclusions and Legal
g) Thinking Like a Lawyer
4) Difference between Legal Articles and Legal Research Papers
a) Legal Article / Essay / Blog
i) Less words / short write up
ii) Lesser scope
iii) Format includes only Introduction, Sub-headings,
Conclusion and References
iv) Academic in Nature
v) Blogs can be opinion based too
vi) Published on Web for Wider Reach
vii) LawFoyer will help you reach wider audience
viii) Topics will be allotted by us but choice of subject will be
your choice
b) Legal Research Paper
i) More words / Long Writeup
ii) More Scope
iii) Format also includes: Abstract, Keywords, Research
Methodology, Research Objectives, Research Questions,
Research Hypotheses, and Literature Review
iv) Doctrinal / Empirical Both in Nature
v) Facts & Evidence Based
vi) Published in Journals like LawFoyer’s International Journal
of Doctrinal Legal Research
vii) LawFoyer’s International Journal is recognised by ISSN and
is indexed in numerous National and International Databases
viii) Topics of Legal Research Papers will be chosen by Interns
5) How to Write Excellent Legal Research Paper
a) Step 1: Framing sub-headings from Main Topic
b) Step 2: Collecting Information
c) Step 3: Content and Citations
6) How to Write Excellent Research Papers:
a) Firstly you need a Great Research Idea
i) Idea must be Unique / Original
ii) Research shall stand out not copied
iii) Research highlights your personality as a legal professional
b) Unique Idea using Cliffhanger Method
i) Step I: Find Interest Area of Law
ii) Step II: Read related Legal News
iii) Step III: Read what catches your attention the Most
iv) Step IV: Check if the topic is not political or religious
v) Exception to Step IV: Only if you are
(1) Not Baised +
(2) Not Favor or Defy any Specific Pol. Party or Religion
(3) Empahasize more on factual evidence than on
opinions / assumptions.
c) Three Steps of Writing a Research Paper:
i) Step I: Index / Outline of the Research Paper
ii) Step II: Collecting Information using Literature Review
iii) Step III: Content and Citations
d) Step - I: Index (50% Work Done) - The Structure of the
Research Paper
i) Format:
(1) Abstract
(2) Key Words
(3) Introduction
(4) Sub-Headings
(5) Conclusions and Comments (Findings)
(6) Suggestions, if any (Recommended Solutions)
(7) References
ii) How to Write Sub-Headings:
(1) Break Major Problem into Smaller Problems
(2) Break ABCD in A+B+C+D
(3) Example if writing a research paper on Tort the
sub-headings shall be:
(a) Legal Duty
(b) Breach of Legal Duty
(c) Legal Injury
(d) Defences
(e) Exceptions
(4) Since all of these are elements which explain “Tort”
as a whole these are the perfect sub-headings
e) Step II: Literature Review (What to Read?)
i) LEJE Method
(1) Legislation
(2) Executive Orders / Rules / Regulations etc.
(3) Judgements
(4) Extras (Thesis, Articles etc.)
(a) Use the tools taught in the session to find
relevant literature, article, research papers like:
(i) Perplexity
(ii) Gemini
(iii) Copilot
(iv) Consensus
(v) Semantic Scholar etc.
(b) Search for your topic in a broader sense
(c) Use Find In Page filter of Chrome
(d) Put in the most unique filter
(e) You will find relevant paragraphs for your
research from the Entire Thesis
(f) You will then get to Know L, E & J too.
ii) Dual Identity Method:
(1) To Know the Intent of the Author of Literature
(2) To think as the person who has written the Statute
(3) To think as the judge who has written the Judgement
(4) To think as the person who has written the Article /
Thesis etc.
f) Step III: Content and Citations
i) Content can Include
(1) Meaning, Definition & Explanation
(2) Historical Background / Evolution (if any)
(3) Comparison with other Countries (if needed)
(4) Causes / Effect Relation with other Concepts (if any)
(5) Types / Kinds (if any)
(6) Forms / Modes (if any)
(7) Essentials / Elements / Pre-requisites (if any)
(8) Defences / Exceptions / Exceptions to Defences (if any)
(9) Legal Provisions / Procedure / Specifications / Criteria (if
(10) Guidelines / Rules / Regulations / Notifications / Circulars
(if any)
(11) Cutoms / Usage / Traditions-based Law (if any)
(12) Case Laws / Precedents / Overrulings (if any)
(13) Interpretations / Explanations (if any)
(14) Doctrines / Theories (if any)
(15) Maxims / Principles (if any)
(16) Amendments / Additions / Repealing (if any)
(17) Statistical Analysis / Data Analysis (if needed)
(18) Future Implications (if any)
ii) Content (IRAC Method)
(1) Issue
(2) Research
(3) Analysis
(4) Conclusion
iii) Citations
(1) Citation Styles
(2) Harvard Bluebook, OSCOLA & ILI Citations
(3) Use Zotero for Time Effective Citations
(4) Zotero / Mendeley / AI Tools / Bibcitation AddIn Do
Citations in a Single Click
g) Step IV: References / Bibliography
i) Just Mention the list of all the sources used in the document
ii) Do not mention any Id / Supra / Infra and Repeated Sources
in the references
iii) Filter it Using MS Words’ A to Z filter
iv) Normalise the Text by Clicking on Normal Option in Styles
Section of the Home Tab.
7) How to Find Relevant Case Laws Using A Single Click:
a) Find relevant keywords first from:
i) Books / Digests / Commentaries etc.
ii) Articles / Research Papers / Thesis / Dissertations etc.
iii) Common Legal Terminology used by the Courts
iv) Using AI Tools
b) Open Google / Indian Kanoon / CaseMine / SCC Online /
Manupatra and other AI tools already taught
c) Write Boolean Command but follow these rules:
i) All in small letters only
ii) No years of statues to be mentioned
iii) Key words only in broader sense
iv) Intent should be to filter irrelevant judgements using such
v) Use AND if want both keywords, OR if only wants either of
the keywords, NOT if the latter keyword is not required
d) Write the Boolean Command in this Format

