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Received: 10 July 2022 Accepted: 9 February 2023

DOI: 10.1002/agg2.20362


Mapping subsurface tile lines on a research farm using aerial

photography, paper maps, and expert knowledge

Shams R. Rahmani Darrell G. Schulze

Department of Agronomy, Purdue

University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Abstract
Accurate maps of subsurface tile drainage lines are needed for agronomic and envi-
Shams R. Rahmani, Department of
ronmental research studies and the maintenance of current tile drainage systems. In
Agronomy, Purdue University., 915 Mitch this study, tile lines at the Purdue University Agronomy Center for Research and Edu-
Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette, IN 47907, cation near West Lafayette, Indiana were located using a combination of visual aerial
Email: photo interpretation, expert knowledge, and paper construction drawings. The map-
ping accuracy was assessed at 27 locations where tile lines were located physically
Assigned to Associate Editor Kundan
using a tile probe. Tile lines were correctly predicted 89% of the time with an average
spatial accuracy of ±1.23 m of the true tile locations. This approach was better than a
Funding information previous tile line location map prepared using an automated remote sensing method,
Purdue University Office of Agricultural
which had an average spatial accuracy of ±2.12 m.
Research and Graduate Education

1 INTRODUCTION The presence of subsurface drainage tiles can greatly

impact plant phenotypic response through the spatial redis-
The Purdue University Agronomy Center for Research and tribution of soil moisture, plant nutrients, soil pH, and rooting
Education (ACRE) is a high-tech field phenotyping facility depth (Herrero-Huerta et al., 2020; Mathew et al., 2001;
with a focus on collecting information at both the canopy and Rhoades et al., 1999; Ritzema et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2006).
individual plant levels. Most of the soils at ACRE are poorly Therefore, an accurate location of subsurface tile drainage
and somewhat poorly drained (USDA-NRCS, 1998) and lines is vital to aboveground plant phenotyping research at
require subsurface drainage to remove excess water to provide ACRE.
better plant growth conditions. Subsurface tile drainage pre- Subsurface tile drainage systems are widely used in the
vents crop drown out, minimizes soil erosion, increases crop Midwestern United States. In 1985, ∼12.5 million ha in the
yields by preventing root damage caused by excess water and Midwest contained tile drainage (Pavelis, 1987). Since then,
by providing better aeration (Fausey et al., 1987; Franzmeier substantial additional areas have had subsurface drainage
et al., 2001), and allows access to fields to conduct timely farm systems installed. Indiana, with approximately 50% artifi-
operations (Franzmeier et al., 2001). cially drained cropland, is the highest in the nation (Pavelis,
1987). Accurate maps of preexisting tile lines are not only
important for agronomic and environmental research but also
Abbreviations: ACRE, Agronomy Center for Research and Education; for the maintenance and repair of current drainage systems,
CAD, computer-aided design; GIS, Geographic Information Systems;
and for reference during the installation of new tile lines in
GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System; GPS, global positioning system;
IGWS, Indiana Geological and Water Survey; IN, Indiana; InGCS, Indiana previously tiled fields (Becker et al., 2021; Gökkaya et al.,
Geospatial Coordinate System; ISDP, Indiana Spatial Data Portal; RTK, 2017; Tilahun & Syoum, 2021). In many cases, however, the
Real-Time Kinematic; TIFF, Tag Image File Format; UAVs, unmanned locations of existing tile lines are not known exactly because
aerial vehicles; WQFS, Water Quality Field Station.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Crop Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy.

