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IELTS Speaking

Current topics, 2024

Table of Contents
Part 1 ................................................................................................................................4
Art – 艺术 ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Jewellery - 珠宝 ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Happy things – 快乐之事 ............................................................................................................................ 5
Pencil and Pen - 钢笔和铅笔 ..................................................................................................................... 6
Outer space and stars - 外太空和星星 .....................................................................................................7
T-shirts – T 恤 ...............................................................................................................................................8
Stay up late - 熬夜 ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Languages - 语言 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Small business - 小生意 ........................................................................................................................... 10
Science - 科学 ............................................................................................................................................11
Morning routine - 清晨日常 ...................................................................................................................... 12
Weekends - 周末时光 ............................................................................................................................... 13
Chocolate - 巧克力 .................................................................................................................................... 14
Keys - 钥匙 ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Library - 图书馆 .........................................................................................................................................16
Internet – 互联网 ........................................................................................................................................17
Numbers – 数字 ......................................................................................................................................... 18
News- 新闻 ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Mobile phone- 手机 ................................................................................................................................... 20
Schools – 学校 ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Books – 书 .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Life stages – 生命阶段 ..............................................................................................................................23
Sharing – 分享 ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Birthday – 生日 ...........................................................................................................................................25
Weather – 天气 .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Shopping – 购物 ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Staying at home – 居家 ............................................................................................................................ 28
Asking for help – 分享 ...............................................................................................................................29
Holidays – 假期 ..........................................................................................................................................30
Sports – 体育 ..............................................................................................................................................31
Relax – 放松 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Pets and animals – 动物 ...........................................................................................................................33
Challenges – 挑战 ..................................................................................................................................... 34

Part 2 ..............................................................................................................................35
【人物题】 ........................................................................................................................... 35

开心认识 ......................................................................................................................................................36
崇拜演员 ......................................................................................................................................................36
有趣老人 ......................................................................................................................................................37
钟爱音乐 ......................................................................................................................................................38
名人榜样 ......................................................................................................................................................38
聚会遇到的人 ..............................................................................................................................................39
认识的小孩 ..................................................................................................................................................40
鼓励你的人 ..................................................................................................................................................40

【地点题】 ........................................................................................................................... 41
学习圣地 ......................................................................................................................................................41
他城的短暂停留 ..........................................................................................................................................42
宜居城市 ......................................................................................................................................................42
放松之地 ......................................................................................................................................................43
昂贵之地 ......................................................................................................................................................44
污染之地 ......................................................................................................................................................44
拍照打卡 ......................................................................................................................................................45
嘈杂之地 ......................................................................................................................................................46
历史建筑 ......................................................................................................................................................46
小店 ..............................................................................................................................................................47
小众景点 ......................................................................................................................................................48

【实物题】 ........................................................................................................................... 48
特别一餐 ......................................................................................................................................................48
难用科技 ......................................................................................................................................................49
最爱图片 ......................................................................................................................................................49
置换之物 ......................................................................................................................................................50
重要植物 ......................................................................................................................................................51

【虚物题】 ........................................................................................................................... 51
新的法律 ......................................................................................................................................................51
神往运动 ......................................................................................................................................................52
不悦广告 ......................................................................................................................................................52
常用网站 ......................................................................................................................................................53
日常事务 ......................................................................................................................................................54
想学的学科 ..................................................................................................................................................54
喜欢的气候 ..................................................................................................................................................55

【事件题】 ........................................................................................................................... 56
开心消息 ......................................................................................................................................................56
迟到经历 ......................................................................................................................................................56
教导亲朋 ......................................................................................................................................................57

冒险经历 ......................................................................................................................................................58
穿着新衣 ......................................................................................................................................................58
收钱 ..............................................................................................................................................................59
好决定 ..........................................................................................................................................................59
得到理想物品 ..............................................................................................................................................60
愉快的共同交通之旅 ..................................................................................................................................61
一起做的事情 ..............................................................................................................................................61
展示新东西 ..................................................................................................................................................62
特殊一餐 ......................................................................................................................................................63
重要成就 ......................................................................................................................................................64
投诉 ..............................................................................................................................................................65
开学第一天 ..................................................................................................................................................65

Part 1

Art – 艺术

1.Do you like art?

personal enrichment 个人充实
visual expression 视觉表达
cultural appreciation 文化欣赏
I find great joy in art as it allows for personal enrichment, offers diverse forms of visual
expression, and fosters a deeper appreciation for different cultures.

2.Do you like going to art galleries?

immersive experiences 沉浸式体验
artistic inspiration 艺术灵感
visual exploration 视觉探索
Visiting art galleries is delightful because they provide immersive experiences, serve as a
source of artistic inspiration, and allow for extensive visual exploration.

3.Do you want to be an artist?

creative expression 创造性表达
professional artist 专业艺术家
personal hobby 个人爱好
I admire artists for their creative expression, but I don't aspire to be a professional artist.
Engaging in art as a personal hobby, however, is something I consider.

4.Do you like modern art or traditional art?

innovative techniques 创新技术
historical depth 历史深度
personal preference 个人偏好
My preference leans towards modern art due to its innovative techniques and the
contemporary themes it often explores, though I also value the historical depth of traditional

Jewellery - 珠宝
1.How often do you wear jewellery?
daily accessory 日常配饰
special occasions 特殊场合
rarely seldomly 很少

I wear jewellery occasionally, mostly on special occasions. It's not a daily accessory for me,
but I do enjoy wearing it when the event calls for it.

2.What types of jewellery do you like to buy?

timeless pieces 经典款式
statement items 个性饰品
high-quality materials 高质材料
I prefer buying timeless pieces that are made from high-quality materials. I like jewellery that
makes a statement but can still be worn for many years.

3.Do you usually buy jewellery?

occasionally occasionally 偶尔
careful selection 仔细选择
invest in quality 投资于质量
I don’t buy jewellery very often; I only purchase it occasionally when I find something that
truly appeals to me. I prefer to invest in quality rather than quantity.

4.Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewellery for a long time?
sentimental value 情感价值
personal significance 个人意义
style compatibility 风格匹配
Many people wear a piece of jewellery for a long time because it holds sentimental value or
personal significance. It might represent an important event or a loved one, and often, it also
complements their personal style consistently.

Happy things – 快乐之事

1.What made you happy during childhood?
playing with friends 和朋友玩
family vacations 家庭假期
simple pleasures 简单的乐趣
During my childhood, I was happiest playing with friends, going on family vacations, and
enjoying the simple pleasures like ice cream on a hot day or watching Saturday morning

2.What makes you happy now?

personal achievements 个人成就
quality time with loved ones 与亲人共度的美好时光
pursuing hobbies 追求爱好

Currently, I find happiness in achieving personal goals, spending quality time with loved
ones, and pursuing hobbies that I'm passionate about, like reading or hiking.

3.Have you experienced anything exciting lately?

recent adventures 最近的冒险
new opportunities 新的机会
meeting new people 结识新朋友
Recently, I've had some exciting adventures, like exploring new hiking trails and meeting
interesting people from different backgrounds, which has been quite exhilarating.

4.What will make you happy in the future?

achieving long-term goals 实现长期目标
stable relationships 稳定的关系
personal growth 个人成长
In the future, I'll be happy achieving my long-term goals, maintaining stable and healthy
relationships, and continuing to grow both personally and professionally.

Pencil and Pen - 钢笔和铅笔

1.Do you prefer to use a pen or pencil?
personal preference 个人偏好
writing smoothness 写作流畅性
ease of correction 修改容易
I prefer using a pen for its smooth writing experience and the clean look it gives to written
text, although pencils are great for situations where you might need to erase and correct
your work.

2.When do you usually use a pen or pencil?

taking notes 做笔记
formal documents 正式文件
sketching or drafting 绘图或草图
I use a pen mostly for taking notes and writing in formal documents where permanence is
important. A pencil is my go-to for sketching, drafting, or any task where I might need to
make corrections.

3.Do you think a pen or a pencil is a good gift?

thoughtful gift 体贴的礼物
practical and personal 实用且个性化
suited for all ages 适合所有年龄

Yes, a pen or pencil can be a thoughtful gift, especially if it's high-quality or beautifully
crafted. They are both practical and personal, suitable for people of all ages and professions.

4.Do you think pen or pencil will still be popular in the future?
enduring tools 持久的工具
digital advancements 数字技术进步
timeless appeal 永恒的吸引力
Despite the advancements in digital technology, I believe pens and pencils will remain
popular due to their simplicity, reliability, and the tactile experience they offer. They have a
timeless appeal that keeps them relevant even in a digital age.

Outer space and stars - 外太空和星星

1.Do you like watching the stars?
celestial beauty 天体之美
peaceful activity 宁静活动
sense of wonder 奇妙感
Yes, I enjoy watching the stars because it's such a peaceful activity that highlights the
celestial beauty of the night sky and always fills me with a sense of wonder.

2.Have you ever learnt about outer space?

educational experiences 教育经历
astronomical concepts 天文概念
ongoing learning 持续学习
I've learned about outer space through various educational experiences, from school
courses to documentaries. Understanding astronomical concepts and phenomena is
fascinating and an ongoing learning journey.

3.Do you want to go to outer space in the future?

exciting adventure 激动人心的冒险
technological advancements 技术进步
personal dream 个人梦想
The idea of going to outer space is thrilling, and thanks to technological advancements, it
might even become possible in the future. It's certainly an exciting adventure that I dream of

4.Have you ever watched any movies about outer space?

science fiction movies 科幻电影
cinematic journeys 电影之旅

inspiring stories 鼓舞人心的故事
Yes, I've watched many movies about outer space. Films like "Interstellar" and "Gravity" offer
incredible cinematic journeys and present inspiring stories set against the backdrop of the
vast cosmos.

T-shirts – T 恤
1.Do you like wearing a T-shirt?
comfortable attire 舒适的服装
casual wear 休闲装
versatile clothing 多功能衣服
Yes, I enjoy wearing T-shirts because they are comfortable, casual, and versatile. They are
perfect for many occasions and easy to pair with different types of clothing.

2.Do you like T-shirts with pictures or patterns?

expressive designs 表达性设计
personal style 个人风格
visual interest 视觉兴趣
I do like T-shirts with pictures or patterns as they add visual interest and allow me to express
my personal style. They can also be great conversation starters.

3.Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
ageless fashion 无年龄界限的时尚
stylish comfort 时尚舒适
personal choice 个人选择
Absolutely, older people can look very fashionable in T-shirts. Fashion is about personal
choice and comfort, and T-shirts can be both stylish and age-appropriate.

4.Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

memorable souvenirs 纪念品
practical gifts 实用礼物
vacation mementos 假期纪念品
Yes, buying T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation is a great idea. They serve as practical gifts
and memorable mementos of the places visited, often featuring iconic symbols or slogans
from the destination.

Stay up late - 熬夜
1.Do you often stay up late?

occasionally stay up 深夜偶尔熬夜
not regularly 不经常
depends on the day 取决于当天的情况
I don't regularly stay up late, but occasionally it happens, especially if there's something
specific that requires extra time or if I'm particularly engrossed in a book or project.

2.Is it easy to wake up in the morning if you stay up late?

challenging to wake up 难以醒来
disrupts sleep routine 打乱睡眠规律
affects next day 影响第二天
It's usually quite challenging to wake up in the morning after staying up late. Staying up
disrupts the normal sleep routine, which can affect how refreshed I feel the next day.

3.Did you stay up late often when you were younger?

more frequently 更频繁
youthful energy 年轻的活力
fewer responsibilities 较少的责任
When I was younger, I did stay up late more frequently. The youthful energy and having
fewer responsibilities made it easier to recover from late nights.

4.What do you usually do when you stay up late?

reading 读书
watching movies 看电影
working on projects 从事项目工作
When I stay up late, it's usually because I'm either caught up in reading a good book,
watching movies, or sometimes working on personal projects that require extended hours.

