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2. Usahekan mencegah ap! & asap tidak masuk ke dalam rueng skamar anda dengan cara meletakian handuk atau seimut basah dsplazela pints. Try to prevent the fie & smoke from entering into your room by putting @ wet towel or blanket on the sidelines of the door Ingat: Remember 4. Jka ada terjobak a asap, usahakan menutup hidung dengan kaln fdengan marombat ant karen sh & bolum tereampur oleh gas yang berbahaya Ifyou ore tropped in smoke, ty to find something to cover your ‘nose (example a cloth) & immediately evecuate yourself (craw! ‘on the floor, becouse the cir near the Noor I cleaner & les likely ‘contained dongerous gosee Ingat beberape orang meninggel dalam Kebakaran, Sebagian beter di kareakan Karena asap, ges bere & pai Jka anda ernie Tito {ahcaayong roa nt menyelmatian ct anc la emi Kesempatan etngol unt berahanNéup, Remember tht some people ied nthe ire. Mostly because of the uote, tole gos & poneked you krow the best woy save yoursell you have the highest chorce of survival S THE KEY TO \ FIRE SAFETY YOU CAN PREVENTIT RS Premier Bintaro ‘THE KEY TO FIRE SAFETY Ketika Anda memasuki ruangan perawatan: When you check into your room: 4. Usahakan mengetahui semua lokasi emergency exit. Get to know the location of all emergency exits. cae Be 2. Mangetanu fr also cll point/ APAR (Ant Pemacam | “2 BoLRinganviycrntteraetat. | [ Getto know the closest fre stern cal oltre atnguisher or re hose Jika anda mendengar bunyi alarm kebakaran you hear the fre alarm: 4. Tetap tenang. Ikutl petunjuk staff nurse termasuk untuk prosedur evakuasi ka dibutuhken. ‘Stay calm. if evacuation are needed, follow the evacuation procedure base on stoff/nurse Instruction. Jngen ratiuang wait ora mangemanl arg erg deck, uamatan estat nenyelmtion dt ene Time's prectus Do net tempt we pock yur ngs, Your Tayi mare wee NA @ 3. Jangan menggunakan Lift, qunakan tanga darurat Inthe case of fire, never use lit, use the emergency stars/exit. IW CASE OF FIRE USE STAIR USE STAIR Jika anda menemukan api When you discover a fire: 4. Hidupkan alarm/panggil nurse. Ralse the alarmycall the nurse 2. Totap tenang ikutl potunjuk staff / nurse termasuk untuk prosedur evakuasijika dibutunkan, ‘Stay colm. if evacuation are needed, follow the evacuation procedure base on staff/nurse instruction. 3. Usahekan mencegah apl & aeap tidak masuk ke dalam ruang kamar anda dengan cara meletakkan handuk atau selimut basah di sela-sela pint. Try to prevent the fre & smoke from entering into your room by putting a wet towel or blanket on the sidelines ofthe door. Jka anda terkurung didalam kama Ifyou are shut-in your room: 4. Usahakan beritahukan keberadaan anda pada seseorang Try to tell someone where you are

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