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maps of their locations were not made, the original maps have
been lost, or the tile lines were inaccurately georeferenced. Core Ideas
Due to the need to locate subsurface tile lines accurately,
different approaches have been utilized to identify existing ∙ Tile lines were located based on visual aerial photo
tile line locations. Conventional (i.e., manual probing and interpretation, paper maps, and expert knowledge.
trenching), geophysical (i.e., ground penetrating radar and ∙ Photo interpretation was a useful method to map
electromagnetic induction), and remote sensing are the three unknown tile lines and provided better results than
main methods of locating subsurface tile lines (Allred et al., remote sensing.
2018; Naz et al., 2009; Roy, 2014; Verma et al., 1996). Even ∙ Accurate location of tile lines is vital for agronomic
though conventional and geophysical methods can accurately and environmental research studies.
locate tile lines, they are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and
expensive, thus limiting their application for larger areas (Ale
et al., 2007; Allred et al., 2004; Gökkaya et al., 2017). Addi-
tionally, conventional methods particularly heavy trenching this study with tile maps generated by the tile installation com-
may cause damage to the existing tile lines (Freeland et al., panies, and to deliver this information to research scientists in
2019). Ground penetrating radar does not work well for locat- a usable format.
ing tile lines in high clay soils due to the attenuation of the
radar signal (Conyers, 1997).
Various studies have shown that remote sensing, together 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS
with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), can be an effec-
tive approach to precisely mapping buried tile lines (Naz & 2.1 Study site
Bowling, 2008; Northcott et al., 2000; Varner et al., 2002;
Verma et al., 1996). Aerial imagery often captures spectral The Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE)
differences between wet and dry soils; thus, it plays a critical in Tippecanoe County, IN, USA (40˚28′12″N, 86˚ 59′31″W)
role in locating tile lines using remote sensing. Two-to-three (Figure 1) was established in 1949 as a field research station
days after heavy rain (25 mm within 24 h), soil over tile for soils and crops research. As of 2020, it consisted of 570 ha
lines often dries faster than soil in between tile lines. This (Rahmani et al., 2022). ACRE is located on a low relief, gently
results in higher reflectance of the drier soils in the visible and undulating Wisconsin age till plain and contains 14 different
near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and soil map units, with Chalmers (fine-silty, mixed, superactive,
this difference can be captured by aerial imagery. Soil mois- mesic Typic Endoaquolls), Raub (fine-silty, mixed, super-
ture, soil organic matter, soil texture, crop residue, and tillage active, mesic Aquic Argiudolls), and Drummer (fine-silty,
practices, however, also affect the reflectance and, therefore, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Endoaquolls) soils as the
the accuracy of automated tile mapping using aerial imagery dominant soil types. Most of the soils at ACRE are poorly
(Andrade, 2013; Freeland et al., 2019; Naz & Bowling, 2008; or somewhat poorly drained, but a few locations are very
Naz et al., 2009). Recent studies utilized UAVs (unmanned poorly drained or moderately well drained (USDA-NRCS,
aerial vehicles) equipped with various cameras (i.e., visible, 1998). The average annual temperature is 10˚C, and the aver-
thermal, and multispectral) for mapping subsurface tile lines age total annual precipitation is 970 mm (30-year normals
(Allred et al., 2021, 2020; Becker et al., 2021; Freeland et al., for 1981–2010) (MRCC, 2013). The mean winter temperature
2019; Kratt et al., 2020; Tilahun & Syoum, 2021). The effi- (December–February) is −2.6˚C, and the mean summer tem-
ciency and success of UAV technology in mapping subsurface perature (June–August) is 22.2˚C (NWS-COOP, 2022). Corn
tile lines are impacted by the existence of linear features due to and soybean are the most extensive crops at ACRE.
the farm operations, type of camera used, and variation in spa- The tile lines at ACRE were typically installed at 0.9 m
tial and temporal properties such as water content, soil type, (3 ft) depth and at 20.16 m (66 ft) spacings. The lateral tile
and vegetation (Allred et al., 2020; Naz et al., 2009). lines, which carry water from the fields to the larger main
The objective of this research was to map the locations or submain tile lines, are typically 10 cm in diameter. The
of tile lines at ACRE accurately and to develop a detailed main tile lines vary from 15 to 60 cm in diameter. The tile
attribute table with the type, material, status, and diameter lines were installed in different years (Figure 1) and reflect
of the tile lines. To do so, we used a combination of visual the order of land acquisition and the availability of funds
photo interpretation, expert knowledge, and paper construc- (J. Beaty, personal communication, April 5, 2018).
tion drawings. Additional objectives were to evaluate the new In the sections below, we provide information about input
map against ground observations of tile line locations, to com- data, tile mapping procedure, and accuracy assessment. The
pare the new map to the map produced by Naz and Bowling main steps and methodological procedures of mapping tile
(2008) using an automated method, to compare the results of lines are summarized in Figure 2.
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F I G U R E 1 Map of the Purdue Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) showing the field boundaries and numbers, and the
dates of tile drainage installation up to spring 2020. For the “Not tiled/pre ACRE tiles” class, fields 112–114 are not tiled, whereas fields 57 and 200
only have tiles draining the wettest areas that were installed prior to acquisition of the land for ACRE.