Languages - 语言
1.What languages do you speak?
native language 母语
fluent in 流利
basic proficiency 基本熟练
My native language is English, and I'm fluent in Spanish. I also have basic proficiency in
French, which allows me to manage simple conversations.

2.What languages have you learned at school?

school curriculum 学校课程
language classes 语言课程

formal education 正规教育
Through my school curriculum, I learned Spanish and French. These language classes were
part of my formal education, providing a good foundation in grammar and vocabulary.

3.Do you think it’s challenging to learn a foreign language?

requires dedication 需要奉献
practice and patience 练习和耐心
cultural nuances 文化细微差别

Yes, learning a foreign language can be quite challenging. It requires a lot of dedication,
practice, and patience, especially to grasp the cultural nuances and achieve fluency.

4.What foreign language would you like to learn in the future?

expand knowledge 扩展知识
cultural understanding 文化理解
personal interest 个人兴趣

In the future, I'd like to learn Mandarin Chinese. This interest is driven by a desire to expand
my knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture, and it's a language that fascinates me

Small business - 小生意

1.Are there any small businesses where you live?
Local shops 本地商店
Family-run 家庭经营
Unique flavors 独特风味
Yes, there are quite a few small businesses in my area, such as family-run restaurants,
grocery stores, and handicraft shops. These small businesses add unique flavors and
vibrancy to the community.

2.Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?
Personal service 个性化服务
Quality products 优质产品
Support local 支持本地

I prefer buying from small businesses as they often provide more personal service and
quality products. It's also a way to support local entrepreneurs and the community.

3.Do you prefer buying things in supermarkets or small shops?

Convenience 方便
Specialty items 特色商品
Bargaining 讨价还价

For daily necessities, supermarkets are more convenient. But for specialty items or
bargaining, I prefer small shops which offer unique products and a more personal shopping

4.Would you like to do a small business?

Be your own boss 当老板
Flexible schedule 灵活作息
Challenges 挑战

Running a small business could be rewarding as you get to be your own boss and have a
flexible schedule. However, it also comes with many challenges that require hard work and

Science - 科学
1.Do you like science?
Technology 科技
Research 科研
Scientific knowledge 科学知识

Yes, I really enjoy science as it allows us to better understand the workings of the world
around us. Science gives us an endless sense of curiosity and desire to explore.

2.Did you like learning science when you were younger?

As a student 作为学生
Keen interest 浓厚兴趣
Appreciate 欣赏

As a student, I had a keen interest in science subjects. The lively and interesting
explanations from teachers gave me an initial appreciation and love for science.

3.Do you use science in your daily life?


Devices 设备
Advancements 进步
Applying 应用

Science is everywhere - many of the devices and products we use in daily life are the fruits
of scientific advancements. Therefore, we are constantly applying scientific knowledge.

4.Is there any science you want to learn in the future?

Cutting-edge 前沿
Artificial intelligence 人工智能
Quantum computing 量子计算

In the future, I hope to continue learning about cutting-edge scientific fields such as artificial
intelligence and quantum computing, to explore new frontiers of science.

Morning routine - 清晨日常

1.Is breakfast important for you?
Energy 能量
Healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式
Stay focused 保持专注

Yes, breakfast is crucial for me as it provides the energy I need to kickstart my day and
maintain a healthy lifestyle. A nutritious breakfast helps me stay focused and productive
throughout the morning.

2.Do you have the same morning routine every day?

Consistent 一致的
Organized manner 有组织的方式
Efficient 高效的

For the most part, my morning routine remains consistent, involving activities like waking up,
grooming, exercising, and having breakfast. This routine helps me start my day efficiently
and in an organized manner.

3.Is your morning routine the same as that when you were younger?

Grown older 长大了
Structured 有条理的
Healthy habits 健康习惯
Compared to my childhood, my current morning routine is more structured and disciplined.
As I've grown older, I've learned to better manage my time and establish healthy habits.

4.Do you want a different morning routine in the future?

Flexibility 灵活性
Leisure activities 闲暇活动
Personal hobbies 个人爱好
While I aim to maintain a consistent morning routine, I would like to incorporate some
flexibility in the future. Perhaps allocating more time for leisure activities or personal hobbies
could make my mornings even more fulfilling.

Weekends - 周末时光
1.What do you usually do on weekends?
Rest 休息
Entertainment 娱乐
Relax 放松

On weekends, I like to relax and do fun activities. I often go outdoors for hiking or cycling. I
also enjoy reading books and watching movies.

2.What did you do last weekend?

Day trip 一日游
Local foods 当地美食
Enjoyable 愉快的

Last weekend, I went to a nearby town with friends. We visited some interesting small shops
and tried local foods. It was an enjoyable day trip.
3.Do you often work or study at weekends?

Avoid 避免
Urgent tasks 紧急任务
Obligations 义务

No, I try not to work or study too much on weekends. I prefer to use that time to rest and
have fun. But sometimes I need to handle urgent tasks.

4.What's your favorite part of the weekend?

Own pace 自己的节奏
No obligations 无义务
Freely 自由地

My favorite part is being able to live at my own pace, without work or study obligations. I can
freely do whatever activities I enjoy.

Chocolate - 巧克力
1.Do you like eating chocolate?
Rich 浓郁的
Smooth 顺滑的
Delicious treat 美味的点心

Yes, I really like eating chocolate. I especially enjoy rich, smooth dark chocolate. Chocolate
is a delicious treat for me.

2.Did you eat chocolate when you were a kid?

Candies 糖果
Favorite snacks 最爱的零食
Brought joy 带来欢乐

When I was a child, I often ate chocolate candies. Chocolate was one of my favorite snacks
and brought me lots of joy.

3.Do you think it's good to use chocolate as gifts to others?

Holidays 节日

Ordinary days 平常日子
Happiness 快乐

Chocolate makes a great gift for others, whether for holidays or ordinary days. Giving
chocolate can bring happiness and surprise.

4.Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world?

Unique flavor 独特的味道
Pleasant experience 愉快的体验
Cultural roots 文化根源

I think chocolate is popular globally because of its unique flavor and texture that provides a
pleasant experience. It also has some cultural roots.

Keys - 钥匙
1.Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
Key ring 钥匙圈
House keys 房子钥匙
Car keys 汽车钥匙

Yes, I usually carry several keys with me, like house keys, car keys and office keys. I keep
them all on a key ring.

2.Have you ever lost your keys?

Lost 丢失
Taught a lesson 教训
Be careful 小心

I have lost my keys before. That experience taught me to be more careful about keeping
track of my keys.

3.Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?
Forget 忘记

Locked out 被锁在外面
Call for help 寻求帮助

Sometimes I do forget my keys and get locked out, but not very often. When that happens, I
call family or friends for help.

4.Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?
Spare key 备用钥匙
Emergencies 紧急情况
Selective 选择性的

Leaving a spare key with a neighbor can be a good idea in case of emergencies. But for
safety, you need to be selective about who to give it to.

Library - 图书馆
1.How often do you go to a library?
Quiet place 安静的地方
Reading and studying 阅读和学习
Every few weeks 每几周

I go to the library quite often, maybe every two or three weeks. The quiet environment is
great for reading and studying.

2.Did you often go to a library when you were a child?

As a child 小时候
Frequently 经常
Access knowledge 获取知识

Yes, I went to libraries frequently as a child. It was an important way for me to access
knowledge and information.

3.Do Chinese children often go to libraries?

Nowadays 现在

Study purposes 学习目的
Leisure reading 闲暇阅读

Nowadays, Chinese children do visit libraries often, though more for studying purposes
rather than leisure reading.

4.Would you like to work in a library?

Meaningful job 有意义的工作
Help others 帮助他人
Spread culture 传播文化

Working in a library could be very meaningful, helping others gain knowledge and spread
culture. If I had the opportunity, I would enjoy that job.

Internet – 互联网
1.When did you start using the internet?
Online 网络
Browsing 上网
Connected 在线

I started using the internet in the late 1990s when dial-up connections were still common.
The internet speeds were very slow back then.

2.How often do you use the internet?

Every day 每天
Part of life 生活的一部分
Work and entertainment 工作和娱乐

Nowadays, I use the internet every day for work, study, entertainment and social purposes.
The internet has become part of our daily lives.

3.How does the internet influence people?

Access information 获取信息
Global communication 全球交流
Transform lives 改变生活

The internet has transformed how people access information and resources. It also
facilitates communication and connections between people globally. The internet has greatly
changed our way of living.

4.In what occasions are you not allowed to use mobile phones?
Exams 考试
Meetings 会议
Classrooms 教室
Using mobile phones is usually not permitted during events like exams, meetings or classes.
This is to avoid distractions and prevent information leaks that could compromise the
integrity of these occasions.

Numbers – 数字
1.Do you usually use numbers?
Using numbers 使用数字
Remembering phone numbers 记住电话号码
Favorite number 最喜欢的数字

Yes, I use numbers in my daily life for tasks like shopping, budgeting, and scheduling.
However, I don't use them extensively beyond basic calculations.

2.Are you good at remembering phone numbers?

Remembering phone numbers 记住电话号码
Memory for phone numbers 电话号码的记忆力
Techniques for memorizing numbers 记忆数字的技巧

I'm average at remembering phone numbers. I can remember a few important ones, but I
often rely on my phone's contacts list for others.

3.What’s your favourite number?

Favorite number 最喜欢的数字
Reasons for liking a number 喜欢某个数字的原因
Significance of a favorite number 喜欢数字的意义


My favorite number is 7. It's a lucky number in many cultures, and I've always associated it
with positivity and good fortune.

4.Are you good at math?

Mathematical abilities 数学能力
Performance in math 数学成绩
Attitude towards math 对数学的态度

I would say I'm decent at math. While it's not my strongest subject, I can manage basic
calculations and understand fundamental concepts.

News- 新闻

1.Are you interested in the news?

Interest in the news 对新闻感兴趣
Preference for staying informed 获取信息的偏好
Reasons for interest in the news 对新闻感兴趣的原因

Yes, I'm very interested in the news. Staying informed about current events helps me
understand the world better and stay connected to what's happening around me.

2.How do you usually find news?

Finding news 找新闻的方式
Sources for news 新闻来源
Platforms for news consumption 获取新闻的平台

I usually find news through online sources like news websites, social media platforms, and
news apps on my phone. These platforms provide quick access to a variety of news stories
from around the world.

3.How do your friends get news?

Friends' news consumption habits 朋友的新闻获取习惯
Methods for staying informed among peers 朋友圈了解新闻的方法
Preference for news sources among friends 朋友的新闻来源偏好


My friends have similar news consumption habits to mine. They also use online sources
such as news websites and social media to stay informed. We often share interesting news
articles or discuss current events when we meet up.

4.Do you often talk with your friends about the news?
Discussing news with friends 与朋友讨论新闻
Frequency of discussing current events 讨论时事的频率
Topics of conversation with friends 与朋友讨论的话题

Yes, we often talk about the news when we hang out. It's a great way to exchange
perspectives, share interesting stories, and stay engaged with the world around us.

Mobile phone- 手机
1.What was your first mobile phone?
First mobile phone 第一部手机
Initial experience with mobile phone 使用第一部手机的初次经历
Memories associated with first mobile phone 与第一部手机相关的回忆

My first mobile phone was a basic Nokia model with a small monochrome screen and
physical keypad. It was mainly used for calls and text messages, and I remember feeling
thrilled to have a mobile phone of my own.

2.Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?
Mobile phone usage 手机使用情况
Frequency of texting and calls 发短信和打电话的频率
Preference for communication methods 沟通方式的偏好

Yes, I use my mobile phone regularly for both texting and calls. Texting is especially
convenient for quick messages, while calls are reserved for more in-depth conversations or
urgent matters.

3.Will you buy a new one in the future?

