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Learner Registration 23DEC0367MBAHRMP

Study Centre Name King’s Business School
Qualification Title MBA in Human Resource Management and Psychology
Unit Reference No. MBA 105
Unit Title Strategic Leadership
Word Count 2018
Submission Date 19th June 2024

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Angelia Phillips
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Date: 19th June 2024 Date:

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By: Angelia Elizabeth Phillips

Strategic Leadership

Dr. Mark Pierotti

King’s Business School

Due Date: 22nd June 2024

Table of Contents

The Role of Business Leader in Driving Organizational Performance 4

The Exercise of Leadership Power and Influence 5

Leadership Development for Competitive Advantage 7

Organization’s Strategic Effectiveness from a Leadership Perspective 10

Conclusion 11

References 12

The Impact of Tim Cook on Apple's Organizational Performance

The Role of Business Leader in Driving Organizational Performance

Tim Cook's leadership style is based on his adherence to Apple's guiding values, which are the

primary drivers of corporate performance. His approach began with his values and vision.

Innovation, customer-centricity, and preserving a creative business culture are among his top

priorities. In interviews and public engagements, Cook has frequently underlined these values,

stressing how important they are to maintaining Apple's success. Cook’s dedication to Apple's

vision has never changed; the company still values providing innovative products and user

experiences. In addition, inclusive decision-making is the method that Tim Cook is well-

known for; he values opinions from all levels of the company. Through open communication

and teamwork, he creates an atmosphere where all viewpoints are valued and acknowledged.

In Cook's interactions with his executive staff, this inclusive leadership style has been

especially noticeable. He cultivates a leadership team by surrounding himself with gifted

people from diverse backgrounds, bringing out the best in each other. Cook assures Apple of

the benefits of a diverse range of perspectives and expertise by doing this (Ian, 2024b).

Thirdly, in terms of financial performance, Apple's success reached unprecedented heights

because of Cook's operational expertise and emphasis on the effectiveness of the supply chain,

which raised profit margins and maintained profitability. Apple became the first company to

exceed a $1 trillion market value during his tenure as the company's stock price climbed

continuously. Cook's focus on diversification has led to the development of new product

categories including wearables and services, which have increased Apple's income streams.

Fourth, operational effectiveness and supply chain management define Tim Cook's leadership

style. Cook stressed the importance of a leader's ability to implement and streamline processes.

His focus on operational efficiency and logistics played a significant role in enabling Apple to

expand and meet demand globally. Fifth, cook supported issues like user privacy and

environmental sustainability by paying close attention to corporate social responsibility.

Successful businesses may positively impact the environment and society, as demonstrated by

his dedication to ethical business practices (Ian, 2024a).

The Exercise of Leadership Power and Influence

Tim Cook took on the difficult task of replacing the legendary business visionary Steve Jobs in

2011. Cook disproved the notion that he was reticent and uncreative. Cook has led Apple to do

amazing things. With nearly a threefold increase in stock value, the business is now the first

trillion-dollar company in the world. Notable accomplishments include the significant

expansion of the iPhone and the launch of the Apple Watch, which signaled the start of a new

age of success for Apple (Faith, 2023). A key component of Cook's management approach is

assigning specialized project managers to each team. From start to finish, these leads drive the

product vision and choose the funding, personnel, and materials needed to complete the

project. Teams operating under this management approach cooperate and communicate

frequently rather than operating in isolation. Additionally, they are provided enough time to

guarantee that the job is finished to the highest standard and that the finished product is

prepared (Neufeld, 2023).