2.2 Input data and information 2.2.1 Aerial imagery and image processing

We used a combination of aerial imagery, paper and dig- Historic aerial imagery can provide information on the spa-
ital maps of planned or as-installed tile lines, and expert tial location of tile lines, particularly when other sources of
knowledge to locate the tile drainage lines at ACRE. information such as installation drawings are not available.
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ference for other commonly used projections is considerably

larger. For example, for the Indiana State Plane Coordi-
nate System, it is 0.42 ft/mile (±80 ppm), whereas, for
the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16 North
system, it is 2.1 ft/mile (±400 ppm) (INDOT, 2016). As
ACRE is entirely in Tippecanoe County, IN, we used the
(InGCS) for Tippecanoe and White Counties, which has
an average grid versus ground difference of 0.0159 ft/mile
(3 ppm). In ArcGIS 10.6 software, this projection is listed
as “NAD_1983_2011_InGCS_Tippecanoe-White_(m)” for
units in meters. The Project Raster tool was used in
ArcMap 10.6 to project all of the georeferenced images into
Of the available imagery, the 2013 IndianaMap Data image
at 0.3 m resolution is georeferenced to the highest standard
for use as a base map for state-wide, county, and municipal
projects. It was selected as the master image for georeferenc-
F I G U R E 2 Methodological workflow and main steps in mapping ing images that were obtained from USDA and IGWS (images
subsurface tile lines at Agronomy Center for Research and Education 1–6 in Table 1). The Georeferencing tool in ArcMap 10.6 was
(ACRE). used to georeference the USDA and IGWS images based on
image-to-image registration.
For accurate georeferencing, we used stable and visible
We obtained as much aerial imagery as we could find for the benchmarks, such as roads, intersections, driveways, railroad
study site and ultimately assembled 24 images that spanned tracks, and culverts, as control points. Sufficient control points
from 1939 to 2016 (Table 1). The six oldest datasets from were added so that the spline transformation could be used. In
1939 through 1976 consisted of aerial photographs either general, about 15 control points were used for each image.
downloaded from the Indiana Geological and Water Sur- After georeferencing and clipping unnecessary details from
vey (IGWS) website ( or accessed the images (i.e., date of image acquisition and white and/or
as printed aerial photographs at the USDA Natural Resources extra edges), the Mosaic tool was used to mosaic all the aerial
Conservation Service, Lafayette Service Center, 1812 Troxel photos from a single year into a seamless image that covers
Dr., Suite C3, Lafayette, IN 47909. The imagery from 1939 to the entire study location.
1963 was available from IGWS already scanned, but not geo-
referenced. The aerial photographs from 1957, 1968, 1971,
and 1976 accessed at the USDA Lafayette Service Cen- 2.2.2 Physical and electronic maps
ter were scanned at 400 dpi (dots per inch) and stored as
TIFFs (Tag Image File Format). The remaining 18 datasets Paper maps of tile line locations and the expert knowledge
spanning from 1998 through 2016 were downloaded from of the farm manager were also used to identify the tile lines
the Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP) ( at ACRE. Generally, these paper maps were large engineering
and were already georeferenced. Among the acquired geo- drawings of planned tile lines made prior to installation. These
referenced images, the images from 2003 to 2007 had three maps were not scanned or digitized, but they were used to map
bands, Red, Green, and Blue (RGB), whereas the images from tile lines for parts of the farm where other data (e.g., aerial
2008 to 2016 had four bands, Red, Green, Blue, and Near- imagery and electronic maps) could not be used. The paper
Infrared. maps were also useful for determining which main or submain
The 18 datasets that were already georeferenced were in a particular lateral tile line flowed into, and for developing the
a variety of projections (Table 1). As a common projection, attribute table of tile line sizes and types.
we chose a projection from the Indiana Geospatial Coordi- For the Water Quality Field Station (WQFS) on the north
nate System (InGCS) (INDOT, 2016). The InGCS is a set end of the farm (Figure 1), we received a blueprint in pdf
of low-distortion map projections that minimize the hori- format. The quality of the blueprint was enhanced in Adobe
zontal linear (grid vs. ground) distortion across the design Photoshop and saved as a TIFF file, which was then imported
region, typically a one-, two-, or three-county area within into ArcMap 10.6 and georeferenced to the 2013 master
Indiana, and are defined in units of both meters and feet. image.
The average grid versus ground difference in InGCS is We also acquired four electronic maps. The tile line map
0.014 ft/mile (±2.6 ppm). The average grid versus ground dif- developed by Naz and Bowling (2008) was available as a
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TA B L E 1 Available aerial imagery to map tile lines at Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE).