Future plans for mobile phone 未来购买手机的计划
Considerations for upgrading 升级考虑因素
Desired features in a new phone 期望在新手机上的功能

Yes, I plan to buy a new mobile phone in the future when my current one becomes outdated
or starts having performance issues. I would look for a model with improved features like
better camera quality, longer battery life, and faster processing speed.

4.How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Impact of mobile phone on life 手机对生活的影响
Ways mobile phone has influenced daily routines 手机对日常生活的影响
Benefits and drawbacks of mobile phone usage 手机使用的利与弊

My mobile phone has significantly changed my life by providing instant access to information,
communication with others, and entertainment on the go. However, excessive phone usage
can also lead to distractions and decreased productivity if not managed properly. Overall, it
has become an indispensable tool that enhances both efficiency and connectivity in my daily
Top of Form

Schools – 学校
1.Do you like your school?
Feelings towards school 对学校的感觉
School satisfaction 学校满意度
Factors influencing liking for school 影响喜爱学校的因素

Yes, I like my school. It provides a supportive learning environment with dedicated teachers
and modern facilities, which makes the overall learning experience enjoyable.

2.What is the environment like at your school?

School environment 学校环境
Atmosphere in the school 学校氛围
Facilities and resources 设施和资源

The environment at my school is vibrant and inclusive. There's a sense of community among
students and teachers, and the facilities are well-maintained, creating a conducive
atmosphere for learning.

3.Do you think your school is a good place to study?

School as a place to study 学校作为学习场所

Suitability of school for academic pursuits 学校是否适合学术追求
Opportunities for academic growth 学术成长的机会

Yes, I believe my school is a good place to study. It offers a variety of academic programs,
extracurricular activities, and resources that support students' learning and personal growth.

4.What do you think could be improved in your school?

Areas for improvement in school 学校改进的方面
Suggestions for enhancing school experience 提升学校体验的建议
Identifying shortcomings in the school 发现学校的不足之处

While my school is generally great, there are areas that could be improved. For example,
more resources could be allocated for student support services such as counseling and
academic assistance. Additionally, enhancing the extracurricular program offerings would
provide students with more diverse opportunities for personal development outside of

Books – 书
1.Do you like reading?
Interest in reading 对阅读的兴趣
Reading habits 阅读习惯
Favorite genres or authors 喜爱的类型或作者

Yes, I enjoy reading. It's a wonderful way to relax, learn new things, and explore different
worlds through literature.

2.Do you prefer to read e-books or paper books?

Preference for reading format 阅读格式偏好
Advantages of e-books vs. paper books 电子书和纸质书的优势
Factors influencing reading preference 影响阅读偏好的因素

Personally, I prefer reading paper books. There's something about the tactile experience and
the smell of the pages that enhances the reading experience for me. However, I do
appreciate the convenience of e-books, especially when travelling or when a particular book
is not available in print.

3.When do you usually read online?

Online reading habits 在线阅读习惯
Times and situations for reading online 在线阅读的时间和情境
Platforms for online reading 在线阅读的平台

I usually read online articles or e-books in my free time, particularly during breaks or before
bedtime. I find it convenient to access a wide range of reading materials on platforms like
Kindle, Wattpad, or various news websites.

4.Will you read more online in the future?

Future reading plans 未来的阅读计划
Trends in online reading 在线阅读的趋势
Impact of technology on reading habits 技术对阅读习惯的影响

It's possible that I will read more online in the future, especially as technology continues to
advance and digital platforms offer more diverse and accessible reading options. However, I
will always cherish the experience of reading physical books and will likely continue to do so
alongside online reading.

Life stages – 生命阶段

1.What did you often do with your friends in your childhood?
Childhood activities with friends 童年时期与朋友一起做的活动
Memorable moments from childhood 童年时期的难忘时刻
Favorite childhood pastimes 童年时期最喜欢的消遣活动

In my childhood, my friends and I often played outdoor games like tag, hide and seek, and
soccer. We also enjoyed exploring the neighbourhood, riding bikes, and building forts
together. These experiences created lasting memories and forged strong bonds between us.

2.What matters most for you at the moment?

Current priorities 当前的优先事项
Personal values and goals 个人价值观和目标
Focus areas in life 生活中的重点领域

At the moment, what matters most to me is my education and personal growth. I'm focused
on excelling in my studies, developing valuable skills, and building a foundation for my future

career. Additionally, maintaining meaningful relationships with family and friends is also
important to me.

3.Do you have any plans for the next five years?
Future plans and aspirations 未来五年的计划和愿望
Long-term goals 长期目标
Steps towards achieving goals 实现目标的步骤

Yes, I have several plans and goals for the next five years. I aim to complete my education,
gain relevant work experience in my field of interest, and possibly pursue further studies or
career advancement opportunities. Additionally, I plan to travel more and explore new
cultures and experiences.

4.How do people remember each stage of their lives?

Recollection of life stages 对生命阶段的回忆
Memories associated with different periods of life 与生命不同阶段相关的记忆
Importance of milestones and experiences 里程碑和经历的重要性

People remember each stage of their lives through a combination of significant milestones,
memorable experiences, and personal growth. These moments shape their identities and
contribute to their overall life story. Additionally, photographs, keepsakes, and shared
memories with loved ones help preserve and reflect on these life stages over time.

Sharing – 分享
1.Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?
Parental teachings on sharing 父母对分享的教导
Early lessons on sharing 分享的早期教训
Impact of parental guidance on sharing behavior 父母指导对分享行为的影响

Yes, my parents taught me the importance of sharing when I was a child. They encouraged
me to share toys, snacks, and experiences with others, emphasizing the value of generosity
and cooperation in building relationships.

2.What kind of things do you like to share with others?

Preferred items for sharing 喜欢与他人分享的物品
Sharing interests and experiences 分享兴趣和经历
Benefits of sharing with others 与他人分享的好处

I enjoy sharing things like books, music, and food with others. Sharing common interests and
experiences fosters connections and strengthens relationships, creating meaningful
interactions and moments of joy.

3.What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

Items not suitable for sharing 不适合分享的物品
Personal belongings 个人物品
Reasons for withholding certain items 保留某些物品的原因

Some things, like personal belongings such as clothes, hygiene products, or sentimental
items, are not suitable for sharing. These items hold personal significance or may pose
health or hygiene concerns if shared with others.

4.Do you have anything to share with others recently?

Recent experiences of sharing 最近的分享经历
Acts of generosity towards others 对他人的慷慨行为
Opportunities for sharing in daily life 日常生活中的分享机会

Yes, recently I volunteered at a local charity event and shared my time and skills with others
in need. Additionally, I've been sharing knowledge and resources with colleagues and
friends to support their personal and professional growth. These acts of sharing contribute to
a sense of community and mutual support in my social circles.

Birthday – 生日
1.What do you usually do on your birthday?
Birthday traditions 生日传统
Celebration activities 庆祝活动
Personal preferences for birthday celebrations 个人对生日庆祝的偏好

On my birthday, I typically spend time with family and friends, maybe go out for a nice meal
or have a small gathering. I also enjoy receiving and giving thoughtful gifts and taking some
time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the year ahead.

2.What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

Childhood birthday celebrations 童年生日庆祝活动
Memorable birthday experiences from childhood 童年时期的难忘生日经历

Traditions and customs for celebrating birthdays as a child 童年时期庆祝生日的传统和习俗

When I was young, birthdays were usually celebrated with a party at home or at a venue
with friends and family. There would be games, cake, and presents, creating memorable
moments that I cherish to this day.

3.Do you think it’s important for you to celebrate your birthday?
Significance of birthday celebrations 生日庆祝的重要性
Personal views on celebrating birthdays 对庆祝生日的个人看法
Reasons for valuing birthday celebrations 珍视生日庆祝的原因

Yes, I believe it's important to celebrate birthdays as they mark milestones in our lives and
provide an opportunity to express gratitude for another year of growth and experiences. It's a
time to appreciate the people who are important to us and to celebrate life's journey.

4.Which birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?

Significant birthdays in Chinese culture 中国文化中重要的生日
Traditional celebrations for milestone birthdays 里程碑生日的传统庆祝活动
Cultural significance of certain birthdays 某些生日的文化意义

In China, the most important birthday to celebrate is often the 60th birthday. It's considered a
major milestone and is celebrated with elaborate ceremonies and family gatherings to
honour the person's longevity and wisdom. Additionally, the 70th and 80th birthdays are also
significant, symbolizing longevity and good fortune.

Weather – 天气
What’s the weather like where you live?
variable 多变的
distinct 明显的
pleasant 宜人的

Where I live, the weather is quite variable, with four distinct seasons. Currently, it's autumn,
so the temperatures are pleasant, not too hot or cold.

Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

tend to 往往
lethargic 疲惫的

allow me to 让我


Personally, I prefer cooler weather over hot weather. The heat tends to make me feel
lethargic, whereas cooler temperatures allow me to be more active and comfortable.

Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

disruptive 干扰的
go about 处理
whereas 但是

I definitely prefer dry weather to wet weather. The rain can be quite disruptive to my daily
activities, whereas dry weather means I can go about my business without worrying about
getting wet.

Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast?

have the habit of 有…的习惯
accordingly 相应地
stay informed 保持了解

Yes, I do have the habit of checking the weather forecast. It helps me plan my day
accordingly, especially if there's a chance of rain or extreme temperatures. It's just a
convenient way to stay informed and prepared for whatever the weather brings.

Shopping – 购物
Do you like shopping?
necessities 必需品
browse for 浏览
new items 新东西

Yes, I quite enjoy shopping. Whether it's for necessities or just browsing for new items, I find
it a pleasant and exciting activity.

Do you compare prices when you shop?

make it a point 小心谨慎

in-store 线下
get the best value 获得最大价值

Absolutely. I always make it a point to compare prices before making a purchase. Whether
it's online or in-store, I believe it's important to ensure I'm getting the best value for my

Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop?

availabe 可获得的
overwhelming 不知所措的
narrow down 缩小

Sometimes, yes. With so many options available, it can be quite overwhelming to make a
decision. However, I try to narrow down my choices by considering my needs, budget, and
personal preferences.

Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?
indicator 标志
evaluate 评估
price tag 价格标签

Not necessarily. I believe that price is not always an indicator of quality. Sometimes, cheaper
products can offer the same value or even better. I always try to evaluate a product based
on its quality, features, and value for money, rather than just the price tag.

Staying at home – 居家
Are you a person who likes to stay at home?
definitely 绝对地
comforting 舒服
in my own space 在自己的空间

Yes, I am definitely a person who enjoys spending time at home. I find it relaxing and
comforting to be in my own space.

What do you do when you stay at home?


engage in 从事
a variety of 一系列
take a nap 打盹

When I'm at home, I like to engage in a variety of activities. I enjoy reading books, watching
movies or TV shows, listening to music, cooking, and sometimes even just relaxing and
taking a nap.

What is your favorite place at home?

cozy 舒适的
private space 私人空间
unwind and recharge 放松和恢复体力

My favorite place at home is my bedroom. It's a cozy and private space where I can unwind
and recharge after a busy day.

What did you often do at home as a child?

siblings 兄弟姐妹
household chores 家务
set the table 摆桌子

As a child, I often spent my time playing with toys, drawing, and reading books. I also
enjoyed playing outdoor games with my siblings in the backyard or nearby park. Additionally,
I helped my parents with household chores like sweeping the floor or setting the table for

Asking for help – 分享

Do you ask for help when you have a problem?
challenging 有挑战的
believe in 相信
collaboration 合作

Yes, I do ask for help when I face a challenging problem. I believe in the importance of
collaboration and learning from others.

Why are teachers always willing to help students?
be willing to 愿意
be dedicated to 致力于
ensure 确保

Teachers are always willing to help students because they are dedicated to their students'
learning and success. They want to ensure students understand the material and are able to
apply it.

What kinds of help do you often ask for?

complex 复杂的
perspective 角度
insight 视角

I often ask for help with complex tasks or when I need a different perspective on a problem. I
find that seeking help from others can lead to new insights and solutions.

