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Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School


Syllabus of Grade UKG
2080 (2023-24)
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

Grade: UKG Theme: My Surroundings

Month Topic
Science: Things Around, Living things,
English: Revision of Aa- Zz, Alphabet words, Phonics-Daily
Social: My School, Places in my School
Baisakh (April-May) Math: Numbers (0 to 50)
g]kfnL : …cÚ b]lv …cMÚ ;Dd, …sÚ b]lv …1Ú ;Dd
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Science: Non-living things, Types of plants

English: Colour’s name, Vowels and Consonants, Story Time: The Short-tailed Mouse, Phonics- Daily,
Social: Things in my classroom, Parts of a House, Rooms in a House, Good Habits and Safety
Jestha (May-June) Maths: Numbers name 1 to 20, What comes before, after and between?
g]kfnL : ;fpF cIf/af6 ag]sf zAbx?, …cfÚ sf/ dfqf, km"nx?
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Social: Things in a Bedroom, Things in a Kitchen

Science: Parts of plants
Maths: Ascending and descending ( 0 to 50 )
Ashad (June-July) English: Word starting with vowel letters and consonant letters, Phonics-daily
g]kfnL: …OÚ sf/ dfqf, …O{Ú sf/ dfqf
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Social: Things in a Bathroom, Neighborhood, Places in my Neighborhood

Science: Food from Plants (Fruits, Vegetables), Life Cycle of a Plant
English: Use of ‘a’ or ‘an’, Story Time: The Ant and The Grasshopper, Phonics-Daily
Shrawan (July-August) Math: Comparison, Measurements, Backward counting (50 to 0 )
g]kfnL: …pÚ sf/ dfqf,…pmÚ sf/ dfqf, kmnx?, t/sf/Lx?
Art and Craft: As per the theme
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

Grade: UKG Theme: About Me

Month Topic
English: One and Many, Word family, This and That, These and Those, Myself , My Family and My Friend, Phonics-Daily
Science: About Me: My Body (Head, Trunk, Limbs)
Social: About Me, My Family
Bhadra (August-September) Maths: Numbers name (21 to 100), What comes before, after and between?, Tens and Ones, Numbers 101 to 200
g]kfnL:, …CÚ sf/ dfqf, Zfl//sf cª\ux?
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Science: Sense organs, Personal cleanliness, Universe

English: Use of a/an and is/are in sentences, Use of ‘Has’ and ‘Have’ Story Time: The Sun and the Wind, Phonics-Daily
Social: My Friend
Ashwin (September-October) Maths: Comparing numbers (0 to100 ), Backward counting (100 to 51), Greater, Less, and Equal,
g]kfnL: d]/f] kl/jf/, d]/f] 3/
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Grade: UKG Theme: Health and Wellness

Science: Seasons, Types of Weather
English: Action words, Opposite Words, Use of You, I, We, Story time: New clothes for Pemba, Phonics-Daily
Social: Games and Sports (Indoor)
Kartik (October- November) Maths: Zero, Halves and Quarters, Number name 1 to 20
g]kfnL: …PÚ sf/ dfqf, …P]Ú sf/ dfqf
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Science: Air and Water, Day and Night

English: He, She, They in sentences, Use of is, am, are, Rhyme: Up and Down, Where is it? (in, on, under), Phonics-Daily
Social: Games and Sports (Outdoor)
Mangsir (November-December) Maths: Ordinal numbers, Shapes
g]kfnL: …cf]Ú sf/ dfqf, Ct'x?
Art and Craft: As per the theme
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

Grade: UKG Theme: Family and Friends

Science: Seasonal clothes
Social: Musical Instruments
English: Compound Words, Use of ‘but’, Use of ‘and’, Phonics-Daily
Poush (December-January) Maths: Addition and Subtraction (2 digits )
g]kfnL: …cf}Ú sf/ dfqf, rGb|laGb' / lz/laGb'
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Science: Types of Animals (Wild, Domestic and Water animals), Birds and Insects, Life Cycle of a frog
Social: Means of Transport, Traffic lights, Means of Communication
English: Can, Are these?, Are those?, What are these?, What are those?, Story Time: Hungry Alligator, Rhyme: Busy Bees
Magh (January - February) Maths: Money, Devanagari numbers 1 to 100
g]kfnL: hgfj/x?, r/fx?, ls/fx?
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Social: My country, Community Helpers

Science: Body parts of animals, Animal sounds, Animals homes, Animals babies
English: Days and Months, Story: The Thirsty Crow
Falgun (February- March) Maths: Multiplication Table (2-5)
g]kfnL: jfSo 1fg, -df}lvs cEof;_M–d]/f] ;fgf] v/fof] , v/fa ;fyL
Art and Craft: As per the theme