No. Original dataset name Date (m) Original datum and projection Sourceb
1 1939 aerial imagery 04/13/1939 0.9 N/A IGWS
2 1957 aerial imagery 09/04/1957 0.9 N/A USDA
3 1963 aerial imagery 05/31/1963 1 N/A IGWS
4 1968 aerial imagery 03/04/1968 0.3 N/A USDA
5 1971 aerial imagery 06/17/1971 0.7 N/A USDA
6 1976 aerial imagery 03/09/1976 1 N/A USDA
7 1998–1999 USGS Digital Ortho Quarter-Quad 1998–1999 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
8 2003 National Agriculture Imagery Program 07/19/2003 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
9 2004 National Agriculture Imagery Program 07/01/2004 2 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
10 2005 IndianaMap Color Infrared Photos 02/26/2005 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
11 2005 IndianaMap Natural Color Orthos: March 2005 0.15 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Indiana_West_ ISDP
Orthophotography April 2005 FIPS_1302_Feet
12 2005 IndianaMap Natural Color Orthos: March 2005 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
Quarter quads April 2005
13 2005 National Agriculture Imagery Program 07/01/2005 2 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
14 2006 IndianaMap Reflight Color Infrared Spring 2006 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
15 2006 IndianaMap Reflight Natural Color Spring 2006 0.15 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Indiana_West_ ISDP
Orthophotography FIPS_1302_Feet
16 2006 IndianaMap Reflight Natural Color Spring 2006 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
17 2006 National Agriculture Imagery Program 07/06/2006 2 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
18 2007 National Agriculture Imagery Program 07/02/2007 2 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
19 2008 National Agriculture Imagery Program 06/24/2008 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
20 2010 National Agriculture Imagery Program 08/16/2010 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
21 2012 National Agriculture Imagery Program 06/06/2012 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
22 2013 IndianaMap Dataa 02/14/2013 0.3 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Indiana_West_ ISDP
04/22/2013 FIPS_1302_Feet
23 2014 NAIP Imagery 2014 1 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
24 2016 NAIP Imagery 06/12/2016 0.6 NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_16N ISDP
The 2013 image was considered the master image, and images 1–6 were georeferenced to this master image.
b IGWS, Indiana Geological and Water Survey,; USDA, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Lafayette Service Center, 1812 Troxel
Dr., Suite C3, Lafayette, IN 47909, and ISDP, Indiana Spatial Data Portal,