When was the last time you asked for help?

encounter 遇到
technical issue 技术问题
expertise 专业知识

The last time I asked for help was when I was working on a project and encountered a
technical issue. I asked a colleague for their expertise, and they were able to provide me
with a solution.

Holidays – 假期
Do you like holidays?
absolutely love 绝对爱
unwind 放松
daily routine 日常安排

Yes, I absolutely love holidays. They provide a great opportunity to relax and unwind from
the daily routine.

What do you do on holidays?
quality time 欢快时光
go on trips 旅行
explore 探索

On holidays, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends. We often go on trips,
explore new places, or simply relax at home.

Where did you go for your last holiday?

go hiking 徒步
camping 露营
natrual scenery 自然美景

My last holiday was to the mountains. We went hiking, camping, and enjoyed the beautiful
natural scenery.

Do you prefer a leisurely or a busy holiday?

leisure 休闲
engage in 参与
explore 探索

I prefer a balance between leisure and activity on my holidays. I enjoy having some free time
to relax but also like to be engaged in interesting activities and explore new places.

Sports – 体育
What sports do you like?
challenging 有挑战的
rewarding 值得的
opponent 对手

I enjoy playing tennis. I find it challenging and rewarding, especially when I can play against
a good opponent.

Where did you learn how to do it?
coach 教练
necessary skills 必要技能
techiniques 技术

I learned how to play tennis from a coach at a local sports club. They provided me with the
necessary skills and techniques to improve my game.

Did you do some sports when you were young?

active 活跃的
participate in 参加
competitiveness 竞争

Yes, I was quite active in sports when I was young. I participated in various school sports
teams and enjoyed the friendship and competitiveness.

Do you think students need more exercise?

mental health 心理健康
stay focused 保持专注
perform better 表现更好

Definitely, I think students need more exercise. It is important for their physical and mental
health, and it also helps them to stay focused and perform better in school.

Relax – 放松
What do you do to relax?

go for a walk 散步
unwind 放松
clear my mind 放空自己

To relax, I like to read a good book, listen to music, or go for a walk in nature. These
activities help me unwind and clear my mind.

Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
release stress 减压
physical health 身体健康
energized 有活力的

Yes, I definitely think doing sports is a great way to relax. It helps me release stress, improve
my physical health, and feel energized afterwards.

Do you think vacation is a good time to relax?

escape from 逃离
daily responsibilities 日常责任
recharge one’s batteries 恢复体力

Absolutely, vacation is an excellent time to relax. It provides an opportunity to escape from
daily responsibilities and recharge one's batteries.

Do you think students need more relaxing time?

extracurricular activities 课外活动
crucial 重要的
well-being 健康

Yes, I believe students need more relaxing time. Balancing study, extracurricular activities,
and relaxation is crucial for their overall well-being and performance.

Pets and animals – 动物

What’s your favorite animal?
independence 独立性
graceful 有风度的
elegant 优雅的

My favorite animal is the cat. I love their independence, yet affectionate nature. They are so
graceful and elegant.

Have you ever had a pet before?


loving 充满爱的
affectionate 深情的
companion 伴侣

Yes, I have had a pet cat before. She was the most loving and affectionate companion I
have ever had.

Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

get more attention 获得更多关注

I prefer to keep my pet indoors. I think it's safer for them and they get more attention and
care when they are inside the house.

What’s the most popular animal in China?

loyal 忠诚的
additionally 而且
household pets 家养宠物

In China, the most popular animal is probably the dog. They are loyal, loving, and great
companions. Additionally, cats are also very popular as household pets.

Challenges – 挑战
What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?
require 要求
abstract concepts 抽象概念
complex 复杂的

I find physics to be the most challenging subject at school. It requires a deep understanding
of abstract concepts and the ability to solve complex problems.

Do you like to challenge yourself?

grow and improve 成长进步
a sense of accomplishment 成就感
overcome 克服

Yes, I enjoy challenging myself. It helps me grow and improve, and it gives me a sense of
accomplishment when I overcome difficulties.

Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?

growth 成长
balanced life 平衡的生活
overwhelming 难以抗拒的

While I believe that challenges are necessary for growth, I prefer a balanced life with both
challenges and stability. I find that too many challenges can be overwhelming.

How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life?

appraoach 应对
positive mindset 积极的心态
seek help 寻求帮助

When faced with challenges in daily life, I usually approach them with a positive mindset and
try to find solutions. I also seek help and advice from others if needed.

Part 2
Describe a person who loves to buy something cheap.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what items he/she likes to buy
and explain how you feel about this person.
Bargain hunter - 寻找便宜货的人
Stretch their budget - 延伸他们的预算
Value for money - 物有所值
Never misses a sale - 从不错过打折
Admirable frugality - 值得赞赏的节俭


My aunt, Lisa, is a true bargain hunter. I've known her since I was a child, and she has
always been the one to stretch her budget by finding the best deals. She mainly shops for
clothes and kitchen gadgets, but she's always on the lookout for anything that promises
value for money.
Lisa has an impressive knack for spotting sales. She subscribes to various newsletters and
never misses a sale at her favorite stores. When we go shopping together, she'll guide me
through the aisles, pointing out which items are worth buying and why. It’s like a treasure
hunt for her, and her enthusiasm is contagious.
What I really admire about Lisa is her frugality. In today's consumer-driven world, it's
refreshing to see someone who prioritizes practicality and savings over owning the latest or
most expensive items. Her approach has taught me a lot about managing my own finances
and the importance of seeking value in purchases. I genuinely respect her for that, and I feel
that her habits are something to strive for.

Describe a person you are happy to know.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
how long you have known him/her
and explain why you are happy to know him/her.
Positive influence - 积极的影响
Mentor and friend - 导师和朋友
Shared interests - 共同的兴趣
Supportive and encouraging - 支持和鼓励
Enriches my life - 丰富我的生活

The person I am truly happy to know is my colleague, Mr. Zhang. We met at the school
where we both teach, and I've known him for about three years now. He has become both a
mentor and a friend to me during this time.
Mr. Zhang and I bonded over our shared interests in literature and travel, which has made
our conversations endlessly enjoyable and educational. He always shares fascinating stories
from the books he reads and the places he visits, making every discussion a learning
What makes me particularly happy to know Mr. Zhang is his positive influence on my
professional and personal development. He is always supportive and encouraging, pushing
me gently to challenge myself and grow in my teaching career. His advice is thoughtful and
tailored to my needs, showing his genuine interest in helping others succeed.
Overall, knowing Mr. Zhang enriches my life. He adds a layer of joy and wisdom to my daily
routine, and I am grateful for his friendship and guidance. His presence makes my
professional journey more fulfilling and fun, and I couldn’t ask for a better companion in my

Describe an actor/actress that you admire.
You should say:
who this actor is
how do you know this person

what kinds of films interest you
and explain why you are happy to know him/her.
Versatile performer - 多才多艺的表演者
Compelling characters - 引人入胜的角色
Acclaimed performances - 受到赞誉的表演
Emotional depth - 情感深度
Inspires me - 激励我

The actor I admire the most is Tom Hanks. I first came to know him through his role in the
movie "Forrest Gump," which is one of my favorites. Since then, I've followed his career and
watched many of his films, ranging from dramas to comedies.
I have a particular interest in films that tell profound and meaningful stories, where the
emotional depth of the characters is explored. Tom Hanks excels in these kinds of roles. His
ability to transform into his characters and make each one uniquely compelling is what draws
me to his films.
What I appreciate most about Tom Hanks is his versatility as a performer. Whether he's
playing a stranded airline crash survivor in "Cast Away" or a commanding officer in "Saving
Private Ryan," he always delivers acclaimed performances that resonate with audiences. He
brings a genuine authenticity to his roles, making you feel connected to his characters on a
deep level.
I am happy to know of him because his work inspires me. It encourages me to appreciate
the nuances of human emotion and the complexity of life's challenges. Watching him
perform is not only entertaining but also a learning experience that enriches my
understanding of storytelling and acting.

Describe an interesting old person you’ve met.
You should say:
when you first met this person
what he/she did
what you talked with this elderly person
and explain why he/she was interesting.
Wealth of experience - 丰富的经验
Keen storyteller - 善于讲故事的人
Life lessons - 人生教训
Witty and humorous - 机智幽默
Timeless wisdom - 永恒的智慧

I met Mr. Wang, a fascinating elderly man, at a community center two years ago. He was a
retired teacher who had taught history for over 30 years. Our first conversation happened
quite by accident during a local history exhibition at the center, where he was a volunteer

During our talk, Mr. Wang shared stories from his teaching days and his travels around the
world. He had a unique ability to weave his experiences into his discussions, making history
come alive with personal anecdotes and broader historical insights. His wit and humor added
a delightful twist to his tales, making every conversation enjoyable and enlightening.
What made Mr. Wang so interesting was his wealth of experience and the way he imparted
life lessons. He had a keen sense of observation and could draw meaningful lessons from
seemingly ordinary events. His perspectives were infused with timeless wisdom, offering a
fresh take on both past and present issues.
I found him interesting because he represented a bridge to the past, yet he remained keenly
connected to the present. His stories were not just reminiscences but also tools for
understanding life and human nature. Every interaction with him enriched my understanding
of the world, and I always left our conversations with new insights and a better appreciation
for the depth of history.

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music
You should say:
who this person is
how do you know this person
what kinds of music he/she likes
and explain why he/she thinks music is important.
Passionate about music - 对音乐充满热情
Diverse musical tastes - 音乐品味多样
Emotional connection - 情感联系
Cultural enrichment - 文化丰富
Universal language - 世界通用语言

The person I know who believes music is incredibly important and enjoys it immensely is my
friend, Sarah. We met in college where we were both members of the music club, sharing
our playlists and attending concerts together.
Sarah has diverse musical tastes, enjoying everything from classical symphonies to modern
pop music. She loves exploring different genres and discovering new artists from around the
world. Whether it’s the complex compositions of Beethoven or the catchy tunes of The
Beatles, she appreciates the artistry and creativity involved.
For Sarah, music is much more than just a form of entertainment. She views it as a universal
language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, capable of expressing emotions that
words alone cannot. She often says that music has the power to heal and bring people
together, fostering a sense of community and understanding among diverse groups.
Sarah’s passion for music is contagious. She often organizes music appreciation nights
where she shares her favorite tracks and discusses the cultural and historical contexts
behind them. Her enthusiasm for music not only enriches her own life but also enhances the
lives of those around her, making her a true ambassador for the power and importance of

Describe a famous person who could be a role model for young people.
You should say:
who this person is

how do you know this person
how he/she impacts young people
and explain how you feel about this person.
Inspirational figure - 启发性人物
Advocate for education - 教育倡导者
Positive role model - 积极的榜样
Social impact - 社会影响
Resilient and determined - 坚韧和果断

The famous person who I believe could be a role model for young people is Malala
Yousafzai. I first learned about her through her autobiography and numerous interviews she
has given. Her advocacy for girls' education and her personal story have made headlines
around the world.
Malala impacts young people by showing them the importance of education and the power
of resilience in the face of adversity. Despite surviving a targeted attack for her activism, she
continued to fight for education rights, becoming the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize
laureate. Her foundation supports education projects in various countries, providing
resources and advocacy to help girls go to school.
I have a profound respect for Malala because she uses her platform to promote positive
change. Her dedication to education and equality is not just inspiring; it's a call to action for
young people everywhere to stand up for their rights and the rights of others. She embodies
the idea that one person, no matter how young, can make a difference in the world. Her
resilience, intelligence, and compassion make her an excellent role model for young people
aspiring to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.
You should say:
what party it was
who you met
what you talked about
and explain why you enjoyed talking with this person.
Engaging conversationalist - 富有吸引力的谈话者
Shared interests - 共同的兴趣
Insightful perspectives - 有洞察力的观点
Enthusiasm for learning - 对学习的热情
Memorable interaction - 难忘的互动

I met an incredibly engaging person at a New Year's Eve party hosted by a mutual friend.
The person I enjoyed talking to was named Alex, who I had never met before that night. Our
conversation began when we both reached for the last slice of chocolate cake!
During our chat, we discovered that we shared interests in travel and technology. Alex had
recently returned from a trip to Japan and shared fascinating details about the technology

used in everyday life there, from robotics in healthcare to smart transit systems. We also
discussed our favorite travel destinations and exchanged tips for future adventures.
I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Alex because of his enthusiasm and knowledge. He was
not only well-traveled but also had an insightful perspective on the integration of culture and
technology. His stories were detailed and well-articulated, making our conversation both
informative and enjoyable. Additionally, his eagerness to learn from others and share his
experiences made our interaction memorable. It felt great to connect with someone new who
had similar interests and a positive outlook on life and learning.

