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(The Divinian Pledge)

“That the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him” (2 Thes. 1:1-5, 11-12)

I am God-loving.
I care for the good of others.
I love my family.
I value my community.
I advocate for peace and for a just and humane society.
I care about the integrity of God’s creation.
I strive for excellence and exemplify professionalism.
I am a Divinian, a Witness to the Word.


I am God-loving:
 I am Trinitarian
o I believe and worship ‘One God in Three distinct Persons
o The communion of the Three Divine Persons is my inspiration
 I constantly strive to seek, know and love God
 I practice my faith devotedly, respect those of others, and those who have no religious
 I am Word-centered. I do Bible reading and reflection on a regular basis

I care for the good of others:

 I am service-oriented
o I am eager to lend a hand whenever it is needed
o I always view my work as an opportunity to be of service to others
o I strive to perform my duties religiously and with dedication
 I am kind and compassionate towards my neighbor
 I respect every person’s rights and dignity
 I communicate respectfully

I love my family:
 I am devoted to my family
o I put my family before myself
o I give priority to my spouse, children and home
 I help foster strong family ties
 I uphold good family values and traditions
 I believe that children are God’s best gifts
 I regard my organization of affiliation as my larger family
I value my community:
 I am community-oriented
 I am conscientious of my social responsibility in the community and at work
 I participate in worthwhile community initiatives and programs
 I support and participate in community celebrations of heritage and traditions
 I support leaders who stand by and promote community values

I advocate for peace:

 I am peace-loving
o I help forge right relationships
o I help promote the common good in the pursuit of peace.
 I help foster a culture that promotes unity and reconciliation
o I am committed to work for creative and constructive ways of solving conflict
o I help foster caring and loving relationships among all human beings and
between humans and the rest of creation.
o I am a consensus builder
o I subscribe to the principle of peaceful conflict resolution
 I advocate non-violence and promote inclusivity

And a just and humane society:

 I contribute to efforts that promote fairness, equality and justice for all
 I stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable in society
 I advocate against causes of oppression and injustice
 I am a truth advocate
o I am not a peddler of lies and hearsays
o I support organizations and media platforms that counter lies and disinformation
of every form
 I am a patriot and a law abiding citizen

I care about of the integrity of God’s creation:

 I believe that everything God has created is interconnected and interdependent
 I believe that working for a sustainable environment is everyone’s responsibility and
obligation for future generations (Christian stewardship)
 I strive to care wisely for our people, our resources and our earth.
o I support my organization’s efforts that promote ecological justice (i.e.,
environmental sustainability, that non-human beings such as animals also have
entitlements, e.g., habitat
o I participate in organized environmental programs and activities of my
organization and community
 I practice a lifestyle that sustains the health of the planet
o I am a minimalist by orientation
o I practice the “Sapat Lang” principle (the “Principle of Enough”)
I strive for excellence:
 I always strive to attain high standards of performance in everything I do
 I am disciplined, self-motivated, consistent, and emotionally-intelligent
 I strive for continuous learning and self-improvement
 I am resilient, realistic and creative
 I help create an environment where others grow to be their best selves

And exemplify professionalism:

 I am competent
o (e.g., sufficient training, experience, knowledge and other qualities)
 I am confident (i.e., sure of myself not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way)
 I am a conscientious employee
o Conscious of my duties and responsibilities
o Conform to rules
o Complete assignment on time
 I am passionate towards work
 I demonstrate professional ethics
 I take personal responsibility for my actions and decisions (accountability)
 I consistently act with the highest levels of respect, dignity and integrity in dealing with
each other, our clients, and the general public.

I am a Divinian.
A Witness to the Word
 I am an ambassador of DWCL
o I am my school’s foremost marketing agent
o I will represent its good name in my every sphere of work and area of influence
o I won’t act or behave in any way that will harm or dishonor it
o I will continue to uphold its core values
o I will continue to lend support to its projects and initiatives
 I have a positive attitude at all times
 I will strive to exemplify the foregoing character attributes of a Divinian

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