Science: Care for animals, Animals are useful for us

English: Rhyme: Funny Frogs, Story Time: The Queen and the Quail
Social: Days, Months, Celebrations, Special Days
Chaitra (March- April)
Maths: Time, Days, Months
Art and Craft: As per the theme
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

Syllabus For Unit Test and

Terminal Examination

First Term Unit Test: 1st Unit Test:

Science: Things Around, Living things,
English: Aa- Zz, Alphabet words,
Social: My School, Places in my School,
Maths: Numbers (0 to 30), Number names (1-10)
g]kfnL : …cÚ b]lv …cMÚ ;Dd, …sÚ b]lv …1Ú ;Dd

2nd Unit Test:

Science: Non-living things, Types of plants,
English: Alphabet words, Colour’s name, Vowels and Consonants
Social: Things in my classroom, Parts of a House, Rooms in a House, Good Habits and Safety
Maths: Numbers name 1 to 20, What comes before, after and between?,
First Term Exam: g]kfnL : ;fpF cIf/af6 ag]sf zAbx?, …cfÚ sf/ dfqf, km"nx?
First Term Exam:
Syllabus of 1st and 2nd Unit Test, Phonics: Sound of a-l,
Social: Things in a Bedroom, Things in a Kitchen
Science: Parts of plants,
Maths: Ascending and descending (0 to 50),
English: Word starting with vowel letters and consonant letters,
g]kfnL: …OÚ sf/ dfqf, …O{Ú sf/ dfqf,
Art and Crafts: As per the theme
Second Term Unit Test : 1st Unit Test:
Social: Things in a Bathroom, Neighborhood, Places in my Neighborhood,
Science: Food from Plants (Fruits, Vegetables), Life Cycle of a Plant,
English: Use of ‘a’ or ‘an’,
Maths: Comparison, Measurements, Backward counting (50 to 0 ),
g]kfnL: …pÚ sf/ dfqf,…pmÚ sf/ dfqf, kmnx?, t/sf/Lx?
Janakpur’s First ISO 9001:2008 Certified School

2nd Unit Test:

Social: About Me, My Family,
English: One and Many, Word family, This and That, These and Those, Myself , My Family and My Friend,
Science: My Body (Head, Trunk, Limbs, Sense organs, Personal cleanliness,
Maths: Numbers name (21 to 100), What comes before, after and between?, Tens and Ones, Numbers 101 to 200,
g]kfnL:, …CÚ sf/ dfqf, Zfl//sf cª\ux?
Second Term Exam:
Syllabus of 1st and 2nd Unit Test, Phonics- Sound of m-z, Rhyming words and three letter words, Consonant Blends,
Second Term Exam Long Vowels, Science: Sense organs, Personal cleanliness, Universe, Seasons, Types of Weather,
English: Use of a/an and is/are in sentences, Use of ‘Has’ and ‘Have’, Action words, Opposite Words, Use of You, I,
We, Social: My Friend, Games and Sports,
Maths: Comparing numbers (0 to100 ), Backward counting (100 to 51), Greater, Less, and Equal, Ordinal numbers,
Shapes, g]kfnL: …PÚ / …P]Ú sf/ dfqf, d]/f] kl/jf/, d]/f] 3/,
Art and Crafts: As per the theme

Final Term Unit Test 1st Unit Test:

Science: Air and Water, Day and Night, Seasonal clothes, English: He, She, They in sentences, Use of is, am, are,
Rhyme: Up and Down, Where is it? (in, on, under), Social: Games and Sports, Musical Instruments, Maths: Ordinal
numbers, Shapes, g]kfnL: …cf]Ú sf/ dfqf, Ct'x?
2nd Unit Test:
Science: Seasonal clothes, Types of Animals, Social: Means of Transport, Traffic lights, English: Compound Words,
Use of ‘but’, Use of ‘and’, Maths: Addition and Subtraction (2 digits ), g]kfnL: …cf}Ú sf/ dfqf, rGb|laGb' / lz/laGb'
Final Term Exam:
Final Term Exam Syllabus of 1st and 2nd Unit Test,
Science: Birds and Insects, Life Cycle of a frog, Body parts of animals, Animal sounds, Animals homes, Animals babies,
Care for animals, Animals are useful for us,
Social: Means of Communication, My country, Community Helpers, Days, Months, Celebrations, Special Days, Can,
Are these?, Are those?, What are these?, What are those?, Maths: Days and Months, Money, Devanagari numbers 1 to
100, Multiplication Table (2-5), Time, Months, Days,
g]kfnL: hgfj/x?, r/fx?, ls/fx?, g]kfnL: jfSo 1fg, -df}lvs cEof;_M–d]/f] ;fgf] v/fof] , v/fa ;fyL,
Art and Crafts: As per the theme

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