Describe a child that you know.
You should say:
who this child is
how often you see this child
what this child is like
and explain how you feel about this child.
Curious and energetic - 好奇和充满活力
Bright and quick-witted - 聪明和机智
Always exploring - 总是在探索
Joy to watch - 观看的乐趣
Endearing personality - 迷人的个性

The child I'd like to talk about is my niece, Emily. I see her quite frequently, at least once a
week, as we live in the same neighborhood. She often visits my place with her parents or I
go over to theirs.
Emily is a bundle of energy, always running around and exploring everything with great
curiosity. She's quite bright for her age, often surprising us with her quick-witted responses.
At just five years old, she asks numerous questions about everything, from how plants grow
to why the sky is blue. She has a keen interest in animals and loves reading books about
I feel a deep affection for Emily. Her curious nature and lively spirit make every interaction
with her a joy. It's fascinating to see the world through her eyes, as she brings a fresh
perspective to the simplest things. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and spending time with her
often reminds me of the wonder and excitement of childhood. Watching her grow and learn
is truly a delight, and I cherish the bond we have developed.

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goal.
You should say:
who this person is
how this person encouraged you
what goal you achieved
and explain how you feel about this person.
Strong supporter - 坚定的支持者
Provided guidance and resources - 提供指导和资源

Believed in my abilities - 相信我的能力
Motivating presence - 激励的存在
Grateful for the support - 感激这种支持

The person who encouraged me to achieve my goal is my mentor, Mr. Chen. He was my
teacher during my university years and has continued to be a guiding figure in my
professional life.
Mr. Chen encouraged me by always believing in my abilities, even when I doubted myself.
When I expressed interest in pursuing a career in environmental science, he was the first to
support my decision. He helped by providing guidance on which courses to take, what books
to read, and how to gain practical experience through internships. His encouragement didn’t
stop at verbal support; he actively connected me with professionals in the field and
recommended me for opportunities that were crucial for my growth.
Thanks to his unwavering support, I was able to complete my studies with high marks and
secure a position at a respected environmental agency. His belief in my potential motivated
me to work harder and fulfill the expectations we both shared for my career.
I feel immensely grateful and fortunate to have had Mr. Chen as my mentor. His guidance
was instrumental in helping me achieve my goals, and his continuous support has been
invaluable. His dedication to helping students extends beyond academic achievements; he
truly cares about our personal growth and professional success. I admire him greatly and
strive to provide the same encouragement and support to others that he has given me.


Describe a place that’s suitable for study.
You should say:
where it is
what this place looks like
how often do you go there
and explain why you think it’s suitable for study.
Quiet and serene - 安静和宁静
Well-equipped - 设备齐全
Comfortable seating - 舒适的座椅
Conducive to concentration - 有助于集中注意力
Free from distractions - 没有干扰

My favorite place to study is the local library in my neighborhood. It’s a small, two-story
building surrounded by a quiet garden, which helps create a peaceful environment ideal for
The library is well-equipped with long wooden tables and comfortable chairs that are perfect
for long hours of sitting. There is plenty of natural light coming through large windows, and
the walls are lined with bookshelves filled with resources across all subjects. There are also
private cubicles for those who need an extra quiet space for concentration.

I usually go there three times a week, especially when I have major exams or projects. The
atmosphere is very conducive to studying as it's quiet and serene, allowing me to focus
completely on my work. The library also has a strict no-noise policy, which means it’s free
from the usual distractions you might find in other public places like cafes or parks.
I think this library is particularly suitable for study because of its calm environment and the
resources it offers. Not only does it provide a physical space that encourages concentration,
but it also offers access to a vast amount of information, which is invaluable for any student.
The staff is also very supportive, ready to assist with research or finding books, making it an
ideal place for learning and academic development.

Describe a city where you want to stay for a short time.
You should say:
where it is
who you will go there with
how long will you stay there
and explain why you want to stay there for a short time
Cultural hotspot - 文化热点
Architectural marvels - 建筑奇迹
Rich history - 丰富的历史
Bustling atmosphere - 熙熙攘攘的氛围
Temporary escape - 短暂的逃避

The city where I want to stay for a short time is Kyoto, Japan. I plan to go there with my best
friend, who shares my interest in Japanese culture and history. We aim to stay for about a
week, which seems like the perfect amount of time to explore the city without feeling rushed.
Kyoto is a cultural hotspot, known for its ancient temples, traditional tea houses, and
beautiful gardens. The city is home to architectural marvels like the Kinkaku-ji, the golden
pavilion, and the Fushimi Inari Shrine with its famous thousand red torii gates. Each of these
places tells a story of Japan’s rich history, which is what attracts me the most.
I want to stay in Kyoto for a short time because it offers a temporary escape from the hustle
and bustle of daily life. The tranquil atmosphere of the city, with its historic sites and slower
pace of life, provides a perfect backdrop for reflection and relaxation. Additionally, staying for
just a week allows us to immerse ourselves fully in the experience without becoming
overwhelming. It's an opportunity to savor each moment, from participating in a tea
ceremony to wandering through the bamboo forests, making the short stay more memorable
and meaningful.

Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your hometown)
You should say:
where it is
what kind of city it is
how you know about this city
and explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live.
Vibrant community - 活跃的社区

High quality of life - 高生活质量
Abundant green spaces - 丰富的绿地
Cultural diversity - 文化多样性
Excellent public services - 优秀的公共服务

I would recommend Vancouver, Canada, as a nice place to live. It's a coastal city that boasts
a unique mix of urban development alongside natural landscapes. I learned about
Vancouver through several documentaries and articles, plus a couple of friends who've lived
there have always described it with such passion.
Vancouver is known for its high quality of life. The city offers abundant green spaces, like
Stanley Park, which is one of the biggest urban parks in North America. There's also a
vibrant community that values health and outdoor activities, making it perfect for those who
enjoy a dynamic lifestyle but still want the tranquility that nature offers.
The cultural diversity in Vancouver is another reason I recommend it. This melting pot of
cultures contributes to a rich culinary scene, vibrant festivals, and an inclusive atmosphere.
Additionally, Vancouver's educational institutions and healthcare services are excellent,
which are critical factors for a good standard of living.
Overall, Vancouver strikes a wonderful balance between city life and nature, culture, and
comfort, making it an ideal place for people from all walks of life. Its robust public transport
system and commitment to sustainability also make it an environmentally friendly and
convenient place to live.

Describe a (faovurite) place at home where you can relax.
You should say:
where is the place
what is like
how often do you relax there
and explain why you think this is a good place to relax

Cozy nook 舒适的小角落
Escape reality 逃离现实
Unwind 放松身心
Recharge 重新充电
Personal sanctuary 个人避难所

A favorite place of mine to relax at home is the small reading nook in my bedroom. It's a
cozy little corner with a plush armchair, a soft rug, and a small bookshelf filled with my
favorite novels. Whenever I need to escape reality for a bit, I retreat to this nook and
immerse myself in the pages of a good book.
The soft lighting and comfortable seating create a warm and inviting atmosphere, allowing
me to fully unwind and let go of any stress or worries. It's my personal sanctuary, a place
where I can recharge my mental batteries and indulge in the simple pleasure of reading. I

often find myself spending hours curled up in the armchair, lost in the captivating worlds
crafted by talented authors.
This reading nook is not just a physical space but also a mental haven. It's a place where I
can disconnect from the distractions of daily life and fully immerse myself in the stories that
captivate my imagination. Whether it's after a long day at work or during a lazy weekend
afternoon, I make it a point to spend some time in my reading nook. It's a cherished ritual
that allows me to recharge and find solace in the written word.

Describe a place you’ve been to where things are expensive.
You should say:
where is the place
when you went there
why did you go there
and explain why you think things are expensive there.
Luxury destination 奢华目的地
High-end shops 高端商店
Premium pricing 溢价定价
Affluent clientele 富裕顾客
Exclusive experience 独家体验

One place I've visited where things are notoriously expensive is the Ginza district in Tokyo,
Japan. As I strolled through the immaculate streets lined with high-end shops and boutiques,
I couldn't help but notice the extravagant window displays showcasing luxury goods from
renowned brands, carrying premium pricing catered to an affluent clientele.
Even the dining options were a testament to exclusivity, with Michelin-starred restaurants
offering meticulously crafted dishes at exorbitant prices. The experience of indulging in these
establishments was as much about the ambiance and prestige as the culinary delights.
While I didn't make significant purchases, I appreciated Ginza's opulent atmosphere
celebrating luxury and exclusivity. The high prices seemed to reflect the area's prestigious
reputation, quality of goods and services, and the desire for an extraordinary, sophisticated

Describe a place you visited where there was poor air quality.
You should say:
where it is
when you went there
why you went there
and explain why how you felt about it.

Smog-filled city 雾霾笼罩的城市
Hazy skyline 朦胧的天际线
Respiratory discomfort 呼吸不适
Environmental hazard 环境危害
Urgent need 迫切需求

During a recent business trip to a major industrial city, I experienced firsthand the effects of
poor air quality. As soon as I stepped off the plane, a thick haze enveloped the surroundings,
obscuring the once-clear skyline. The smog-filled city air was a stark contrast to the fresh
atmosphere I was accustomed to.
As I navigated through the city, the air felt heavy and stagnant, making it challenging to
breathe comfortably. A persistent haze hung over the streets, reducing visibility and casting
a gloomy pall over the urban landscape. Respiratory discomfort soon set in, with a tightness
in my chest and a scratchy sensation in my throat. Even after a short period of exposure, I
found myself coughing and struggling to catch my breath.
Beyond the physical discomfort, the experience also highlighted the broader environmental
hazards associated with unchecked pollution. The thick smog was a visible reminder of the
urgent need for sustainable practices and stricter regulations to combat air pollution and
protect public health. While my visit was brief, it reinforced the importance of collective action
to ensure clean air for present and future generations.

Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once.
You should say:
where the place is
when you took this photo
what special features this place has that makes it a good place for taking photos
and explain why you haven taken photos more than once.
Scenic location 风景优美的地点
Picturesque views 如画的景色
Photogenic subject 富有摄影价值的主体
Capture memories 捕捉记忆
Revisit favorite spots 重游喜爱景点

One place I've taken photos repeatedly is a scenic park outside the city, boasting
picturesque views of a serene lake surrounded by lush greenery - a truly photogenic subject.
During each visit, I capture the vibrant colors, tranquil reflections, and ever-changing beauty
of different seasons.
This park holds a special place as a sanctuary where I escape city life. Taking photos there
has become a cherished ritual, allowing me to immortalize precious memories. Whether

experimenting with angles, light, or documenting nature's passage, this park provides
opportunities to hone my skills and explore creativity.
Each visit leaves me with renewed appreciation for nature's splendor, fueling my desire to
revisit this favorite spot, camera in hand. It's a place that has captured not only my lens but
also my heart.