Tim Cook has made significant improvements to Apple's operations, supply chain, and profit

margins. For example, Cook helped Apple turn a profit in his first year there, following a $1

billion net loss the year before. Apple's inventory turnover decreased from months to five days

following a supply chain transformation (Madrigal, 2012). Cook also encourages critical and

strategic thinking in Apple workers, saying that this will bring out the best in them. Because of

his ability to encourage staff members and junior management to think creatively and

unconventionally for the benefit of the company, Cook has become the most successful and

significant CEO of the contemporary period. Company executives must accept that they are

not able to do everything for their organization and should encourage other individuals to

become more involved in ideation and leadership proposals. Cook is aware of this and prefers

to involve his senior executives in many leadership choices. This allows the business to

generate new ideas for new products and services (Bhushan, 2021).

According to Ian (2024b) Cook respects feedback from all organizational levels, which goes

against the traditional belief that management should be done from the top down. In order to

foster an environment where all points of view are respected and taken into consideration, he

encourages open communication and teamwork. Cook's inclusive leadership style has been

especially evident in his dealings with his executive team. Cook acts in this way to reassure

Apple of the advantages of having a diverse pool of knowledge and perspectives. Cook also

exhorts Apple workers to think critically and strategically in order to bring out the best in

them. By inspiring his employees and executive subordinates to think innovatively and

creatively in order to improve the company, Cook's traits have helped him become the most

influential and successful CEO of the moment.

When Cook took over as Apple's CEO, he declared that people should think of him as the first

Cook rather than as Jobs' successor. By announcing this, Cooks demonstrated that he planned

to take a different route than Jobs in terms of management and leadership and that he was

conscious of his capacity to quickly turn around a situation. Since then, he has demonstrated

his ability to proactively adjust to changing circumstances. During the Covid-19 pandemic, for

instance, Cook oversaw Apple's response to the conditions of the pandemic by arranging for

staff to work remotely in order to adhere to containment guidelines (Bhushan, 2021). The

ability of Cook to take Apple to new heights while upholding its core values was a defining

characteristic of his style. His strategy can teach business executives how to easily adjust to

changes and maintain focus on long-term objectives (Singh, 2024).

Leadership Development for Competitive Advantage

Enhancing one's talents and attributes to become a more proficient leader is known as

leadership development. To do this, experts concentrate on specific areas, often known as

leadership development areas. Having strong leaders in a company's management team can

help it attain its objectives and guarantee that managers and staff are working to the best of

their abilities. By understanding the areas of growth that each leader needs, managers can be

trained more effectively, and workplace productivity and optimism may be encouraged (Indeed

Career Guide, 2024).

1. Talent Development: Apple's talent development initiatives, led by Tim Cook, have played a pivotal role in cultivating an effective and diverse

workforce that fosters both achievement and innovation. These programs are specifically designed to increase employee engagement and support the

growth of leaders. The primary objectives of Apple's talent development initiatives are as follows (ESS Global Training Solutions, 2024)

 Continuous Learning: Providing a variety of training courses and materials to support employee's development and adaptation to the rapidly

changing digital landscape.

 Cross-Functional Projects: Promoting collaboration and innovation among departments to develop a better understanding of Apple's diverse


 Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Implementing strategies and policies that support an inclusive culture and make sure everyone's opinions are

heard and respected.

2. Adapting to Market Trends: As Apple's CEO, Tim Cook has embraced the quickly changing market trends and made proactive decisions to

ensure the company's long-term success. To effectively navigate the constantly shifting landscape, Cook has implemented strategies that revolve

around understanding consumer preferences and aligning Apple's product offerings with market demands. Cook has employed the following four

primary tactics (ESS Global Training Solutions, 2024)

 Agile Product Development: Apple regularly improves its goods to satisfy changing demands by keeping a close eye on market research and

quickly acting upon customer feedback.

 Product Portfolio Diversification: To better meet the demands and preferences of a wider range of customers, Cook has expanded Apple's product

line, which has improved the company's market presence.

 Global Expansion: Cook's emphasis on global markets has made it possible for Apple to reach new customer demographics and modify its

business plans to fit various cultural and economic contexts.