“section” AND “statute” AND “key word” AND “court” AND

“platform like indian kanoon, case mine etc.” AND “country / state
/ region” / pdf

If you want a case defining obscenity given by Supreme Court:
“Section 292” AND “indian penal code” AND “obscenity” AND
“supreme court” AND “indian kanoon” AND “india” / pdf

Note: If you are using Case Mine use “+” in place of “AND”

e) Most Probably you will get the relevant judgement in top 10 results
but if not then use the given method to read lengthy judgements in a
single click:
i) Either read the Headnotes Quickly or
ii) Use the “Find In Page” filter feature of the Chrome to find
relevant paragraphs putting in the most unique keywords as
per your need.
8) How to Save Time During Research?
a) Use All Feature of MS Word: Macros, Automatic Table etc.
b) Use Zotero for Citations
c) Use Shodhganga for Literature Review
d) Use Grammarly for Grammar Correction
e) Use Google and Boolean Command to find relevant case laws in a
single click
f) Using AI for Searching, Reading, and Analysis of Literature
9) How to Proofread?
a) 5-Step Simple Process
b) Plagiarism Check using Copyleaks or Turnitin
i) What to do if still plagiarism persists?
ii) Double Quotations and Citations on every line / paragraph
copied “as it is”
iii) Cite every other line the idea of which is borrowed
iv) Paraphrase in own language
v) Remove it, if unimportant from broader context.
c) Grammar Check using Grammarly
d) Organisation and Fluency Check
e) Citation Check and Correction Using Zotero and Citaiton Guides
f) Formatting Check using Macros Feature of Word or Styles Feature
of Home Tab.
10)How to Manage Time?
a) Managing Time means:
i) Saving time using Tools, Templates and Techniques
ii) Utilising time and energy efficiently using Pomodoro
Technique as given below
b) Pomodor Technique: Divide all tasks of the Day into these 4
i) Category I: Only Urgent
ii) Category II: Only Important
iii) Category III: Both Urgent and Important
iv) Category IV: None (Neither Important nor Urgent)
c) Now, do the following for tasks of each category:
i) If Both Urgent and Important: Do it On First Priority
ii) If Only Urgent: Do it on Second Priority
iii) If Only Important: Re-schedule It
iv) If None: Drop It or Delegate It or Reschedule It after
Category II Tasks.
d) Work In Pomodoros
i) 1 Partial Pomodoro = 25 Mins Work + 5 Mins Break
ii) 1 Complete Pomodoro = 60 mins + 15 mins Break
e) Common Question: How to know what is Important and what is
i) Any task which provides you value is an Important task
ii) Any task which needs your instant attention is an urgent task
11) How to deal with Procastination?
a) Divide Big Tasks into Smaller Tasks
b) Take Small Steps consistently
c) Use Pomodoros
d) Use tools, templates and techniques
e) Keep Rewards on Completion of Tasks and
f) Penalties on Non-Completion
12)How to do Citations in a single click?