Describe a noisy place you’ve been to.
You should say:
where this place is
why you went there
why this place was noisy
and explain how you felt about this place.
Bustling metropolis 喧嚣的大都市
Cacophony of sounds 声音的嘈杂
Sensory overload 感官过载
Vibrant atmosphere 活力氛围
Overwhelming experience 压倒性的体验

One of the noisiest places I've been to is the bustling streets of New York City - a cacophony
of sounds from honking horns, rumbling traffic, and constant chatter. I visited during a family
vacation, eager yet unprepared for the sheer volume assaulting my senses.
The noise was particularly overwhelming in areas like Times Square, where towering
billboards and neon lights added to the sensory overload. The constant hum of activity,
street performers, and vendors created a deafening din reverberating through concrete
While initially jarring, I was drawn to the vibrant atmosphere this noise created - a symphony
of urban life testifying to the city's relentless energy. It contrasted my quiet suburbs yet held
an alluring excitement. Though needing occasional respite, the noise became integral to my
New York experience, reminding me I was immersed in a living, breathing metropolis where
sounds of life pulsed through every street.

Describe a historical building in your city.
You should say:
where this place is
what it looks like
what it is used for now
and explain how you feel about this historical building.
Architectural gem 建筑瑰宝

Timeless elegance 永恒的优雅
Cultural heritage 文化遗产
Preserved legacy 保存的遗产
Source of pride 自豪的源泉

In our city's heart stands an architectural gem - a timeless, elegant building testifying to our
cultural heritage. Its intricate façade, towering spires, and ornate stonework transport visitors
back in time. Originally a place of worship, it now serves as a museum preserving our rich
The hallowed halls house artifacts, artworks, and exhibits offering a glimpse into past lives.
Stepping inside envelops one in reverence and tranquility, with vaulted ceilings adorned with
frescoes and stained glass casting an ethereal glow.
For me, this edifice is a source of pride - a tangible connection to our past. It reminds us of
the craftsmanship and vision of its builders, inspiring us to cherish our heritage. Visiting fills
me with profound appreciation for the history shaping our community. It stands as a living
testament to our enduring spirit, reminding us to never forget our foundations.

Describe a small store when you often buy things.
You should say:
where it is
when you usually go there
what it is like
and explain how you feel about it.
Neighborhood gem 社区瑰宝
Warm hospitality 热情好客
Personalized service 个性化服务
Familiar faces 熟悉的面孔
Sense of community 社区意识

Nestled in the heart of my neighborhood is a small, unassuming store that has become a
true gem in our community. This quaint establishment, run by a friendly local family, is where
I often find myself shopping for everyday essentials and indulging in the occasional treat. I
typically visit this store a couple of times a week, whether it's to pick up groceries on my way
home from work or to grab a quick snack during my lunch break. The store's convenient
location and extended hours make it an ideal stop for busy individuals like myself. Upon
entering, I'm always greeted by the warm hospitality of the owners and their staff, who take
the time to engage in friendly conversation, offering personalized service and
recommendations based on my preferences. This level of attention and care is a rarity in
today's fast-paced world, and it's one of the reasons why I keep returning.

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting.
You should say:
where it is
what people can do there
why very few people visit there
and explain why you think it is interesting.
Hidden gem 隐藏的宝石
Off-the-beaten-path 偏离主流旅游路线
Undiscovered treasure 未被发现的宝藏
Authentic experience 真实体验
Escape the crowds 远离人群

Tucked away in a remote corner of our region lies a hidden gem, an off-the-beaten-path
tourist attraction that few people venture to explore. This undiscovered treasure, nestled
amidst rolling hills and winding roads, offers a unique and authentic experience for those
willing to stray from the well-trodden tourist trails. This attraction is a small, family-run
vineyard and winery, where visitors can immerse themselves in the art of winemaking and
savor the fruits of the land. Upon arrival, you're greeted by the warm hospitality of the
owners, who take pride in sharing their passion for viticulture and the rich history of the
region. Visitors can embark on guided tours through the lush vineyards, learning about the
intricate process of cultivating and harvesting the grapes. They can also explore the rustic
winery, witnessing firsthand the traditional methods used to transform these delicate fruits
into exquisite wines.

Describe an unusual meal you had.
You should say:
when you had it
where you had it
what you ate
and explain why it was unusual.
Culinary adventure 美食探险
Exotic flavors 异国风味
Daring palate 大胆的味蕾
Cultural immersion 文化沉浸
Memorable experience 难忘体验

One of the most unusual meals I've had was during a recent trip to a remote village in a
foreign country. It was a culinary adventure that challenged my taste buds and opened my

eyes to the rich cultural traditions of the local community. The meal took place in the humble
home of a local family, who graciously invited us to partake in their traditional cuisine. As we
gathered around a low table, our hosts began to present an array of dishes that were both
intriguing and unfamiliar. The first course consisted of a steaming bowl of soup, filled with an
assortment of ingredients that I couldn't quite identify. Upon closer inspection, I realized that
it contained various insects, including crickets and grasshoppers, which were considered
delicacies in the region. Hesitantly, I took a sip and was surprised by the rich, earthy flavors
that danced across my palate.

Describe a piece of technology you own that is difficult to use.
You should say:
what it is
when you got it
how often do you use it
and explain why you find it difficult to use it.
Cutting-edge gadget 尖端科技产品
Steep learning curve 陡峭的学习曲线
Counterintuitive design 违反直觉的设计
Overwhelming features 过多功能
Frustrating experience 令人沮丧的体验

In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, I recently acquired a cutting-edge gadget
that promised to revolutionize my daily routine. However, despite its advanced features and
sleek design, this particular piece of technology has proven to be a formidable challenge,
with a steep learning curve that has left me feeling overwhelmed and frustrated at times. The
device in question is a multifunctional smart home assistant, which I purchased a few
months ago in the hopes of streamlining various tasks and enhancing my living space. With
its voice-activated controls, intelligent automation, and seamless integration with other smart
devices, it seemed like a dream come true for someone seeking a more efficient and
connected lifestyle. Unfortunately, the reality has been quite different. From the moment I
unboxed the device, I found myself struggling to navigate its complex interface and
understand the myriad of features it offers.

Describe a photo/picture you like the best.
You should say:
what it is
when you first saw this
where you first saw this
and explain why you like this the best

Cherished memento 珍贵的纪念品
Frozen in time 凝固在时间里
Evocative imagery 富有感染力的图像
Sentimental value 怀旧价值
Emotional connection 情感联系

Among the countless photographs and images that adorn my life, there is one particular
picture that holds a special place in my heart. This cherished memento, a frozen moment in
time, has become a source of joy and nostalgia, evoking a flood of emotions and memories
with every glance. The photograph in question is a candid shot of my family, captured during
a picnic in the park on a warm summer day. It was a spontaneous moment, taken by a friend
who managed to perfectly encapsulate the essence of our bond and the carefree spirit of
that day. In the image, my parents are seated on a checkered blanket, their faces radiant
with laughter as they share a tender moment. My siblings and I are scattered around them,
engaged in playful antics, our expressions filled with pure, unbridled joy. The vibrant colors
of the lush greenery and the golden sunlight filtering through the trees create a warm and
inviting atmosphere, adding to the overall sense of happiness and contentment.

Describe something you own that you want to replace.
You should say:
what it is
how you got it
when you got it
and explain why you want to replace it.
Well-worn possession 陈旧的物品
Sentimental attachment 情感依恋
Outdated functionality 过时的功能
Evolving needs 不断变化的需求
Bittersweet transition 苦乐参半的过渡

Among the various possessions that have accompanied me through life's journey, there is
one particular item that holds a special place in my heart, yet has reached a point where it
no longer serves its purpose effectively. This well-worn possession, imbued with sentimental
attachment, is something I reluctantly acknowledge the need to replace. The item in question
is an old laptop computer that has been my faithful companion for nearly a decade. I
acquired this trusty device during my college years, and it has been by my side through

countless late-night study sessions, research projects, and creative endeavors. Over the
years, this laptop has become more than just a tool; it has been a witness to my growth and
accomplishments, a silent confidant that has stored countless memories and personal
reflections. Its worn keys and faded casing bear the marks of countless hours spent typing
away, pouring my thoughts and ideas onto its digital canvas.

Describe an important plant in your country.
You should say:
what it is
where you see it
what it looks like
and explain why it is important.

Tea plant - 茶树
Suitable climates - 适宜的气候
Dark green leaves - 深绿色的叶子
Economic significance - 经济意义
Cultural significance - 文化意义

In my country, one important plant is the tea plant. Tea is cultivated extensively in regions
with suitable climates, such as hillsides and mountainous areas. The tea plant typically has
dark green leaves and produces small white flowers when in bloom. Its importance stems
from the economic significance of the tea industry, providing employment to many and
contributing to the country's export revenue. Moreover, tea holds cultural significance as it is
deeply ingrained in our traditions and social practices. It serves as a symbol of hospitality
and is often shared during social gatherings and ceremonies. Additionally, tea consumption
is associated with various health benefits, making it a valued part of our daily lives. Overall,
the tea plant plays a vital role in our economy, culture, and well-being.


Describe a new law that you would like to see in your country.
You should say:
what it is
what changes this law can bring
whether this new law will be popular
and explain why you would like to introduce this law.

New legislation - 新立法
Potential implications of this legislation - 这项立法的潜在影响
Likely level of public acceptance - 公众接受的可能程度

Advocate for the enactment of this legislation - 主张颁布这项立法
Proposed legislative measure - 提议的立法措施

One new law that I would like to see in my country is mandatory recycling legislation. This
law would require households and businesses to separate recyclable materials from their
regular waste and provide recycling bins for collection. The changes this law can bring
include reducing waste sent to landfills, conserving natural resources, and minimizing
pollution. Although it may face initial resistance from some individuals, I believe that with
proper education and incentives, such as tax breaks for compliant businesses, this new law
will gradually become popular. I would like to introduce this law because it addresses the
pressing issue of environmental sustainability and encourages responsible waste
management practices. By implementing mandatory recycling, we can contribute to a
cleaner and healthier environment for current and future generations.

Describe a sport you’ve never done, but you would like to try.
You should say:
what it is
how you know it
when and where you watched it
and explain why you would like to try.

Rock climbing - 攀岩
Breathtaking rock faces - 令人惊叹的岩石表面
Challenging myself - 挑战自己
Sense of camaraderie - 友情的感觉
Personal growth and self-discovery - 个人成长和自我发现

One sport I've never done but would like to try is rock climbing. I first learned about rock
climbing from documentaries and social media platforms showcasing climbers scaling
breathtaking rock faces in exotic locations. The idea of challenging myself both mentally and
physically while surrounded by nature's beauty is incredibly appealing to me. Additionally,
rock climbing seems to foster a strong sense of camaraderie among climbers, as they often
support and encourage each other during climbs. I believe that trying rock climbing would
not only be an exhilarating adventure but also an opportunity for personal growth and self-
discovery. The thrill of conquering a challenging route and reaching the summit would
undoubtedly be a rewarding experience that I aspire to have.

Describe an advertisement you’ve seen that you didn’t like.
You should say:
what the advertisement is
when and where you first saw it

what the advertisement is about
and explain why you didn’t like this advertisement.

Fast-food chain - 快餐连锁店
Flashy visuals - 华丽的视觉效果
Lack of transparency - 缺乏透明度
Nutritional content - 营养成分
Deceptive and manipulative - 欺骗和操纵

One advertisement I saw that I didn't like was for a fast-food chain promoting their new
burger. I first encountered it while watching TV during primetime. The advertisement
featured flashy visuals of the burger, accompanied by upbeat music and exaggerated claims
about its taste and quality. However, what turned me off about this advertisement was its
lack of transparency regarding the nutritional content of the burger. It focused solely on
tempting consumers with mouth-watering images without providing any information about
the ingredients or potential health impacts. As someone who values making informed
choices about food, I found this advertisement deceptive and manipulative. It seemed to
prioritize sales over the well-being of consumers, which left a negative impression on me. In
today's society where there is growing concern about health and nutrition, I believe
advertisements should be more responsible and honest in their messaging.