3. Innovation and Design Excellence: Tim Cook has constantly emphasized the value of creativity and superior design. They have prioritized

aesthetics and user experience while fostering a culture of creativity and product quality. With this strategy, Apple has been able to stand apart from

rivals and keep a loyal consumer base (Tech Whiz, 2023). By encouraging a culture of unrelenting innovation, Tim Cook's leadership at Apple has

continuously advanced the business. Apple is still pushing the envelope and creating new standards in the IT sector under his leadership. Apple's

dedication to innovation and Cook's leadership legacy are closely linked, guaranteeing Apple's position as a leader in technology. In addition to

defining Apple's identity, this creative culture solidifies Tim Cook's leadership as one that welcomes change, embraces the future, and embraces the

unrelenting pursuit of perfection (ESS Global Training Solutions, 2024).

4. Emotional Intelligence: In order to address problems and improve the company's business processes, Tim actively uses emotional intelligence to

evaluate the results of the operations and the company's current market positioning. Instead of waiting impassively for the next report to arrive, he

usually takes the initiative, interacts with people, listens closely, and honestly responds to their inquiries (Rutland, 2018).

Organization’s Strategic Effectiveness from a Leadership Perspective

The level of success with which an organization achieves its declared aims and objectives is

referred to as organizational effectiveness (Miro, 2024). It is critical to accomplish both short-

and long-term goals for businesses that place a high priority on development, growth, and

profitability. Effectiveness is determined by how well a corporation achieves these business

goals. Gaining more knowledge about it can help you create a more organized and productive

workplace. A company can grow and maintain its competitiveness by being more efficient.

Keeping management and staff focused on their objectives is another way that effectiveness

ensures a business has long-term success (Indeed Career Guide, 2022). The criteria by which a

leadership perspective assesses an organization's strategic effectiveness are (Chrinian, 2023)

1. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: The level of involvement and satisfaction among employees is one of the clearest indicators of good

leadership. Employee engagement rises with motivated, productive workforce members. Employers can utilize survey results and staff engagement

levels to evaluate how well their leadership is doing in this area. High employee satisfaction ratings are usually a sign of strong leadership since they

demonstrate that employees feel valued and supported.

2. Financial Performance: A company's leaders have a big impact on its financial health. Their strategic choices have a direct impact on revenue

growth, profit margins, and ROI (total return). As a result, keeping an eye on financial achievement becomes crucial for determining how effective a

leader is. Effective leadership is typically associated with favourable financial results.

3. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Leaders' choices and actions can have a big effect on external stakeholders, particularly customers. Two

measures that are helpful in assessing whether decisions made by leaders have a positive or negative effect on the customer experience are customer

satisfaction ratings (CSAT) and net promoter scores (NPS).

4. Ethical Leadership: An organization's reputation and legal compliance depend heavily on upholding ethical standards. Leadership issues in this

crucial area may be brought to light by metrics pertaining to ethics violations and compliance rates. Ethical behavior and compliance are given priority

by effective leaders.

5. 360 Degree Feedback: 360-degree feedback provides an organization with a thorough understanding of the efficacy of its leadership. Colleagues,

subordinates, supervisors, and one's own evaluation are among the sources of information that are gathered in this method. A leadership effectiveness

score is the end product of all of this feedback, providing a comprehensive viewpoint.


To sum up, Tim Cook's leadership style at Apple is a perfect example of a balanced approach

to moral responsibility, diversity, and creativity. Along with contributing to the company's

financial success, his operational expertise and strategic vision have enhanced the company's

reputation as a leader in corporate citizenship and technology. Cook's unwavering commitment

to the company's basic ideals and innovative leadership approach have reinforced his image as

a revolutionary and visionary leader and assured Apple's continued development and industry



Bhushan, A. (2021). What Makes Apple’s Tim Cook the Most Influential CEO - CEOWORLD
magazine. [online] CEOWORLD magazine. Available at:
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Chrinian, E. (2023). Measuring Leadership Success: Key Performance Indicators and Metrics.
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