shapefile. The Project tool in ArcMap 10.6 was used to System (GNSS). The Project tool in ArcMap 10.6 was used
re-project this shapefile from the NAD_1983_UTM_Zone to re-project these maps from GCS_WGS_1984 into the
_16N projection to the NAD_1983_2011_InGCS NAD_1983_2011_InGCS_Tippecanoe-White_(m) coordi-
_Tippecanoe-White_(m) coordinate system. The as- nate system. Finally, computer-aided design (CAD) maps
installed maps of the tile lines for fields 58–59 and 70 of fields 3–16, 21, and 31 were provided by the Purdue
(Figure 1) were provided by the tile installation company University Physical Plant. After selecting the tile lines from
(Schlatter’s Inc, 16179W 500S, Francesville, IN 47946, the CAD file, the Export Data tool in ArcMap 10.6 was
USA). These as-installed maps were generated using a used to export them as a shapefile, and the Define Projec-
Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Navigation Satellite tion tool was used to georeference the extracted shapefile
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to the NAD_1983_2011_InGCS_Tippecanoe-White_(m) after 2 days of drainage and drying, the soils over the tile
coordinate system. lines had dried sufficiently that the surface was consider-
ably more reflective than the still-wet soil between the tile
2.3 Mapping tile lines The tile drainage network was manually drawn through
tracing and heads-up digitizing on the aerial imagery using
Although the use of automated and semiautomated remote ArcMap 10.6. The tile lines were interpreted to exist in places
sensing techniques for identifying tile lines would be attrac- where both black and white and color aerial imagery clearly
tive, we opted to identify the tile line locations using followed straight lines. Most of the tile lines on black and
manual photo interpretation and manual digitization primar- white aerial images were identified based on the spectral
ily because, for a relatively small area such as ACRE (570 ha), differences of light and dark colors of dry and moist soils,
the development of an automated procedure would likely take respectively (Figure 3a). However, tile lines on the 2013 color
longer than manual digitization. Automated procedures are aerial imagery were identified based on the presence of dis-
likely to be impacted by the presence of other linear features turbed soil from tile trenches and installation (Figure 3b).
in the field that are not tile lines, and an automated model For WQFS, similar to the aerial imagery, the tile lines were
might work for one set of images, but not for a different manually traced but based on the georeferenced blueprints.
one. As indicated above, where the locations of the tile lines
The best aerial imagery to use for tile delineation needs could not be discerned from the aerial imagery, we relied
to be taken 2–3 days after heavy rain (≥25 mm within 24 h) on the expert knowledge of the farm manager and available
(Naz et al., 2009; Northcott et al., 2000; Varner et al., 2002; paper maps. Large-scale (1:3500) draft maps were printed for
Verma et al., 1996). Kratt et al. (2020) found that a light rain review by the farm manager. Feedback from the farm manager
of 13 mm 5 days prior to image acquisition was the reason and examination of the paper maps was also helpful in distin-
for the poor detection of tile lines on thermal images. A more guishing tile lines from other linear features, such as tillage
recent study (Tilahun & Syoum, 2021), however, found that paths, surface drainage patterns, crop residue, grassed ways,
a thermal image collected in the afternoon of a day on which and field dividers. In a few data poor locations, the farm man-
16.8 mm of rain fell in the morning showed better contrast ager was able to draw several tile lines on the paper maps
than an image collected after 2 days of 2.3 mm rain. Addi- based on the relative distance from a known or mapped tile
tionally, Allred et al. (2020) found that a small amount of rain or a field boundary. For instance, most of the lateral tile lines
(11–12 mm) 10 days prior to thermal-infrared image acquisi- are placed at a fixed interval of 20.12 m or 66 ft. In some
tion allowed a clear identification of tile lines, but it was not cases, the farm manager recognized that tile lines that were
clear why. In the Midwestern United States, April to late May visible on older aerial photography were no longer active (i.e.,
is the best time to clearly see the tile patterns with minimal under buildings), and these were removed from the map as
crop residue and crop canopy (ISUST-GISSRF, 2017). Most well.
of the color aerial photography that we acquired for this study We created a geodatabase to assemble all acquired and gen-
was taken well into the growing season and could not be used erated tile drainage shapefiles for a complete tile drainage
for tile delineation. Of the imagery we assembled, the imagery network of ACRE. We also developed an attribute table using
from 1963 (Rahmani & Schulze, 2023a), 1976 (Rahmani & original paper maps and the farm manager’s knowledge. The
Schulze, 2023b), 1998, 2012, and 2013 (Rahmani & Schulze, attribute table provides information about the type, material,
2023c) showed the locations of tile lines to varying degrees, status, and diameter of the tile lines. For final approval, the tile
and of these, the imagery from 1963, 1976, and 2013 was the map and its associated attribute table were once more checked
most useful for tile line delineation. All aerial images have by the farm manager.
1 m pixel resolution, except for 2013, which has 0.3 m pixel
resolution. We could not determine the exact acquisition dates
for the 1998, 2012, and 2013 imageries, but the older imagery 2.4 Accuracy assessment
contained explicit date stamps, which allowed us to determine
that the 1963 imagery was acquired on May 31st, and the 1976 After all tile lines were manually digitized, they were
imagery was acquired on March 9th. Table 2 shows the pre- evaluated for accuracy. We used two different approaches:
cipitation data for the 2 weeks prior to the acquisition of these (1) manually locating the tile lines at selected locations and
two images. In 1963, 1 day of drying after 2 days of rain- (2) comparison to the as-installed tile locations as provided
fall totaling 8 mm was sufficient to produce slightly drier soil by the installer, if available.
with higher reflectance over the tile lines than between the For the first approach, we used a tile probe to locate tile
tile lines. In 1976, 3 days of rain totaling 49 mm thoroughly lines in the field. A tile probe is a steel rod that has a tee
wetted the soil and probably resulted in surface crusting, but handle at one end and a pointed tip at the other end
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TA B L E 2 Daily precipitation for the 2 weeks prior to the acquisition of the 1963 and 1976 aerial imageries.