Describe a website you often visit.
You should say:
what this website is
how you found this website
how often you visit this website
and explain why you often visit this website.

Social news aggregation - 社交新闻聚合
Diverse content - 多样化的内容
User-generated content - 用户生成的内容
Engage in discussions - 参与讨论
Dynamic and interactive - 动态和互动

One website I frequently visit is Reddit, a social news aggregation and discussion platform. I
initially discovered Reddit through a friend who recommended it to me as a great source for
diverse content and discussions. Since then, I have been visiting Reddit almost daily,
spending at least an hour browsing through various subreddits. I find myself drawn to Reddit
because of its vast array of communities covering almost every topic imaginable, from news
and technology to hobbies and personal interests. I appreciate the platform's user-generated
content and the ability to engage in discussions with people from around the world. Whether

I'm seeking information, entertainment, or simply looking to connect with like-minded
individuals, Reddit never fails to deliver. Its dynamic and interactive nature keeps me coming
back for more, making it an indispensable part of my online experience.

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.
You should say:
what it is
when you started to follow this routine
whether it is easy to follow this routine
and explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life.

Practicing mindfulness meditation - 进行正念冥想
Benefits of mindfulness - 正念的好处
Mental health and well-being - 心理健康和幸福感
Stick to this routine - 坚持这个日常
Greater sense of clarity and calmness - 更清晰和平静的感觉

One daily routine that I enjoy is practicing mindfulness meditation in the morning. I started
following this routine about a year ago after reading about the benefits of mindfulness for
mental health and well-being. Initially, it was a bit challenging to stick to this routine as I had
to wake up earlier than usual, but with consistent effort, it became easier over time. I find joy
in this routine because it helps me start my day on a positive note. Taking just a few minutes
to quiet my mind and focus on my breath allows me to feel more centered and grounded. It
sets a peaceful tone for the rest of the day and helps me navigate through any challenges
with a greater sense of clarity and calmness. Additionally, I've noticed improvements in my
overall mood and productivity since incorporating mindfulness meditation into my daily life,
which further reinforces my enjoyment of this routine.

Describe a subject you would like to learn in the future.
You should say:
what it is
how you want to learn it
whether it is easy or difficult
and explain why you would like to learn it.

Graphic design - 平面设计
Online courses and tutorials - 在线课程和教程
Mastering the technical aspects - 掌握技术方面
Design principles - 设计原理

Creative industries - 创意产业

One subject I would like to learn in the future is graphic design. I'm interested in learning
how to create visually appealing designs for various purposes, such as advertisements,
websites, and branding materials. I plan to learn graphic design through online courses and
tutorials, as well as by practicing with design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
While I anticipate that learning graphic design may present some challenges, such as
mastering the technical aspects of design software and understanding design principles, I
believe with dedication and practice, I can overcome these difficulties. I am drawn to graphic
design because it combines creativity with problem-solving skills, allowing individuals to
communicate messages effectively through visual elements. Moreover, in today's digital age,
graphic design skills are highly valued and can open up numerous opportunities for
freelance work or employment in creative industries. Therefore, I am motivated to acquire
graphic design skills to broaden my skill set and pursue new career avenues.

Describe your favourite climate.
You should say:
what kind of climate it is
where the climate occur
how hot or cold the climate is
and explain why you like this type of climate.

Temperate climate - 温和气候
Distinct seasons - 明显的季节
Moderately warm summers - 温和的夏季
Cool winters - 凉爽的冬季
Changing seasons - 变化的季节

My favorite climate is a temperate climate, characterized by mild temperatures and distinct
seasons. This type of climate occurs in regions such as parts of Europe, North America, and
East Asia. The temperatures in a temperate climate typically range from moderately warm
summers to cool winters, with comfortable temperatures in between. I appreciate the
moderate nature of this climate because it allows for a variety of outdoor activities
throughout the year. During the summer months, I can enjoy hiking, swimming, and outdoor
dining without the discomfort of extreme heat. In contrast, the cool winters provide
opportunities for activities like skiing, snowboarding, and cozying up by the fireplace.
Additionally, the changing seasons in a temperate climate offer a sense of anticipation and
variety, as each season brings its own unique beauty and experiences. Overall, I find the
temperate climate to be ideal for striking a balance between enjoying outdoor pursuits and
experiencing the beauty of nature's seasonal changes.


Describe a time when you heard good news from someone with a good relationship.
You should say:
when you got this news
what the news was about
who told you this good news
and explain why you think it was good news

during a family gathering - 在一个家庭聚会期间
struggling to find a job for months - 挣扎了几个月找工作
landed a position at a prestigious company - 在一个知名公司找到了一份工作
a breath of fresh air-清新的一缕空气
brought a sense of relief and optimism-带来了一种宽慰和乐观的感觉

I vividly remember a sunny afternoon a few months ago when I received a call from my best
friend, Sarah. It was around midday, and I was working on some tasks at home. As soon as I
heard her voice, I could tell she was brimming with excitement.
Sarah shared the wonderful news that she had been accepted into her dream graduate
program. She had been working tirelessly towards this goal for years, balancing work,
studies, and extracurricular activities. Hearing her joyous announcement filled me with
immense happiness.
This news was particularly special because I knew how hard Sarah had worked to achieve
this milestone. She faced numerous challenges and setbacks along the way, but she never
gave up on her dream. Her perseverance and dedication had finally paid off, and I couldn't
have been more proud of her.
Moreover, Sarah's success brought a sense of hope and inspiration to our friendship circle.
Her achievement served as a reminder that with determination and hard work, anything is
possible. It also strengthened our bond as friends, knowing that we would continue to
support and encourage each other in our respective endeavours.
Overall, receiving the news of Sarah's acceptance into her dream graduate program was not
only a moment of joy for her but also a testament to the power of perseverance and
friendship. It reinforced the belief that good things happen to those who work hard and never
lose sight of their goals.

Describe a time when you forgot an appointment/when you missed or were late for a
You should say:
when it happened
where it was
what it was about
and explain how you felt about it.

Important appointment - 重要约会

Scheduled at a company office - 安排在公司办公室
Lost track of time - 忘记时间
Stressful experience - 令人感到压力的经历
Feeling of disappointment and regret - 失望和后悔的感觉

I vividly remember a time when I forgot an important appointment, causing me to be late for
a meeting. It happened last year when I was supposed to attend a job interview for a position
I was really excited about. The interview was scheduled at a company office located
downtown, which was about an hour away from my home. Unfortunately, I lost track of time
while preparing for the interview and ended up leaving much later than I had planned. By the
time I arrived at the company's office, I was already fifteen minutes late for the meeting. It
was a stressful experience as I knew that being late could make a negative impression on
the interviewers. I felt embarrassed and apologetic for my tardiness, knowing that it reflected
poorly on my professionalism and reliability. Despite explaining the situation to the
interviewers, I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and regret for not managing
my time better.

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something.
You should say:
who you taught
what you taught
what the result was
and explain how you felt about the experience.

Younger brother - 弟弟
Learn how to ride a bicycle - 学习骑自行车
Maintain balance and coordination - 保持平衡和协调
Joy and excitement - 快乐和兴奋
Sense of fulfillment and pride - 成就感和自豪感

I recall a time when I taught my younger brother how to ride a bicycle. He had been eager to
learn for some time, and I decided to take on the task of teaching him. I patiently guided him
through the process of balancing on the bike, pedalling, and steering. Initially, he struggled
to maintain his balance and coordination, but with encouragement and practice, he gradually
improved. After a few days of consistent practice, my brother successfully rode the bicycle
without any assistance. The joy and excitement on his face when he realized he could ride
on his own were priceless. Personally, I felt a sense of fulfilment and pride in being able to
impart a new skill to him and witnessing his progress. It was a rewarding experience to see
him overcome challenges and achieve his goal, and it strengthened our bond as siblings.

Describe a time when you took a risk.
You should say:
what the risk was
when you took the risk
why you took the risk
and explain how you felt about it.

Pursue entrepreneurship - 追求创业
Stable job - 稳定的工作
Leap of faith - 信仰的飞跃
Uncertainties and challenges - 不确定性和挑战
Strong sense of determination - 强烈的决心

One significant risk I took was when I decided to quit my stable job to pursue
entrepreneurship. It was about two years ago when I made this decision. I had been working
in the corporate sector for several years, but I always harbored a dream of starting my own
business. Despite the stability and comfort of my job, I felt unfulfilled and restless, craving
more autonomy and the opportunity to pursue my passions. After much contemplation and
weighing the pros and cons, I finally took the leap of faith and resigned from my job to
embark on the entrepreneurial journey. I was aware of the uncertainties and challenges that
lay ahead, but I was also driven by a strong sense of determination and belief in my abilities.
I took the risk because I didn't want to live with regrets of not pursuing my dreams, and I
believed that the potential rewards of entrepreneurship outweighed the risks involved.

Describe an occasion that you needed to wear your best clothes.
You should say:
what the occasion was
what the clothes look like
why did you wear the best clothes
and explain how you felt when you wore your best clothes.

dress to the nines -打扮得十分华丽
a touch of sophistication - 一丝高雅
a lavish affair - 奢华的盛会
a boost in self-esteem - 提升自尊
momentous event - 重大事件

On a particularly special occasion, I recall the time when I was invited to attend a formal
wedding ceremony. The grandeur and elegance of the event required me to dress to the
My attire for this occasion was a classic black tuxedo, paired with a crisp white shirt and a
black silk tie. The tuxedo had a sleek fit, accentuating my figure, while the black silk tie

added a touch of sophistication. I completed the ensemble with a pair of polished black
The reason I wore my best clothes was to respect the couple getting married and to abide by
the dress code of the event. The wedding was a lavish affair, held in a prestigious hotel, and
I felt it was important to dress appropriately to match the formality of the occasion.
When I wore my best clothes, I felt a sense of confidence and dignity. I knew that I was
dressed to perfection, and this gave me a boost in self-esteem. I felt ready to take on the
role of a guest at this momentous event, and I was excited to be a part of such a special

Part 3 Questions:
What occasions do people wear formal clothes?
Why do people wear formal clothes in business?
Why do some people don’t like to wear formal clothes?
Why do some people love wearing traditional clothes?
Do you think wearing traditional clothes will be more popular in the future?

Describe a time when you received money as a gift.
You should say:
when it happened
who gave you money
why he/she gave you money
and explain how you used the money.
Part 3 Questions:
Why do people rarely use cash now?
Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?
Should parents reward children with money?
When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?

Describe a good decision you made recently.
You should say:
what it was
when you made it
what the result was
and explain how you felt about it.
enroll in an online course - 报名参加在线课程
self-paced - 自定进度的
apply the knowledge gained - 应用所学知识
complete projects on time and within budget - 按时完成项目并在预算内
gain recognition from - 获得……的认可

A memorable time I received money as a gift was during my high school graduation. It was a
significant milestone, and my grandparents decided to celebrate it in a special way.
My grandparents presented me with a red envelope containing a generous amount of money.
They explained that this was a traditional gift in our culture, symbolizing their wishes for my

success and prosperity in the future. They also wanted to recognize my hard work and
dedication throughout my academic journey.
I was deeply touched by their gesture and their belief in me. I knew that this money
represented not just a financial gift but also their love and support. I decided to use the
money wisely, investing it in my education by purchasing some essential study materials and
reference books for my university courses.
By utilizing the money in this manner, I felt that I was honoring my grandparents' wishes and
making the most of their generous gift. It also served as a reminder of their unconditional
love and encouragement, which continues to motivate me in my academic pursuits.

Part 3 Questions:
What decisions do people make every day?
Why do people make decisions?
Can children make decisions on their own?
When do people change their decisions?