a) What are citations?

b) Citation Styles:

i) Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition Citation Style

Access here:


ii) Indian Law Institute Citation Style

Access here:

iii) OSCOLA Citation Style

Access here:

c) Citations will be done in a single click Using

i) Zotero which can be downloaded from here:

ii) Bibcitation Add-In, and other AI Tools like HARPA AI,

MONICA AI, Chat GPT (powered by WebChat GPT chrome


d) You can also add hyperlinks in the text if in case you are unable to

add footnotes or you dont want to add citations.

13)How to avoid plagiarism and Grammar Mistakes?

a) Check Plagiarism using these FREE tools:

i) SmallSEOTools:

ii) Copyleaks:

iii) Duplichecker:

iv) Originality AI:

v) Quetext:

vi) Turnitin Plagiarism Report can be availed at a nominal cost

of Rs. 50/- per report (contact the Admin of the Group if you

need a Turnitin Report).

[Note: Turnitin is a Paid tool therefore this nominal fee is

being charged, the amount will be used for enriching the

internship experience of students in future ONLY].

b) Check AI Plagiarism using these FREE tools:

i) GPT Zero:

ii) Originality AI:

iii) Copyleaks:

c) Check and Correct Grammar Mistakes using

i) Grammarly AddIn:

Watch this tutorial:

ii) MS Word Spelling and Grammar

Watch this tutorial:

d) Methods to Avoid Plagiarism:

i) “” - Double Quotations for anything copied “as it is” + cite it

also + Italicize text

ii) Paraphrasing in your own language

(1) Use Active voice

(2) Use Formal, Legal, Professional - Tone / Style

iii) Citing the source after partial paraphrasing

iv) Paraphrasing Using AI:

(1) You may use the following AI tools for Paraphrasing

using AI:

(a) POE (with Claude Instant):


(c) LawFoyer’s Re-writer Tool: (Limit - 250



(d)NOTE: No other GPT / AI Tool shall be used -

[ChatGPT and Quillbot are Strictly prohibited]

(2) Command for paraphrasing content using AI:

(a) Step 1: Paste the content to be re-written (not

more than 250 words at once)

(b)Step 2: Paste this command with the content:

“Hi chat, acting as an exper legal researcher

and analyst re-write the following content in

formal, legal and professional tone voice and

style such that the plagiarism in the content is

removed without changing its menaing, if

anything is copied in this context from any

source which cannot be re-written then put it in

double inverted commas.”

(c) Step 3: Run the command and it will be

(d)Step 4: Proofread it if it has any sort of wrong

content or any sort of plagiarism or not!

14)Strict Prohibition to Use AI for writing Main Content

a) You cannot use AI for writing the content of Assignment.

b) But, you can use AI for reading, analysing and summarising

literature while doing literature review.

c) You can copy paste bare act provisions in the Article / Essay / Blog

as well but put it in inverted commas (“”).

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