Date Precipitationa (mm) Date Precipitation (mm)

05-17-1963 1.27 02-24-1976 0.00
05-18-1963 4.57 02-25-1976 0.00
05-19-1963 0.00 02-26-1976 0.00
05-20-1963 3.30 02-27-1976 0.00
05-21-1963 Tb 02-28-1976 0.00
05-22-1963 0.00 02-29-1976 0.00
05-23-1963 0.00 03-01-1976 0.00
05-24-1963 0.00 03-02-1976 0.00
05-25-1963 0.00 03-03-1976 23.11
05-26-1963 0.00 03-04-1976 10.67
05-27-1963 0.00 03-05-1976 15.49
05-28-1963 4.57 03-06-1976 0.00
05-29-1963 3.81 03-07-1976 0.00
05-30-1963 T 03-08-1976 0.00
Image acquisition date 05-31-1963 0.00 03-09-1976 0.00
a Precipitation
is for rainfall only. No snow was recorded during these intervals.
T: Trace: A small amount of rain that is greater than zero but too small to be measured by standard methods.
Source: MRCC (2013).

F I G U R E 3 Identifying tile lines based on spectral differences and disturbed soils. The black and white images from 1976 (a) shows the tile
lines based on the spectral difference of light and dark colors due to the dry and moist soil conditions. On the color image from 2013 (b), the tile lines
were identified based on the disturbed surface soil due to the tile installation. The tile lines are marked by pink dashed lines. For the locations of
these images within Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE), see Figure 6.

(Figure 4). Generally, tile probes are 1.2 m long and are Of the 27 field locations we investigated, 24 of them were
used for locating buried pipes, tiles, tanks, and utility lines. in areas where the tile lines had been digitized manually, 2 of
We went to the field without a preplanned design for them were in a field (field 70) that had as-built tile line loca-
ground truthing and randomly selected 27 locations for field tions from the installation contractor, and 1 point was in a field
verification. Fields 41–44, however, were used for plant phe- (fields 58–59) that had both as-built and manually digitized
notyping research at the time of our evaluation; therefore, maps. Generally, the ground validation was conducted close to
we collected most of our in situ measurements in these the edges of the fields for ease of access and efficiency. Aban-
fields. doned tile lines or tile lines installed prior to the establishment
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sound when the tip hits a hard object. One can also feel when
the probe tip penetrates into the plastic pipe. After locating
what appeared to be the tile line, we probed along what should
be its axis to confirm its identification (Figure 5a). Once the
location of a tile line was confirmed by two field experts, the
coordinates of the tile were recorded using a Trimble AgGPS
542 RTK base GNSS receiver (Figure 5b) accurate to ±0.8 cm
horizontal and ±1.5 cm vertical.
In the second approach, for fields 58–59, we used the
as-installed tile map generated by the tile installation com-
pany using an RTK GNSS system. In ArcMap 10.6, the
as-installed tile lines were overlaid on the tile map produced
by photo interpretation. The distances between 46 tile lines
of the two methods were measured using the ArcMap 10.6
distance measure tool to determine how close the locations
of the photo-interpreted tile lines agreed with the as-installed
tile line locations.