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted.
You should say:
what it was
when you received it
who gave it to you
and explain why you wanted it so much.
a sense of joy and gratitude - 一种喜悦和感激之情
went to such lengths - 如此费尽心思
a step towards my goal - 朝我的目标迈进了一步
created such beautiful melodies - 创造出如此美妙的旋律
pursue my passion more vigorously - 更积极地追求我的热情/梦想

A memorable occasion when someone gave me something I really wanted was when my
best friend surprised me with a guitar for my birthday. It was a Saturday evening, just before
my 25th birthday, and the gift arrived in a beautifully wrapped box.
My best friend, Alex, had been aware of my passion for music and particularly my desire to
learn the guitar. For years, I had talked about how much I admired those who could play and
expressed my wish to one day own a guitar. However, due to financial constraints, I had
never been able to afford one.
The moment I unwrapped the box and saw the sleek black guitar, I felt a sense of joy and
gratitude that was indescribable. I had never imagined that Alex would go to such lengths to
fulfill my wish. The guitar was not just an object; it was a symbol of our friendship and his
understanding of my dreams.
I wanted the guitar so much because it represented a step towards my goal of becoming a
musician. I had been listening to various guitarists for years, dreaming of being able to
create such beautiful melodies. Owning a guitar meant that I could finally start taking lessons
and working towards my dream.
In conclusion, Alex's thoughtful gift not only brought me immense happiness but also
motivated me to pursue my passion more vigorously.

Part 3 Questions:
What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?

How should children spend their allowance money?
Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
How should bosses reward employees?

Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport.
You should say:
where you went
who you were with
what you did
and explain how you felt about it.
breathtaking view - 令人惊叹的景色
give way to - 让路给;逐渐变为
perched on a hill - 坐落在山上
indulged in - 尽情享受
soaked in - 沉浸在

One of the most enjoyable journeys I've ever had was on a train to the charming city of
Edinburgh. It was a day trip that I took with my family, and we were all eager to explore the
historical city and its unique culture.
We boarded the train early in the morning, and the view from the window was breathtaking.
The countryside slowly gave way to urban landscapes, and as we neared Edinburgh, the
city's skyline came into view, with its castle perched on a hill, dominating the sky.
On the train, we chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. We shared stories
and plans for our day in Edinburgh, and the anticipation made the journey even more
exciting. We also indulged in some snacks and drinks from the train's trolley service, which
added to the fun of the trip.
Once we arrived in Edinburgh, we explored the city's cobblestone streets and visited its
many historical landmarks. We took photos, tried local cuisine, and soaked in the city's
unique atmosphere. The train journey had been such a pleasant experience that it set the
tone for the entire day.
Looking back, I felt a sense of contentment and happiness about the journey. It was a great
way to start our trip to Edinburgh, and the train ride itself was an enjoyable experience. The
scenery, the company, and the anticipation all contributed to making it a memorable trip.

Part 3 Questions:
Why do people choose to travel by public transport?
Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?
What can the government do to improve the public transport in your country?
What are the difficulties that commuters face during rush hours?

Describe something you did with a group of people.
You should say:
what it was
who you did it with
how long it took you to do it

and explain how you felt about it.
charity event - 慈善活动
passionate about - 对……充满热情
silent auction - 无声拍卖(指拍卖过程中不出声叫价,而是通过书写方式)
shared the responsibilities equally - 平均分担责任
sense of accomplishment - 成就感

One thing I did with a group of people was organizing a charity event to raise funds for a
local animal shelter. It was a rewarding experience that brought us closer as a group.
I worked with a group of friends and volunteers who were passionate about animal welfare.
We met regularly to plan the event, discuss ideas, and assign tasks. We decided to host a
fundraising dinner with a silent auction and a pet adoption event.
The planning process took us about two months. We had to secure a venue, arrange for
catering, promote the event, and collect donations for the auction. Everyone in the group
contributed their time and effort, and we shared the responsibilities equally.
The day of the event was exciting and rewarding. The venue was beautifully decorated, and
the food was delicious. The auction items were diverse and attracted many bids. The pet
adoption event was a hit, and several animals found new homes. We raised a significant
amount of money for the animal shelter, which was a great success.
Overall, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride about organizing this charity event with a
group of people. It was a great way to make a difference in the community and help those in
need. The experience strengthened our bond as a group, and I cherish the memories we
created together.

Part 3 Questions:
What kinds of things do people usually do together?
How do children learn to cooperate with each other?
Do you think neighbors should help each other?
Why are some people less willing to help others?

Describe a time when you showed something new to others.
You should say:
when it was
what it was
who you showed it to
and explain how you felt about it.

family gathering - 家庭聚会
recently discovered - 最近发现的
strategy game - 策略游戏
engaged with - 投入于
shared new experiences - 分享新体验

A time when I showed something new to others was during a family gathering last summer.
It was a Sunday afternoon, and the weather was perfect for an outdoor barbecue.
The "something new" I showed was a new game that I had recently discovered and wanted
to introduce to my family. It was a strategy game that required both teamwork and quick
thinking. I had been playing it with friends, and I knew it would be a great addition to our
family game nights.
I showed the game to my parents, siblings, and even some cousins who were visiting. They
were initially intrigued by the board and the various pieces, and I excitedly explained the
rules and how to play. As we started playing, everyone quickly got into the game, and the
competitive spirit arose. There were cheers, laughs, and even some heated discussions as
we all tried our best to outwit each other.
I felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness as I watched my family enjoy the game. It
was great to see them having fun and engaging with each other in a new way. I also felt
proud that I had introduced something new and exciting to our family gatherings. The
experience reminded me of the importance of sharing new experiences and hobbies with
loved ones, and it strengthened our bond as a family.

Part 3 Questions:
What qualities should a good learner have?
What skills should children learn?
What are the differences between the things adults learn and things children learn?
Why are some people not willing to ask help from others while studying?

Describe a special meal that someone made for you.
You should say:
who did it
when he/she did it
what he/she cooked
and explain how you felt about it.

stands out in my memory - 令我记忆犹新
takes pride in - 以...为傲
a sight to behold - 令人赞叹的景象
bursting with flavor and texture - 充满味道和口感
a reminder of the love and care - 对爱和关心的提醒

One special meal that stands out in my memory was made by my grandmother. It was
during the winter holidays when I was a child, and the entire family had gathered at her
My grandmother is a wonderful cook, and she always takes pride in preparing delicious
meals for her family. On that particular day, she decided to make her signature dish, which is
a traditional Chinese stew called "Budaejjigae." This stew is a Korean-inspired dish that
combines various ingredients like tofu, kimchi, sausages, and ramen noodles in a spicy and
flavorful broth.

Grandma started cooking early in the morning, and the aroma of the stew filled the entire
house as the ingredients slowly simmered in the pot. As the family gradually woke up and
gathered in the kitchen, the anticipation for the meal grew.
When the stew was finally served, it was a sight to behold. The rich and vibrant colors of the
ingredients were a testament to the care and effort that Grandma had put into making it. The
taste was even more impressive, with each bite bursting with flavor and texture.
As I ate that meal, I felt a sense of warmth and comfort that only a loved one's cooking can
provide. I was grateful to have such a caring and talented grandmother who always made
sure that we were well-fed and happy. That meal was not just a meal; it was a reminder of
the love and care that we share as a family.

Part 3 Questions:
Should students learn to cook at school?
Do you think people’s eating habits would change as they get older?
Do people in your country like to learn to cook from TV programs?
What do you think about vegetarians?

Describe an important achievement you have made.
You should say:
what you achieved
when and where you did it
why it was important
and explain how you felt about it.
completing my first marathon race - 完成我的首次马拉松比赛
rigorously for months - 进行了数月的严格训练
push myself beyond my limits - 超越自己的极限
a sense of overwhelming joy and accomplishment - 一种巨大的喜悦和成就感
the value of hard work and discipline - 努力和自律的价值

An important achievement that I have made was completing my first marathon race. It
happened last year in my hometown, New York City, during the famous New York Marathon.
Participating in a marathon was always a dream for me, and I had been training rigorously
for months to prepare for it. The marathon route covered 26.2 miles through the five
boroughs of New York, passing iconic landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park.
Completing the marathon was important to me on several levels. Firstly, it was a personal
milestone that showed my dedication, endurance, and perseverance. Secondly, it was a
symbol of my ability to push myself beyond my limits and achieve something significant.
Lastly, it was an opportunity to raise funds for a charity that supports cancer research, which
was very meaningful to me.
When I crossed the finish line, I felt a sense of overwhelming joy and accomplishment. The
pain, fatigue, and struggle that I had gone through during the race seemed to melt away in
that moment. I was filled with pride and satisfaction knowing that I had achieved something
that I had set my heart on for so long. The experience taught me the value of hard work,
discipline, and the importance of setting and achieving goals.

Part 3 Questions:
Should people set goals under any circumstances?
Should employers reward employees with money?
Is it important to keep fit at work?

Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
when it happened
who you complained to
what you complained about
and explain how you felt about it.

raise my concern - 提出我的关切
was polite but firm - 既礼貌又坚定
the store's response - 商店的回应
act promptly to resolve the issue - 迅速采取行动解决问题
restored my faith in the store - 恢复了我对商店的信心

Well, I'd like to talk about a time when I made a complaint and was quite pleased with the
outcome. It happened about a year ago, and it involved a faulty product I had purchased
from a local electronics store.
The store is quite popular in my area, and I had bought a new set of headphones from them,
thinking it would be a good investment. However, after just a few days of use, I noticed that
the sound quality was deteriorating rapidly, and one of the earcups even started to fall apart.
Clearly, this was not the kind of durability I had expected from a branded product.
So, I decided to visit the store and raise my concern. I went to the customer service counter
and explained the issue to the store manager. I was polite but firm, and I emphasized that I
was disappointed with the product's performance and the short lifespan. I also mentioned
that I had bought it with the intention of using it for a long time.
The store manager was quite understanding and apologetic. He immediately offered to
replace the headphones with a new set, ensuring me that they would test the new product
thoroughly before handing it over. He also offered a discount on my next purchase as a
gesture of goodwill.
I was quite pleased with the store's response. They took my complaint seriously and acted
promptly to resolve the issue. I felt valued as a customer, and it restored my faith in the store.
I happily accepted the new headphones and left the store with a smile on my face.

Part 3 Questions:
When are people more likely to make complaints?
What do people often complain about?
Which one is better when making a complaint, by talking or by writing?
How do people often respond to poor customer service?

Describe your first day at school that you remember.

You should say:
where the school was
how you went there
what happened that day
and explain how you felt on that day.

vividly remember - 清晰地记得
buzz of activity - 活动的热闹氛围
mix of excitement and shyness - 兴奋与害羞的混合情感
a bit intimidated by - 对……感到有点害怕
sense of accomplishment - 成就感

My first day at school that I vividly remember was at Elementary School in my hometown. It
was located in a quiet neighborhood, just a short walk from my house.
On that particular day, my parents walked me to school, holding my hands tightly as we
crossed the busy street. They were both excited and nervous for me, and I could sense their
As we entered the school gates, I was immediately struck by the buzz of activity. Children
were running around, laughing and playing, while teachers were greeting them warmly. I felt
a mix of excitement and shyness. On one hand, I was eager to explore this new world, but
on the other, I was a bit intimidated by the unfamiliar surroundings and faces.
My first class was with my homeroom teacher, who introduced herself and the class rules.
She was kind and welcoming, which helped ease my nerves a bit. Then, we were divided
into groups to play some introductory games, which were fun and helped me get to know
some of my classmates.
Lunchtime was an adventure. The cafeteria was a huge, bustling place with lots of different
food options. I was a bit overwhelmed by the choices, but eventually settled for a sandwich
and some fruit.
By the end of the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had survived my first day at school,
met some new friends, and learned a lot about the school's routine. Overall, it was a positive
experience, and I was excited to come back the next day.

Part 3 Questions:
What would parents prepare when their kids go to school on the first day?
How do children socialize with each other?
What are the reasons for job change?
Are big companies better than small companies?


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