3.1 Accuracy assessment based on tile


F I G U R E 4 Tile probe and investigating the location of a tile line The final drainage tile map is shown in Figure 6. Using ground
based on a specific probing interval (∼7 cm). or in situ validation, our goal was to answer the following three
questions: First, what is the overall prediction accuracy of the
tile lines we identified as described above? In other words,
of ACRE were not validated in the field. Only a limited num- what percent of the mapped tile lines are identified by ground
ber of sites were manually assessed. First, it is difficult and validation? Second, how close are the predicted locations of
tedious to distinguish tile lines from subsurface rocks, par- the tile lines to their actual, ground-validated locations? Third,
ticularly in soils formed in glacial till and outwash as those how useful is the integration of expert knowledge and physical
at ACRE. Second, tile probes can easily enter corrugated, paper maps for predicting the location of tile lines accurately?
perforated plastic pipes, making it difficult to confirm the The overall prediction accuracy was calculated using the
locations of these plastic tiles. Third, tile probing can cause following equation:
corrugated plastic pipe to collapse, causing the tile line to
cease to function as it should. Allred et al. (2018) noted similar number of detected tiles with tile probe
problems associated with the use of a tile probe. Prediction accuracy = × 100
total investigated locations
In order to take the tile line maps to the field, the base map
and tile line locations were loaded into the Soil Explorer app (1)
for Apple iPad available in the Apple App Store. The Create
Map Tile Package tool in ArcGIS 10.6 ( was This equation shows the percentage of predicted tile drains
used to prepare tile packages that were then loaded into the that were located by in situ detection. Out of the 27 loca-
Soil Explorer app. When in the field, a dot shows the user’s tions that were investigated, tile lines were detected at 24
location on the map using the internal global positioning sys- locations (Figure 6), giving an overall prediction accuracy
tem (GPS) receiver in the iPad. This allowed us to determine of 89%. One of the three undetected tile lines was in a field
the location of the tile line within the accuracy of the iPad GPS containing subsurface gravel and rocks, making it difficult to
receiver, which is about ±5 m. As the minimum diameter of a unambiguously distinguish and identify the tile line at this
tile line is about 10 cm (4 in.), the ground was probed with the location. The other two locations were in field 70 where the
tile probe at about 7 cm (3 in.) intervals perpendicular to the tile lines were installed in 2018 and from which we received
axis as shown on the map on the iPad. The resistance increases original, as-built shapefiles from the tile installer. This meant
when tile probe encounters a tile line, particularly a concrete that according to the as-built map, these two tiles should be
tile. In addition to the resistance, the probe will also generate a present, but we were unable to detect them using a tile probe.
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F I G U R E 5 Probing to identify the locations of a tile line in the field (a) once the first probe line located what appeared to be the tile line, the
second probe line was used to confirm the identification; (b) recording the confirmed location of a tile line with a Real-Time Kinematic (RTK)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver.

We did not have a more recent image than 2016 to know mulation is higher and covers the disturbed soil, thus making it
exactly whether these two tiles were installed in 2018. It is harder to identify tile lines. According to the as-installed tile
very likely that these two undetected tiles are deeper than maps, the tile lines identified by disturbed soil on the 2013
1.2 m and, therefore, out of reach of the tile probe. Two other image were predicted within ±1.02 m spatial accuracy.
locations were investigated in the same field (field 70), and
these tiles were detected with the tile probe.
For the 24 locations where tiles were confirmed, Figure 7 3.3 Locating tile lines based on expert
shows the perpendicular distance between the axis of the tile knowledge and physical paper maps
line as predicted by our map and the actual location deter-
mined with the tile probe and recorded by the RTK GNSS. As mentioned in Section 2.3, for data poor areas, tile line loca-
On average, tile lines were predicted within ±1.23 m spa- tions were determined based on the ACRE farm manager’s
tial accuracy. One third of the mapped tiles were estimated expert knowledge and original paper maps of tile locations.
within ±0.5 m of the actual tile locations. For 21 tile probe The farm manager indicated that most of the tile lines were
locations, we also evaluated the spatial prediction accuracy installed at a fixed spacing of 20.12 m (66 ft). In addition, most
of the tile line map developed by Naz and Bowling (2008) of the fields at ACRE are the same width, and tiles from one
(Figure 8). We found that on average, the tile lines base field are located exactly across from the tiles of an adjacent
on their automated method were estimated within ±2.12 m, field. These criteria were useful in predicting tile line loca-
and one fourth of the tiles have greater than ±2.5 m spatial tions when the locations could not be identified on the aerial
prediction accuracy. Using an automated tile identification images. The distances between tile probe locations were mea-
technique and relying on three aerial images from 1976, 1998, sured in ArcMap 10.6 with the distance measure tool. Based
and 2002, and not using field expert knowledge might be the on 15 observations, it was confirmed that the spacing intervals
reasons for the lower accuracy of the Naz and Bowling (2008) between tile lines are 20.12 m or 66 ft.

3.4 Manual digitization of tile location

3.2 Accuracy assessment based on
as-installed maps This mapping approach resulted in ±1.23 m spatial accuracy.
The results from this study are comparable to other studies
Out of the 48 tile lines in fields 58–59 that were mapped dur- (Allred et al., 2020; Naz & Bowling, 2008; Thompson, 2010;
ing installation by the tile installation company, we identified Naz et al., 2009) that utilized remote sensing techniques and
43 of them based on the disturbed soil visible in the 2013 UAV technology equipped with visible-color, multispectral,
aerial image. According to the overall accuracy Equation (1), and thermal and thermal-infrared cameras. This study clearly
this will result in almost 90% overall prediction accuracy. The demonstrates the utility of combining visual interpretation,
five undetected tiles are submains, and they are within 10 m of expert knowledge, and physical paper maps data as an effec-
main tile lines. Compared to lateral tile lines, these submain tive approach to accurately predicting tile line locations on
and main tiles are located at deeper depths where water accu- an intensively managed research farm. This approach also
26396696, 2023, 2, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [22/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 6 Final tile line map for Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE). The red outline shows the study area with a few
meters of buffer around the edge so that details near the edges are visible.

rescues the expert knowledge and paper maps that are at risk predict plant phenotypic response in a large soybean breeding
of being lost or forgotten when the farm manager changes. trial.
The finding of this study is in-line with the previous study of
Andrade (2013) that photo interpretation is a useful method to
map unknown tile lines and provides better results than remote 4 CONCLUSIONS
An example of the use of the tile line maps at ACRE Locating buried tile drainage lines accurately is important
is provided by Herrero-Huerta et al. (2020) who used a for understanding the impact of these man-made features
convolution neural network machine learning algorithm to in an intensively managed agronomic and environmental
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F I G U R E 7 Prediction accuracy of the mapped tile lines based on tile probing in the field. The dashed line represents the average tile prediction
accuracy of ±1.23 m.

F I G U R E 8 Spatial prediction accuracy of tile lines as mapped by Naz and Bowling (2008) based on tile probe location. The dashed line shows
the average tile prediction accuracy.

research farm. We used a combination of aerial imagery, As the collection of multiple images of fields at regular
expert knowledge, and physical paper maps to manually locate intervals throughout the growing season from UAV platforms
tile lines using a geographic information system. A wealth becomes more routine, and as machine learning approaches
of useful information about landforms, human influences, for analyzing these large datasets become more common,
vegetation, and soils can be obtained simply by visual exam- approaches for locating buried tile lines from these data
ination and interpretation of aerial imagery. Our approach sources are likely to become more routine.
not only accurately located buried agriculture tile lines but
also captured the expert knowledge and legacy data that AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
otherwise would be at risk of being lost. This method is Shams R. Rahmani: Conceptualization; Data curation; For-
efficient for use in a relatively small area, but for larger mal analysis; Investigation; Methodology; Software; Valida-
areas (i.e., multiple-county areas), it is likely to be too tion; Visualization; Writing – original draft; Writing – review
time-consuming. & editing. Darrell G. Schulze: Conceptualization; Funding
26396696, 2023, 2, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [22/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

acquisition; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; techniques. Wetlands, 41, 1–15.
Supervision; Writing – review & editing. 01495-6
Conyers, L. B. (1997). Ground-penetrating radar. In L. B. Conyers, &
D. Goodman (Eds.), Ground-penetrating radar: An introduction for
archaeologist (pp. 131–159). AltaMira Press.
This work was funded by the Office of Agricultural Research
Fausey, N. R., Doering, E. J., & Palmer, M. L. (1987). Purposes and
and Graduate Education at Purdue University. We thank Jim benefits of drainage. In G. A. Pavelis (Ed.), Farm drainage in the
Beaty for sharing his knowledge of the farm and provid- United States: History, status, and prospects (pp. 48–51). Economic
ing equipment for the fieldwork, Jason Adams for providing Research Service (DOA). Misc. Pub. No. 1455.
the RTK GPS, Joe Rorick for helping with the fieldwork, Franzmeier, D. P., Kladivko, E. J., & Jenkinson, B. J. (2001). Drainage
and Laura Bowling for providing the shape file of previous and wet soil management: Wet soils of Indiana (AY– 301). Pur-
tile mapping work at ACRE. We also thank two anonymous due Extension.
reviewers for providing valuable suggestions for improving
Freeland, R., Allred, B., Eash, N., Martinez, L., & Wishart, D. (2019).
the manuscript. Agricultural drainage tile surveying using an unmanned aircraft vehi-
cle paired with Real-Time Kinematic positioning—A case study.
C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E ST STAT E M E N T Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 165, 104946. https://doi.
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ORCID & Tank, J. L. (2017). Subsurface tile drained area detection using
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2786 Engineering, 108, 370–379.
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